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University of Perpetual Help System Laguna

College of Engineering, Architecture & Aviation

Name: Mary Claire E. Nevalga Year Level: 2nd year

Program: B.S. Civil Engineering Professor: Engr. Catherine S. Hernandez
Course: Geology for Civil Engineers

Write a brief summary of what you have learned from the course and how did it help you to
become a better person. You are also encouraged to write your comments/suggestions for the
improvement of your program.

As we all know, geology truly plays a vital role in engineering since for construction project
to be successful, engineers must know and investigate their location’s land wherein the project
will be built. So, in this course, we discussed about the geophysical characteristics of our planet
Earth, and most of it are all about rocks and minerals and it is understandable because we’ll be
able to these as constructions materials in the future.

We learned about the importance of each of the materials we must utilize, as well as their
particular impacts on our natural resources and environment. We were taught about the
significance of materials in the construction of buildings. Whether it's the foundation or the
cement aggregates, we should thoroughly analyze and assess both. We were instilled with the
fact that, before we begin any work, we should always undertake a soil investigation in order to
determine the best engineering technique to take.

In the last activity we had which is the Research Work, I understand that there are many
reasons for a faulty structure and most of the problem in constructing infrastructures are the
unstable soils. It made me truly realize that soil investigation and examination of the condition
where a particular structure is to be erected was one of the most important preliminary
operations to do before a construction began. It doesn't matter how inventive our structural
ideas are if the soil quality where the area it will be built doesn't meet their needed geophysical
criteria. To sum up things, I learned a lot in taking this course subject.

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