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Current Pollution Reports (2020) 6:440–451


Aerosol Measurements by Soot Particle Aerosol Mass

Spectrometer: a Review
Yunjiang Zhang 1 & Junfeng Wang 1 & Shijie Cui 1 & Dan Dan Huang 2 & Xinlei Ge 1

Published online: 18 September 2020

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

Atmospheric aerosol particles, being composed of various types of chemical mixtures, affect significantly on human health and
climate. During the last decade, many studies were focused on characterization of chemical and physical properties as well as
source apportionment of atmospheric aerosols, which have made substantial implications for aerosol-induced air pollution and
climate mitigation. Instrumental measurement techniques provide one of the most direct and effective ways to determine aerosol
physicochemical characterization and thereby to constrain aerosol modeling. The Aerodyne soot particle aerosol mass spectrom-
eter (SP-AMS), a state-of-the-art instrument, combines the advantages of both high-resolution time-of-flight AMS (HR-ToF-
AMS) and single particle soot photometer (SP2). It can measure high-resolution chemical composition, size distribution, and
mixing state of both non-refractory and refractory aerosol particles. Specially, chemical-resolved coating materials of refractory
black carbon-containing particles can be quantified by SP-AMS. Moreover, same as HR-ToF-AMS, highly time-resolved
organic mass spectral data can be applied for further identification and quantification of organic aerosol sources with receptor
models, such as positive matrix factorization (PMF). This review summarizes results and findings obtained by recent SP-AMS
measurements in field observations and laboratory studies. These SP-AMS measurements mainly cover the topics of soot cluster
ions, trace metals, chemical composition and sources of non-refractory bulk aerosols, mixing state, and light absorption prop-
erties of black carbon-containing particles. Finally, we propose some potential prospects for future studies by using the SP-AMS.

Keywords SP-AMS . Black carbon . Trace metals . Sources . Mixing state . Radiative absorption

Introduction aerosol mixtures, black carbon-containing particles are a

unique component, since black carbon itself has a net strong
Atmospheric aerosols have strong impacts on global and re- warming effect [5, 8, 9] and it thereby indirectly affects air
gional air quality [1, 2] and climate change [3–5]. These im- quality via aerosol–boundary layer interactions [10, 11].
pacts can pose serious threat to human health [6, 7] and the Moreover, black carbon-containing aerosols can also serve
earth’s ecosystems [3]. In ambient air, fine aerosols (PM2.5) as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and/or ice nuclei (IN)
often exist as complex mixtures, e.g., different types of aero- [12], and thereby have significant effects on cloud formation
sols mixed with each other to some extent. Among these and lifetime as well as precipitation [9]. The growing impor-
tance of black carbon-containing particles in the atmosphere
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Air Pollution has been witnessed by a large increase in this subject study.
During the last decades, some new instruments with state-
* Xinlei Ge of-the-art analytical techniques have been developed to mea-
sure aerosol chemical and physical properties [13–15]. For
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Environment Monitoring
example, the aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS)
and Pollution Control, Collaborative Innovation Center of has been widely applied to globally investigate chemical and
Atmospheric Environment and Equipment Technology, School of physical characterization of ambient non-refractory aerosol
Environmental Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of particles [16, 17]. As reviewed by Zhou et al. (2020) [18],
Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, China
there have been numerous AMS studies performed in Asia,
State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Formation and one of the highest anthropogenic emission regions in the
Prevention of the Urban Air Pollution Complex, Shanghai Academy
of Environmental Sciences, Shanghai, China
world, to characterize aerosol chemistry, physics, sources,

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Curr Pollution Rep (2020) 6:440–451 441

and chemical evaluation, etc. In particular, the aerodyne soot instrument system (e.g., filament component), which can then
particle AMS (SP-AMS) [19, 20]—a combined version of the yield some noise for the laser-only vaporizer detection mode.
recently developed aerodyne high resolution time-of-flight Both non-refractory and refractory aerosol components can be
AMS (HR-ToF-AMS) [21] and single particle soot photome- vaporized at heating temperature at around 4000 K with the
ter (SP2) [22]—was developed for direct measurements of the laser vaporizer. It should be noted that the SP-AMS laser-only
chemical and physical properties of particles containing re- vaporizer mode is only for detecting particles that contain
fractory black carbon (rBC). In practice, the SP-AMS mea- laser light-absorbing compounds at the 1064 nm (e.g., rBC),
surements can be performed by online [23–29] or offline since only rBC-containing particles are selectively vaporized
[30–32] methods. Based on SP-AMS measurements, most by the laser vaporizer. In addition, trace metal ions can be
previous studies focused on investigation of chemical compo- detected by the laser vaporizer mode, but these species have
sition, sources, formation mechanisms, optical properties, and also to be coated with rBC particles. The vaporized particles
hygroscopicity of rBC-containing particles. Thus, it can be via the both types of vaporizers, i.e., being generated to gas-
confirmed that this novel SP-AMS technique has been helping phase molecules, are ionized using 70 eV electron impact and
the atmospheric science community to better understand then analyzed by ToF mass spectrometer system. The ioniza-
chemical and physical properties of rBC-containing particles tion and analyzing schemes of SP-AMS are the same as the
in ambient air. This review presents a recent account of atmo- HR-ToF-AMS. The SP-AMS can also provide size distribu-
spheric aerosol studies based on SP-AMS measurements, as tion information of aerosol chemical compounds, which are
well as some perspectives that could be further achieved using also the same as the standard AMS instruments [33]. By using
such instrumental techniques in future. receptor model analysis, such as positive matrix factorization
(PMF) [35], the mass spectral data of SP-AMS non-refractory
and refractory aerosol composition can be further analyzed to
SP-AMS Description identify and quantify different source factors of these aerosols.
A particle-sizing chamber system equipped with particle time-
There are several versions of aerodyne aerosol mass spectrom- of-flight (PToF) chopper motor is used in SP-AMS to deter-
eters (AMS), such as quadrupole AMS (Q-AMS) [33], com- mine the vacuum aerodynamic diameter of aerosols particles.
pact time-of-flight AMS (C-ToF-AMS) [34], high-resolution Figure 2 summarizes various locations with online or offline
time-of-flight AMS (HR-ToF-AMS) [21], and the SP-AMS SP-AMS measurements for ambient samples by setting differ-
[19]. Among these versions, the SP-AMS is the most ad- ent vaporizer detection modes.
vanced and unique instrument, because it can detect both
non-refractory (including organics, sulfate, nitrate, ammoni-
um, and chloride) and refractory (e.g., soot and trace metals) Measurements of Refractory Carbon Ions
chemical components, respectively. The detailed principle of
the SP-AMS has been systematically described by Onasch The SP-AMS was firstly conducted in an urban environment
et al. (2012) [19]. Briefly, the development and design of the in Chestnut Hill, MA, in March 2008 for ambient BC-
SP-AMS is based on the HR-ToF-AMS. Differently, the SP- containing particle measurements to evaluate the instrument
AMS is equipped with two vaporization schemes, i.e., a stan- performance [19]. A good agreement for measuring ambient
dard tungsten vaporizer and an additional laser vaporizer, re- black carbon mass between SP-AMS and multi-angle absorp-
spectively, which allows three detection modes (see Fig. 1). tion photometer (MAAP) instruments was observed, indicat-
One mode is for measuring the bulk non-refractory aerosols ing a good performance of SP-AMS to quantify rBC concen-
(NR-PMbulk), which is the same as the HR-ToF-AMS. In this tration [19]. Meanwhile, they also observed that the small
measurement mode, non-refractory chemical species are de- carbon cluster ions (C1+-C5+) dominated the rBC ion distribu-
tected by flash vaporization of sampled particles on a heated tion, which is, however, different from laboratory-generated
tungsten surface with typical temperature at around 600 °C. soot samples that present significant fraction of larger carbon
The other mode includes the two vaporizers working together ions (greater than C6+). In fact, such rBC ion distribution
(i.e., tungsten-on + laser-on), which can measure aerosol mix- dominated by small carbon cluster ions (C1+-C5+) for ambient
tures of both NR-PMbulk and refractory aerosol species (e.g., samples has been frequently reported by recent SP-AMS field
rBC and metal ions). The last mode is operated with the laser observations at various sampling sites [24, 28, 36–40]. The
vaporizer only, i.e., the diode-pumped Nd/YAG intracavity different rBC ion distribution between ambient-related obser-
laser at the wavelength of 1064 nm, which is a same laser vation and laboratory-generated samples may reveal different
used in the SP2 instrument [22]. In practice, the tungsten va- formation mechanisms of soot particle from different sources
porizer has to be removed from instrument when using the [19, 36, 41]. Onasch et al. (2015) [36] investigated differences
laser-only vaporizer mode. This is due to the fact that tungsten in the carbon cluster (Cn+) mass spectra of 12 types of rBC-
vaporizer can still be heated, e.g., at around 200 °C, by the containing particle samples (such as biomass burning, diesel

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442 Curr Pollution Rep (2020) 6:440–451

SP-AMS three vaporizer modes

Tungsten Tungsten + laser Laser

NR-PMbulk NR-PMbulk, rBC, rBC, NR-PMBC, R-PMBC


NR-PMbulk = non-refractory parculate material (e.g., organics, sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, and chloride)
NR-PMBC= non-refractory parculate material (same as above) coated with BC-containing parcles
rBC = refractory black carbon (including carbon cluster ions)
R-PMBC = refractory parculate material (e.g., trace metals) coated with BC-containing parcles

Fig. 1 Chemical composition measured by SP-AMS with different vaporizer modes, including tungsten, tungsten + laser, and laser, respectively

exhaust, fullerene-rich materials) produced by industrial and apportionment of ambient rBC aerosols which are in mixture
combustion processes. They classified carbon ion distribu- of two carbon ion categories (smaller versus greater than C5+)
tions of these samples into three categories, including low [41]. In both fresh and aged soot emissions obtained from
(C1+-C5+), mid (C6+-C29+), and fullerene (greater than C30+) wood-stove combustion experiments, Corbin et al. (2015)
carbons. Based on laboratory experiments with six types of [42] observed higher content of low carbon ion signals (C1+-
rBC samples generated from combustion sources, Corbin C3+) in flaming phase burning condition rather than the
et al. (2014) [41] reported that the C1+/C3+ ratio in the low starting phase. This could indicate that the content of low
carbon ion category could be applied to predict whether higher rBC ions largely depended on combustion efficiency. The
carbon ions (greater than C5+) were present. When the C1+/ SP-AMS fullerene ion signals could be produced by the elec-
C3+ ratio was close to unity, the higher carbon ions were tron ionization of pre-existing fullerene content in the sampled
present. When they were absent, the ratio was less than 0.8. rBC-containing particles [36]. In eastern China, Wang et al.
Such a ratio was also proposed to be used in source (2016) [26] firstly observed fullerene soot ions (including

80 Winter Summer Winter

Latitude (°)

40 Summer

rBC, Sulfate, Nitrate, Ammonium, Chloride
-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
Longitude (°)
Fig. 2 Locations of some recent SP-AMS measurements performed to noted that the pie charts shown here are only for the literatures that
detect ambient samples in the Northern Hemisphere during 2008–2017 presented the quantitative data about the averaged contribution of rBC-
(field campaigns time). Pie charts refer to the averaged contribution of containing particle species during the entire campaign
chemical compounds to total rBC-containing particle mass. It should be

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Curr Pollution Rep (2020) 6:440–451 443

C60+, C70+, etc.) from ambient air under industrial emission- particles was not depending on soot formation process, this
rich environment. They also estimated that industrial sector metal—mainly present in smaller size particles—is therefore
contributed 70% to the total amount of fullerene-like ions. suggested having higher toxicity risk for health impact.
Wang et al. (2018) [43] found that the low- and mid-carbon Saarikoski et al. (2017) [46] investigated trace metals in the
clusters were present in similar temporal variations, which is, bus emission particles produced from 23 individual city buses
however, different from fullerene ions. This indicates different in Helsinki, Finland. The total 15 trace metals (i.e., V, Cr, Al,
sources between low- and mid-carbon ions and fullerene car- P, Mn, Ni, K, Sr, Cd, Cu, Fe, Zn, Na, Ba, and Zr) were
bon ions. Also, they quantified the relative contribution of all detected by SP-AMS. Among these trace metals, the concen-
measured carbon clusters and found that low-carbon ions tration of K was the largest, followed by Zn, Na, Fe, and P.
(91.9%) dominated the total carbon ions followed by mid They also found bus-type dependence of the trace metals, with
(7.6%) and fullerene carbon (0.5%) ions. By taking source the largest concentrations detected for the Euro III buses
apportionment results of rBC, which was obtained from followed by the Euro IV and EEV-EGR-DPF buses [46]. In
PMF analysis with the combination of organic aerosol mass ambient air, Rivellini et al. (2020) [44] conducted the SP-
spectra and carbon ion data, they proposed that the C1+/C3+ AMS to characterize the sources of trace metals (including
ratios could additionally help to distinguish ambient rBC Na, K, V, Ni, and Rb) in soot aerosols in an urban environ-
sources, e.g., the ratios for traffic (0.88), industry (1.29), and ment of Singapore. Based on the V/Ni ratio analysis, they
cooking-related (0.01) sources [43]. Rivellini et al. (2020) [44] found that the two metal ions were originated from ship emis-
integrated low- and part of mid-carbon ions (C1+-C9+) into sions and/or industrial heavy oil combustion in the atmo-
PMF analysis to investigate the characterization of rBC- sphere. A good correlation between Na and rBC was ob-
containing particles associated with different OA sources in served, highlighting the importance of anthropogenic emis-
an urban environment of Singapore. They found that rBC with sions in the formation of total particulate sodium [47]. They
higher C1+/C3+ ratios was from regional transport, which is also observed a possible source mixture between regional
associated with PMF-resolved oxidized organic aerosols in- transport of coal-fired power plant emissions and biomass
fluenced by industrial emissions [41]. These previous studies burning plumes for the metal ions Rb and K [47]. Overall,
based on SP-ASM measurements have developed a new these studies have developed and/or applied such a new SP-
methodology to study composition and sources of atmospher- AMS technique to detect trace metals, which have improved
ic black carbon aerosols and improved our understanding of our understanding in this research field.
refractory carbon chemistry in aerosols.

Chemical Composition and Sources

Measurements of Trace Metals of NR-PMbulk

In addition to detecting soot composition, the SP-AMS tech- Chemical composition of NR-PMbulk in the atmosphere was
nique has been also deployed to measure trace metals on soot widely measured by numerous studies with different versions
aerosol particles. Carbone et al. (2015) [44] have developed a of the aerodyne AMS over the world during the last two de-
method to quantify trace metal (including Na, Al, Ca, V, Cr, cades [15–18, 48]. Same as AMS, the SP-AMS can also mea-
Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, and Ba) loadings based on labo- sure non-refractory composition for bulk aerosols. The non-
ratory experiments. In this method, they measured the relative refractory composition obtained from direct SP-AMS mea-
ionization efficiency (RIE) value for each trace metal, which is surement includes organic matter, sulfate, nitrate, ammonium,
the key point to determine the mass concentrations of these and chloride. Specially, the organic aerosol spectral matrices
trace metals. Carbone et al. (2015) [44] applied those mea- of the SP-AMS can be analyzed by receptor models, e.g.,
sured RIE values and subsequently well quantified the mass PMF [35], to further identify and quantify different OA com-
concentrations of Ba, V, and Fe observed at an oil-fired position factors from different sources and atmospheric pro-
heating station in Helsinki. Meanwhile, they also identified cesses. Most SP-AMS measurements to determine the NR-
the evidence of measurable metal oxides and metallic salts PMbulk chemistry were conducted in eastern China. This sec-
by SP-AMS. Corbin et al. (2018) [45] quantified the mass tion summarizes some results and findings using online and
concentration of five trace metals (including V, Ni, Fe, Na, offline SP-AMS measurements with the standard vaporizer
and Ba) in BC-containing particles from heavy fuel oil com- mode.
bustion produced by a marine diesel engine. They found that As reported by previous studies, the measurements of NR-
less than 3% of the total trace metals in fine aerosols (PM2.5) PMbulk chemical composition were often deployed via online
was associated with BC-containing particles and observed that and offline detecting approaches. For example, Wang et al.
the V/Ni ratio was a 4–25 times higher in soot particles than in (2016) [27] firstly conducted the SP-AMS in China to inves-
total PM2.5. Given that such an enrichment of V in soot tigate aerosol characteristics in urban Nanjing in Yangtze

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444 Curr Pollution Rep (2020) 6:440–451

River Delta during springtime in 2016. They found that or- correlation with oxidation state (OSc) of water-soluble brown
ganic aerosols accounted the largest fraction (45%) for the carbon (BrCws) among most seasons, but expect in winter, in
total submicron aerosol (PM1) mass, followed by sulfate Nanjing of Yangtze River Delta, China. This suggests impor-
(19.3%), nitrate (13.6%), ammonium (11.1%), rBC (9.7%), tance of secondary and/or more oxidized BrCws in contribut-
and chloride (1.3%). Meanwhile, source apportionment of ing to aerosol light absorption at near ultraviolet wavelengths.
OA using PMF analysis identified four source factors, includ- In addition, they found that mass absorption efficiency
ing two POA factors, i.e., hydrocarbon-like/traffic-related OA (MAEws-BrC) of BrCws decreased with increased oxidation
(HOA) and cooking OA (COA), and two SOA factors, i.e., state OSc in winter. Consistently, Chen et al. (2020) [50] also
semi-volatile oxygenated OA (SV-OOA) and low-volatile ox- observed a negative relationship between MAEws-BrC versus
ygenated OA (LV-OOA) [27]. The contributions to the total OSc during cold months in Yangzhou of Yangtze River Delta,
OA mass from these factors were HOA (27.6%), COA China. These results indicated the role of photo-bleaching
(16.9%), SV-OOA (27.4%), and LV-OOA (28.1%), respec- effect due to chemical aging of BrCws in aerosol light-
tively [27]. In winter, Wu et al. (2018) [49] reported that absorption properties. In both the studies [32, 50], they also
secondary inorganic aerosols, including sulfate (23.3%), ni- found that nitrogen-containing organics could be an important
trate (24.2%), and ammonium (16.9%), dominated the major source for ambient BrC chromophores, resulting from the
fraction of PM1 in suburban Nanjing. The SOA factors were positive relationship between babs-wsoc-365nm and MAEws-BrC
the most abundant compound in OA, accounting for 49% of with the nitrogen-to-carbon (N/C) ratios and nitrogen-
its total mass. Overall, these contributions of these chemical containing ions, respectively. Based on PMF analysis of
compositions obtained from SP-AMS measurements are over- water-soluble organic aerosol, Chen et al. (2020) [50] found
all comparable with the standard AMS measurements over the substantial contributions of LO-OOA (33.8%) and BBOA
Yangtze River Delta region, as recently summarized by Zhou (23.7%) factors to babs-wsoc-365nm in Yangzhou during cold
et al. (2020) [18]. Offline SP-AMS analysis techniques, i.e., seasons. These studies do not only improve our knowledge
detecting aqueous extracts from sampled aerosol filters, were on optical and chemical properties of water-soluble brown
applied in measurements of ambient aerosol chemical compo- carbon, but they also presented such important applications
sition, which were mainly conduced in Eastern China. For the of the offline SP-AMS technique in study of atmospheric
first time, Ye et al. (2017) [31] conducted offline SP-AMS aerosol science.
measurements to investigate chemical properties of water- The offline or semi-online SP-AMS measurements were
soluble organic aerosol for ambient PM2.5 samples collected also applied for a series of aqueous-phase SOA (aqSOA) stud-
in Changzhou, China. Four water-soluble OA factors, includ- ies [51–55]. Chen et al. (2020) [51] performed the SP-AMS
ing two POA factors, i.e., a nitrogen-rich HOA (NHOA) and a measurements to investigate triplet excited states (3C·)-in-
local POA (LOA), and two SOA factors i.e., a less oxidized duced oxidation of 4-ethylguaiacol via aqueous-phase pro-
oxygenated OA (LO-OOA) and a more oxidized oxygenated cesses under the laboratory simulated experiment conditions
OA (MO-OOA), were resolved using PMF analysis [31], (e.g., sunlight and ultraviolet light irradiations). They ob-
which presented evident seasonality, along with annual con- served that the oxidation state degree of aqSOA was deter-
tributions by LOA (31.2%), MO-OOA (29.7%), NHOA mined by reaction time and proposed that 3C·-induced oxida-
(23.9%), and LO-OOA (15.3%). With the same offline SP- tion might be attributed to reactions by reactive oxygen spe-
AMS analysis as Ye et al. (2017) [31], Ge et al. (2017) [30] cies (3C· and 1O2) [52]. Ye et al. (2019) [54] performed
reported five SP-AMS PMF OA factors with three POA fac- aqueous-phase reaction experiment to systemically investigate
tors, including HOA, COA, and biomass burning OA a typical biomass-burning aqSOA compound formed via pho-
(BBOA), and two SOA factors (i.e., LO-OOA and MO- tochemical oxidation of 4-ethylphenol. They found that the
OOA) in urban Yangzhou, China. They found that the SOA aqSOA with stronger light absorptivity at visible wavelength
factors dominated the mass concentration of water-soluble could be associated with 4-ethylphenol oxidation by the or-
organic matter (68.1%). Overall, all of these results above, ganic 3C·. Liu et al. (2020) [53] did a similar aqueous-phase
obtained from online and offline SP-AMS measurements, reaction experiment to investigate aqueous oxidation of
could support that fine aerosol pollution was driven by atmo- dibenzothiophene, one of the typical intermediate-volatility
spheric chemical and physical processes of secondary aerosols organic compounds (IVOCs). They observed that substantial
in Eastern China, which could play an important role in for- increase in oxidation state degree of aqSOA was attributed to
mation of regional haze in China. hydroxyl radical (OH) photo-oxidation, but not during the
Recently, offline SP-AMS analysis was applied in studies dark oxidation [53]. Moreover, they demonstrated that OH-
of chemical properties of light-absorbing organic aerosol, so- initiated photochemical reactions may be a more important
called brown carbon (BrC). Chen et al. (2018) [32] reported secondary formation pathway to yield the light-absorbing
that light absorption coefficient at 365 nm of water-soluble aqSOA with stronger absorptivity rather than 3C·-initiated ox-
organic carbon (b abs-wsoc-365nm ) presented a positive idation [53]. Combining SP-AMS with gas chromatography-

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Curr Pollution Rep (2020) 6:440–451 445

mass spectrometry (GC-MS) measurements, Ye et al. (2020) Beijing (urban) in winter [28], 0.8–4.7 in Detling (rural) in the
[52] investigated aqueous-phase oxidation of three biomass UK in winter [57]. Indeed, the mixing state and coating thick-
burning phenolic compounds (including 4-methylsyringol, ness of rBC-containing particles are determined by different
eugenol, and 2,4,6-trimethylphenol) induced by OH oxidation sources and environment conditions. A lack of coatings, cor-
process. Significant production of organic acids was observed responding to relatively smaller R BC value, for rBC-
associated with the large fraction of aqSOA yields [52]. containing particles was also observed in traffic-rich plumes
Meanwhile, they also found that light-absorbing aqSOA was at different locations, such as the R/V Atlantis near California
produced during the aqueous-phase process [52]. Overall, [23, 40], Fontana [25, 39], Detling [57], London [58],
those previous studies by using SP-AMS measurements have Manchester [59], and Beijing [28]. These results observed
improved our understanding in formation mechanisms of from ambient air are well consistent with the physical charac-
aqSOA that plays an important role in affecting regional air terization of thinly coated BC-containing particles generated
quality and climate. from fresh traffic emissions in laboratory combustion experi-
ments [59]. Substantial influence of biomass burning source
on mixing state of BC-containing particles was observed from
Mixing State and Light Absorption Properties ambient samples [29, 57–59], which could lead to thicker
of rBC-Containing Particles coating thickness (i.e., larger RBC ratios). In laboratory wood
combustion experiments, Corbin et al. (2015) [42] observed
The importance of BC aerosols to climate effect has been that the refractory oxygenated organic fragment ions (rCOn+)
established by both modeling and observation studies. BC were strongly associated with the refractory carbon ion signals
aerosols may be one of the strongest climate warming com- (Cn+). Meanwhile, they also found that the degree of BC sur-
pounds after CO2 globally [8]. However, the warming effect face oxidation was not determined by burning conditions, e.g.,
for global BC, in terms of direct radiative forcing, still spans a either fresh or aged aerosols. These results could highlight the
large range from around 0.2 to 1 W m−2 [56]. Such poorly important formation of oxygenated coating materials of rBC-
constrained range of direct radiative forcing for BC aerosols containing particles in both fresh and aged biomass burning.
could make a grand challenge in global climate change study. This also might be one of the reasons to explain the rapid
BC solar radiative absorption became a key issue in climate oxidation processes of BC particles in biomass burning, lead-
impact research [8], since there is still a large uncertainty in ing to thicker coating thickness. Ahern et al. (2016) [60] in-
quantification of absorptivity of BC-containing particles. It vestigated effect of SOA coatings, which was formed via α-
has been well-known that absorption properties of BC aero- pinene ozonolysis, on the morphology of biomass-burning
sols are largely influenced by mixing states. Generally, these soot particles with laboratory chamber experiment. They
mixing states can include external mixture (a BC particle is found that dynamic shape factor of the soot particles became
distributed from other aerosols), internal mixture (incorporat- from more fractal-like (nascent soot) into more spherical
ed within them), or core-shell mixture (a coated BC core by a (SOA-coated soot) with increasing SOA coatings. In the
well-mixed shell). The chemical mixing state of BC- Tibetan Plateau region, where it is influenced by transported
containing particles has been investigated by some previous biomass burning but negligible by traffic emissions, Wang
field SP-AMS measurements at different locations (see Fig. et al. (2017) [29] observed that BBOA governed the RBC
2). This section summarizes recent studies about mixing state variation of BC-containing particles during the pre-monsoon
of rBC-containing particles measured by SP-AMS and corre- period.
sponding impact on BC light absorption. The secondary coating material transformation and BC ag-
ing play an important role in modification of mixing sate of
Mixing State and Aging BC-containing particles [56]. Cappa et al. (2012) [23] and Lee
et al. (2017) [25] performed SP-AMS measurements to inves-
The SP-AMS techniques can directly measure mass-resolved tigate mixing state of BC aerosols in urban environments in
mixing state of BC-containing particles, as described in “SP- California. They found that the RBC increased with photo-
AMS Description”. The SP-AMS mass ratio of non-refractory chemical age, which was estimated by the –log([NOx]/
coating materials to refractory BC core (RBC = [NR-PMBC]/ [NOy]) ratio. Moreover, the secondary coating materials, i.e.,
[rBC]), so-called relative coating thickness, has been well ap- oxygenated organic aerosol (OOA) and sulfate, of BC-
plied as a proxy to examine mixing state degree of BC- containing particles presented a positive relationship with at-
containing particles [23, 25, 29, 57]. The different range of mospheric photochemical aging [23, 25]. In an urban environ-
the RBC values was observed in different regions and seasons, ment (Toronto), Lee et al. (2015) [24] observed that rBC aero-
e.g., ~ 0.4–> 20 in California (urban) [23] in summer, ~ 1.8–~ sols in accumulation-mode particles were substantially mixed
14 in Fontana (near highway) in summer [25], 2.5–13.5 over with secondary components and indicated that these rBC-
the Tibetan Plateau (4730 m a.s.l) in summer [29], 2.5–7.2 in containing particles were chemically aged. At a rural site

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446 Curr Pollution Rep (2020) 6:440–451

(Detling) in the UK, Liu et al. (2015) [57] also observed in- practice, most models simply estimate Eabs by around 50%
crease trends in secondary coating materials (OOA and ni- enhancement for BC radiative absorption globally [64]. The
trate) as increasing of RBC and oxidation state of rBC- magnitude of Eabs is determined by sources, mixing state, and
containing particles during wintertime, indicative of influence atmospheric aging of BC-containing particles [56]. Some pre-
of photochemical aging processes on mixing state of BC aero- vious studies at different geographic locations have focused
sols. In the Tibetan Plateau region (4730 m a.s.l), Wang et al. on investigating the relationship of Eabs versus mixing state
(2017) [29] found that the secondary coating materials and atmospheric aging of BC-containing particles.
(including LV-OOA, sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium) of Based on observational constraints obtained from SP-AMS
rBC-containing particles were predominantly linked to photo- measurements in an urban environment in California, Cappa
chemical productions during a monsoon season. In wintertime et al. (2012) [23] reported that Eabs theoretically simulated
Beijing, Wang et al. (2019) [28] observed that the fraction of with core-shell model was gradually increased as a function
secondary coating materials and oxidation state of rBC- of RBC. However, this simulated result is largely different
containing particles increased as the RBC increase during pol- from direct measurement showing a lack of E abs [23].
luted period, highlighting the substantial contribution of the Similarly, such limited dependence of Eabs on RBC—even up
chemical aging process to the heavy haze pollution. Based on to the RBC ratios of 5 during wintertime (in Fresno, CA) or of
mixing state and cluster analysis of single particle measured 10 during summertime (in Fontana, CA)—was also observed
by SP-AMS in summertime Fontana, USA, Lee et al. (2019) in the two cities [65]. These observations demonstrate that
[39] found that the freshly formed SOA near traffic emission lensing-induced Eabs could be very small and even negligible
source could enhance the homogeneity of atmospheric rBC- in relatively near primary traffic-rich emission environments.
containing particles. Based on SP2 measurements in Beijing This could be also associated with many field [57, 66] and
(summer and winter), Liu et al. (2019) [61] firstly performed laboratory [59] measurements, indicating a lack of Eabs for
source apportionment of BC particles by different classifica- BC-containing particles from fresh traffic emissions. As re-
tions of coating thickness and BC core size, including small, ported by a very recent study [67], lower-than-expected en-
large uncoated, moderately coated, and thickly coated rBC hancements in ambient measurements could be explained by a
particles, respectively. By the combination of results obtained combination of two factors: (1) overestimated absorption of
from the SP2-method and the SP-AMS PMF-resolved rBC internally mixed BC with core-shell model (i.e., a standard
sources, they found that thickly coated rBC-containing parti- spherical-concentric model) and (2) inadequate consideration
cles were mainly associated with LV-OOA coatings, whereas of heterogeneity in particle-to-particle composition.
small or large uncoated BC were from primary traffic and At a rural site in the UK, Liu et al. (2015) [57] observed an
biomass burning emissions, respectively [61]. These results evident increase of Eabs as a function of RBC. This relationship
could suggest a significant role of aged SOA formation in between observed Eabs and RBC was well-simulated by Mie
the transformation of thickly coated rBC particles in urban theory models along with observational constraints, suggest-
environments. Overall, these results above could make signif- ing that the magnitude of mixing-induced Eabs was strongly
icant implications for understanding influence of aerosol depending on BC coating amount. Moreover, they also ob-
mixing state on absorption properties of BC-containing parti- served that the size of BC core was increased as a function of
cles in different ambient environments. The next section will RBC and carbon oxidation state, respectively. This indicates
discuss the relation between mixing state of BC aerosols and that photochemical aging processes generated significant pro-
aerosol light absorption properties. duction of non-refractory coatings (i.e., OOA and nitrate) and
growth of BC-containing particles [57]. In the Tibetan Plateau
Effect of Mixing State on BC Radiative Absorption (4730 m a.s.l), Wang et al. (2017) [29] first observed a posi-
tive relationship between Eabs and RBC, which was attributed
Radiative absorption of BC with internal mixture is substan- to the major influence of transported BBOA coatings. From
tially greater than that with external mixture. This is due to the laboratory biomass-burning experiments, McMeeking et al.
fact that coatings of internally mixed BC-containing particles (2014) [68] also observed large absorption enhancements for
focus more photons onto the BC core (so-called lensing ef- RBC greater than 10. Tasoglou et al. (2015) [69] performed
fect), which leads to BC absorption enhancement (Eabs) [62, smog chamber experiments and demonstrated that Eabs could
63]. The magnitude of BC absorption enhancement can span be observed in aged smoke (i.e., exposed to UV light, ozone,
from negligible up to a factor of more than 3. Thus, such or OH radicals), in which substantial secondary organic ma-
enhancement effect could make more than 200% uncertainty terials condensed on the preexisting particles. In addition, they
in direct radiative effect of atmospheric BC aerosols. Despite also found a consistent Eabs between observed and predicted
many recent studies focused on quantitative assessment of with core-shell model only for the aged particles, which is
Eabs, a detailed parameterization solution to simulate Eabs consistent with a long-term field measurements in urban back-
has not been actually well resolved in climate models. In ground region of Paris [70]. In a highly polluted environment

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Curr Pollution Rep (2020) 6:440–451 447

(Beijing) during winter, Xie et al. (2019) [71] found that Eabs response of aerosol chemistry to the change of emis-
increased with the RBC increasing and the oxygen to carbon sions, which could limit the precise formulation of emis-
(O/C) ratio of BC-containing particles, respectively. sion control policies. This is mainly due to a lack of long-
Meanwhile, decrease trends in primary organic aerosols term measurements of aerosol chemical composition in
(fossil-fuel OA and BBOA) and increase trends in secondary the atmosphere. As SP-AMS can provide highly time-
compounds (LV-OOA, nitrate, and sulfate) were also ob- resolved aerosol chemical composition, its long-term
served as increase of R BC , respectively. These results measurements can be conducted to investigate year-
highlighted significant secondary coating formation during round temporal trends in secondary aerosols and their
BC aging. In summer Beijing, Eabs was also observed strongly gas-phase precursor emissions, as well as their nonlinear
depending on the RBC mass ratio, which was increased as relationship (e.g., SOA versus volatile organic com-
increase of photochemical age along with substantial second- pounds). Meanwhile, influence of future emission con-
ary formation of nitrate, sulfate, and aged SOA [72]. In trol on interactions between anthropogenic and biogenic
Nanjing, Ma et al. (2020) [73] highlighted that the formation sources on aerosol chemistry could be studied in some
of particulate ammonium nitrate associated with traffic emis- typical biogenic-rich and biogenic-poor environments,
sions could have significant impact on BC aging and Eabs in e.g., Southeastern USA [80] and Eastern China [81],
urban environments during summertime. In urban plumes in respectively. In addition, in situ long-term measurements
Northwestern Europe, Eriksson et al. (2017) [74] observed the could also provide sufficient data for capturing the year-
rapid diesel soot aging, i.e., from fresh to aged soot, caused by round cycles of air pollution episodes, for instance in
secondary ammonium nitrate formation and water uptake un- winter Beijing [82] and in winter/spring Paris [83],
der cold dark and high humidity environment conditions. which could be used to investigate formation mecha-
Based on laboratory simulation experiments, Yuan et al. nisms of aerosol-induced air pollution. Furthermore,
(2020) [75] demonstrated that the morphology of BC particles feedbacks of further emission control on the chemistry
could be restructured from fractal to near-spherical shapes by and sources of rBC-containing particles could be special-
increasing secondary ammonium nitrate coating, which result- ly studied by long-term SP-AMS measurements.
ed in increasing of Eabs. All these findings above suggested (2) Multi-site measurements. Multi-site measurements are of
that the secondary coating material formation plays an impor- great importance to provide spatial characterization of
tant role in amplification of radiative effect induced by inter- aerosol chemical composition and sources, especially in
nally mixed BC aerosols in the atmosphere. highly polluted regions and/or seasons [84, 85].
Although aerodyne standard AMS measurements have
been widely deployed at numerous sites over the world
Future Perspectives to investigate the chemistry and sources of NR-PMbulk in
the past years, the study on the chemical composition,
In this review, we summarized recent SP-AMS measurements mixing state, and sources of rBC-containing particles
and corresponding results and findings, including characteri- measured by SP-AMS is still very limited. For example,
zation of carbon cluster ions, trace metals, chemical composi- it was demonstrated that BC catalytic chemistry played a
tion and sources of non-refractory aerosols, and mixing state predominate role in ambient sulfate aerosol formation,
and radiative absorption properties of rBC-containing parti- which could facilitate regional haze formation in
cles. These previous studies have made significant progresses Beijing [86]. However, such a BC-catalyzed sulfate for-
in understanding aerosol chemistry and physics in the atmo- mation pathway is missed within aerosol chemistry
sphere and have also provided some observational constrains transport models, which may make some uncertainties
in aerosol modeling studies. Based on these studies, we pro- in evaluating impact of aerosols on air quality and radi-
pose some potential future work that would be done with SP- ative forcing. It is essential to further investigate such
AMS measurements, as follows: BC-catalyzed chemistry mechanism under different en-
vironment conditions in other regions by using SP-AMS
(1) Long-term SP-AMS measurements. Air pollution and measurements, particularly in relatively large SO2 emis-
climate change issues caused by atmospheric aerosols sion regions, like China and India. The mixing state of
have been well recognized, especially in the highly pol- BC-containing particles is largely influenced by primary
luted regions with intense anthropogenic emissions, e.g., BC sources [59] and secondary formation of coating ma-
eastern Asia. In order to mitigate air pollution and cli- terial on BC particles in the atmosphere [23, 25, 39]. It is
mate, some countries (e.g., China) have implemented essential to understand differences of aerosol chemistry
very strict emission reduction actions during the last de- between NR-PM1 and NR-PMBC particles at more dif-
cade [76–78] and planed future emission targets [79]. ferent sites over different regions. In addition, source
However, it is still a great challenge to fully address the apportionment and chemical evaluation of SP-AMS

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448 Curr Pollution Rep (2020) 6:440–451

rBC-containing particles (including NR-PMBC and trace mixing state of rBC-containing particles and Eabs is very
metals in soot) could be further performed at different limited, which could be investigated by aircraft measure-
sites over different regions to understand spatial charac- ments. This is very critical, yet reported so far to our
terization of sources and atmospheric aging processes of knowledge, to provide direct observation data to under-
internally mixed BC aerosols. stand the vertical characterization and to constrain aero-
(3) Offline SP-AMS measurements. In practice, it could not sol radiative transfer models.
avoid high costs of instrument maintenance, which (5) Mixing state and hygroscopic properties. The role of BC
brings a great challenge for multi-site or long-term on- in acting as CCN is depending on hygroscopicity of BC-
line SP-AMS measurements. Off-line filter analysis has containing particles. Hygroscopic properties of BC-
been well applied in laboratory SP-AMS measurements containing particles are controlled by mixing state and
[30–32, 50, 87], which provided a way to investigate corresponding coating materials. More hydrophilic coat-
horizontal distributions of water-soluble aerosol species ing materials lead to high hygroscopicity of BC-
and sources. This off-line SP-AMS method—which is containing particles. Based on hygroscopicity tandem
less cost rather than online method—could be further differential mobility analyzer (HTDMA) and SP-AMS
performed to detect more samples collected at more typ- measurements in the UK, Liu et al. (2013) [88] found
ical sites (e.g., rural, suburban, urban, urban background, that internally mixed rBC particles present different hy-
etc.) in different countries/regions/cities over the world groscopic properties for less- and more-hygroscopic
during a same sampling period. However, the limited coating compounds, respectively. The growth factor of
time resolution (e.g., generally 24 h) of off-line data rBC-containing particles was highly influenced by the
brings a challenge to further understand evolution pro- coating material of ammonium nitrate, whereas SOA
cesses of aerosol particles in the atmosphere. In addition, suppressed their growth factor. In eastern China, Wu
off-line analysis seems not available to detect mixing et al. (2019) [89] found that secondary inorganic and
state of rBC-containing particles. Regarding these points, more oxidized organic coatings may govern the magni-
it would be helpful to develop a compact version of the tude of hygroscopicity parameter of rBC-containing par-
SP-AMS that is more appropriate for purposes of multi- ticles in the atmosphere. However, a lack of SP-AMS
site and even long-term measurements only for chemical measurement has been applied in the study of BC aerosol
composition of rBC-containing particles in the future. hygroscopicity. Given the large uncertainties of impact
(4) Mixing state, chemical aging, and radiative absorption. of BC aerosols on droplet size, lifetime, formation of
Eabs is largely influenced by mixing state, sources, and cloud, and wet precipitation, it is essential to further in-
aging of rBC-containing particles in the atmosphere. vestigate chemical/size-resolved hygroscopic properties
Dynamic changes in coating materials against Eabs have of BC-containing particles by using SP-AMS coupled
been often observed at some sites [29, 57]. It would be with HTDMA measurements in more different environ-
interesting to explore relationship between mixing state ments and regions. Aircraft measurements could be also
and aging of BC-containing particles and Eabs by using applied in this subject study to characterize the vertical
SP-AMS measurements in environmental chamber ex- and horizontal distributions of hygroscopic properties of
periments in different regions. The SP2 can provide BC aerosols, as well as to measure samples in cloud,
physical properties of BC particles, including relative especially in highly polluted regions, such as eastern
coating thickness and size distribution of BC core. By Asia and south Africa.
using the SP2 source apportionment method, the rBC
aerosol sources associated with different coating thick- Funding This work was supported by the National Key Research and
Development Program of China (No. 2018YFC0213802) and the
ness clusters could be identified and quantified [61]. The
National Science Foundation of China (21777073).
SP-AMS PMF analysis of mass spectra can be applied to
quantify chemical-tracer-based sources of rBC-
Compliance with Ethical Standards
containing particles [23, 25, 28, 38]. The combination
of these SP2 and SP-AMS methods can provide new Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
insights into further understanding more detailed mixing interest.
state, sources, and chemical evolution of ambient BC
aerosols. Furthermore, such combined source apportion- Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does not
ment method, coupled with measurements of aerosol op- contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any of
the authors.
tical properties, could be also applied to further investi-
gate source-dependent optical properties and aging of Abbreviations AMS, Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer; Q-AMS,
rBC-containing particles in the atmosphere. In addition, Quadrupole aerosol mass spectrometer; C-ToF-AMS, Compact time-of-
understanding of vertical-resolved relationship between flight aerosol mass spectrometer; HR-ToF-AMS, High-resolution time-

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