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International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health

Kolibu FK et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2023 Jan;10(1):1-7 pISSN 2394-6032 | eISSN 2394-6040

Original Research Article

An implementation analysis on the program of hypertension disease

service in Talaud islands district
Febi K. Kolibu*, Chreisye Mandagi, Ardiansah Tucunan

Faculty of Public Health Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Received: 13 November 2022

Revised: 24 November 2022
Accepted: 06 December 2022

Dr. Febi K. Kolibu,

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: The success of health services is an indicator of the success of national development. The success of
hypertension services is influenced by various factors including human resources, financing, facilities, methods, the
infrastructure used, and the process of achieving indicators. The purpose of this study was to analyze the
implementation of the hypertension service program in Talaud district.
Methods: This type of research is qualitative research using in-depth interview techniques as well as observation.
Informants in this study were the head of the non-communicable diseases (NCDs) section, the manager of the
hypertension program, and the holder of the hypertension disease program at the community health center.
Results: The availability of human resources in implementing the hypertension disease program is in accordance with
the needs, the infrastructure used is sufficient but the additional infrastructure is needed in the form of KIT of
integrated coaching posts (Posbindu) and a budget for implementing hypertension services. Early detection of
hypertensive patients is carried out through integrated coaching posts and services at the community health center.
The realization of the target for hypertension services in Talaud regency has not been achieved due to the limitations
of medicines and the lack of public awareness in conducting health checks to detect funds and treat hypertension.
Conclusions: The implementation of the hypertension disease program in terms of input and process is adequate. The
output of hypertension services has not been achieved.

Keywords: Hypertension, Program, Implementation

INTRODUCTION Indonesia experienced a significant increase in cases of

NCDs such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and
Health development in Indonesia continues to be carried ischemic heart disease. This happens due to changes in
out by involving various components including the the socio-economic status of the community which leads
government, the private sector, the community, to changes in lifestyle.1 In 2016, about 71% of the causes
professional organizations, and community organizations. of death in the world are NCDs which kill 36 million
The increase in life expectancy, the decrease in the people per year. About 80% of these deaths occur in
prevalence of malnutrition, obesity, as well as infant and middle- and low-income countries. The 73% of deaths are
maternal mortality during childbirth are not in line with currently caused by NCDs, 35% of which are due to heart
the prevalence of NCDs such as hypertension, diabetes and blood vessel disease. Basic health research in 2018
mellitus, and ischemic heart disease. showed that there was an increase in the prevalence of
high blood pressure in the population aged 18 years and
In the last three decades, there has been a change in the over which increased from 25.8% to 34.1%.2,3 The
burden of disease from communicable to NCDs. prevalence of hypertension will continue to increase

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sharply, it is predicted that in 2025 around 29% of adults RESULTS

worldwide suffer from hypertension.4
Hypertension is a non-communicable disease whose
prevalence continues to increase. Previous research had Human resources
been carried out by researchers in 2020, namely the
factors related to the occurrence of hypertension in The availability and capabilities of human resources (HR)
Talaud district due to the number of cases of hypertension greatly affect the implementation of a program or activity.
which ranks first for NCDs in Talaud regency in 2019. In the implementation of the service program for
With the number of cases that ranks first with the level of hypertension, the availability of human resources is
achievement of indicators that have not been met, then in sufficient. There are 3 people in the Talaud district health
this study, the researcher analyzed the implementation of office who carry out the hypertension disease service
the hypertension disease services program in Talaud program, namely the head of the field, the head of the
district.5 The purpose of this study was to analyze the section, and the program manager. The hypertension
implementation of the hypertension service program in officer at the Talaud district health office is tasked with
Talaud district. providing the needs of hypertension services at the
community health center as well as monitoring and
METHODS evaluating hypertension services. The availability of
resources at the community health center for the
This research is qualitative research with in-depth implementation of hypertension disease services at the
interviews. The research was conducted in Talaud district health center consists of doctors and program managers.
from June to October 2022. The informants in this study
were: Head of the NCDs section at the Talaud district Based on the results of interviews, the implementation of
health office, the hypertension program manager at the the hypertension disease program at the community
Talaud district health office, the hypertension program health center is carried out with services at the
holder at the Lobbo community health center. In addition community health center and services at the integrated
to in-depth interviews, observations were also made on coaching post. When carrying out services at the
the implementation of the hypertension program. integrated coaching post, health workers are assisted by
Interviews in this study using Indonesian. Data analysis health cadres in each village. Some of the cadres who
was carried out by triangulation of sources, namely by assist in the implementation of the integrated coaching
comparing the answers given by informants and post have attended training and some have never received
triangulation of methods by the tracing existing special training on hypertension. In carrying out
documents. activities, the cadres assist in the implementation of
registration, weighing of weight and height, and also
This study was approved by the institutional ethics provide information about hypertension based on
committee. information submitted by health workers.
Table 1: Informant.
Informant Gender Education Position
Department The infrastructure used in the service of hypertension is
head of non- the place for the implementation of the integrated
infections coaching post, KIT of the integrated coaching post
disease, consisting of blood pressure measuring devices, scales,
Informant 1 Female Bachelor height measuring devices, kits of blood sugar, uric acid,
public health
office of the and cholesterol test along with sticks. For the availability
Talaud of infrastructure such as the KIT of the integrated
regency coaching post, not all integrated coaching posts have their
Holder of own tools, thus 1 KIT of the integrated coaching post can
hypertension be used in several integrated coaching posts. The
program at availability of blood sugar, uric acid, and cholesterol test
Informant 2 Female Bachelor public health sticks is sometimes unavailable.
office of the
Talaud Fund
Holder of Based on the results of interviews, the budget used in the
hypertension implementation of the hypertension disease program, for
program at monitoring and evaluation activities, reporting by health
Informant 3 Female Diploma service officers, and the procurement of KIT of integrated
the Lobbo
community guidance posts sourced from the special allocation fund
health center of the ministry of health. Meanwhile, the budget used by

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | January 2023 | Vol 10 | Issue 1 Page 2
Kolibu FK et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2023 Jan;10(1):1-7

the community health center in the implementation of the people who had the awareness to check themselves at the
program, especially for the implementation of the integrated coaching post. This is because those who were
integrated coaching post, is sourced from the special served at the integrated coaching post were at productive
operational assistance fund. ages, namely 15 to 59 years old, most of whom felt that at
their productive age they were not at risk of developing
Implementation method hypertension. Another obstacle is that the integrated
coaching post did not provide medication, thus only a few
For the implementation of the hypertension disease people came to do the examination. The unavailability of
service program, the community health center conducts medicines at the integrated coaching post in accordance
screening of patients with early detection in the with the technical instructions for the implementation of
implementation of integrated coaching post activities with the integrated coaching post, namely the integrated
the 5-table method. After early detection, treatment of the coaching post only performs early detection. Another
patients is carried out at the community health center by inhibiting factor is the lack of budget allocated during the
the doctor on duty. The hypertension program manager at implementation of the integrated coaching post. The way
the health office monitors and evaluates the activities to overcome these obstacles is that the hypertension
carried out by the program manager at the community management officer continues to conduct socialization
health center and he/she then makes a report. and counseling about the importance of carrying out
routine health checks to detect disease. This socialization
Process was also carried out by the health cadres in community.

The process of early detection and case finding Management of hypertension cases

Based on the results of interviews, early detection was Based on the results of interviews with patients diagnosed
conducted with health services at the community health with hypertension either through screening at the
center and health services at the integrated coaching post. community health center or at the integrated coaching
Case finding was carried out based on the results of the post, treatment was carried out at the community health
patient's blood pressure measurement, then followed by center. Hypertensive patients with complications or who
supporting examinations, namely weight and height experience an emergency were referred to a regional
examination, abdominal circumference examination, and hospital or referred directly to a hospital in Manado.
examination of blood sugar, uric acid, and cholesterol.
Early detection was carried out with a 5-table system, Output
namely: the first table for registration, the second table
for interviews, the third table for examination of weight, Based on the results of interviews, the target for
height and abdominal circumference, the fourth table for hypertension services has not been achieved. From the
checking blood pressure, sugar, uric acid and cholesterol, target set, the realization of hypertension service
the fifth table for risk factor identification and counseling. achievement for the age >15 years is 57.8%. Some of the
obstacles encountered in the service of hypertension are
Barriers encountered in early detection and case finding the lack of availability of medicines, limited budget, and
lack of public awareness to check themselves to health
Based on the results of interviews, there were still few service facilities.

Table 2: Interview results.

Question Informant 1 Informant 2 Informant 3
At district level, there are 2
The Puskesmas' Human resources are available
hypertension management
personnel resources are at the Puskesmas; there are
The availability of officers for puskesmas
complete; the district has doctors and health
human resources for the (Community health center)
division heads and professionals in the field, as
implementation of where in each puskesmas,
administrators/ staff who well as officials assigned to
hypertension program there is 1 manager. In Talaud
assist in the management Posbindu (Integrated
regency, there are 21 pkm
of hypertension PTM. development post).
with 21 administrators.
Doctors, program holders, and
In the district, only
polyclinic officials are among
section heads,
For districts, there are 2 available human resources at
Parties involved in the administrators and the
managers and heads of fields health center. Posbindu
hypertension program's head of the division are
with the head of the service in officers work on field.
implementation involved, while in the
charge. Because hypertension is most
puskesmas, cadres are
common condition, there
should be enough officers.

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Kolibu FK et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2023 Jan;10(1):1-7

Question Informant 1 Informant 2 Informant 3

There is only one program
holder for Puskesmas.
Competence of human The hypertension program
Training was not on how to
resources in manager has never had
manage hypertension, but
implementing special training in
rather on how to deploy
hypertension disease hypertension management, No training yet
Posbindu, including how to
programs (whether they but he always consults with
analyze and enter data in the
have ever attended the province before
ASIK program. All
training) implementing the program.
information is straight in
Aside from officers, we
include cadres from the
integrated development post
(Posbindu) at Puskesmas. The
Aside from officers, there are
cadres perform a blood Cadres have gone
PTM cadres in every village,
Involvement of HR pressure check at every through training. Cadres'
but they have received no
other than community Posbindu activity. Posbindu roles in the PTM
training. Posbindu cadres set
health center officers in activities are the same as screening process
up tables, then register and
implementing the Posyandu, except for people include socializing a
assist with weighing.
hypertension disease aged fifteen to fifty-nine. In healthy lifestyle to
Posbindu officers performed
program. This is related the execution of Posbindu, prevent hypertension and
blood pressure measures, as
to their involvement and cadres and nurses work other PTM, as well as
well as blood tests and
whether they have jointly to conduct inspections. counseling and assisting
interviews. Training has not
attended training? From Table 1 forward, cadres health workers in
been implemented due to
received Posbindu training. implementing posbindu.
budget constraints.
They were also taught how to
assess blood pressure as well
as the theory of the
Use Puskesmas equipment for
The infrastructure used is Puskesmas. Use Posbindu
a building, while the KIT, which includes blood
A tool, known as the
posbindu kit facilities pressure, a tool to monitor
posbindu kit, is available in
include blood pressure sugar, cholesterol, and uric
each health center for
Infrastructure facilities monitors, scales, acid, for Posbindu. Posbindu
community usage. Each
used in the abdominal circumference KIT, on other hand, was only
health facility delivers an
implementation of the and height measurement held this year; in past years, it
examination report to the
program tools, sugar, cholesterol employed its own tools. It is
community to determine the
and uric acid occasionally inhibited by the
number of hypertension
examination tools. There sticks when checking blood
are 10 items prepared in sugar, uric acid, as well as the
the posbindu kit cholesterol. Service sticks are
frequently empty.
Talaud district has People with high blood
Infrastructure facilities are complete infrastructure pressure are the most common
still in short supply. Every distribution across 141 type of hypertension, thus
The completeness of
posbindu should have their villages and 12 sub- facilities and infrastructure
infrastructure facilities
own blood meter, but for a districts. A stick is held must be expanded, particularly
comprehensive report every year for blood for implementation of early
tests. detection.
The posbindu kit, which -
should have included a Posbindu KIT was given
The party that prepares tension tool and scales, by the health office
the infrastructure should have come from the through a proposal to the
center, but that will be office planning team.
offered next year.

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Question Informant 1 Informant 2 Informant 3

Because there is no separate
fund for hypertension, funds
for hypertension are drawn
from PTM funds that shared
The hypertension program's The budget is still
among other conditions, such
budget is funded by DAK lacking, funds have not
Availability of funds. as diabetes. The monies are
monies obtained from the been allocated for
provided by BOK and will
center. assistance to posbindu
only be used for Posbindu
activities. Funding is currently
scarce; monies are only
available for Posbindu.
Source of funds used in Funding source is adequate to Health operational assistance
From the central special
program carry out visiting activities in and only for implementation
allocation Fund
implementation 21 community health centers. of Posbindu
Visits to Puskesmas and For Puskesmas
Utilization of funds Posbindu made to observe monitoring and Posbindu
evaluation operations in field. assessment and reporting
Method is to screen for
The district received just Puskesmas and Posbindu offer
early detection by
reports from the Puskesmas patient care. Only activity
implementing Posbindu.
Program but inquired about carried out at Posbindu is
Thus, ministry of health
implementation method implementation and the early diagnosis of
sets targets for every
number of cases. hypertension. Treatment is
year and must meet those
provided at Puskesmas.
std through screening.
The SOP in There are SOPs, but at SOP exists (documents don't
There are SOPs.
implementing program the Puskesmas exist)
Opening services at Early detection is carried
Posbindu, puskesmas, out with a posbindu with
hospitals, high schools aids in 5 tables, namely Outpatient visits to the
The process of early
early detection. Early registration or Puskesmas and Posbindu
detection and case
detection method at Posbindu registration, checking hospitals are used for early
finding of hypertension
doesn’t use 5-table approach; blood pressure and detection. It is done using a
(using a 5 table system)
instead, after detection, scales, checking blood desk system at Posbindu.
patient is told about ailment sugar, uric acid and
and referred to Puskesmas. cholesterol, counseling.
Many individuals believe
it is simple to conduct
examinations since the
goal of Posbindu is
productive age; many
people believe they are
People still come to the
healthy and do not
Obstacles encountered puskesmas or posbindu when
The community is still conduct examinations at
in the implementation of they are unwell because there
lacking awareness to come Posbindu. Another
early detection and case is a dearth of community
for a check-up barrier is money and
finding awareness. Another
medication. There is no
impediment is the weather.
hypertension medicine at
Posbindu; the medicine
must be taken at
Puskesmas, which makes
people lethargic to go to
Outreach to the Puskesmas have helped by
Collaborating with the Health
community about providing treatment at
Promotion sector to carry out
hypertension to Posbindu. If we follow Juknis
Ways to overcome counseling about
encourage people to be at Posbindu, however, we are
obstacles hypertension. Counseling is
more active in not permitted to take
carried out at Posyandu and
performing health medication, therefore it can
religious activities
checks. only be detected early.

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Question Informant 1 Informant 2 Informant 3

Programs conducted for Joint service with MCH/
Management is carried out at
the management of Early detection family planning program for
the health center
hypertension pregnant women
Obstacles encountered
Reports from Puskesmas are
in management of Medical drugs There are no drug barriers
frequently late.
For patients who are
detected at Posbindu,
From the health center. Cases Referrals from the Puskesmas
they are referred to
of hypertension in posbindu are typically made to regional
Puskesmas and for
Hypertension referral are referred to the Puskesmas hospitals or a larger
hypertension with
system for medicine, and if there is Puskesmas. The referred
complications from
no improvement, the patient patient is a hypertensive with
Puskesmas, they are
is referred to the hospital. a loss of consciousness.
referred to regional
Smoking, high salt
Indicators of consumption, obesity,
achievement of lack of activity, alcohol, 75% indicator
hypertension and dyslipidemia are risk
factor indicators.
The target was not met
In terms of the target, it has
due to a lack of drug
been met. The key to meeting
availability at Puskesmas
the aim is to serve patients
Achievement of targets and a lack of outreach.
until they are completely
for hypertension The absence of drugs at
satisfied, thus whatever the
the Puskesmas is owing
Puskesmas can do must be
to a paucity of medicines
at the health office.

DISCUSSION The availability of infrastructure is very supportive in the

implementation of hypertension services. The availability
According to Notoadmodjo, health services are a sub- of infrastructure will provide satisfaction not only to
system of health services whose main purpose is health workers but also to the patients with hypertension
preventive (prevention) and promotive (health being served.10 Funding for hypertension services uses
improvement) services with the target of the community. 6 funds sourced from special allocation funds and special
As a system, health services consist of several elements operational assistance funds. For the implementation of
that influence the realization of good health services hypertension services, it is carried out by carrying out
consisting of input, process, and output elements. 7 screening hypertension sufferers at the integrated
coaching post (Posbindu) and treatment services for
Human resources are the first and main factor in the hypertension patients at the community health service
development process and the achievement of center. Through the community health center and
organizational goals, HR (Human resources) is the integrated coaching post, the community has easy access
driving force and implementer in the success of a to detect or monitor their blood pressure. 11
program. Human resources are an integrated ability
between the power of thought (mind) that has knowledge Efforts to control NCDs, especially hypertension, are
and experience with the physical power (skills) of each carried out for all people aged 18 years and over in two
individual.8 In the input element, the availability of ways, namely control efforts in community and control
human resources in carrying out hypertension services in efforts at community health centers.1 Process of
Talaud district is sufficient, both human resources at the implementing screening of hypertension sufferers at
district health office and human resources at the integrated coaching post is in accordance with
community health service center. In the management of implementation guidelines, namely by conducting
hypertension prevention and control programs established interviews, checking blood pressure, measuring weight
by the ministry of health of the republic of Indonesia, and height and simple laboratory tests. Not only
cadres, social workers, community activists, and examining and registering patients but screening activities
employees in the workplace can be involved in the early also provide education to the public about things that can
detection of hypertension.9 Resources in the be carried out to prevent hypertension.12 Hypertension
implementation of hypertension consist of doctors, screening services in Talaud islands district are carried
nurses, and cadres. out by medical nurses and assisted by cadres. Treatment
services for hypertension carried out by doctors.

International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | January 2023 | Vol 10 | Issue 1 Page 6
Kolibu FK et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2023 Jan;10(1):1-7

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CONCLUSION Accessed on 5 February 2021
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target coverage of hypertension services can be achieved.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ogram_Hipertensi_2018_Subdit_PJPD_Ditjen_P2PT
M.pdf’. Accessed on 12 October 2022.
Author would like to thank the head of Talaud district 10. Kolibu DKK. Factors associated with the quality of
health office who has allowed us to conduct the research. health services for hypertension patients at adow
We are grateful for the informants who have provided community health center, Central Pinolosian Sub
information and the chairman of the institute for research District South Bolaang Mongondow Regency. Int J
and community development of Sam Ratulangi university Community Med Public Heal. 2022;9:2.
who helped us in carrying out this research. 11. Artyasari A. Pelaksanaan Program Intervensi Pada
Penyakit Hipertensi di Puskesmas Purwoyoso Kota
Funding: No funding sources Semarang. J Kesehatan Masyarakat. 2021;9(3).
Conflict of interest: None declared 12. Kiranti M. 2022. Implementation Analysis of
Ethical approval: The study was approved by the Hypertension Control Program Based on Community
Institutional Ethics Committee Approach. Avalaible at: https://www.researchgate.
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1. Health Ministry of Republic of Indonesia. wnload. Accessed on 15 October 2022.
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International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | January 2023 | Vol 10 | Issue 1 Page 7

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