Science 9 Second Periodic Test With Tos 2021 2022

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Pampanga
San Jose, San Simon, Pampanga

Periodic Test for Second Quarter in Science 9

Name:____________________________________ Grade and Section:____________________

Multiple Choice
Direction: Read each item carefully and write on the space provided before each number.
_____1. A type of orbital that is usually shaped like a sphere.
a. d orbital c. p orbital
b. f orbital d. s orbital
_____2. It states that one electron goes into each until all of them are half full before pairing up.
a. Hund’s Principle c. Aufbau Principle
b. Atomic Principle d. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle
_____3. Which electron notation is incorrect?
a. 1s22s22p63s23p1 c. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d75p66s1
b. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s1 d. 1s22s22p63s23p6
_____4. Describes the atom as having a nucleus of at the center around a negative charge in which electron travels.
a. Atomic planetary model c. Quantum mechanical model
b. Principle of uncertainty d. Principal Main energy
_____ 5. On the basis of Rutherford’s model of an atom, which subatomic particle is present in the nucleus of an atom?
a. Proton and electron c. proton and neutron
b. neutron and electron d. proton only
_____ 6. Which statement best describes electrons?
a. They are positively charge and are found in the nucleus.
b. They are positively charge and are found around the nucleus.
c. They are negatively charge and are found in the nucleus.
d. They are negatively charge and are found around the nucleus.
_____ 7.An atom of any element must contain
a. an equal number of protons and neutrons
b. an equal number of protons and electrons
c. more electrons than neutrons
d. more electrons than protons
_____8. A water molecule (H2O) is an example of a covalent bond because
a. The hydrogen gains an electron and the oxygen loses one.
b. Electrons are shared between the hydrogen and oxygen
c. They do not form a neutral group of atoms.
d. Hydrogen and oxygen are both negative ions.
_____ 9. Ionic bonds form between what types of elements?
a. Metal to Metal c. Nonmetal to Nonmetal
b. Metal to Nonmetal d. Metal and semi metal
_____ 10. Covalent bonds form between what types of elements?
a. Metal to Metal c. Nonmetal to Nonmetal b
b. Metal to Nonmetal d. Metal and semi metal
_____ 11. Which of the below elements will most likely form an ionic bond?
a. P and O c. Li and Mg
b. Cs and O d. Ne and Cl
_____ 12. Which of the below elements will most likely form a covalent bond?
a. K and Cl c. Al and Mg
b. H and O d. K and Na
_____13. Which of the properties of atoms is the most suitable reference for the kind of bond that will take place
between/among them?
a. atomic size c. ionization energy
b. electronegativity d. electron affinity
_____14. How does ionic bonding take place?
a. Two nonmetallic elements of different kinds form strong forces of attraction.
b. Two nonmetallic elements of the same kind form strong forces of attraction.
c. A metallic element like sodium transfers an electron to a nonmetallic element like fluorine.
d. All of the above
_____15. When does covalent bonding take place?
a. It takes place when atoms share electrons with one another.
b. It takes place when attraction between atoms is strong.
c. It takes place when atoms collide with one another.
d. It takes place when atoms attain stability.
_____16. Which among the following shows that an atom is stable?
a. having 2 valence electrons c. having 6 valence electrons
b. having 4 valence electrons d. having 8 valence electrons
_____17. Elements A, B, C, D belong to the same family located at periods 2, 3, 4, 5 respectively. Which has the smallest
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
_____18. Which of the following describes the ionization energy of the elements within a period from left to right?
a. constant
b. decreasing
c. increasing
d. no change
_____19. Which has the smallest ionization energy?
a. alkali c. inner transition elements
b. halogens d. noble gases
_____20. Which of the following is TRUE about metals?
a. They all have the same electronegativity
b. They have high electronegativity
c. They have low electronegativity.
d. None of these. D. exhalation
_____21. Which of the following is TRUE about nonmetals?
a. They all have the same electronegativity
b. They have high electronegativity
c. They have low electronegativity.
d. None of these.
_____22. Which accepts electrons more easily?
a. Br b. Cl c. Mg d. N
_____23. What are valence electrons?
a. energy levels closest to nucleus c. all energy levels
b. energy levels with the highest energy d. energy level in the center
_____24. All of the following are properties of carbon, except:
a. 3 valence electrons c. can form bonds with 4 atoms
b. can form double bonds d. can form rings
_____25. Valence electrons are involved in chemical __________ .
a. relationship c. reaction
b. friendship d. bonding
_____26. How can you predict how many valence electrons an element has?
a. by the group in the periodic table c. innermost shell
b. by the period in the periodic table d. bonding
_____27. Lucy’s car stopped at the middle of the road. She found out that her car has ran out of fuel. Which compound
must she buy?
a. lubricating oil
b. kerosene
c. gasoline
d. alcohol
_____28. One of the things we need to observe specially during this time of covid pandemic is to wash our hands
regularly. What should we use with our hands instead of washing?
a. acetone
b. ethanol
c. formalin
d. kerosene
_____29. Which hydrocarbon compound has a double bond in the molecule?
a. ethane b. methane c. propene d. propyne
_____30. What type of bond forms when electrons are transferred?
a. Covalent c. Metallic
b. Ionic d. Nonmetallic
_____31. How many types of bonds are there in the following hydrocarbon compound?
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
_____32. What is an organic compound consisting of only hydrogen and carbon atom called?
a. Acid c. Hydrocarbon
b. Alcohol d. Ketone
_____33. Why is it important to know the properties of common liquid materials?
a. To know how these liquids affect people
b. To know possible dangers from these kinds of materials
c. to know the uses of the liquids
d. All of the above
_____34. Ethanol has how many carbon atom/s?
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
_____35. The boiling point of _________________is 78.37 °C.
a. Ethanol c. Methanol
b. 2-Butanol d. Pentanol
_____36. The following statement describes an alcohol EXCEPT;
a. An alcohol contains the Hydroxyl group,-OH.
b. An alcohol has many uses like disinfectant, fuel and component in making liquor.
c. Ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and methyl alcohol are some of the common examples of alcohols.
d. An alcohol is an organic compound that contains carbon and hydrogen atoms only.
_____37. Which of the following examples is NOT an example of Alkane?
a. Methane c. Pentane
b. Ethene d. Butane 16
_____38. This hydrocarbon is also know as saturated hydrocarbon.
a. Alkane c. Alkene
b. Alkyne d. All of the above
_____39. The ____________is a formula for molecular compound that indicates the atoms present and the bonding
sequence of the atoms,
a. Structural Formula c. Condensed Formula
b. Molecular Formula d. Formula Mass
_____40. Which alkene will most likely have the highest boiling point?
a. Ethene c. Propene
b. Pentene d. 1-Hexene
_____41. The simplest form of alkane is_______________________________.
a. Methane c. Pentane
b. Propane d. Heptane
_____42. The most common example of alkyne is____________________.
a. Ethyne c. 1-Butene
b. Methane d. Pentyne
_____43. The following statements are TRUE about mole EXCEPT:
a. A mole is a very important unit of measurement that chemists use.
b. A mole refers to the number of particles you have, not the mass.
c. Chemists have to measure using moles for very small things like atoms, molecules, or other particles.
d. One mole contains the Avogadro’s number of particles equal to 6.02 x 1024.
_____44. This indicates the elements present in a compound and the relative number of atoms of each.
a. Atomic Mass b. Atomic Number c. Chemical Formula d. Molar Mass
_____45. In a formula this represents the relative numbers of each type of atom in a chemical compound.
a. Atomic Mass b. Atomic Number c. Subscripts d. Superscripts
_____46. How can the knowledge about mole be useful for the environmentalists?
a. Mole concept can be used in environmental monitoring.
b. It gives information on the most dangerous pollutant in the atmosphere.
c. It gives a feedback on the kinds of pollutants present in the atmosphere.
d. Mole concept can be used in quantifying the amount of pollutant particles released in the atmosphere.
_____47. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the relationship among number of moles, mass and
number of particles?
a. Different substances with the same number of moles have the same number of particles but they have
different masses.
b. The mass of the substance divided by its molar mass gives the number of moles of the substance.
c. The number of moles multiplied by Avogadro’s number gives the number of particles.
d. Different kinds of materials with the same number of particles have the same masses.
_____48. Oxygen gas (O2) has a molar mass of 32.00. How many particles does the substance have?
a. 6.14 x 1023 particles c. 6.02 x 1023 particles
b. 6.14x 10 particles d. 6.02 x 1022 particles
_____49. How do you compute the number of moles in a substance?
a. mass ÷ molar mass c. number of moles X molar mass
b. number of moles ÷ 6.02 x 10 d. number of moles X 6.02 x 1023
_____50. You can get the mass of a substance by _________.
a. mass ÷ molar mass c. number of moles X molar mass
b. number of moles ÷ 6.02 x 10 d. number of moles X 6.02 x 1023

Prepared By: Checked By: Noted By:


LAC in Science HT-1 Science Principal II
1. d
2. a
3. c
4. b
5. c
6. d
7. a
8. b
9. b
10. c
11. b
12. b
13. b
14. d
15. a
16. d
17. a
18. b
19. a
20. c
21. b
22. b
23. b
24. a
25. d
26. a
27. c
28. b
29. c
30. b
31. c
32. c
33. b
34. b
35. a
36. d
37. b
38. a
39. a
40. d
41. a
42. a
43. d
44. c
45. d
46. d
47. d
48. c
49. a
50. c
Science 9 Second Quarter S.Y 2022-2023

T) R U A A E C
n p
1. Explain how the MULTIPLE
Quantum Mechanical CHOICE
Model of the atom /
describes the energies 1,2.3,4.5,6, /
6 15% 7 /  
and positions of the 7 /
electrons / 

2.  Recognize different MULTIPLE

types of compounds CHOICE
(ionic or covalent)
based on their  
properties such as / /
melting point, hardness, 6 15% 8 / /  
2,13,14,15 /
polarity, and electrical / /
and thermal /

3. Explain how ions are 5 13% 7 16,17,18,19 MULTIPLE      

formed; ,20,21,22 CHOICE /

4. Explain how the MULTIPLE

structure of the carbon CHOICE  
atom affects the type of 23,24,25,26 /
6 15% 7 / /   
bonds it forms ,27,28,29 /


5. Recognize the MULTIPLE /

general classes and uses CHOICE  
30,31,32,33 /
of organic compounds; 6 15% 7 / /   
,34,35,36 /

6. Use the mole concept MULTIPLE /

37,38,39,40 /
to express mass of 5 12% 6 CHOICE / /
,41,42 /
substances; and /

7. Determine the MULTIPLE /

percentage composition 43,44,45,46 CHOICE /
15% /
of a compound given its 6 8 ,47,48,49,5 / /
chemical formula and 0 /
vice versa. /
40 50

Prepared By: Checked By: Noted By:


LAC in Science HT-1 Science Principal II

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