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Ketol, Nasrodin A.

Dr. Leonisa Del Rosario

Summary of the Lessons

January 03, 2023

On Tuesday, January 3, the discussion started when Ma'am Del Rosario

shared some motivational words, followed by the students, who were asked to
share their opinions about an image with the caption "New Year, new hope,
new normal" by Migz Magsaysay. There were students who shared their
interpretation and ideas, including Mr. John Ralph De Leon, Ms. Amelita
Tacuban, Mr. Kyle Gesolgani, and Mr. Aljun Arcela.
After that, the students were also asked to share their dreams or what they
are looking forward to happening this year, 2023, based on the image shown by
Ma'am Del Rosario. Ms. Dimphols Alcoriza, Ms. Alexi Sabater, Ms. Rohaisah
Mipantao, Ms. Anjehaila Porito, and Mark Lawrence Quio were the ones that
shared their thoughts during this sharing.
Following this was the discussion of the preliminary output, midterm
output, and final output, along with some reminders.The students were also
asked to share their experiences during the vacation, highlighting the parks they
had visited, such as the name of the park, location, amenities, etc. They were
instructed to write about their experiences in the chat box.
There were a few chosen students who were asked to share, including Ms.
Joessette Marie Obaji and Ms. Jane Fajilagmago, where they highlighted their
experiences and searched for ideal parks.
The rest of the discussion was all about the topics that will be discussed on
January 4, 2023, and some important reminders for the students.

January 04, 2023

In this session on January 4, 2023, the class started with students being
asked to read a certain paragraph aloud and complete the missing words
based on their understanding of some emojis that correspond to a certain word.
There were three participants for this activity, including Ms. Allexi Sabater, Mr.
Christian Asuncion, and Michelle Ann Cario. This was followed by a discussion
about the activities that are connected to or have something to do with
literature nowadays.
Next to that was the discussion of some literary pieces. The literary works
are My Rubaiyat For You Ma'am, by Omar Khayyam; Always by Analou Senit;
and also an example of a text entitled Katotohanan by an unknown author.
Rubaiyat For You Ma'am is about the message of a student to his or her teacher.
Katotohanan is about the reality that's happening nowadays. Meanwhile, the
poem Always is about an almighty father, and the writer expresses that God is
everywhere, guiding us every day.
Next to that was the discussion of the main lesson, which was the functions
of literature. Based on the discussion, literature are the educative function, the
entertaining function, the experience of life, the language function, and the
cultural function. Aside from that, the macroskills such as listening, speaking,
reading, writing, viewing, and presenting were also discussed as being very
important skills.
Following that was the discussion of pop culture, which is defined as a set
of the practices, beliefs, and objects that are dominant in a society at a given
point in time. It refers to music, visual and performing arts, literature, festivals,
poetry, and artistic and designer creations that are promoted through the
efforts of the mass media.
Apart from that, it also tackled the characteristics of folk and popular
culture and discussed their differences. Folk cultures are those practiced by
small groups, while popular cultures are those practiced by large parts of
High culture and popular culture were also discussed. Based on the
discussion, high culture refers to those forms of culture usually associated with

the elite or dominant classes. Meanwhile, popular culture refers to the forms of
cultural expression usually associated with the masses, consumer goods, and
consumer products. It was also highlighted the impact of popular culture,
particularly on language, the music industry, and the diffusion of slang in the
new millennium.
Ma'am Del Rosario also shared some examples of the latest teen slang
words that are emerging nowadays. There were also students who shared their
researched slang words, including Ms. Jane Sabater and Ms. Angelica Aranda,
who also shared some vocabulary in emerging literature.
The rest of the discussion was about some important reminders about the
next activity that will be done on January 10, where students will be asked to
recall the concepts of contemporary, popular, and emergent literature.

January 10, 2023

During this meeting on January 10, 2023, the discussion started when
Ma'am Del Rosario shared a quote, which is "Success is best when it's shared" by
Howard Schultz. Students were asked to share some quotes that have
something to do with success. There were sharers in this sharing, including Ms.
Alcoriza, Ms. Paris, and Mr. Arcenal, where they shared their quotes that relate
to success.
Following that was the sharing of the preliminary output by the
volunteered students, including Ms. Tacuban and Sherwin Talento. Both authors
shared a sneak peek of their output, where they highlighted the characteristics,
genres, examples of written works, authors, trends, and challenges or issues in
contemporary, popular, and emergent literature.
The rest of the discussion was all about reminders for the next meeting and
some important announcements. Ma'am Del Rosario also introduced to the
students the expected lesson to be discussed and asked students to read about
the elements of literature to have an overview for the discussion on January 11.

January 11, 2023


During this meeting, the class started with an open and meaningful
discussion about LGBTQ+. It was quoted there that being gay means being
happy. After that, it was followed by another discussion where students were
asked to share their opinions based on the question, "What makes you happy?"
Next to that was the discussion of the importance of literature, whereas
literature provides a timeless piece of entertainment, sparks empathy and
understanding, makes us learn about the cultures of people across time and
space, develops skills and competencies, and many more things.
Afterwards, students were asked to do an activity. They were asked to
substitute certain words for other terms, such as penury, and ignoring life in
quotes based on their understanding.
Following the activity was a discussion of the major genres of literature,
which are prose and poetry. Based on the discussion, prose can be classified as
fiction or nonfiction. Meanwhile, poetry can be classified as lyric, narrative, or
dramatic. The students were also asked to recall some examples of prose and
poetry or identify characteristics. Angelica Aranda was the one who shared a
detailed difference between fiction and nonfiction, as well as the difference
between lyric, narrative, and dramatic.
It was also discussed here what the major elements of prose are: setting,
character, conflict, plot, and theme. Ms. Jane also shared her knowledge about
her understanding of the major elements of the prose. It was also discussed
other elements such as point of view, mood, and tone. Students were also asked
to read an anecdote, which is an example of prose literature, and identify the
major elements.
The major elements of poetry were also discussed. The major elements of
poetry are mood, theme, rhythm, meter, rhyme, stanza, and line, and it was also
explained the definitions of each element. Ma'am Del Rosario also showed an
example of a poem entitled "21st Century" by Sandra Feldman. After that,
students were also asked again about the elements of poetry they observed in
the given example.
The rest of the discussion was all about the reminders of what will be done
for the next meeting. Students were told to choose exactly one of either poetry
or prose and identify the elements of their chosen literary piece.

January 12, 2023

The class started with a further reminder with regards to the elements of
prose and poetry for the students' activity. It was discussed how to identify the
elements and also highlighted the importance of applying knowledge of literary
elements in analyzing a literary piece, which are literal comprehension (reading
the lines), interpretation (reading between the lines), application (reading
beyond the lines), and appreciation (reacting to the lines).
Next to that, Ma'am Del Rosario explained the format and conditions of
the midterm output. She also entertained and answered questions and
clarification of the students with regards to the task. Ma'am Del Rosario also
explained an overview of what's going to be discussed in the next meeting on
January 16.
After that, students were asked to present their analysis of their chosen
literary piece and how they determined what literary elements they were able
to identify from it. Ma'am Del Rosario picked the numbers, and the ones she
picked were the ones who presented. 
The first presenter was Mr. Christian Asuncion, who shared an article where
he found the analysis of a short story entitled Dead Stars. He was not able to
continue sharing because his chosen story was written in 1926, which is not
applicable to contemporary literature.
The second presenter was Ms. Patricia Ann Bonifacio, where she shared
her analysis of a fiction story entitled "Chocolate's Adventure." She shared the
synopsis of the story and its major elements, which are the setting, character,
plot, conflict, point of view, and theme. The rest of the discussion was all about
further clarification and some reminders.

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