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A significant number of US citizens

Crime is a social and security problem that lots
visit Mexico; the US Department
of people lives day by day, and it's actually the
problem that happens most on the country. puts the figure at 15 to 16 million a

Criminal incidence has progressively increased year. Tourists visiting Mexico can
since 2001; Mainly the crimes of robbery to generally feel safe to do so, but
passerby, kidnapping and homicide. always taking basic precautions
depending on the area they are

Insecurity Many causes have

visiting. However, the insecurity
accentuated by the media can
generate a feeling of insecurity
generated crime, most of

in México.
greater than the real one, which
them are drug trafficking, can be a factor that discourages
arms trafficking, assaults, tourists. Crime in Mexico is a very
unemployement, important problem and this this
economic polarizationa deserves attention to find the best
and the weakness of solution to this problem,
collaborating together the
public security and justice
governors and the citizens.
institutions, highlighting

Solutions ¡
the collusion between
organized crime and
authorities in different -Coordination of our security
levels of government. between local and national
Another important cause government.
of crime in people is the
addiction to some drugs, - Institutionalization of our
security in the local
so young people are
capable of committing
said delinquency in order -Generate reliable information
to obtain resources to for decision making.

continue maintaining their
addiction. -Train the municipal police in
matters of prevention in
Esquer Arce Ana Maria, Cota Higuera Maria citizen security.
José, Garcia Ibarra Paulina Nereyda, Gomez
Garcia Azalia Noemi, Soberanes Valdez
Ximena, Solano Polo Mara Daniela,
Valenzuela Arredondo Jesus David

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