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Last updated: July 2022

Ratified the European Convention on Human Rights in 2004

National Judge: Branko Lubarda (13 April 2015 -)

Judges’ CVs are available on the ECHR Internet site
Previous judges: Dragoljub Popović (2005-2015)
List of judges of the Court since 1959

The Court dealt with 1,962 applications concerning Serbia in 2021, of which 1,933 were
declared inadmissible or struck out. It delivered 11 judgments (concerning 29 applications),
8 of which found at least one violation of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Applications Applications pending before the

2020 2021 2022*
processed in court on 01/07/2022
Applications allocated 1826 1992 1902 Applications pending before a judicial 1945
to a judicial formation formation:
Communicated to the 466 1025 361 Single Judge 774
Government Committee (3 Judges) 1070
Applications decided: 1421 1962 1733
Chamber (7 Judges) 101
- Declared inadmissible 1253 1074 1439
or struck out (Single Grand Chamber (17 Judges) 0
- Declared inadmissible 154 856 284
or struck out
- Declared inadmissible 6 3 0 Serbia and ...
or struck out
(Chamber) The Registry
- Decided by judgment 8 29 10 The task of the Registry is to provide
legal and administrative support to the
*January to July 2022 Court in the exercise of its judicial
For information about the Court’s judicial formations
and procedure, see the ECHR internet site.
functions. It is composed of lawyers,
Statistics on interim measures can be found here. administrative and technical staff and
translators. There are currently
646 Registry staff members.
Press country profile - Serbia

of the applicants’ discrimination complaint,

Noteworthy cases, judgments they had failed to exhaust national
remedies with the result that the Serbian
delivered courts had not been given an opportunity to
fulfil their fundamental role in the
Grand Chamber Convention protection system. The Grand
Chamber thus upheld the Government’s
Ališić and Others v. Bosnia and preliminary objection concerning the
Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia applicants’ failure to exhaust national
and “The former Yugoslav Republic of remedies and held that it could not consider
Macedonia” the merits of the applicants’ complaint.
Concerned the applicants’ inability to
recover “old” foreign-currency savings – Chamber
deposited with two banks in what is now
Right to life cases (Article 2)
Bosnia and Herzegovina – following the
dissolution of the former Socialist Federal Mučibabić v. Serbia
Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY). 12.07.2016
The Court held: The case concerned the investigation into
With regard to Mr Šahdanović: the death of the applicant’s son, who died
unanimously, that there had been a in an accident caused by the covert
violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 production of rocket fuel.
(protection of property) and a violation of Violation of Article 2
Article 13 (right to an effective remedy) by
Serbia; Mladenović v. Serbia
With regard to Ms Ališić and Mr Sadžak: 22.05.2012
unanimously, that there had been a The applicant complained about the Serbian
violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 and a authorities’ failure to effectively investigate
violation of Article 13 by Slovenia; the death of her son who had been shot by
With regard to the other respondent States: an off duty police officer in July 1991 during
by a majority, that there had been no a fight between two groups of young
violation of Article 1 of Protocol No.1 and no people.
violation of Article 13, and, Violation of Article 2
unanimously, that there had been no
violation of Article 14 taken together with Cases dealing with inhuman or
Article 13 and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1. degrading treatment
Vučković and Others v. Serbia (Article 3)
25.03.2014 Zličić v. Serbia
The case concerned the payment of 26.01.2021
allowances to all reservists who had served The case concerned the applicant’s alleged
in the Yugoslav Army during the North ill-treatment by the police, the investigation
Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s intervention into his allegations, and the proceedings
in Serbia between March and June 1999. that followed. The applicant was also
The court held that it could not consider the awarded damages in civil proceedings for
merits of the applicants’ complaint under police abuse.
the European Convention on Human Rights. Violations of Article 3
In this case, the Grand Chamber found No violation of Article 6 § 1 (right to a fair
that, although the applicants had turned to hearing)
the civil courts for redress, they had done
so improperly, and had further not raised Gjini v. Serbia
the discrimination complaint before the 15.01.2019
Constitutional Court, either expressly or in The case concerned inter-prisoner violence,
substance. Therefore, although the civil and in particular, the applicant’s complaint that
constitutional remedies had been sufficient he was assaulted, raped and humiliated by
and available to provide redress in respect his cell mates in prison, that the prison

Press country profile - Serbia

failed to protect him and that the prison had converted all foreign currency savings
authorities failed to investigate his deposited with certain “authorised banks”
complaints properly. into a “public debt” and had undertaken to
Violation of Article 3 owing to the release the deposits in question gradually.
authorities’ failure to protect the applicant That legislation extinguished the effect of
from being ill-treated by his prison cell the final judgments against those
mates “authorised banks” and the applicant,
Violation of Article 3 because of the lack of therefore, had no enforceable legal title.
an investigation into his complaints
Vinčić and Others v. Serbia
Milanović v. Serbia 01.12.2009
14.12.2010 The applicants are 31 Serbian nationals
The Serbian authorities failed to effectively who were all members of the Independent
investigate cases of assault likely motivated Union of Aviation Engineers of Serbia.
by religious hatred. Following a strike organised by their Union,
Violation of Article 3 they complained that their claims for an
Violation of Article 14 (prohibition of employment-related benefit were rejected
discrimination) in conjunction with Article 3 by the District Court in Belgrade, while
other identical claims were simultaneously
Cases on liberty and security
Violation of Article 6 § 1
(Article 5)
In addition, the Court found that a
Mitrović v. Serbia constitutional appeal should, in principle, be
21.03.2017 considered an effective domestic remedy in
The applicant complained to the European respect of all applications introduced as of 7
Court of Human Rights that this conviction August 2008. Consequently, about 1000
of a crime in 1994 had been issued by a applications were declared inadmissible for
court of an internationally unrecognized failure to exhaust that remedy.
entity, and that the judgment had never R. Kačapor and Others v. Serbia
been formally recognized by the Serbian
The case concerned non-enforcement of
Violation of Article 5 § 1
numerous final judgments given in the
Vrenčev v. Serbia applicants’ favour against “socially-owned”
23.09.2008 companies.
The case concerned the applicant’s pre-trial Violation of Article 6 § 1
detention on suspicion of illicit possession Violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1
of narcotics for 20 days before he was (protection of property)
brought before a judge The Court ordered Serbia to pay not only
Violation of Article 5 §§ 3, 4 and 5 pecuniary damage but also what was owed
to the applicants in accordance with the
domestic judgments.
Cases dealing with Article 6 Right to a fair hearing within a reasonable
Right to a fair trial
V.A.M. v. Serbia (no. 39177/05)
Molnar Gabor v. Serbia
08.12.2009 The applicant’s husband deprived the
Complaint about the continuous refusal of applicant, an HIV-positive mother, of all
the Serbian authorities to pay to the contact with their daughter. The case
applicant his foreign currency savings concerned the excessive length of civil
deposited in a bank and to enforce a proceedings brought by the applicant
domestic judicial decision in his favour. against her husband and the authorities’
No violation of Article 6 § 1 failure to enforce an interim access order.
No violation of Article1 of Protocol No. 1 Violation of Article 6 § 1
(protection of property) Violation of Article 8 (right to respect for
The Court observed that Serbia had private and family life)
adopted legislation on the basis of which it

Press country profile - Serbia

Violation of Article 13 (right to an effective what has happened to each missing child
remedy) and to provide parents with adequate
Presumption of innocence compensation.
Matijašević v. Serbia Stojanović v. Serbia
19.09.2006 19.05.2009
The domestic court extended the Concerned Mr Stojanović’s complaint that
applicant’s detention on remand on the the prison authorities had opened the
grounds that he had committed the crimes applicant’s correspondence with the
for which he had been arrested. Although domestic institutions and the European
he was later found guilty, the Court held Court of Human Rights.
that the applicant’s right to be presumed Violation of Article 8
innocent had been breached.
V.A.M. v. Serbia (no. 39177/05)
Violation of Article 6 § 2
(see cases concerning Article 6)
Cases dealing with private and family
life (Article 8)
Freedom of expression cases
Boljević v. Serbia (Article 10)
Milisavljević v. Serbia
The case concerned the domestic courts’
refusal to reopen paternity proceedings 04.04.2017
dating to the 1970s because they were The case concerned a journalist’s complaint
time-barred. The applicant alleged that that about her conviction for insult following an
decision had denied him the opportunity to article she had written about Nataša
prove his origins via modern DNA testing Kandić, a well-known human rights activist.
methods. The courts held that by failing to put one
Violation of Article 8 particular sentence – “Ms Kandić [had]
been called a witch and a prostitute” – in
Dragan Petrović v. Serbia quotation marks, the journalist,
14.04.2020 Ms Milisavljević, had tacitly endorsed the
The case concerned a police search of the words as her own.
applicant’s flat and the taking of a DNA Violation of Article 10
sample during a murder investigation.
Youth Initiative For Human Rights v.
No violation of Article 8 as regards a police
search of the applicant’s apartment
Violation of Article 8 owing to the taking of 25.06.2013
a DNA saliva sample from the applicant The case concerned access to information
obtained via electronic surveillance by the
Zorica Jovanović v. Serbia Serbian Intelligence Agency.
26.03.2013 Violation of Article 10
The case concerned the alleged death of
Bodrožić and Vujin v. Serbia
Ms Jovanović’s healthy newborn son in
Bodrožić v. Serbia
1983 in a State-run hospital. She was
never allowed to see his body and suspects 23.06.2009
that her son may even still be alive, having Criminal sanctions imposed on journalists in
unlawfully been given up for adoption. a local newspaper for attacking the integrity
Hundreds of parents have alleged that their and dignity of two public figures. In
newborn babies went missing following particular, the journalists called a well-
their supposed deaths in hospital wards, known man, a lawyer, “a blonde” in an
mostly from the 1970s to the 1990s. article featuring a photo of a blonde woman
Violation of Article 8 in her underwear next to an anagram of the
Article 46 (binding force and lawyer’s name, and a well-known historian
implementation) – given the significant “an idiot” and “a fascist”.
number of other potential applicants, the Violation of Article 10
Court also held that Serbia had to take
measures to give credible answers about

Press country profile - Serbia

Lepojić v. Serbia benefits and awards for their achievements

06.11.2007 as well as formal recognition through an
The applicant, president of a local branch of honorary diploma which, they alleged, had
the Demo-Christian Party, was found guilty had a negative effect on their reputations.
of criminal defamation for writing an article, Violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 12
in which he called the spending of the town
mayor “nearly insane”, and was ordered to Cases concerning elections
pay a disproportionately heavy fine in (Article 3 of Protocol No. 1)
Violation of Article 10 Paunović and Milivojević v. Serbia
The case concerned the practice of
Protection of property
party-controlled mandates in Serbia.
(Article 1 of Protocol No 1)
Violation of Article 3 of Protocol No.1 – in
Popović and Others v. Serbia respect of Mr Paunović
30.06.2020 Violation of Article 13 (right to an effective
The case concerned the applicants’ remedy) – in respect Mr Paunović
complaint that the domestic legislation on Application struck out in so far as it
disability benefits for paraplegics was concerned the complaints of Ms Milivojević
discriminatory. They alleged in particular
that paraplegic civilians such as themselves Noteworthy cases, decisions
were awarded fewer benefits than war
veterans with the same disability.
No violation of Article 14 (prohibition of
Milunović and Čekrlić v. Serbia
discrimination), read in conjunction with
Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 21.02.2012
The complaints concerned the State’s
Grudić v. Serbia failure to enforce final judgments in the
17.04.2012 applicants’ favour against their previous
The case concerned complaints by two employer, a “socially-owned” company.
Serbians of Bosniak origin about prolonged More than 900 similar applications are
non-payment of their disability pensions. currently pending before the Court.
The Court found that the Serbian In its decision on the admissibility, the
authorities’ decision to stop paying the Court found that the constitutional appeal
applicants’ disability pensions had not been cannot, for the time being, be deemed
done in accordance with national law. effective as regards cases involving
Violation of Article 1 of Protocol No 1 complaints such as the ones put forth by
these applicants.
Cases concerning Article 1 of Protocol The case was struck out of the list of cases
No. 12 following a friendly settlement.
(general prohibition of discrimination) Bijelić v. Montenegro and Serbia
Negovanović and Others v. Serbia 28.04.2009
The applicants complained about the non-
The case concerned alleged discrimination enforcement of an eviction order
by the Serbian authorities against blind concerning a flat in Montenegro and their
chess players, its own nationals, who had consequent inability to live in the flat at
won medals at major international events, issue.
notably in the Blind Chess Olympiad. Unlike Inadmissible in respect of Serbia
other Serbian athletes with disabilities and Violation of Article 1 of Protocol 1
sighted chess players who had attained (protection of property)
the same or similar sporting results, the
applicants had been denied certain financial

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+33 (0)3 90 21 42 08

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