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A Project Proposal


Submitted By:
[ Basanta Dharala] (21070630)
[Muni Yadav] (21070647)

Submitted To:
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
UESC Chakupat, Lalitpur

January 12, 2023


We would like to express my profound gratitude to Mr. Hemant Joshi, HOD of

Department of Computer Engineering, and Mr. Mukund Raj Joshi, Dean of Computer
Department for their contributions to the completion of my project titled ‘Tic-Tac-toe’.

We would like to express our special thanks to all our mentors including our seniors
and colleagues for their time and efforts they provided throughout the year. Your useful
advice and suggestions were helpful to me during the project’s completion. In this
aspect, we are eternally grateful to you.

[Basanta Dharala] (Symbol No: 21070630)

[Muni Yadav] (Symbol No: 21070647)


Tic Tac Toe and flash card on vocabulary gain of young EFL learners. To this end, fifty zero
beginners were selected from among learners in Children Department at the Iran Language
Institute as the participants of the present study. They were divided into two groups, control
and experimental. The control group was exposed to textbook vocabulary through the
traditional method while the experimental group was taught by Tic Tac Toe game and flash
cards. The employment of a pretest and a posttest allowed the instructors to evaluate the
effectiveness of their instruction and assess the acquisition of vocabulary. After analyzing the
test results, it was found that applying games has an important and determining role in
teaching vocabulary to zero beginners. Moreover, the results indicated that flash cards and Tic
Tac Toe game as educational tools for training had more positive influence than traditional.[1]

Keyword: game, Tic Tac Toe, flash card, vocabulary teaching, EFL

Table of Contents

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................ i

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... ii

List of Figures .................................................................................................................. iv

List of Tables .....................................................................................................................v

List of Abbreviations....................................................................................................... iv

1. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................1

Background .......................................................................................................................1

Motivation ..........................................................................................................................1

Problem Definition ............................................................................................................1


Scope and Applications .....................................................................................................2

2. LITERATURE REVIEW .........................................................................................3

3. METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................4

System Block Diagram .....................................................................................................4

Flowcharts .........................................................................................................................5

4. EXPECTED OUTCOME .........................................................................................6

5. PROJECT SCHEDULE............................................................................................7

6. FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS ..........................................................................................8

References ..........................................................................................................................9

List of Figures

Figure 3-1: Block Diagram of Tic-Tac-Toe ................................................................... 3

Figure 3-2: Flow chart.................................................................................................... 3

List of Tables

Table 5-1: Project Timeline ........................................................................................... 5

List of Abbreviations

AC Alternating Current
ADC Analog to Digital Converter
API Application Programming Interface
BCM Broadcom
CMOS Complementary Metallic Oxide Semiconductor
CMS Center Monitoring System
CSS Cascading Style Sheets
DHCP Dynamic Host Control Protocol
et al. And Others
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FTPS File Transfer Protocol Secure
GIS Geographic Information System
GPIO General Purpose Input Output
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GPS Global Positioning System
GPU Graphics Processor Unit
GUI Graphical User Interface
HDMI High-Definition Media Interface
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
IDLE Integrated Development Environment
IP Internet Protocol
IOT Internet Of Things
ISP Internet Service Provider
ISR Interrupt Service Routine
IT Information Technology


Tic-tac-toe also known as Nought, and crosses is a paper and pencil game for two
players, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3 x 3 grid traditionally. The player who
succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row wins the
game. It is a zero-sum of it is deterministic, with fully observable environments in which
two agents act alternately and the utility values at the end of the game are always equal
and opposite. Because of the simplicity of tic-tac-toe, it is often used as a pedagogical tool
in artificial intelligence to deal with searching game trees. The optimal move for this game
can be gained by using the minimax algorithm, where the opposition between the
utility functions make the situation adversarial, hence requiring adversarial search
supported by minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning concept in artificial intelligence


The early Roman version was known as tern's lapilli, or three pebbles at a time. In the
mid-1800s, Britain used the name Nought and crosses, with naught referring to the O’s (or
zeros) used in the game. The phrase tick-tack-toe wasn’t used until the late 1800s, and there are
some findings that report it might have been used to describe a completely different game.


• Games can stimulate and encourage students to participate in the activity since
naturally, they want to beat the other team.
• Apart from having fun, students learn at the same time.
• They acquire a new language. Students begin to realize that they have to use the
language if they want others to understand what they are saying.

Problem Definition

The Tic tac toe game has 16 cells for a 4x4 grid. The two players with their respective
marks as ‘X’ and ‘O are required to place their marks in their turns one by one. Once
the cell is occupied by a mark it cannot be used again. The game is won if the agent can
make a row or column or diagonal occupied completely with their respective marks.
The game terminates once the winning situation is gained, or the cells are fully


The main objectives of our project are listed below

• To develop Artificial intelligence-based tic-tac-toe game for human Vs AI by

implementing minimax algorithm with adversarial search concept.
• To develop Artificial intelligence-based tic-tac-toe game for human Vs AI by
implementing minimax algorithm with adversarial search concept,

Scope and Applications

Its scope and applications are

• Entertainment
• Improves the ability to focus and concentrate
• Develops logical thinking
• Develops logical thinking
• Develops problem-solving skills
• Teaches patience


There are some researchers that did the research by using game. One of them is done by
Rondiyah, Faculty of Language and Arts Education, IKIP PGRI Semarang 2007. She made a
“Games as Learning Media to Improve Vocabulary: A case study of the fourth-year students of
MI Degayu I Pekalongan in Academic year 2008/ 2009. She did the study because Language
learning is hard task. She assumed games are highly motivating since they are amusing and at
the sometimes challenging. Games also help the teacher to create a context in which the language
is useful and meaningful.[2]
The second researcher is Sulistiarini entitled “The Use of Tic Tac Toe Game As Media to
Improve Students’ Speaking Skill of Second Grade at SLTPN 15 Mataram in Academic Year
2010-2011. In this research, she used experimental research to carry out her research to know
the effectiveness of tic tac toe game in increasing student achievement. After she analyzed the
data obtained, she found that the use of tic tac toe game give positive effects in teaching
English speaking skill, it is proved by the fact that the result of the
deviation score.[3]
The last researcher is Inta (2011) entitled “The Effectiveness of Using Tic Tac Toe Game to
Improve Students’ Speaking Skill in Descriptive Text: An Experimental Research at the
eighth grade students of SMP H. Isriati Semarang in Academic Year 2010-2011. In this
research she used experimental method to carried out the effectiveness of using tic tac
toe game to improve students’ speaking skill in descriptive text. Her research showed that
using tic tac toe game can improve the students’ speaking skill in descriptive text. This
successfulness can be seen from the result of students’ average score and good by students.


System Block Diagram

Start Game

player 1 move
player 2

End Game

Figure 3-1: Block Diagram of Tic-Tac-Toe

Instruments tools

The main tools for this project are

• Laptop
• Internet connection



A player
move A player

squared is


Yes <Moved
Win? player>


Is Yes
draw Game is
? drawn


Ask next
player to
move Stop

Figure 3-2: Flow chart


Games are a natural way to foster social interaction, as well as work on fine motor
development. Tic Tac Toe can be used to promote several cognitive skills including
counting and spatial skills, and color and shape identification. This version of the classic
Tic Tac Toe game has wooden pieces that are painted in bright contrasting colors, with
each player’s pieces being a different shape – either square or cylindrical. Lessons
include Math, Social Skills Orientation & Mobility.


Task Jan Feb March Aprill Jun July


Game analysis

Game Design


Table 5-1: Project Timeline


• Financial feasibility:

Since there was not any kind of expenses involved in the project, so it is financially

• Technical feasibility:

We, both of us, made the use of our personal laptop and desktop and could perform our
work efficiently. So, it is technically feasible.

• Behavioral feasibility:

Initially, we are warned that such project is already be done previously by our
colleagues. But the traditional software was not fitting in the context of Nepal. So, we
could convince them that our project was better in context of our country.


[1] R. H. 1, "The Effect of Game Tic Tac Toe and Flash Cards on Zero Beginners’," vol. 2, p. 15,
[2] A. M. Teacher, "Exploring the Possibilities of Using Tic-Tac-Toe to Think and Communicate
about Mathematics," 2008 .
[3] S. (2011), " The Use of Tic Tac Toe Game As Media to Improve Students," 2010-2011.
[4] Inta, " The Effectiveness of Using Tic Tac Toe Game to Improve Students’" 2011.
[5] T. Bolon, How to never lose at Tic-Tac-Toe, BookCountr, 2013.


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