LJ - Company Profile - 6 Projects - 2022!12!05 3 Hi Res

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Company introduction

Our approach & methodology 2

Our people 8
Selected projects
Han Riverside 10
Orla Livre 14
Backnang West 19
Hai Phong New Administrative Center 24
Habitar Gaia 28
Cam Ranh International Airport 31

We envision meaningful
experiences, connecting
the nature and the
communities through
We are inspired by
local habitats

Natural elements, such as trees and plants, form an essential

part of every landscape design. But at LJ-Group we like to
take it one step further. We believe there is a huge amount
we can learn from nature. Therefore, we often adopt a bi-
ological approach to landscape architecture, using natural
shapes, materials and designs as the basis for our designs.
Our ecological knowledge helps us to develop solutions that
fit seamlessly with the surroundings.
URBAN City Forest Heat reduction
LANDSCAPES We recreate a native
habitat to compensate
high urban density.
Solar radiation is filtered
through the locally
sourced planted forest.

We think up
and work
any approach
to create
systems Breezeway courtyards Pedestrian network
The three interconnected All the landscape areas
central open spaces form a are visually, functionally and
natural breeze corridor conceptually inter-related,
flowing between Saigon generating a unique
River and Central Lake. urban and residential

Our softscape selection includes a wide range of local

and native species including edible plants and natural
animal shelters. Our outdoor spaces arise from a very rig-
orous multi-step process that includes sketching stages.
At the schematic step of the softscape design, the
sketches showcase our orientation for the schedule of
the trees and the plants which we have studied to match
a list of criterias strategically established; this may
include the species, the origin (local or imported), the
drought tolerance, the maintenance, etc.
What is a landscaping project?
It is the combination of two equally important segments,
the Landscape Architecture Project and the Garden Design
Project. First we develop the Landscape Architecture
Project, which consists of developing outdoor spaces by
proposing constructive elements such as planters, seating
areas, pergolas, decks and water mirrors, in addition to the
various plants. Thereafter, we create the Garden Design
Project, which is the artistic solution that reflects the local
botanical features, including the identification and the dis-
position of plant species.

Establishing Connections
Upon engagement to the project, we meet up with the
clients to gather and eveluate their expectations. We also
join with the architects and the other project team mem-
bers, seeking for their consideration. The final report will
be reviewed together with the site conditions and addi-
tional informations to complete the preliminary study and
served to further developing the concept.

Creating a concept
LJ-Group team discusses the information and consider the
various criteria, thus creating the concept that aims to pro-
pose design, innovation and above all, enchantment. The
team then meets with the client to discuss the concept.
After that, the clients participate actively in the solutions
presented, approve and suggest modifications, including
consideration of the amount to be invested.
4 5
Feasibility Authorship supervision
After the conceptual design is approved, we turn this into The work carried out by LJ will ensure that the concept will be
technical information: this includes the full project imple- perfectly translated into reality. Many adjustments are nec-
mentation, which contains the indications of civil works, essary on site and our team of architects will resolve these
the positioning and the placing of the various plant spe- changes in a most effective and efficient way. That’s the
cies. LJ-Group provides support on the tendering process, reason why it is also important that LJ-Group closely super-
by evaluating and reviewing the contractor’s financial and vises the civil works. Periodic site visit will be carried upon
technical proposal. the request from the client.

3 Continents 200 projects Locally and

Over 50 10,000 ha internationally
professionals of landscaping awarded

Our international, multidisciplinary team collects the experience of land-

scape architects, biologists, agronomic engineers and designers. All
of them young, eager and creative people with a shared purpose: to
challenge and expand the boundaries of landscape architecture.
Da Nang, Vietnam / 1,600 Ha • 2016 • Status: On-going
From a fishing village, Danang has become one of Vietnam’s
foremost cities. Now is the moment to reinvent the life of
the river and to transform Danang into a global city that
attracts local and international talents to contribute to re-
making the Han river through annual events and contests.
The redesign of the existing structure and landmarks con-
tributes to Increase land value & investment opportunities,
while creating a variety of parks, public water playground,
social amenities and employment hubs meet the needs of
people from all walks of life. The project re-connects the
unhabitants to Han River and shapes a memorable river-
front through a network of green streets. The masterplan
helps strengthening the sense of Danang identity by creat-
ing vibrant common spaces to celebrate local culture and
Transforming Han River into Danang’s Central Park which
not only offers a playground for local and visitors but also
a natural sanctuary in the middle of the city, complement
Son Tra peninsula and Ba Na Hills and feature Danang as a
sustainable city. The project re-connects the city with Son
Tra peninsula to the East and National Forests to the west
through a continuous and thriving green corridor. It renews
Han river and its tributaries, through existing and newly-in-
troduced parks, making them accessible, interactive and
enjoyable for all.
Brasilia, Brazil / 2,000 Ha • 2018 • Status: Competition
Orla Livre open competition was celebrated in Brasilia
(Brazil) in April 2018. The participants were requested to
Convert backyard backyards into fronts with democratized
access as a way of rescuing and updating an original con-
cept, until today unfinished and long claimed: the edge of
the Lake is public!
How can an urbanization that was built, in every way,
with its back” to Lake Paranoá be reconfigured in order to
turn “facing it? This key question leads to different answers
depending on how the lake shores relate to the surround-
ing urban fabric. In summary, two distinct standards and
guidelines are reached: learning from the existing traces,
avoiding slate drab attitudes that erase the memory of
The details must start from the uses, paths and con-
structions already created, considering the anony-
mous contributions of pedestrian wisdom and collective
intelligence to be valid. The search for solutions that bal-
ance environmental protection with desirable injections of
urbanity permeates the entire Masterplan, capable of driv-
ing a gradual process of intensification of the lake’s popu-
lation and reversing the trend towards privatization of the
water surface and its banks.
The history of Brasilia, the context of the decisions that
lead to build a new capital for Brazil, its development, are
essential points of consideration. Brasilia was designed
by Lucio Costa and developed in a scheme to move the
capital from Rio De Janeiro to a more central location; it
became the capital of Brazil in 1960, was inscribed as a
UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987 due to its modernist
architecture and uniquely artistic urban planning, and was
named “City of Design” by UNESCO in October 2017.
Lake Paranoá, that has 3 islands, was created on the day
when the requirement for a lake was included in the public
tender notice. It was however never used to supply the
populations with water. It is prudent to consider that, in this
city, emptiness is a quality for free and thoughtless forms
of appropriation, and, further on, an inexorable mastery of
nature, the bush and the crooked lines of the cerrado,
which in the landscape are always stronger than their ar-
chitectures, even the most monumental, a feature that dif-
ferentiates it from all other cities and provides health and
quality of life to its residents.
The entire masterplan is guided, therefore, by a kind of
compass that points towards simplicity and economy of
Our project was awarded with the second prize. Our proposal includes enhancing
the natural and infrastructural condition of the 80 km waterfront of the lake, by
developing a big scale riparian forest corridor connecting Brasilia Natural Park in
the north with the natural river basin of Paranoa River in the south.
Systemic operations replicating encourage the appropria- System 02: land/water interface
tion of public space, impose the limits to architecture, sup-
port the technical elements that provide adequate condi-
tions for access, movement and permanence in spaces.
They expect architectures as landscape to ensure mini-
mal visual permeability for a healthy civic relationship with
the new public spaces and they define the visual standards
for lot boundaries. Advance perpendicular to the Terminal/ Marina
edge: establishes a relationship
with the opposite bank.

Wharf/ Pier

Deviations parallel to the Natural pool

edge: in cases of narrowing of
the edge.

Water bleachers

Construction system for Ramp + floating platform

overwater structures based on
prefabricated elements.

Demarcation buoys


Lookout/Lifeguard station
Backnang, Germany / 17.5 Ha • 2021 • Status: Competition
The concept of the New Backnang West is a neighborhood
that performs better for the city’s residents. The core of the
project is spinning around the ability and development of
people, those who use it, live in it, visit it or do their work
there every day.
Micromobility Transformation Waterfront

Production Laboratory Office Live

• Disturbance-minimized distribution As a result, Backnang West is trans- The waterfront of the river Murr acting
and equalization of traffic. forming into a micro-city of potential as the main spine of Backnang West
• Integration and networking of and opportunities as well as future new Masterplan. This area stretches
Backnang West with the public use industries. This is where economic the programming distribution in a
• Local transport. modernity and social responsibility dramatic way. The variety of the
• Integration of innovative mobility are conceived, tested and lived. A re- thematic landscape between two
concepts. search city, combined with the vision main loops provides a diverse land-
• Short ways to walk. of a digital middle class. The result is scape ambience by different activities
• Relief of the residential areas, an integrated urban district of short for users. Private use and Public use
creation of meeting areas distances, porous footprint, clear were created smoothly based on loca-
• Targeted promotion of bicycle orientations, attractive locations tion and landscape treatment.
development. between historical value and future

Hai Phong, Vietnam / 82 Ha • 2022 • Status: On going
The New Administrative Center is meant to become an im-
portant landmark within the city of Hai Phong, and the Red
Zone 3 River Delta region. The new urban area features a linear
promenade running along the central visual axis, flanked on
each side by flowing greenery and water bodies.
The Central Park will be a long green open air corridor
extending from North to South. It will be 1710 meters long
and have a width of 410 meters, covering a surface of 81.55
Hectares. This remarkable green corridor will be connect-
ed to its surrounding landscape areas, helping to build a
cohesive green network.
Within 4 identified zones, the masterplan takes advan-
tage of the areas legacy to provide the visitors with a com-
prehensive set of amenities.

Zone 1 Zone 2

Zone 2

Zone 3
Pedestrian Network The Central Promenade is cross-connected to Water retention Opening one of the boundaries of the river en-
Floodable Area
the surrounding urban streets and East-West ables to accommodate bigger volumes of wa-
park boundaries by a series of strategic path- Runoff stormwater
from plaza
ter which can be retained to prevent floods in
ways and roads crossings. On both sides an the park and in the neighbouring areas. In the
Runoff stormwater
Forest trail
informal network of winding paths explores from plaza same time, the green open areas, temporari-
the more natural, shade and intimate spaces ly flooded along the year, change seasonally
Floodable Area
of the park that complement the open central RA
INY and this constantly renews the park.
axis. SO

Ma Seasonal floodable
in Ped garden
rian c tio
axi n ne Forest trail

Forest trail
Ma n
in Ped
rian nne
s Co Natural permeable surface
Co Natural permeable surface
Wetland promenade ay
n erw
tio at
ec W
Wetland promenade River walk Natural permeable surface

y er way
Water wa
Stormwater discharged

Water way River walk River walk

Green buffers The park is framed by two lush, vegetated rows Park amenity network All along the almost 4km long park, runs a
on both sides that serve as biodiversity cor- dense, meticulously calculated network of
ridors, filter the noise and the pollution, and amenities: soft elements and outdoor seating
shelter a wide variety of flora and fauna. areas, small architecture pavilions, outdoor
Deciduous forest These natural vegetated buffers absorb, filter Canopy amphitheaters, piers, etc. serve all year long
and clean the Rainwater which excess is as a main attraction for the citizens.
contained within the water corridor. Grandstand

Deciduous forest Pavilions


Deciduous forest Canopy

Deciduous forest
Grasslands Dancing water Fountain Pavilions
River grandstand
Main plaza HCM statue

Seating space mirror
Mangroves Water grandstand Grandstand
Water pavilion pavilion
Lake & wetland Water pavilion Canopy
River grandstand
Cultural centers pavilion Seating space
existing shipyard
Mangroves pavilion
Cultural centers
Lake & wetland grandstand

River grandstand

River swimming-pool
Porto, Portugal / 3 Ha • 2019 • Status: On-going
LJ-Group won 1st place in the competition for the project
Habitar Gaia, from promoters Promiris and Thomas & Piron.
The location where the project is inserted is embraced in
the North by the Douro River and in the South by a dense
green zone. The aim was to make the most of the views to
Porto and the Douro and, at the same time, to incorporate
the nature and the atmosphere of the place in the built –
visual, olfactive, tactile experiences.
The objective of the idea was to include in the definition of
inhabiting all these experiences; the creation of a dwelling
that would activate the senses of its occupier.
Cam Ranh, Vietnam / 10 Ha • 2019 • Status: Completed
If airports became the most emblematic representation
of non-places, where one can experience everywhere the
same grandiose architecture of being nowhere, we saw the
occasion to challenge this fact and set new standards with
the design of the Cam Ranh International Airport's outdoor
On a 10-hectare large site, different volumes greet arriv-
ing passengers at three different scales: from the landing
airplane, the car driving to the parking lot, or as a pedes-
trian walking to the terminal, one can appreciate original
shapes that start conveying the enchanting climate of the
Khanh Hoa Province.


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