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Choice of methods means -is 

an technique where a participant is

presented with an array of different choices and asked to identify or
choose the target stimulus. METHOD OF CHOICE: "The method of choice
involves participants deciding what stimulus is correct from an array of


Diagramming Sentences
is a way to visualize how the different parts of a sentence fit
Sentence diagramming can be a great visual for students and the
teacher to work with while trying to understand the aspect of
sentences. It has great learning strategies integrated into it, but
like many other strategies, it has its shortcomings.

Critics of the practice say that diagramming a sentence

complicates the learning process. Students are forced to focus on the
details of word and line placement in the diagram and they lose sight
of the language and the writing.

Deductive Teaching

Unlike the inductive approach, the deductive approach means that the
teacher gives the rules beforehand and then gives opportunities to
the students to apply them. The teacher presents the rules and then
students are given exercises. This method of teaching grammar places
emphasis on giving instruction before practice.

Example: A teacher starts by explaining the concept of simple

present tense and simple past tense. The teacher then proceeds to
explain the differences between the two tenses. After the lesson,
students are expected to practice what they have been taught.

Inductive Teaching
“An inductive approach (rule-discovery) starts with some examples
from which a rule is inferred.”– Thornbury, 1999

Teaching by an inductive instruction means that students are provided

with texts and examples first. The role of the teacher is to provide
the language in order to help students find the rules, to guide them
in discovery and then provide more opportunities to practice.This
approach to learning grammar allows students to 'figure out' the
grammar themselves.
Example: A teacher writes on a board a few examples of sentences in
the simple present and past tense. The teacher then asks the students
what differences they notice in the sentences. By doing this, the
teacher lets the students discover how the concept works on their

Learning Through Writing

By teaching grammar through writing, students are given the time and
space to experience language in their own way, rather than rushing
their understanding of grammar concepts through traditional

Teaching grammar through writing allows students to make their own

choices and apply grammar concepts in a way that demonstrates what
they understand them in context.

One way of teaching grammar through writing is by letting students

proofread their own writing. Students will be able to tell if
something they’re writing is grammatically incorrect.
Interactive Teaching

This teaching method incorporates interactivity into grammar lessons.

Using this method to teach grammar not only engages students but also
helps them to remember what they’ve learned. This method allows
teachers to tailor their lessons to the different learning styles of

In this method, the teacher can integrate games, puzzles, and fun
online quizzes in the grammar lessons.
In the past, memorization-based techniques that relied on
repetition were used by second language teachers. These techniques
then slowly gave way to more creative methods. Today, we live in a
society that prizes literacy and is willing to adapt to more
effective methods to achieve the best results in teaching grammar.

How did the CHOICE OF METHODS become an issue in grammar teaching and

But because of the grammatical complexity of English (THE STATE OF

QUALITY OF BEING COMPLICATED) , each method has its pros and cons.
Some lessons are less likely to be remembered, while others may
require more in-depth explanation and practice. Regardless of how
grammar is taught, a well-rounded understanding of English grammar is
the most important factor in improving the literacy of students.

Method selection has become a challenge in grammar education and evaluation since it
depends on the needs and understanding of students. Because of this, technique choice
is viewed as a challenge in grammar instruction and affects how students learn. And it is
also difficult to provide for individual learning styles.

Teaching methods and approaches are very important in impacting knowledge into the learners, methodologies that are only
teacher centered will achieve less result,it should be pupil oriented and done to fit into the learning styles of all.

They are difficult to identify. They may be due to the fact that the
teaching material is maybe not appropriate to the class, or there are
some deficiencies in the choice of methods.

Identify ways to assess the issue

This could be helpful for the students in overcoming problems that

might occur later in the classroom. That is why it is really
important that the choice of teaching method is consistent with the
learning goals and aligned with the learning styles of the students.
For effective teaching of grammar to learners, lecturers should be
aware of the needs and perceptions of their students for them to
learn and acquire knowledge and skills in grammar effectively.

In todays lesson, I have learned about the role of the diff instructional
materials and how these materials can help us as a future educators. I also
learned about why do we need to study grammar and the pedagogical issue
in grammar assessment.

Question: What do you think is the importance of choosing the right teaching
method in grammar teaching?

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