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BSA-1-1 JULY 24, 2022

What struggles does the nation face at present? Are the Filipinos bound to repeat history? Explain your answer.

The Philippines is an archipelago, or string of over 7,100 islands, in southeastern Asia between the
South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Philippines is known for having an abundance of beautiful beaches and
delicious fruit. It has more than 70 million people and with a relatively high population growth rate. The
Philippines is a nation with numerous societal issues. These include issues with the environment,
unemployment and underemployment, inequality, corruption, drug or substance abuse, lack of educational
access and particularly of environmental degradation. These issues frequently result in poverty and desperation
as people struggle to make ends meet. Additionally, it can lead to a crime.
In the Philippines there are many corrupt politicians ruling the country. Even before, the Philippines
suffers from widespread corruption, which started during the Spanish colonial period. According to GAN
Integrity's Philippines Corruption Report updated May 2021, the Philippines suffer from many incidents of
corruption and crime in many aspects of civic life and in various sectors up until now. Corruption in the
Philippine judicial system is the major problem of our country. These leads the Philippines to poverty and
inequality. The taxes of the Filipinos goes into the pockets of politicians instead into the budget for important
community projects like infrastructures. Because of the small budget given by the government, this leads to a
poor quality services and failures of infrastructure. Poverty is also one of the major problems faced by our
country. As of 2021, 23.7% of the population lived below the national poverty line. With poverty plaguing the
country and employment opportunities being scarce, many Filipinos are unable to afford housing, which puts
them in danger of turning to the streets for accommodations. Poverty directly impacts economic growth due to
constraints in credit and the underdevelopment of the financial market and inequality in income and assets. The
increase in uncontrolled population growth in the Philippines is another factor contributing to poverty. Another
struggle faced by our nation is the continuously rising inflation. In 2022, the prices of the basic commodities are
increasing rapidly. Even the prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages, Utilities—housing, water, electricity,
gas, and other fuels rose faster than the previous years. Factors like disruptions in the agricultural food supply or
changes in the price of international oil are to blame for the inflation's volatility. As a result, even though the
prices of other CPI components have only experienced slight rises, the headline inflation rate may reach double-
digit levels. Aside from inflation, another problem that the Philippines continue to batter is the Unemployment.
Unemployment and underemployment are the Philippines' most important problems and the key indicators of
the weaknesses of the economy. Today, around 4 million workers (about 12% of the labor force) are
unemployed and another 5 million (around 17% of those employed) are underemployed. Being unemployed can
lead to Filipinos having a severe financial hardship and poverty, debt, homelessness and housing stress, family
tensions and breakdown, boredom, alienation, shame and stigma, increased social isolation, crime and erosion
of confidence and self-esteem. Another problem of our country is the increasing number of street children in
urban centers, this is mainly because of the poverty and lack of access to quality education of our country.
These kinds of problems like child abuse, forced-labor and pedophilia are quite alarming. Because of these
issues, the Philippines starts to create 'Inclusive Learner Friendly Environments' (ages 3-18 years) across
settings as diverse as slums and villages and also create a dialogue with children and families to send children to
school, provide admissions assistance. These are just some of the problems faced by the Philippines, our
country have a lot of problem and some of the problems are not given much attention.
For me, there is a huge possibility that we will re-experience what happened before. With the new set of
politicians we have, I can sense that we are about to experience severe corruption just like what happens in the
presidential term of Joseph Estrada and Ferdinand Marcos Sr.. I never entertained any doubt in my mind that we
Filipinos never learned from the mistakes of the past; therefore we are always doomed to repeat those mistakes.
Filipinos are bad in choosing the right leaders rule the country that’s why we end up repeating what has
happened before. The Philippines is not developing because of the sloppy decisions of our fellow Filipinos.
Filipinos never learned from their mistakes and still continue to enthrone corrupt politicians.
To sum it all, the Philippines is a country that have a lot of numerous societal issues. Which includes
corruption, poverty, inflation, unemployment, child abuse and many more. This problem will get worse if we
continue to vote for politicians who will do nothing good for our country. What’s happening to our country
should serve as an awareness and reminder to all Filipinos that next time we should choose the right leaders for
our country because in the end, our wrong decisions will come back to us.

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