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Construction Mat'ls & Testing Civil and construction engineers must

be familiar with materials used in the

General Properties of Materials
construction of a wide range of
Materials engineers are responsible for structures.
the selection, specification, and quality
Geotechnical engineers make a
control of materials to be used in a job.
reasonable case for including soil as the
These materials must .et certain classes most widely used engineering material,
of criteria or materials properties (Ashby since it provides the basic support for all
and Jones 2005). civil engineering structures.
1. economic factors Materials most frequently used
2. mechanical properties
1. Steel
3. nonmechanical properties
2. Aggregate
4. production/construction
3. Concrete
4. Masonry
5. aesthetic properties
5. Asphalt
6. Wood
In addition to this traditional list of
criteria, civil engineers must be
concerned with environmental quality. ● Various synthetic products are
competing with traditional civil
In 1997 the ASCE Code of Ethics was
engineering materials. In addition,
modified to include "sustainable
improvements have been made to
development" as an ethics issue.
existing materials by changing their
Sustainable development basically molecular Structures or including
recognizes the fact that our designs additives to improve quality,
should be sensitive to the ability of economy, and performance.
future generations to meet their needs. ● PVC serves as an alternative for
wood in door jams and window
There is a strong tie between the frames
materials selected for design and ● For example, superplasticizers have
sustainable development. made a breakthrough in the concrete
When engineers select the material for a industry, allowing the production Of
specific application, they must consider much stronger concrete.
the various criteria and make ● Joints made of elastomeric materials
compromises. have improved the safety of high-rise
structures in earthquake-active
Both the client and the purpose of the areas.
facility or structure dictate, to a certain ● Lightweight synthetic aggregates
extent, the emphasis that will be placed have decreased the weight of
on the different criteria. concrete structures, allowing small
cross-sectional areas of • Once applied, the static load may
components. remain in place or be removed slowly.
● Polymers have been mixed with
• Loads that remain in place for an
asphalt, allowing pavements to last
extended period of time are called
longer under the effect of vehicle
sustained (dead) loads.
loads and environmental conditions.
• In civil engineering, much of the load
Mechanical Properties
the materials must carry is due to the
• Mechanical behavior — is the weight of the structure and equipment in
response of material to external loads the structure.
• All materials deform in response to Dynamic - that generate a shock or
loads vibration in the structure
• Specific response depends on its • Dynamic loads can be classified as
properties, the magnitude and type of periodic, random, or transient, as shown
load and the geometry of the element in Figure 1.1 (Richart etal. 1970).
• Catastrophic failure of a structural • Aperiodic load, such as a harmonic or
member, resulting in the collapse of the sinusoidal load, repeats itself with time.
structure, is an obvious material failure.
⮚ For example, rotating equipment
• However, in some cases the failure is in a building can produce a
more subtle, but with equally severe vibratory load.
consequences. (functional failures)
• In a random load, the load pattern
⮚ For example, pavement may fail never repeats, such as that produced by
due to excessive roughness at the earthquakes.
surface, even though the stress
• Transient load, on the other hand, is an
levels are well within the
impulse load that is applied over a short
capabilities of the material.
time interval, after which the vibrations
⮚ A building may have to be closed
decay until the system returns to a rest
due to excessive vibrations by wind
or other live loads, although it could
be structurally sound. ⮚ For example, bridges must be
designed to withstand the
Loading conditions
transient loads of trucks.
Static - Static loading implies a
Transient load, on the other hand, is an
sustained loading of the structure over a
impulse load that is applied over a short
period of time.
time interval, after which the vibrations
• Generally, static loads are slowly decay
applied such that no shock or vibration until the
is generated in the structure. system
to a rest condition. (a) a linear stress—strain up to the paint
the material fails,
(b) shows the EN2havior of steel in
Stress-Strain Relations
tension. Here, a linear relationship is
Hooke's Law: obtained up to a certain point
(proportional limit), after which the
• In 1678, Robert Hooke published the material deforms without much increase
first findings that documented a linear in stress.
relationship between the amount Of
force applied to a member and its (c) On the other hand, aluminum in
deformation. tension exhibit a linear stress—strain
relation the proportional limit, after which
• The amount of deformation is a nonlinear relation follows
proportional to the properties of the
material and its dimensions. The effect (d) shows a nonlinear relation
of the dimensions can be normalized. throughout the whale range,
• Dividing the force by the (e) Soft rubber in tension differs from
cross-sectional area of the specimen most materials in such a Way that it
normalizes the effect of the loaded area. Shows an almost linear stress— strain
The force per unit area is defined as the relationship followed by a reverse curve
stress a in the specimen (i.e„o =
Young observed that different elastic
materials have different proportional
• Dividing the deformation by the original constants between stress and strain.
length is defined as strain E of the For a homogeneous, isotropic, and
specimen (i.e., E = change in linear elastic material, the proportional

length/original length). Much useful constant between normal stress, o, and

information about the material can be normal strain, E of an axially loaded
determined by plotting the stress—strain member is the modulus of elasticity or
diagram. Young's modulus. E, and is equal to
In the axial tension test, as the material
is elongated, there is a reduction of the
cross section in the lateral direction. In
the axial compression test, the opposite
is true. The ratio of the lateral strain, El,
Fig 1.2 Typical uniaxial stress—strain to the axial strain, ea. is Poisson's ratio,
diagrams for some engineering
If a homogeneous, isotropic cubical
element with linear elastic response is
subjected to normal stresses in the
three orthogonal directions, the normal
strains can be computed by the
generalized Hooke’s Law,

Linearity and
For materials that
Normal stresses do not display any
applied on a cubical linear behavior,
element. such as concrete
Sample Problem and soils, determining a Young's
modulus or elastic modulus can be
A cube made of an alloy with problematical.
dimensions of 50 mm x 50 mm x 50 mm
is placed into a pressure chamber and The initial tangent modulus is the slope
subjected to a pressure of 90 MPa If the of the tangent of the stress—strain
modulus of elasticity of the alloy is 100 curve at the origin.
GPa and Poisson's ratio is 028, what will The tangent modulus is the slope of the
the length of each side of the assuming tangent at a point on the stress—strain
that the material remains within the curve.
elastic region?
The secant modulus is the slope ot a
chord drawn between the origin and an
arbitrary point on the stress—strain
The Chord is the Of a Chord drawn
between two points On the
stress—strain The of
Which modulus to use for a on the
stress or strain at which the mate- rial
typically is used.

Linearity and elasticity

• A linear materials stress—strain
relation follows a straight line.
• An elastic material returns to its
original shape when the load is removed
and reacts instantaneously to changes
in load.
aggregate, but generally not more than
10 percent.

Aggregate Sources
1. Natural sources
aggregates are c combination of distinct
parts gathered into o mass or a whole a. gravel pits
a mass of crushed stone, gravel, sand. b. river run deposits
etc., predominantly composed of
c. rock quarries
dividual particles, but in some cases
including clays and silts. 2. Manufactured aggregates
largest particle size in aggregates may a. slag waste from iron and steel mills
have c diameter as large as 1 50 mm (6 (heavy weight)
in.), and the smallest particle can be as b. expanded shale and clays (light
fine as 5 to 10 microns weight)
c. Styrofoam beads
TWO Main Uses of Aggregates in
Civil engineering: Aggregate Stockpiling
• underlying material for foundations and
pavements, and
• ingredients in portland cement and
asphalt concretes
General Size Characteristics of
Coarse aggregates: aggregate particles
that are retained on a 4.75 mm sieve
(No 4) A 4.75 mm sieve has openings
equal to 4.75 mm between the sieve Evaluation of Aggregate Sources
wires. A No. 4 sieve has four openings
Potential aggregate sources usually
per linear inch. The 4.75 mm sieve is
evaluated for
the metric equivalent to a No. 4 sieve.
a, quality of the Barger pieces
Fine aggregates: aggregate particles
that pass a 4.75 mm sieve (No. 4). b. the nature and amount of fine
Maximum aggregate size: The smallest
sieve through Which CO percent of the c. gradation of the aggregate
aggregates pass.
The extent and quality Of rock in the
Nominal maximum aggregate size: The quarry is usually invested by
largest sieve that retains any of the
a. drilling cores and performing trial ● strength and stability of asphalt
blasts (or shots) to evaluate how the concrete depends mostly on
rock breaks interparticle friction between the
aggregates and, to a limited extent,
b. crushing some materials in the
on the binder.
laboratory to evaluate grading, particle
shape, soundness, durability, and
amount of fine material
c. Cores are examined petrographically
for general quality. suitability for various
uses, and amount of deleterious
d. Potential sand and gravel pits ore
evaluated by collecting samples and
performing sieve analysis tests. The
amount of large gravel and cobble sizes
determines the need for crushing. while
the amount of fine material determines
the need for washing.
Aggregate Uses
Portland cement concrete
● 60% to 75% of the volume
● 79% to 85% of the weight
● act as a filler to reduce the amount of
cement paste needed in the mix
● aggregates have greater volume
stability than the cement paste
● maximizing the amount of aggregate,
to a certain extent, improves the
quality and economy of the mix.
Angular and Rounded Aggregates
Asphalt Concrete
● angular and rough-textured
● aggregates constitute 75% to Of the
aggregates produce bulk materials
with higher stability than rounded,
● 92% to 96% of the mass
smooth-textured aggregates
● asphalt cement acts as a binder to
● angular aggregates will be pore
hold the aggregates together, but
difficult to work into place than
does not have enough strength to
rounded aggregates, since their
lock the aggregate particles into
shapes make it difficult for them to
slide across each other
in order to increase the stability of
the materials in the field and to
reduce rutting.
● Flaky and elongated aggregates are
undesirable for asphalt concrete,
since they are difficult to compact
during construction and are easy to
Toughness, Hardness, and Abrasion
• The ability of aggregates to resist the
damaging effect of loads is related to the
hardness of the aggregate particles and
is described as the toughness or
abrasion resistance. The aggregate
Texture of Coarse Aggregates must resist crushing, degradation, and
disintegration when stockpiled, mixed as
● Aggregates with a rough texture are either portland cement or asphalt
more difficult to compact into a concrete, placed and compacted, and
dense configuration than smooth exposed to loads.
● Rough texture generally improves • The Los Angeles abrasion test (ASTM
bonding and increases interparticle C 131, C535) valuates the aggregates'
friction. toughness and abrasion resistance.
● natural gravel and sand have a • In this test, aggregates blended to a
smooth texture fixed size distribution are placed in a
● crushed aggregates have a rough large steel drum with standard sized
texture steel balls that act as an abrasive
● Since the stability of cement charge.
concrete is mostly developed by the
cementing action of the portland • The drum is rotated, typically for 500
cement and by the aggregate revolutions. The material is recovered
interlock, it is able to use rounded from the machine and passed through a
and smooth aggregate particles to sieve that retains all of the original
improve the workability of fresh material. The percentage weight loss is
concrete during mixing, the LA abrasion number. This is an
● However, the stability of asphalt empirical test: that is, the test results do
concrete and base courses is mostly not have a scientific basis and are
developed by the aggregate meaningful only when local experience
interlock. Therefore. angular and defines the acceptance criteria.
rough particles are desirable for
Particle Shape and Texture of Fine
asphalt concrete and base courses
The angularity and texture of fine Voids and moisture absorption of
aggregates have a very strong influence aggregates:
on the stability of asphalt concrete
a. bone dry
mixes. The Superpave mix design
method recognizes this by requiring a b. air dry,
fine aggregate angularity test, ASTM Cl
252 method, Test Method for c. saturated surface-dry (SSD), and
Uncompacted Void Content of Fine d. moist
A sample of fine aggregate with a
defined gradation is poured into a small
cylinder by flowing it through a standard
Bone dry - aggregate contains no
By determining the weight of the fine moisture; this requires drying the
aggregate in the f ed cylinder of known aggregate in an oven to a constant
volume, the void content can be mass.
calculated as the difference between the
Air dry condition - aggregate may
cylinder volume and the fine aggregate
have some moisture but the saturation
volume collected in the cylinder.
state is not quantified.
The volume of the fine aggregate is
Saturated surface—dry (SSD)
calculated by dividing the weight of the
-aggregate's voids are filled with
fine aggregate by its bulk density.
moisture but the main surface area of
The higher the amount of void content, the aggregate particles IS dry.
the more angular and the rougher will be Absorption is defined as the moisture
the surface texture of the fine content in the SSD condition.
Moist aggregates - have moisture
content in excess of the SSD condition.
Free moisture is the difference between
the actual moisture content of the
aggregate and the moisture content in
the SSD condition.
Although aggregates are inert, they can
capture water and asphalt binder in
surface voids. The amount of water the
aggregates absorb is important in the
design of portland cement concrete,
since moisture captured in the
aggregate voids is not available to react
with the cement or to improve the
workability of the plastic concrete.
There is no specific level of aggregate
absorption that is desirable for
aggregates used in portland cement
concrete, but aggregate absorption must
be evaluated to determine the
appropriate amount of water to mix into
the concrete.
Absorption is also important for asphalt
concrete, since absorbed asphalt is not
available to act as a binder. Thus, highly
absorptive aggregates require greater
amounts of asphalt binder, making the
mix less economical. On the other hand,
some asphalt absorption is desired to
promote bonding between the asphalt
and the aggregate. Therefore,
low-absorption aggregates are desirable
for asphalt concrete.
Sieve Analysis of fine aggregates
What Is Fineness Modulus of Sand
(Fine Aggregate)?
• Fineness modulus of sand (fine
aggregate) is an index number which
represents the mean size of the
particles in sand.
• It is calculated by performing sieve
analysis with standard sieves.
• The cumulative percentage retained on
each sieve is added and divided by 100
gives the value of fine aggregate.
• Fine aggregate means the aggregate
which passes through 4-75mm sieve.
• To find the fineness modulus of fine
aggregate we need sieve sizes of
4-75mm, 2.36mm, 1.18mm, 0.6mm,
0.3mm and 0.15mm.
• Fineness modulus of finer aggregate is
lower than fineness modulus of coarse
Sample preparation
• Take a sample of fine aggregate in pan
and placed it in dry oven at a
temperature of 100 — 1100C. After
drying take the sample and note down
its weight.
Test procedure — Fineness Modulus
of Sand
• Take the sieves and arrange them in Example for fineness modulus of
descending order with the largest sieve Sand Calculation
on top.
• If mechanical shaker is used, then put
the ordered sieves in position and pour
the sample in the top sieve and then
close it with sieve plate.
• Then switch on the machine and
shaking of sieves should be done at
least 5 minutes.

Test procedure — Fineness Modulus

of Sand Limits of Fineness Modulus for Fine
• If shaking is done by the hands then
pour the sample in the top sieve and • Fineness modulus of fine aggregate
close it. varies from 2.0 to 3-5 mm.

• Hold the top two sieves and shake it • Fine aggregate having fineness
inwards and outwards, vertically and modulus more than 3.2 should not be
horizontally. considered as fine aggregate.

• After some time shake the 3rd and 4th

sieves and finally last sieves.
• After sieving, record the sample
weights retained on each sieve. Then
find the cumulative weight retained.
• Finally determine the cumulative
percentage retained on each sieves.
• Add the all cumulative percentage
values and divide with 100 then we will
get the value of fineness modulus
• Is the most widely used in various
small and large construction including
roads and highways.
• Portland cement is not a brand but a
type of hydraulic cement
• The name was given in 1824 by
Joseph Aspdin, a brick layer of Leeds,
England, to a hydraulic lime that he
patented because it resembles to a
natural limestone quarried on the isle of
CEMENT Portland in England.
Hydraulic cement • The first Portland cement made in the
United States was produced in 1876 by
• (e.g., Portland Cement)
David Saylor at Coplay, Pennsylvania.
• sets and become adhesive due to a
Types of Portland Cement
chemical reaction between the dry
ingredients and water. Type 1 - for general construction where
the special properties are specified
• the chemical reaction results in mineral
hydrates that are not very water-soluble Type 2 - for general concrete
and so are quite durable in water and construction exposed to moderate
safe from chemical attack. sulfate action or where moderate heat of
hydration is required.
• this allows setting in wet condition or
underwater and further protects the Type 3 - used when high early strength
hardened material from chemical attack. is required
• chemical process for hydraulic cement Type 4 - is specified when high sulfate
found by ancient Romans used volcanic resistance is required.
ash (activated aluminum silicates) with
lime (calcium oxide). Pozzolan Cement

Non-hydraulic cement • an amorphous silica that hardens as a

silica gel by reacting chemically with
• will not set in wet conditions or alkali in the presence of water.
• Pozzolan is derived from Pozzuoli, an
• sets as it dries and reacts with carbon Italian town where Pozzolana,
dioxide in the air composed of glassy tuff was found
• Ran be attacked by some aggressive Water
chemicals after setting.
• water that is acceptable for drinking
Portland Cement purposes is also satisfactory for use in
concrete mixing
Admixture • these air bubbles create space for the
relief of pressure built up in the smaller
• a material other than water,
cavities when they are filled with water
aggregates or Portland cement, that is
which expand when it freezes.
used as an ingredient in concrete
• durability of concrete could be
• added to the batch immediately before
increased by lox by the use of small
or during its mixing. - American Society
amount of air-entraining agent in
for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
concrete mixture (discovered in 1940)
The purpose of the admixture in
National Building Code
concrete are:
• The admixture shall be shown capable
1. To improve the workability or
of maintaining essentially the same
consistency of concrete. Meaning,
composition and performance
the ability of concrete mixture to fill
throughout the work as the product used
all the voids of aggregate, steel
in establishing concrete proportions.
reinforcement including all voids
inside the forms. However concrete • Admixtures containing chloride-ions
mixture should not be too thick nor shall not be used in prestressed
too fluid. concrete or in concrete containing
2. To improve the durability of concrete aluminum embedments if their use will
3. To increase strength produce a deleterious concentration of
4. Accelerate strength development chloride-ion in the mixing water.

5. Retard or accelerate the initial

6. Retard or reduce the evolution of
heat are inert materials that when bound
7. Control alkali-aggregate expansion together into a conglomerated mass by
8. Increase density and reduce Portland cement and water form
concrete, mortar or plaster. about 75%
Air-entraining admixtures of the total mass of concrete
• substantially improve the durability of Categories of Aggregates
concrete entraining billions of
microscopic air bubbles which are • coarse aggregate
distributed throughout the matrix or the • fine aggregate
Coarse Aggregate
• these tiny air bubbles are very large in
volume compared with the capillary ● is that portion of an aggregate that is
voids and the gel pore in Portland retained on number 4 (4-75mm)
cement paste. sieve
● comes from natural gravel deposits • is an artificial stone as a result of
which are formed by water, wind or mixing cement, fine aggregate, coarse
glacial action aggregate and water
● manufactured by crushing rock,
• conglomeration of these materials
stone, boulder and large cobble
producing a solid mass is called Plain
• concrete in which reinforcement is
embedded in a manner that the two
• limestone or calcium-bearing minerals materials act together in resisting force
is called Reinforced Concrete
• basalts, granite and related igneous
rock Chemistry of concrete
• sandstone and quartzites • the chemical reaction between
Portland cement and water is the
• rock, such as opal and chert
principal action in the chemistry of
composed mainly of amorphous silicon
• Portland cement alone does not
Conditions for maximum size of
provide a cementing binder
coarse aggregate
• the cementing gel is formed by the
• It shall easily fit into the forms and in
reaction of Portland cement and water
between reinforcing bars.
• the cement paste becomes hard within
• It should not be larger than 1/5 of the
a week but the hardening process may
narrowest dimension of the forms or 1/3
continue to some extent for months or
of the depth of the slab nor 3/4 of the
minimum distance between the
reinforcing bars. • there is a common misconception that
concrete hardens during evaporation
Fine Aggregate
• this is not true because without water,
• the product of natural disintegration of
there will be no reaction, thus no
silica-bearing or calcium-bearing rock
• also called sand that passes through
Workability of Concrete
No. 4 sieve and predominantly retained
by a No. 200 (74 micron) sieve. Concrete is said to be workable under
the following conditions:
• also manufactured from large pieces of
aggregate by crushing, grinding or • Properly proportioned for transport and
rolling placed without segregation. The
aggregate particles must be uniformly
• Easily molded into desired shapes and • Strength is measured in its ability to
completely fill the space it is to occupy resist the stresses caused by these
different forces
• Easily finished
• Theoretically, low water cement ratio
produces a high-quality Portland cement
• Is the degree of wetness or slump of paste and also adds desirable
the concrete mix. properties such as:
• Varies directly with the amount of 1. Water tightness
water in the mixture
2. Abrasion resistance
3. Durability
• Is the ease with which fresh concrete
Durability of Concrete
can be molded or deformed without
segregation is the ability to resist force of
deterioration such as :
1. Freezing and thawing of water
• Is the capacity of concrete to
saturated concrete
movement or flow, particularly during
vibration 2. Expansion caused by the reaction
between reactive aggregates and alkali
• Concrete should be correctly
in cement
proportioned to produce the workability
required for a particular structure. 3. Reaction between soil and water
sulfate and the hydrated Portland
• For example, a fairly thick or stiff
concrete mixture may be used for
pavement for it can be vibrated and 4. Expansion and shrinkage caused by
tamped. wetting and drying
• On the other hand, concrete for thin • The freezing of water in the pores of
wall and small column structure maybe concrete causes it to expand about 9%
compacted with a minimum vibration. in volume.
• Thus, a semi-fluid mixture is required • The pressure caused by expansion of
for concrete in application where it must freezing water may be sufficient to
flow in order to fill all the spaces it is to damage the gel structure and cause
occupy. deterioration of the concrete.
Strength of Concrete Chemical Resistance
• Concrete structure is subjected to • Hydrated Portland cement is the
compressive, tensile, flexural and chemical base of concrete and reacts to
shearing forces most acids
• This reaction causes concrete to • Low Density Concrete — is
disintegrate employed for insulation purposes. Its
unit weight rarely exceeding 50 lbs/ft3 or
• Even the highest quality concrete must
800 kg/m3
be protected from direct contact with
corrosive chemicals • Moderate strength concrete — has a
unit weight of 360 to 960 kg/m3 with a
• Magnesium fluorosilicate or zinc
compressive strength of 70 to 176
fluorosilicate hardens the surface of
kg/cm2. This is commonly used to fill
concrete by chemical action and makes
over light gauge steel floor panels.
it more impervious to chemical attack
• Structural concrete — has similarity
Cement could be protected by
in characteristics with that of medium
application of any of the following:
stone concrete. It weighs 90 to 120
• Composition and fineness of the lbs/ft3 or 1,440 to 1,920 kg/m3. This is
cement widely used in buildings, roads, bridges,
• Cement water ratio of the paste
• Medium Stone concrete — used as
• Time of curing structural concrete. It weighs from 145
• Manner of curing to 152 lbs/ft3 or 2,325 to 2,435 kg/m3.

• Temperature • Heavy Weight concrete — used as

shield against gamma rays reactor and
• Presence of entrained air other similar structures. It is also used
Weight of concrete as a counter weight for lift bridge. The
contents of heavy weight concrete are
Type of Concrete according to their cement, heavy iron ores, crushed rock,
weight: steel scraps, punching or shot as fine
• Light-weight concrete aggregates.

• Medium stone concrete The weight of the heavyweight concrete

depends upon the kind of aggregate
• Heavy weight concrete used in mixing such as:
a. Heavy rock aggregates — weighs
200 to 300 lbs/ft3 or 3, 200 to 4,810
b. Iron Punching is added to high
density ores — weighs 4,325 to 5,000
Light-weight concrete — classified
depending upon the kind of aggregates
used which predetermine their weight

Proportioning of Concrete Mixture

Correct proportion of the ingredients to 1. Water cementations best determined
produce concrete also provides balance by the trial batch method to establish the
between the requirements of: right amount of water necessary for the
kind of mixture required for the desired
• Economy
strength and consistency of the
• Workability concrete,
• Strength 2. Concrete should be in a plastic and
workable form, It should neither be too
• Durability dry nor too wet, When too dry, concrete
• Appearance is difficult to place in the forms because
it resist packing around the
• The right proportion of the ingredients reinforcements and corners of the
for concrete, is the most difficult forms, This is the main ca use of
manufacturing step to control. Although Honeycombing in concrete.
it is one of the most important aspect in
producing high quality 3. The water cement ratio should be
established during the first hour of
Water cement ratio — is the ratio of the mixing operation. Adjustment shall be
amount of water to the amount of made from time to time based on the
cement in a concrete mixture is related condition of the weather.
to the strength and quality of concrete. It
provides the basis for predicting • When the weather is fair or cloudy,
strength (Duff A Abrams, American adjustment of water cement ratio is
scientist- researcher, discovered in1918) minimal or not necessary. But, when the
temperature increases at noon time,
where the aggregates are exposed to
sunlight, additional water is necessary to
maintain the established water-cement
• The established water-cement ratio in
the morning will be affected by the heat
of the sun at noon time.
• The increasing temperature also
increases evaporation of aggregate
moisture, thus, also requires adjustment
by increasing the water content per
batch of mixture.
5. If rain comes any time after the
water-cement ratio have been
established, immediately adjustment by
reducing the water-cement ratio is
Notes: necessary to maintain the uniformity of
the mixture. However, if the aggregates
are indoor and is not subjected to
Note: Keep all concrete wet for 7 days
moisture or rainfall, reduction of water
and protect from sun
cement ratio is not necessary.
Class A - shall be used for beams,
6. All conveying devices in delivering
slabs, columns and for all members
concrete should be free from rainwater
which are subjected to bending stress
before use. This is to avoid additional
water to ready mix concrete. Class B - shall be used for all members
which are not reinforced for bending
Class C - used for footing not under
Approximate Time Limit Before the
Removal of Forms And Supports

Concrete Proportioning



Concrete Mixture
● exposed slab surfaces are especially
sensitive to curing
● strength development and
freeze-thaw resistance of the top
surface of a slab can be reduced
significantly when curing is defective.
a) durability
b) strength
c) water tightness
d) abrasion resistance
e) volume stability
f) resistance to freezing and


1. Methods that maintain the presence
of mixing water in the concrete during
Curing Concrete the early hardening period.
"holding water in the concrete" a) Ponding or immersion
CURING b) Spraying or fogging
c) Saturated wet coverings
● maintenance of a satisfactory
moisture content and temperature in
● should be done for a period of time
following placing and finishing
● to achieve desired properties of
2. Methods that reduce the loss of
mixing water from the surface of the
a. covering the concrete with impervious
paper or plastic sheets
b. applying membrane-forming curing

Curing should begin as soon as the

concrete stiffens enough to prevent
marring or erosion of the surface. Burlap
sprayed with water is an effective
method for moist curing.
the evaporation of moisture is from the
surface of the water.

Membrane curing

Methods that accelerate strength gain is the most practical with today's
by supplying heat and additional construction schedules
moisture to the concrete.
a) live steam
b) heating coils
c) heated forms or pads.
Ponding and Immersion
On flat surfaces, such as pavements
and floors, concrete can be cured by
Earth or sand dikes around the
perimeter of the concrete surface can Concrete strength increases with age as
retain a pond of water. long as moisture and a favorable
temperature present for hydration of
Ponding is an ideal method for cement.
preventing loss of moisture from the
concrete; In the figure shown below concrete that
is In air entire time is only 55% of the
it is also effective for maintaining strength of Moist-cured entire time
uniform temperature in the concrete. concrete at 28 days.
The curing water should not be more In air after3 days is 80%, and!!) air after
than about 110C(200F) cooler than the 7 days is 90%.
concrete to prevent thermal stresses
that could result in cracking. A Quality curing and sealing compound
will allow the concrete to continue in
WATER CURING strength gain beyond 28 days as shown
in the chart for moist-cured.
when the concrete is covered with a
layer of water for a period of time and
Concrete Strength With Moisture
Present For Curing
Strength gain in colder temperatures
slows down.
• A masonry structure is formed by
40° F. concrete will be of its design
combining masonry units, such as
strength in seven days as compared to
stone, blocks, or brick, with mortar.
75% for 73° F concrete.
• Masonry is one of the oldest
Concrete poured in lower temperatures
construction materials.
needs to be covered to maintain
concrete temperatures to get sufficient • Examples of ancient masonry
strengths to withstand freeze-thaw structures include the pyramids of
cycles. Egypt, the Great Wall of China, and
Greek and Roman ruins.
AND SEALING COMPOUNDS • Bricks of nearly uniform size became
commonly used in Europe during the
Difference of CURING compounds and
beginning of the 13th century.
used • The first extensive use of bricks in the
United States was around 1600.
Curing compounds use a resin that
breaks down in months • In the last two centuries, bricks have
been used in constructing sewers,
Curing and Sealing compounds use a
bridge piers, tunnel linings, and
resin that will resist sunlight, abrasion,
multistory buildings.
most chemicals and will be on the
surface of the concrete for a while. • Masonry units are a popular
construction material throughout the
CURING compounds are meant for
world and competes favorably with other
curing the concrete only.
materials, such as wood, steel, and
No other sealer or adhesive for a floor concrete for certain applications
covering can be putdown unless the (Adams, 1979).
curing compound is stripped off.
Classification of Masonry Units
1. concrete masonry units
can accept paints and adhesives for
2. clay bricks
vinyl tile and carpets (it is recommended
3. structural clay tiles
to puta sample down to check for
4. glass blocks
compatibility), and they can be recoated
5. stone
for long term sealing of the concrete.
sound resistance than normal weight
Concrete masonry units are
manufactured using a relatively dry
(zero-slump) concrete mixture
consisting of:
1. portland cement
2. Aggregates
Concrete Masonry Units
3. Water
• Solid concrete units are commonly 4. admixtures.
called concrete bricks, while hollow units
Type of cement used in manufacturing
are known as concrete blocks, hollow
concrete masonry units
blocks, or cinder blocks.
1. Type I cement is usually used to
• Hollow units have a net cross-sectional
manufacture concrete masonry units
area in every plane parallel to the
2. Type Ill is sometimes used to reduce
bearing surface less than 75% of the
the curing time.
gross cross-sectional area in the same
3. Air-entrained concrete is sometimes
used to increase the resistance of
• If this ratio is 75% or more, the unit is the masonry structure to freeze and
categorized as solid (Portland Cement thaw effects and to improve
Association, 1991). workability, compaction, and molding
characteristics of the units during
Concrete masonry units are
manufactured in three classes, based
on their density: • The units are molded under pressure,
then cured, usually using low-pressure
1. lightweight units
steam curing.
2. medium-weight units, and
• After manufacturing, the units are
3. normal-weight units stored under controlled conditions so
that the concrete continues curing.
Well-graded sand, gravel, and crushed
stone are used to manufacture normal-
weight units.
Lightweight aggregates such as pumice,
scoria, cinders, expanded clay, and
expanded shale are used to
manufacture lightweight units.
Lightweight units have higher thermal
and fire resistance properties and lower
Determination of Physical Properties
of Concrete Masonry Units
• The compressive strength of individual
concrete masonry units is determined by
capping the unit and applying load in the
direction of
the height of the unit until failure
• A full-size unit is recommended for
testing, although a portion of a unit can
be used if the capacity of the testing
machine is not large enough.
• The gross area compressive strength
is calculated by dividing the load at
failure by the gross cross-sectional area
of the unit.
• The net area compressive strength is
calculated by dividing the load at failure
by the net cross-sectional area.
• The net cross-sectional area is
calculated by dividing the net volume of
the unit by its average height.
• The net volume is determined using
the water displacement method
according to ASTM C140.

• a mixture of cementitious material,
aggregate, and water
• manufactured in four types: M, S, N, layers generally produce stronger walls
and O than do thick layers.
• needs to satisfy either proportion • Unlike concrete, the compressive
specifications or property specifications strength is not the most important
(ASTM C270) property of mortar.
• proportion specifications specify the • Since mortar is used as an adhesive
ingredient quantities, while the property and sealant, it is very important that it
specifications specify the compressive forms a complete, strong, and durable
strength, water retention, air content, bond with the masonry units and with
and the aggregate ratio the rebars that might be used to
reinforce masonry walls.
• can be evaluated either in the
laboratory or in the field • The ability to bond individual units is
measured by the tensile bond strength
• In the laboratory evaluation, the
of mortar (ASTM C952), which is related
compressive strength of mortar is tested
to the force required to separate the
using 50-mm (2-inch) cubes according
to ASTM C109.
• The tensile bond strength affects the
• The minimum average compressive
shear and flexural strength of masonry.
strengths of types M, S, N, and O at 28
days are 17.2 MPa, 12.4 MPa, 5.2 MPa, • The tensile bond strength is usually
and 2.4 MPa (2500 psi, 1800 psi, 750 between 0.14 MPa and 0.55 MPa (20
psi, and 350 psi) (ASTM C270). psi to 80 psi) and is affected by the
amount of lime in the mix.
• The field evaluation involves the
preparation of one or more trial batches • Other properties that affect the
before construction. performance of mortar are workability,
tensile strength, compressive strength,
• These trial batches are sampled and
resistance to freeze and thaw, and water
used in establishing the plastic and
hardened properties of the mixtures
(ASTM C780). • ASTM C91 defines water retention as
a measure of the rate at which water is
• Mortar starts to bind masonry units
lost to the masonry units.
when it sets.
• During construction, bricks and blocks
should be rubbed and pressed down in Classification of Mortar
order to force the mortar into the pores
a. cement-lime mortar
of the masonry units to produce
maximum adhesion. b. cement mortar
• It should be noted, how- ever, that c. masonry cement mortar
mortar is the weakest part of the
masonry wall. Therefore, thin mortar Functions of Mortar
1. bonding masonry units together, STEEL
either non-reinforced or
• Steel production started in mid-1800s,
2. reinforced serving as a seating
when the Bessemer converter was
material for the units
3. leveling and seating the units
4. providing aesthetic quality of the • In the second half of the 19th century,
structure steel technology advanced rapidly due
to the development of the basic oxygen
furnace and continuous casting
• a high-slump concrete consisting of methods.
portland cement, sand, fine gravel,
• More recently, computer-controlled
water, and sometimes lime.
manufacturing has increased the
• used to fill the cores or voids in hollow efficiency and reduced the cost of steel
masonry units for the purpose of production.
a. bonding the masonry units, Steel products used in construction can
be classified as follows:
b. bonding the reinforcing steel to the
masonry, 1.structural steel (vertical columns)
produced by continuous casting and hot
c. increasing the bearing area,
rolling for large structural shapes,
d. increasing fire resistance plates, and sheet steel
e. improving the overturning resistance 2. cold-formed steel (trusses and
by increasing the weight. decking) produced by cold-forming of
sheet steel into desired shapes
• minimum compressive strength is 14
MPa (2000 psi) at 28 days, according to 3. fastening products used for
ASTM C476 structural connections, including bolts,
nuts and washers
4. reinforcing steel (rebars) for use in
• Plaster is a fluid mixture of portland concrete reinforcement
cement, lime, sand, and water
5. miscellaneous products for use in
• used for finishing either masonry walls such applications as forms and pans
or framed (wood) walls
Heat Treatment of Steel
• used for either exterior or interior walls
• Properties of steel can be altered by
• Stucco is plaster used to cover exterior applying a variety of heat treatments.
• steel can be hardened or softened by
• The average compressive strength of using heat treatment
plaster is about 13.8 MPa (2000 psi) at
28 days. • the response of steel to heat treatment
depends upon its alloy composition.
Common heat treatments employed • The steel is then quenched (cooled
for steel rapidly) by plunging it into, or spraying it
with, water, brine, or oil.
1. Annealing
• Rapid cooling "locks" the iron into a
2. Normalizing
BCC structure, martensite, rather than
3. Hardening allowing the transformation to the ferrite
FCC structure
4. Tempering
• Martensite has a very hard and brittle
The basic process is to heat the steel to structure.
a specific temperature, hold the
temperature for a specified period of • The surface of the material is harder
time, then cool the material at a and more brittle than the interior of the
specified rate. element, creating nonhomogeneous
1. Annealing
• Due to the rapid cooling, hardening
• Used to refine the grain, soften the puts the steel in a state of strain.
steel, remove internal stresses, remove
gases, increase ductility and toughness, • Strain sometimes causes steel pieces
and change electrical and magnetic with sharp angles or grooves to crack
properties. immediately after hardening. Thus,
hardening must be followed by
2. Normalizing tempering.
• Similar to annealing, with a slight 4. Tempering
difference in the temperature and the
rate of cooling • Tempering is performed to improve
ductility and toughness.
• Produces a uniform, fine-grained
microstructure • Heating causes carbon atoms to
diffuse from martensite to produce a
• Shapes with varying thicknesses carbide precipitate and formation of
results in the normalized parts having ferrite and cementite.
less uniformity
• After quenching, the steel is cooled to
• An effective process and results in about 400C then reheated by immersion
high fracture toughness of the material in either oil or nitrate salts.
3. Hardening • The steel is maintained at the elevated
• Steel is hardened by heating it to a temperature for about two hours and
temperature above the transformation then cooled in still air.
range and holding it until austenite is Steel Alloys
Alloy agents are added to improve one
or more of the following properties:
1. hardenability Structural and cold-formed steel used to
2. corrosion resistance make columns, beams and floors for the
3. machinability structural support of a building.
4. ductility
5. strength

Structural Steel
• Structural steel is used in hot-rolled
structural shapes, plates, and bars.
Structural steel is used for various types
of structural members, such as columns,
beams, bracings, frames, trusses,
bridge girders, and other structural • The W, M, S, HP, C, and MC shapes
applications are designated by a letter, followed by
two numbers separated by an x .
• The letter indicates the shape, while
the two numbers indicate the nominal
depth and the weight per linear unit
• For example, W 44 x 335 means W
shape with a nominal depth of 44 in. and
a weight of 335 lb/linear foot.
• An angle is designated with the letter
L, followed by three numbers that
indicate the leg dimensions and
thickness in inches, such as L 4 x 4 x
1/2. Dimensions of these structural
shapes are controlled by ASTM
• W shapes are commonly used as
beams and columns
• HP shapes are used as bearing piles,
• S shapes are used as beams or
girders. Composite sections can also be Cold-Formed Steel Shapes
formed by welding different shapes to
use in various structural applications. Common shapes for profiled sheets and
Sheet piling sections are connected to trays used for roofing and wall cladding
each other and are used as retaining and for load bearing deck panels

Reinforcing Steel
• Used to reinforce structural concrete
members subjected to tensile and
flexural stresses
• May be conventional or prestressed
Conventional Reinforcing
1. plain bars • used in some concrete slabs and
pavements, mostly to resist temperature
2. deformed bars
and shrinkage stresses
3. plain and deformed wire fabrics
• can be more economical to place, and
Plain bars thus allow for closer spacing of bars
than is practical with individual bars
• are round, without surface
• provide only limited bond with the
• not typically used in sections subjected
to tension or bending
Deformed bars
• have protrusions (deformations) at the
• ensure a good bond between the bar
and the concrete
• deformed surface of the bar prevents
slipping, allowing the concrete and steel
to work as one unit
• used in concrete beams, slabs,
columns, walls, footings, pavements,
and other concrete structures, as well as
in masonry construction.
Wire fabrics
• are flat sheets in which wires pass
each other at right angles, and one set
of elements is parallel to the fabric axis
• Plain wire fabrics develop the
anchorage in concrete at the welded
intersections, while deformed wire Mechanical Testing of Steel Tension
fabrics develop anchorage through Test
deformations and at the welded • The tension test (ASTM E8) on steel is
intersections performed to determine the
Welded wire fabrics a. yield strength
b. yield point
c. ultimate (tensile) strength
d. Elongation
e. reduction of area.
• Typically, the test is performed at
temperatures between 10OC and 350C
(500F to 950F).
• The test specimen can be either full
sized or machined into a shape
Mechanical Testing of Steel
Tension Test
• It is desirable to use a small
cross-sectional area at the center
portion of the specimen to ensure
fracture within the gauge length.
• Several cross-sectional shapes are
permitted, such as round and
rectangular. Plate, sheet, round rod,
wire, and tube specimens may be used.
A 12.5 (1/2 in.) diameter round
specimen is used in many cases.
• The gauge length over which the
elongation is measured typically is four
times the diameter for most round-rod
• Various types of gripping devices may
be used to hold the specimen, Wood
depending on its shape. In all cases, the
axis of the test specimen should be Wood is that fibrous substance which
placed at the center of the testing composes the trunk and branches of a
machine head to ensure axial tensile tree that lies between the pitch and the
stresses within the gauge length without bark.
bending. An extensometer with a dial
More specifically wood is defined as the
gauge or an LVDT
lignified water conducting ,
strengthening and storage tissues of
branches, stem and roots of trees.
Technically, wood is known as Xylem.
Wood is the most common building Strength in tension or the ability to resist
material because of the following in lengthwise stresses.
Shearing strength or the ability of the
● A strong material fibers to resist rupture along or across
● Has durability the grain.
● Light in weight
● Ease of fastening
● With artistic and natural beauty is an important factor in the strength of
The advantages of wood as a building
material are: Thus, to a certain extent, strength
increases with the degree of seasoning
It is abundant in many shapes, sizes
of wood.
and forms and is a renewable
resources. Hardness
The use of timber connectors in wide expressed as resistance to indentation
trusses and span, towers and general or to the saw or ax across the grain.
construction permit the use of small
wood members. dependent largely on weight, structural
Wood does not deteriorate in value if
properly handled and protected. of the wood and degree of seasoning.

It is not readily affected by changing This feature is important in several

styles. methods of utilization such as flooring,
furniture, cross ties, handles and many
It has prompt resale value. small wood articles.
Neither heat, cold nor changes, may Cleavability
seriously affect wood.
resistance of wood to cleavage along
Strength The line of least resistance in cleavage
is along the radius because the wood
is the general term used in reference to
rays are in this direction.
the ability of wood to resist stresses and
strain. Wood splits much more easily when wet
because moisture softens the fibers and
Different wood varies materially in the
reduces adhesion across the grain.
following manner:
Straightens in the grain however,
Wood is resistant to compression along
determine the ease with which wood
the fibers.
Stiffness or the ability to resist bending
Flexibility and Toughness
as in floor joists and beams supporting
heavy load.
Moisture content of wood influences Lumber - is the term applied to
flexibility to a considerable degree. unplanned or undressed lumber.
Toughness refers to the combined Silviculture - is the process of growing
strength, shock resistance and pliability timber crops of the better and more
of wood. valuable species as rapidly as possible
through scientific forestry.
Definition of Terms
Surfaced or Dressed Lumber is
planed lumber having at least one
smooth side.
S2s; S4s - are planed or dressed
lumber of which the number connote the
number of smooth sides. S2s means
smooth on two sides and S4s on four
Slab - is a kind of rough lumber which is
cut tangent to the annual rings of wood
running the full length of the log and
containing at least one flat surface. board foot or board-foot
Timber - is a piece of lumber five inches is a unit of measurement for the volume
or large in its smallest dimension. of lumber.
Plank - is a wide piece of lumber from 2 It is the volume of a one-foot length of a
to 5 inches thick. board one foot wide and one inch thick.
Board - is a piece of lumber less than How to compute board foot
1-1/2" thick and at least 4 inches wide.
● Measure the length, width, and depth
Flitch - is a thick piece of lumber in inches.
Fine grained - when the annual rings ● Use a stiff tape measure to measure
are small, the grain of marking which the length, width depth of the board.
separates the adjacent rings is said to ● Each measurement should be taken
be fine grained. When large, it is called separately and record in inches.
Coarse-grained. ● Using this method of calculation, you
must know the length, width, and
Straight-Grained - when the direction depth of each board in inches.
of the wood fibers are nearly parallel ● Round fractional sizes to the nearest
with the sides and edges of the board, it quarter-inch.
is said to be straight grained. When the ● Note that board thickness is always
lumber is taken from a crooked tree, it is expressed in quarter- inches, even
classified to be crooked or when you have a whole number.
● 1-inch thick board would be Divide the product you just calculated by
expressed as four-quarter (4/4) 144 cubic inches.
Write down the quotient you calculate.
● When calculating board feet,
however, use the actual measured Note that 1 board foot equals 144 cubic
number of inches for the sake of inches.
● If you are buying pre-measured, That is the reason you must divide the
marked hardwood from a reliable board volume the number of cubic
source, you can skip this step and inches by 144.
begin your calculations. Example: 146.25 cubic inches / 144
● Measuring the hardwood board cubic inches = 1.02 board feet
yourself is always recommended
when possible, though.
Calculate board feet for five-quarter
(5/4) hardwood measuring 26 inches
long and 4.5 inches wide.
Note that "five-quarter" hardwood is 1.25
inches thick.

Multiply these three measurements
together. Multiply the measured length,
width, and depth of the board.
Write down the product of all three
During this part of the calculation, you
are actually determining the volume of
the board.
As such, your answer will need to be in
cubic inches.
Example: length * width * depth = 26
inches * 4.5 inches * 1.25 inches =
146.25 cubic inches

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