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I’d like to begin my speech about food and cooking by quoting a famous phrase that says: “You

are what you eat”.

This quotation is well-illustrated by the people in the photos we can see. These two photos are
marked by one main similarity: buying food. Another aspect of comparing the photos is some
differences. The woman in the first picture has already bought some products for homemade meal,
while other young lady is paying for ordered food.
What is more there is a difference between the types of meals that women are going to eat. It’s
safe to say that the woman in the first photo is going to make healthy food consisting of much
vitamins, minerals and fibre (faiba), whereas the second lady prefers junk food that includes a lot of
carbohydrates, fat and so on.
In addition, the woman in the first photo is tired of heavy shopping bags. Anyway she is satisfied
of her healthy choice. Even though another woman is probably leading unhealthy life, she is
satisfied as well.
Personally I prefer healthy food that is steamed, boiled or even grilled. I try to avoid fried,
roasted fat food. My favourite dish is steamed salmon. I usually eat it with boiled potatoes and stir-
fried vegetables with herbs. Steamed salmon is very tender and mouth-watering. I like homemade
food, because I know all the ingredients containing the dish. It makes me being sure about the
safety and quality.
Furthermore, I idolize homemade food, because it has one simple thing – the whole family can
enjoy being together not only during the dinner, but also during the process of cooking. These
activities strengthen the family relationships.
To sum up, I’d like to point out that everybody should be worry about their choices not only to
have what you want, but also to feel good and healthy. If we keep an eye on what we eat and follow
healthy eating rules, we’ll live longer and happier.

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