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Devi K. Satya Sushma I.T Bapatla Engineering College

N. Satya

proposition, the nanometer scale looms large on the

Imagine a technology so powerful that it will allow such feats as desktop manufacturing, cellular repair, artificial intelligence, inexpensive space travel, clean and abundant energy and environmental restoration; a technology so portable that every one can reap its benefits; a technology so fundamental that it will radically change the economic and political systems; a technology so imminent that most of people will see its impact within the lifetimes. Such is the promise of nanotechnology. . Albert Einstein first proved that each molecule measures about a nanometer (a billionth of a meter) in diameter. In 1959, it was Richard P. Feynman who predicted a technological world composed of self-replicating molecules whose purpose would be the production of nano-sized objects. Almost a hundred years after Einsteins insight and 40 years after Feynmans initial

research agenda. The semiconductor industry is edging closer to the world of nanotechnology where components are miniatured to the point of individual molecules and atoms. A push is well underway to invent devices that will manufacture anything at almost no cost, by treating atoms discretely, like computers treat bits of information. This would allow automatic construction of consumer goods without traditional labour, like a Xerox machine produces unlimited retyping the original information. Electronics is fuelled by miniaturization. Working smaller has led to the tools capable of manipulating individual atoms, just as the proteins in a potato manipulate the atoms of soil, water and air to make copies of themselves. The shotgun marriage of chemistry and engineering called nanotechnology is ushering in the era of self-replicating machinery and selfassembling consumer goods made from cheap raw atoms

What is Nanotechnology?
Nanotechnology aims at the design and creation of functional materials, structures, devices and systems through direct control of matter on the nanometer length scale and exploitation of novel phenomena and properties on this length scale. The length scale is usually defined as being smaller than 100 nm, depending on the physical and chemical characteristics of the particular system that undergoes quantitative and qualitative changes when the length scale boundary is crossed.

Nanotechnology research and development includes manipulation under control of the nanoscale structures and their integration into larger material components, systems and architectures. Within these larger scale assemblies, the control and construction of their structures and components remains at the nanometer scale. Essential in nanotechnology is to have a direct control of matter either between two nano-objects, or between a micro (or macro) object and a nano-object.

The prefix nano means ten to the minus ninth power, or one billionth. Nanoscale technologies are the development and use of devices that have a size of only a few nanometers. Nanotechnologists manipulate single molecules and atoms At nano-scale, different laws come into play. Properties of traditional materials change and the behavior of surfaces starts to dominate the behavior of bulk materials, opening up new realms. In the electronic domain, the benefit of working on nano-scale is production of smaller things. Using nanotubes or other molecular configurations enables engineers to break through this barrier in the semiconductor industry, which is expected to provide even smaller circuits and even Scale of comparison, more powerful computers, by working below The nanoscale is about a thousand times smaller than micro that is, about 1/80,000 of the diameter of a human hair. Approximately 3 to 6 atoms can fit inside of a nanometer, depending on the atom. the wavelength of light, X-ray; etc. The ultimate result is circuit elements consisting of single molecules.

VARIOUS DEFINITIONS: Merriam-Webster's (Collegiate Dictionary definition :) nanotechnologyPronunciation: "na-nO-tek-'n-lo-jE: the art of manipulating materials on an atomic or molecular scale especially to build microscopic devices (as robots) Webopedia's Definition of nanotechnology a field of science whose goal is to control\individual atoms and molecules to create computer chips and other devices that are thousands of times smaller

than current technologies permit. Current manufacturing processes use lithography to imprint circuits on semiconductor materials. While lithography has improved dramatically over the last two decades-to the point where some manufacturing plants can produce circuits smaller than one micron (1,000 nanometers)-it still deals with aggregates of millions of atoms. It is widely believed that lithography is quickly approaching its physical limits. To continue reducing the size of semiconductors, new technologies that juggle individual atoms will be necessary. This is the realm nanotechnology. Although researching this field dates back to Richard P. Feynman's classic talk in 1959, the term

Nanotechnology was first coined by K. Eric Drexler in 1986 in the book Engines of


The two fundamentally different approaches to After all the simple and understandable definition of nanotechnology is given as: Nanotechnology broadly refers to the manipulation of matter on the atomic and molecular scales i.e. where the objects of interests are 0.1-100nm in size. nanotechnology are graphically termed topdown and bottom-up. Top down refers to making nanoscale structures by machining and etching techniques, whereas bottom-up, or molecular nanotechnology, applies to building organic and inorganic structures atom-by-atom, or molecule-by-molecule. of Topbottom or bottom-up is a measure of the level of advancement nanotechnology. Nanotechnology, as applied today, is still mainly at what may be considered the more


primitive bottom-top stage, building upward in the Molecular scale as shown in the below figure.


There are two concepts commonly associated with nanotechnology: Positional Assembly

Self-Replication Clearly, we would be happy with any method that simultaneously achieved the following three

objectives. However, this seems difficult without using some form of positional assembly (to get the right molecular parts in the right places) and some form of self-replication (to keep the costs down). The icons of this revolution are scanning probe

1. Get essentially every atom in the right place. 2. Make almost any structure consistent with the laws of physics and chemistry that we can specify in atomic detail. 3. Have manufacturing costs not greatly exceeding the cost of the required raw materials and energy.

microscopesthe scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and the atomic force microscope (AFM). Both these machines have the ability to interact with materials at the molecular level, although this is limited. They are capable of creating pictures of individual atoms or moving them from place to place.


Researches at Cornell University created the worlds smallest guitar carved out of crystalline silicon and worlds smallest car and Taurus of 10nm using an atomic force microscope (AFM).

Drexler has proposed the Assembler, a nanosize mechanical machine, which could manipulate atoms precisely. These machines could be told to build anything. To control these miniature run-abouts, Drexler has designed the nanocomputer. This is not an electronic device but one that would work on rod-logic; a system of criss-crossing mechanically-operated rods interacting with each other. These computers would be small, typically fitting inside a 400-nanometer cube, which is approximately 1000 times smaller in volume than

one human cell. However, these would be as powerful as some of todays desktop computers

CARBON NANOTUBES (Key role in Nano Technology):

In 1991, carbon nanotube was discovered from the cathode product in carbon-arc discharge method similar to that used for fullerenes preparation. This discovery opened a new chapter both in nanotechnology and in. carbon chemistry

Based on their unique properties, carbon nanotubes are expected to have variety of applications. A lot of research has been carried out on synthesis, characterization,

property measurement and applications of carbon nanotubes and will be continued. The structure of nano tubes can be seen as shown

Various shapes and types of nanotubes


In Medicine: Monitoring body state:


digestive track and transmit pictures along the way, providing a less invasive technique to examine the small intestines. This video camera uses a miniature CMOS video imaging chip and white LED as a light source

Given Imaging, an Israel company, has developed a pill-size video camera that can travel through the

From left A DNA molecule attached to two electrodes, DNA structure, Future nano robos in medicine, Swan nano

In recent years nano technology is being used in the field of medicine to an extent, they play a major role in curing diseases like Cancer, Brain damage,

Harmone damage etc.




Telomere loss, Chemical accumulation, DNA

In Machinery:
Nanotechnology develops minute technology; this is a model of "nanogears", as small as only a few atoms wide. As science becomes more sophisticated it naturally enters the realm of what is arbitrarily properties and are proving extremely useful as catalysts and in other uses. If we ever do make

labeled nanotechnology. The essence of nanotechnology is that as we scale things down they start to take on extremely novel properties. Nanoparticles (clusters at nanometer scale), for example, have very interesting nanobots, they will not be scaled down versions of contemporary robots.

Shapes Of Nanogears, Comparison between nanogears and a bug.


In Space Research:
The stringent fuel constraints for lifting payloads into earth orbit and beyond and the desire to send spacecraft away from the sun for extended missions (where solar power would be greatly diminished) compel continued reduction in size, weight, and

power consumption of payloads. Nanostructured materials and devices promise solutions to these challenges. Nanostructuring is also critical to the design and manufacture of lightweight, highstrength, thermally stable materials for aircraft, rockets, space stations, and planetary/solar exploratory platforms.

Nano satellite (courtesy

Nanomaterials and nanoelectronics will yield lighter, faster, and safer vehicles and more durable, reliable, and cost-effective roads, bridges, runways, pipelines, and rail systems. The replacement of

carbon black in tires by nanometer-scale particles of inorganic clays and polymers is a new technology that is leading to the production of environmentally friendly, wearresistant tires

ENVISAGED SUICIDES Any powerful technology can be used to do great harm as well as great good. And Nanotechnology is no exception to it. The concerns include: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION Smart drugs and other nano-devices used in medical applications could contaminate the environment after being expelled from the body. MUTATION: Smart drugs or other nano-devices capable of manipulating organic molecules could interact with cellular activity in unexpected ways. Titanium dioxide, for example, is used in sunscreens for its ability to reflect the sun's light and harmful UV rays. At its nanoscale, it stops reflecting light and therefore becomes transparent - and thus more commercially useful while maintaining its ability to reflect harmful UV rays. Unfortunately, transparency isn't the only change. Scientists from Oxford have observed that at nanoscale titanium dioxide can also pass through the skin and damage the DNA of cells. RUNAWAY CONDITION A smart drug or nano-device capable of replicating itself could result in a runaway condition. WEAPONS

This technology has the potential to be used as a weapon that would be difficult to control. Atomic properties could be exploited for causing destruction

Given the tremendous potential benefits of nanotechnology, and the concern that it be developed with sensitivity to potential negative implications, some recommendations are quoted below. Make support for social and economic research studies on nanotechnology a high priority. Build openness, disclosure, and public participation into the process of developing nanotechnology research and development program direction. Establish a mechanism to inform, educate, and involve the public regarding potential impacts of nanotechnology. The mechanism should receive feedback from the nanotechnology community, social scientists, the private sector, and the public. Create the knowledge base and institutional infrastructure to evaluate nanotechnology scientific, technological, and societal impacts and implications from short-term (3 to 5 year), medium-term (5 to 20 year), and long-term (over 20year) perspectives. Educate and train a new generation of scientists and workers skilled in

nanoscience and nanotechnology at all levels with regard to societal implications. ---SUGGESTIONS SECTOR FOR PRIVATE

Develop partnerships with academic institutions and other sectors. Offer accessibility to social science researchers and provide feedback on societal implications studies.

Provide intellectual input and seed funding of activities aimed at assessing the societal implications of nanotechnology.


Establish interdisciplinary teams for major grand challenges in nanotechnology including socioeconomic perspectives, including social scientists. Develop databases for evaluation and continuously update scenarios for the future. Establish user facilities available to industry and academe that enable integration of basic and applied research.

Provide suggestions for grand challenges and suggest warning signs of potential risks. To take full advantage of the new technology, the entire scientific and technology community must involve all participants, including the general public creatively envision the future; set broad goals; and work together to expedite societal benefits.

---SUGGESTIONS FOR GOVERNMENT FUNDING AGENCIES Support nanotechnology researchers and social scientists to study the societal implications of nanotechnology. Communicate the resulting activities to the public. Provide coordinated support for long-term basic research and shorter-term technological developments to create the technological base and prove the potential of the new technology.

The paper concludes that the argument is not to relinquish the technological developments but to keep an eye on the ethical implications so that we can take the full advantage of it. Man had already made mistakes over the misuse of nuclear energy, GM products etc. No more suicidal attempts can be entertained that can relinquish human safety. We have experienced to realize the technological destruction faced by mankind today. No one can be made responsible for this and unless we find ways to safeguard ourselves, we are in great trouble.

1. ARTICLE NANOTUBE PEAPODS SCIENCE/ TECHNOLOGY, THE HINDU 10 Jan 2002 2. ARTICLE NANOWIRES SCIENCE /TECHNOLOGY, THE HINDU 14 FEB 2002 3. ARTICLE How Nanotechnology Could Help (Miniaturized?) Human Beings ELECTRONICS FOR YOU MAY 2002 4 5 J.BR.Interplanet, Nanotechnology: Evolution of the concept The Future Impact of Nanotechnology on textile technology and on textile industry

6 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazin4. Internet Link 7 8 9 10 11 12 Internet Link - Internet Link Internet Link Internet Link Internet Link

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