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Field Observations Day 1

Stop 1 :

Type Locality : West of Bharakoh Lithology : Sandstones, Claystones and Shales . Sandstones are of Two Types i) ii) Argillaceous : In Red Colour, Clay Content More . Arrinaceous : In grey Colour, Clay Content Less .

Formation : Murree Formation Thickness : 2000 to 4000 meters Contacts : Upper Contact : The Upper boundary is difficult to locate due to the transition to overlying kamlial formation . Lower Contact : It overlies formations of Eocene unconformably indicated by the development of conglomerates and reworked numilites of Fateh Jang Member . Age : Miocene, Oligoncene Stop 2 : Type Locality : Kohala

Lithology : Argillacous Sandstone (High Clay Content), Expansive Soils present . Formation : Murree Formation Thickness : 2000 to 4000 meters Contacts : Upper Contact : The Upper boundary is difficult to locate due to the transition to overlying kamlial formation . Lower Contact : It overlies formations of Eocene unconformably indicated by the development of conglomerates and reworked numilites of Fateh Jang Member . Age : Miocene, Oligocene

Stop 3 : Type Locality : Chattar Kalas Structure : Hazara Kashmir Syntax

Hazara Kashmir Syntax is divided into Three Parts : Lower Part : Downward to MBT Middle Part : Westward to Panjal Fault and MBT Upper Part : Northward to Panjal Fault and MBT

Formations :

In Precambrian Age :
Lower Part is Tanawal or Hazara Formation .

Middle Part is Tanawal Formation . Upper Part is Salkhala Formation or Shardha Group .

Dominant Lithologies :
Schist, Phyllites, Slates, gneisses .

In Paleozoic (Cambrian) :
Lower Part is Abbottabad and Hazira Formation Middle Part is Abbottabad also known as Muzaffarabad Formation . Upper Part is Abbo ttabad Formation .

In Paleozoic :
Middle and Upper are Panjal Volcanoes also known as Chushal Formation .

Dominant Lithologies :
Fine Grained dolomite and Cherty Dolomite .

In Mesozoic :
Mesozoic is missing in Upper and Middle . Lower includes Six Formations : Datta Formation, Shanwari Formation, Samana Suk Formation, Chichali Formation, Lumshiwal Formation, Kawagarh Formation

In Cenozoic :
Middle and Lower are Lochart Formation, Patala Formation, Margalla Hill Limestone and Chorgalli Formation . In Upper, nothing after Panjal Formation . Directly Murree is present over Hangu .

Day 2 : Stop 1

Type Locality : Ambore Formations : Murree Formation and Hazara Formation

Features : Shearing, Folding is present in the Dolomite rocks of Hazara Formation .

Dominant Lithologies :
Murree Formation : Sandstone Hazara Formation : Dolomite Contacts : Murree Formation : Lower Contact Unconformable with Kuldana Formation of

Eocene Age and Upper Contact is Unconformable with Siwalik Group of Pliocene to Pleistocene Age .
Hazara Formation : Lower Contact with the Basement Rocks and Upper Contact with the Abbottabad Formation of Cambrian Age .

Age :
Murree Formation : Miocene Hazara Formation : Precambrian

Stop 2 : Type Locality : Rara Formations : Hazara Formation and Murree Formation Description : At Rara, there is a clear view of the Fault between Hazara Formation Formation and Murree Formation . There is terrace present between Hazara Formation and Murree Formation . The Fault between Hazara Formation and

Murree Formation is Jhelum Fault . It is a Right Lateral Strike Slip Fault with somde Reverse Component . Dominant Lithologies : Murree Formation : Sandstone, Claystone and Shales Hazara Formation : Dolomite, Slates, Phyllites, Schist Contacts : Hazara Formation : Lower Contact with the Basement Rocks and Upper Contact with
the Abbottabad Formation of Cambrian Age .

Murree Formation : Lower Contact Unconformable with Kuldana Formation of Eocene Age and Upper Contact is Unconformable with Siwalik Group of Pliocene to Pleistocene Age . Age : Murree Formation : Miocene Hazara Formation : Precambria

Stop 3 Type Locality : Upper Chattar Description : At this place, Rounded Pebbles, Sub-Angular Fragments and Singlon Folds are present and S-Type Folding is also present . Rounded and Sub-Angular Fragments show that the River once present here sunk due to the Uplifting and left all the Fragments that it transported with it . Paleo Path of River can be predicted with the help of Dip Direction of the Pebbles . The Direction opposite to the Dip Direction of the Pebbles is the Flow Direction of the River . With the help of Pebble Imbrication, Paleo Path of River can be predicted .

Stop 4 Type Locality : Sundh Gali Description : At Sundh Gali, there are two faults that run, one is present within the Gali (Passage between two mountains) area, that is Jhelum Fault and the other one is Muzaffarabad Fault or BBT Present infront view of Sundh Gali in which Abbottabad Formation thrusts over the Murree Formation . In Muzaffarabad Area, This Fault is Muzaffarabad Fault and in Balakot Area, it is Balakot Bagh Fault . In Jhelum Fault, Murree Fo rmation Thrusts over Hazara Formation . Mud Flows are present in Jhelum Fault due to the stress build up .

Formations : Abbottabad Formation, Murree Formation, Hazara Formation . Dominant Lithologies : Abbottabad Formation : Cherty Dolomites, Chert Bands and Pure Dolomite Bands . Murree Formation : Sandstone, Claystone and Shales Hazara Formation : Dolomite Contacts : Murree Formation : Lower Contact Unconformable with Kuldana Formation of Eocene Age and Upper Contact is Unconformable with Siwa lik Group of Pliocene to Pleistocene Age . Abbottabad Formation : It has Unconformable contact with over lying Hangu Formation and thrusted contact towards the south-western side with Murree Formation . Hazara Formation : Lower Contact with the Basement Rocks and Upper Contact with
the Abbottabad Formation of Cambrian Age .

Day 3 Stop 1 Type Locality : Chahla Bandi (University Campus) Formation : Murree Formation Description : At Chahla Bandi Near University Campus, Muzaffarabad, Three types of rocks are present in Murree Formation Siltstone and sandstone, Intraformational Conglomerates and Argillaceous Shales . Dominant Lithologies : Siltstone band Sandstone, Intraformational Conglomerates and Argillaceous Shales . Contact : Lower Contact Unconformable with Kuldana Formation of Eocene Age and Upper Contact is Unconformable with Siwalik Group of Pliocene to Pleistocene Age . Age : Miocene (Murree Formation)

Stop 2 Type Locality : Chahla Bandi Formation : Abbotabad Formation, Murree Formation, Kuldana Formation Description : Degraded scarp is present of fault between Abbottabad Formation and Murree Formation . It is a curved thrust fault plane . On the right, there is contact between Kuldana Formation in Black col our and Murree Formation with Alluvium cover .

Stop 3 Type Locality : Formation : Top of Abbottabad Formation Description : This place has the presence of Ripple Marks, King Folds and synclines . Dominant Lithology : Dolomite Contact : It has Unconformable contact with over lying Hangu Formation and thrusted contact towards the south-western side with Murree Formation . Age : Cambrian

Stop 4 Type Locality : Near Noseri Formation : Abbotabad Formation, Hangu Formation, Lockhart Limestone, Patala Formation, Margalla Hill Limeston, Chor Gali Formation, Kuldana Formation Dominant Lithologies : Abbottabad Formation : Cherty Dolomites, Chert Bands Hange Formation : Sandstone, Laterite etc. Lockhart Formation : Nodular Limestone Patala Formation : Shales with Limestone Bands Margalla Hill Formation : Nodular Limestone Chorgali Formation : Marls and Shales Kuldana Formation Gypsiferous Shales Murree Formation : Sandstone, Shales Age : Paleocene / Eocene

Stop 5 Type Locality : Noseri Formations : Panjal Volcanics, Murree Formation Description : At Noseri, Kashmir Hazara Syntax is present, It is Antiformal . It has Murree Formation (Miocene Age) in its core, Main Boundary Thrust in its Middle and Panjal Volcanics (Permian) in its limbs . There is fault between Panjal Volcanics and Murree Formation . In this Fault, Panjal Volcanics has thrusted over the Murree Formation . This fault is known as MBT or Main Boundary Thrust . Fault Gouge is present of Brown and Black Colour . This place has the existence of Drag Folds . In Panjal Volcanic Rocks, thick basaltic lava flows alternating with dm-thic tuffaceous layers are present . The basalts are metamorphosed into an epidote and chlorite rich, weakly schistos groundmass, containing amygdioles filled by epidote, quartz and plagioclase aggregates .

Dominant Lithologies : Marble, Green Stone (Panjal Volcanics) Sandstones, Shales (Murree Formation) Age : Panjal Volcanics : Permian

Murree Formation : Miocene

Day 4 Stop 1 Type Locality : Lohar Gali Geomorphology : Meandering River is clear in view from this place . In this river, deposition is on the Inner side of the river and outer side is cutting the area . Alluvial Fans are present . These fans are the places where streams add to river . Formation : Hazara Formation Description : Hazara Formation is of regional metamorphism . Dominant Lithology : Slates Contacts :
Lower Contact with the Basement Rocks and U pper Contact with the Abbottabad Formation of Cambrian Age .

Age : Precambrian

Stop 2 Type Locality : Near Garhi Habib Ullah Formation : Abbottabad Formation It is divided into three groups : Sanghar Gali Member Mohammada Gali Member Mirpur Member Description : Garhi Habib Ullah Syncline is present in this area in which Hazara Formation and Abbottabad are folded . Chopboard weathering is present in the sandstone of Abbottabad Formation . Dominant Lithology : Sandstone (Sanghar Gali Member) Cherty Dolomite (Mohammada Gali Member) Sandstone, Shales, Cross Bedded Sandstone (Mirpur Member) Contact : It has Unconformable contact with over lying Hangu Formation and thrusted contact towards the south-western side with Murree Formation . Age : Cambrian

Stop 3 Type Locality : Chitta Batta Formation : Mansehra Granet Dominant Lithology : Granet Description : The Granet at this place is of Cambrian age of porfiritic texture . It is an Intrusive Igneous rock with silica content greater than 65% . It is an intrusion in the country rock . The country rock at this place is Tanol Formation of Precambrian Age . Quartz and feldspars are the phenocrysts in the fine matrix . White Colour grains that are shiny are Muscovite grains . Black shiny grains are biotite . Tormaline and Schroal are present . Pyrite is present . Feature : Chitta Batta Dike Description : It has intruded the Granet body, the dike composition is Quartzite . There is a cross cutting relationship between granet and quartzite . Quartzite is a metamorphic rock . Age : Cambrian (Mansehra Granet)

Stop 4

Type Locality : Mansehra City Formation : Tanol Formation Lithologies : Stauralite Garnet Mica Schist Schist, Brown Garnet, Needle Like Structures are Stauralite, Biotite (More), Muscovite Description : Stauralite Grade Metamorphism is present in the rocks of Tanol Formation . Contact : Lower Contact conformable with the Hazara Formation and the Upper Contact conformable with Abbottabad Group . Age : Precambrian

Stop 5 Type Locality : Near Tool Plaza Formation :

Dominant Lithology : Phyllite Description : Shiny appearance in the rock is due to the presence of cerasite .

Stop 6 Type Locality : Salhad Formations : Samana Suk Formation, Hazira Formation Dominant Lithologies : Oolitic Limestone ( Samana Suk Formation) Sandstone, Siltsone ( Hazira Formation) Description : Oolictic Limestone present at this place is of Yellow Colour due to weathering . There is a fault between Samana S uk Formation and Hazira Formation . Contacts : Samana Suk Formation : Lower contact conformable with Shinawari Formation and Upper contact unconformable with Chichali Formation . Hazira Formation : Lower contact conformable with Abbottabad Group and Upper contact unconformable with Hazara Formation . Age : Jurassic (Samana Suk Formation) Cambrian (Hazira Formation)

Stop Type Locality : Khota Kabar Formation : Tanaki Boulder Beds Lithologies : Boulder Beds in Red Colour, Slate in Black colour . Description : Tanaki boulder Bed is above Hazara Formation upon which there is Abbottabad Formation . At this place there is an unconformity between Hazara and Abbottabad Formation . There is Angular Relationship between Tanaki Boulder Beds and Hazara Formation . Contacts : Hazara Formation :
Lower Contact with the Basement Rocks and Upper Contact with the Tanol Formation of Cambrian Age .

Age : Precambrian (Hazara Formation)

Tanaki Boulder Beds

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