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Bipolar disorder is a unique disorder that causes shifts in mood and energy, which results
in depression and mania for patients. Proper diagnosis of this disorder is often a
challenge for two reasons:
1) patients often present as depressive or manic but may have both; and
2) many symptoms of bipolar disorder are similar to other disorders. Misdiagnosis is
common, making it essential for you to have a deep understanding of the disorder’s
For this Assignment, as you examine the patient case study in this week’s Learning
Resources, consider how you might assess and treat patients presenting with bipolar

Welcome to week 5 everyone.  I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and will enjoy
ringing in the New Year.  Wow, 2023!  Can you believe it?  By the end of this week, we
will have covered half of the material in the course.  Congratulations for staying on track!
During week 5, you will explore the assessment and treatment of patients with bipolar
and related disorders. You will also consider the ethical, legal, cultural, and social health
determinant implications of these diagnoses and treatment therapies.  For this
assignment, you will write a 5–6-page paper on the topic of bipolar and bipolar and
related disorders. A title page, introduction, conclusion, and reference page are required.
You must include a minimum of 3 scholarly supporting resources outside of your course
provided resources.  In your paper, you will choose ONE of the following diagnoses:
Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Cyclothymic Disorder, Substance/Medication-Induced Bipolar and
Related Disorder, or Bipolar and Related Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition.
Your paper will include a discussion for your chosen diagnosis of bipolar and related
disorder on the following:

 Prevalence and Neurobiology of your chosen disorder

 Discuss the differences between your chosen disorder and ONE other bipolar
and related disorders in relation to the diagnostic criteria including
presentation of symptoms according to DSM 5 TR criteria
 Discuss special populations and considerations (children, adolescents,
pregnancy/post-partum, older adult, emergency care) for your chosen bipolar
and related disorder; demonstrating critical thinking beyond basics of HIPPA
and informed consent with discussion of at least one for EACH category:  legal
considerations, ethical considerations, cultural considerations, social
determinants of health
 Discuss FDA and/or clinical practice guidelines approved pharmacological
treatment options in relation to acute and mixed episodes vs maintenance
pharmacological treatment for your chosen bipolar and related disorder
 Of the medication treatment options for your chosen disorder discuss side
effects, FDA approvals and warnings.  What is important to monitor in terms
of labs, comorbid medical issues with why important for monitoring
 Provide 3 examples of how to write a proper prescription that you would
provide to the patient or transmit to the pharmacy.
For your convenience, I have created the week 5 writing template that includes
instructions and my expectations and grading notes.  This writing template is what you
should use to write to your paper: Week5_WritingTemplate_Gryzenia-1.pdf Download
Please see the grading rubric posted in Canvas to learn more about how points are
earned.  My goal is to provide you with a grade and meaningful feedback within five days
after the due date.  Assignments turned in late will not be graded within this time frame,
and feedback will be minimal.


For this assignment, you will write a 5–6-page paper on the topic of bipolar and bipolar
and related disorders. You will create this guide as an assignment; therefore, a title page,
introduction, conclusion, and reference page are required. You must include a minimum
of 3 scholarly supporting resources outside of your course provided resources.
In your paper, you will choose one of the following diagnoses: Bipolar I, Bipolar II,
Cyclothymic Disorder, Substance/Medication-Induced Bipolar and Related Disorder,
Bipolar and Related Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition. Your paper will include
discussion for your chosen diagnosis of bipolar and related disorder on the following:

 Prevalence and Neurobiology of your chosen disorder

 Discuss the differences between your chosen disorder and one other bipolar and
related disorders in relation to the diagnostic criteria including presentation of
symptoms according to DSM 5 TR criteria
 Discuss special populations and considerations (children, adolescents,
pregnancy/post-partum, older adult, emergency care) for your chosen bipolar and
related disorder; demonstrating critical thinking beyond basics of HIPPA and
informed consent with discussion of at least one for EACH category:  legal
considerations, ethical considerations, cultural considerations, social determinants of
 Discuss FDA and/or clinical practice guidelines approved pharmacological treatment
options in relation to acute and mixed episodes vs maintenance pharmacological
treatment for your chosen bipolar and related disorder
 Of the medication treatment options for your chosen disorder discuss side effects,
FDA approvals and warnings.  What is important to monitor in terms of labs,
comorbid medical issues with why important for monitoring
 Provide 3 examples of how to write a proper prescription that you would provide to
the patient or transmit to the pharmacy. 

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