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Askari Bank was incorporated in Pakistan on October 9, 1991, as a public limited company.
It commenced operation on April 1, 1992, and is principally engaged in the business of
banking, as defined in the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962. The Bank is listed on
Pakistan Stock Exchange (earlier it was listed on Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad Stock

Since inception, the bank has concentrated on growth through improving service quality,
investment in technology and people, utilizing its extensive branch network which includes
Islamic and agricultural banking.

Corporate Social Responsibility is an integral part of the way we do business. In order to

fulfill our CSR objectives, we attempt to promote public interest by encouraging community
growth and development through sponsoring social service events, supporting education,
sports and environment and also contribute in socio-cultural activities.

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An important player in Pakistan's financial services industry, Askari Bank is now
leading the way to the most modern and dynamic banking in the country.

Incorporated in October 1991, Askari Bank commenced its operations in April 1992,
and has since expanded into a nation wide presence of 150 branches, including 14
dedicated Islamic Banking branches connected online and supported by a shared
network of over 2,670 online ATMs covering all major cities in Pakistan supports the
delivery channels for customer service. Askari Bank also has an Offshore Banking.

ASKARI BANK is the leading private sector bank in Pakistan, delivering quality
service through innovative technology. In the success story of Askari Bank, one of the
most important factors, apart from its dynamic management and prudent approach, is
the quality of its services, which gives it a great edge over its competitors. Askari
Bank has always strived to facilitate its customers by introducing various high quality
hi-tech services for the first time in Pakistan.

We are proud of our pioneering role in providing the most modern and
technologically advanced services to our customers. Knowing our customers and their
needs is the key to our business success. Our products and services are as diverse as
our market segments. Technology has played a pivotal role in meeting customer
expectations, particularly with respect to the speed and quality of services.

We have fully automated transaction-processing systems for back-office support. Our

branch network is connected on-line real-time and our customers have access to off-
site as well as on-site ATMs, all over Pakistan. This includes not just establishing and
maintaining technology infrastructure for providing operational support to all units of
the Bank, but also encompasses introducing latest state-of-the-art technology-driven
products and service delivery systems, such as ATM networking, Internet Banking,
Mobile ATM, Credit Cards, Debit Card, Prepaid Card, utility bills payment through
ATMs & Internet which have brought about cost-effectiveness, timesaving and safety.

Askari bank has also achieved another milestone with the launch of Askari Bank Zari
Credit Card. This is the first ever credit card offered to the farmers in Pakistan with
complete product features and service benefits. It aims to meet farmer's production
and development needs and to supplement cash flows, whenever required.

It is also a matter of satisfaction that Askari Bank has been the first bank to introduce
PTCL and WAPDA utility bills payment electronically through ATM and Internet on
an Online-Real-Time Basis. For the first time in Pakistan, we have introduced Mobile
ATMs to provide banking facilities at the doorsteps of our customers.

Our Phone Banking and Internet Banking Facility allows our customers, to access
their accounts from anywhere in the world, and effect transactions.

Askari Bank has an internationally recognised website, containing comprehensive

information on Askari Bank and its products. We are proud to mention that the
website was developed in-house and has received several awards. Bank has

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established its Data Warehouse and Customer Care Centre, a dedicated customer call
center to provide one window service to our valued customers in terms of their

Askari bank remains focused on using technology for improving customer service
standards and expanding the range of products being offered and other technology
based solutions.

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To be the leading private sector bank in Pakistan with an international presence, delivering
quality service through innovative technology and effective human resource management, in
a modern and progressive organizational culture of meritocracy, maintaining high ethical and
professional standards, while providing enhanced value to all our stakeholders, and
contributing to society.

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The intrinsic values, which are the corner-stones of our corporate behaviour are
Commitment, Integrity, Fairness, Teamwork and Service.


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✓ Accounts Opening Department:

The relation between the bank and the customer starts from this department. Every
Bank needs enough deposits to mobilize and earn great profits by lending the money on
significant amount of interest to those who are in need of it.

Askari Bank offers its customers the following types of accounts:

❖ General Customer Accounts:

• Joint Account

• Minor Account

❖ Special Customers Accounts:

• Proprietorship Account

• Partnership Account

✓ Remittance Department

“Cash is blood for the bank because it circulates in it and generates profit.”

Remittance Department is of major importance in the bank because the transfer of

moneyfrom one place to another is done through here.

✓ Clearing Department
The clearing department collects cheques, demand drafts, pay orders drawn upon
other banks by the customer. Askari Bank as being owned by the army, collects the salaryche
ques of army personnel and presents them to State Bank of Pakistan and upon realization
credits the respective accounts of the army officers.

✓ Accounts Department

This department is of much importance in the Askari Bank. The banks daily transaction are
recorded in the computer and upon the day end a summary of it is printed out and is tallied
and ticked against the instruments received. The debit and credit vouchers are prepared for
each instrument and are saved as a record purpose. At the end of the week the extract of all
the transactions is sent to the head office. It also indicates, head office entries as clearing,
transfer delivery etc. The accounts department also performs the following duties as well:

• Preparation of Daily Bank Position Statement

• Checking Bank’s Daily Activity

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• Maintenance of book of the accounts of head office

• Salary disbursement of staff

• Arrangement of stationary for bank

• Pre audit checking of all bank transactions.

✓ Foreign Trade Department

Askari Bank is authorized by the State Bank of Pakistan to deal in foreign currency. The For-
ex department provides facility of foreign currency accounts to both Pakistani and Foreign
citizens and also facilitates them in foreign trade. The for-ex department provides this facility
through guarantee of import and export and letter of credits (L.C).

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(All values in 000)


Items Year 2020 Year 2019 Year 2018

Cash and balances 45,407,183 38,774,871 39,631,219
with treasury banks
Balances with other 1,478,569 6,009,993 4,106,526
Lending to financial 4,401,781 30,00,000 4,100,079
Investment 195,651,545 147,434,703 82,099,385
Advances 177,109,599 176,203,572 186,534,891
Other assets 14,006,626 12,301,497 13,183,715
TOTAL 438,055,296 383,724,636 329,655,815

Calculations of current liabilities :( rupee in 000)

Items Year 2020 Year 2019 Year 2018

Bill payable 10,265,537 8,201,090 10,551,468
Borrowings 24,601,822 43,612,813 21,613,465
Deposit and other 426,476,908 361,695,513 322,785,631
Other liabilities 12,410,272 11,711,615 17,257,794
Total 473,754,539 425,221,031 372,207,358

I calculated all these values from maturities table of assets and liabilities and added
those values that are current (fall in one year).

Current assets-advances=quick assets

2020 438,055,296-177,109,592=260,945,704

2019 383,724,636-176,203,572=207,521,064

2018 329,655,815-186,534,891=143,120,924

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Graphical representation of the working capital:


Leverage ratios measure the degree of protection of suppliers of long term funds.

(I)Time interest earned:

Earning before interest and tax (EBIT)/interest expense

Year 2020 Year 2019 Year 2018

44,240,842/17,987,767=2.4 39,032,267/15,837322=2.4 33,479,662/11,592,922=2.8
59 62 87


EBIT stands for earning before interest and tax I calculated this ratio to the sum of
profit before tax and interest expense. The values are:

EBIT= Profit before tax + interest expense

2020 26,253,075+17,987,767 =44,240,842

2019 23,154,945+15,877,322 =39,032,267

2018 21,886,740+11,592,922 =33,479,662

Graphical representation of tangible to net worth ratio.


Long term debt/(long term debt shareholders equity)

Year 2020 Year 2019 Year 2018

14,507,314/83,687,325=0.1 14,614,761/75,690,693=0.1 12,720,472/66,841,284=0.1
73 93 90

Working: I calculate long term debt from maturities table of assets and liabilities and
than add long term debt and shareholders equity.

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Graphical representation of return on assets:

(i) DuPont returns on assets:

Net income /sales*sales/total assets*100

Year 2020 Year 2019 Year 2018

16,873,175/54,821,296*54, 15,495,297/51,616,007*51, 15,323,227/400,495,05*400
821,296/567,552,613*100= 616,007/50,922,3727*100= ,49,505/445,285,758*100=3
2.972 3.042 .441

Graphical representations of DuPont return on assets:

(ii) Operating income margin:

Earning before interest and tax (EBIT)/Net sales

Year 2020 Year 2019 Year 2018

44,240,842/54,821,296=0.8 38,992,267/51,616,007=0.7 33,479,662/40,049,505=0.8
07 55 35


I obtain these amounts from profit and loss account the formula for earning before
interest and tax is: EBIT= profit before tax + interest earned expense and net is the
amount of interest earned.

Graphical representation of operating income margin:

(iii) Return on operating assets

Earning before interest and tax (EBIT)/operating assets

Year 2020 Year 2019 Year 2018

44,240,842/539,847,544=8. 38,992,267/486,183,632=8. 33,479,662/425,457,530=7.
195 020 869


EBIT= profit before tax + interest earned expense and Operating Assets of a bank =
Cash and balances with treasury banks, balances with other banks, advances, lending
to financial institutions and operating fixed assets. These amounts are taken from
profit and loss account and balance sheet.

Graphical representation of return on operating assets:

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Graphical representation of return on total equity:


Activity ratios measure a firm's ability to convert different accounts within their
balance sheets into cash or sales.

(I) total assets turnover

Total asset turnover = interest markup earned /total assets

Year 2020 Year 2019 Year 2018

54,821,296/567,552,613=0. 51,616,007/509,223,727=0.1 400,49,505/445,285,758=0.
096 013 089

Working: interest mark up earned is taken from profit and loss account and total
assets are taken from balance sheet.

Graphical representation of total assets turnover:

(ii) Fixes assets turnover

Fixes assets turnover =Interest mark up earned/fixes assets

Year 2020 Year 2019 Year 2018

54,821,296/20,947,540=2.6 51,616,007/18,014,896=2.8 400,49,505/17,320,485=2.3
17 65 12

Working: interest mark up earned is taken from profit and loss account and fixed
assets are taken from balance sheet. Operating fixed assets are fixed assets.

Graphical representation of fixed assets turnover:


Market ratios are commonly used by the investors to assess the performance of a
business as an investment and also the cost of issuing stock.

(i) Dividend per share

Dividend per share =Dividend pad to shareholders/number of outstanding shares

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Year 2020 Year 2019 Year 2018

8,567,547/760,215=11.27 6,735,510/691,105=9.746 9,834,181/628,277=15.652


I take Dividend paid from cash statement and number of outstanding shares
calculated as: number of shares/par value of share that is Rs.10 in annual report of
ASKARI bank. Calculation of number of outstanding shares:




Graphical representation of dividend per share:

(ii) Earning per share

Earning per share =Net income after tax/number of shares outstanding

Year 2020 Year 2019 Year 2018

16,873,175/760,215=22.195 15,495,297/691,105=22.421 15,323,227/628,277=24.389

Working: net income after tax is obtained from profit and loss account and number of
share outstanding is: number of shares/par value of share that is Rs.10 in annual report
of ASKARI bank. Calculation of number of outstanding shares:




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a. Strengths of Askari Bank

• Training and Development: Askari bank has extensive training &development
programs for employees to enhance their capabilities like no other bank can.

• Compensation Benefits: Askari bank provides various compensation benefits to

their employees which boosts their morale.

• Technological Metamorphosis: In addition to “Oracle Financial Services

Software” (OFSS) (previously flexcube) as the core banking software, the
Bank is also implementing “Oracle Financial” as MIS and Supply Chain
Managements software, “PeopleSoft” as Human Resource Management
software,“Reveleus” as Risk management software and “Siebel” as Customer
Relationship Management software. These software will be fully integrated
with OFSS and collectively strengthen the product and service delivery
capacity while improving the overall operational and internal control

• Customer-Focused Banking: Askari bank delivers timely solutions that best meet
the customer’s financial needs and places special emphasis on customer care
and convenience.

• High Credit Quality: Askari Bank has credit ratings of AA for Long term
andA1+ for Short term by PACRA. These are high credit ratings which support
highest quality for timely repayment of financial commitments.

• Ethical Concerns: Askari Bank management ensures ethical practices

of business and enjoys good public reputation. The customers are valued and a
re provided with excellent services.

Weaknesses of Askari Bank

• Centralization:
The degree of centralization is high because all the decisions are made by the board
members and employees are not made part of decision making process at any level.
• Lack of Career Growth:
Askari bank has many employees which are working for over two decades now and
who have blocked the way for career growth of competent junior employees.

• Lack of Team-Work:
The team-work culture is not prevalent due to the functional structure of the Bank.

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• Manual Book Keeping:

Although the bank has computerized system yet registers are used to maintain the
information about accounts, ATM, cheque books and clearing etc.

• Work Load Saturation:

The employees are under pressure most of the times because of the tough targets set by the
top management and feel exhausted and less productive.

Opportunities of Askari bank

• High payment capacity

• Branch Network in Remote Areas

• Overseas Branch Expansions

• Attract Foreign Investment

• Completely Automated Operations

• Jagged increase in Imports & Exports

Threats of Askari bank

✓ Job Turnover: Many employees have left the bank and went for
other banks because they feel there career in threat as they are appointed oncontract

✓ High Bank Charges: As per Askari Bank’s Schedule of Charges, 2017, it is apparent
that the charges are extremely high on online funds transfer etc.
This can create an alarming condition and the bank can loose some of its customers.

✓ Threat of New Entrants in Banking Industry.

✓ Political and Economical instability in Pakistan.

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▪ National Bank of Pakistan Ltd

▪ Faysal Bank Ltd

▪ Allied Bank Ltd

▪ Bank Alfalah Ltd

▪ Meezan Bank Ltd

Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd

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PEST Analysis
Political Factors:
The political arena has a huge influence upon the regulation of businesses, and the spending
power of consumers and other businesses. You must consider issues such as:

▪ What is the government's position on marketing ethics?

▪ What is the government's policy on the economy?

▪ How stable is the political environment?

▪ Will government policy influence laws that regulate or tax your business?

Economic Factors:
Marketers need to consider the state of a trading economy in the short and long-terms. This is
especially true when planning for international marketing. You need to look at:

▪ Interest rates.

▪ The level of inflation Employment level per capita.

▪ Long-term prospects for the economy Gross Domestic Product (GDP). per capita, and so

Sociocultural Factors:
The social and cultural influences on business vary from country to country. It is very
important that such factors are considered. Factors include:

▪ What is the dominant religion?

▪ What are attitudes to foreign products and services?

▪ Does language impact upon the diffusion of products onto markets?

▪ How much time do consumers have for leisure?

Technological Factors:
Technology is vital for competitive advantage and is a major driver of globalization. Consider
the following points:

▪ Does technology allow for products and services to be made more cheaply and to a better
standard of quality?

▪ Do the technologies offer consumers and businesses more innovative products and services
such as Internet banking, new generation mobile telephones, etc.?

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▪ How is distribution changed by new technologies e.g. books via the Internet, flight tickets,
auctions, etc.?

▪ Does technology offer companies a new way to communicate with consumers e.g. banners,
Customer Relationship Management (CRM), etc.

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My Learnings
I heard the good news of me having a six weeks opportunity to interact with a world class bank. All
these six weeks were full of events, full of learning and most importantly full of professional working.
Here 'professional' regards in all from clerical to managerial work. In these six weeks period, the best
thing to me was the authority and dependency of customers upon me, when they come with a hope
that I'm there to guide them through. Knowing all is not learning, the real learning is to convey right. I
tried to learn real, see real UBL, and tried to comprehend the difference between what we look from
outside and what is going on inside. UBL is full of experienced and professional traditional bankers.

As it perfectly suits the environment we are operating in, you attitude has helped UBL in capturing
masses. In the private sector, no doubt it’s a fast-growing bank, but here's something that's still
unrealistic to the policy makers. The line of unsatisfied customers is increasing, not because we are
not serving well, it's because customers are not understanding the YOU attitude right. Every customer
wants to make sure his work is done at the first convenience, but they are not concerned about the
responsibility with which every employee is working. We need to put in some guidelines for our
customers, as they walk in. This will not only save their time but will also motivate staff members to
work more promptly, because if customer and employee engage into some unhealthy quarrel, the
whole environment will be disturbed. Back to my real learnings. In my six-weeks internship, I worked
in customer service department, as well as in clearing department. Because of some work load, I was
unable to learn much about other cash and accounting department. Here is my count down learning of
six weeks.

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Weekly Activities
1st & 2nd Week
Account Opening:

Penning down information and keying it into the system does seem a simple job but it is not. My
initial five days at customer service department was the best experience of my internship. Though
physically I was there just to assist the account opening officer, but it turned out to be much more for
me. That is when I first actually imitated as a presenter of ASKBL to customers, when to many
people, I'm their hope.

ASKBL offers a variety of options for anyone; to everyone. You are an investor, regular businessman,
middle man, salaried person or a house wife; ASKBL serve you in every way it can through its
commendable and reliable services. Working at Customer Service Department, I did counter with
different types of customer and opened their accounts under the supervision of the officer. When you
have the sole responsibility to open the accounts, it's always very important to understand the needs of
your customer. Understanding the psyche of customer is very important. Until and unless you're
completely satisfied that the customer has genuine reason and need to open the account, don't do so.

Account Opening Form:

In all the documentation within the bank, clearness and tidiness are the major features. Over writing
and cutting should always be avoided as it may lead to any misinterpretation. Account Opening Form
is the most important documentation when a walk in for commercial banking and wants to develop a
relationship with us. In AOF, all the necessary information should be completely scrutinized before
the customer walks back. Now let’s look at some of the salient requirements of AOF and their

Currency and Type of Account:

It offers you all the eight different types of accounts mentioned before. First understand why the
customer is here and what type of account suits him a lot. Scale down all the options suiting his
investment or requirement and help him choose what is best for him. Outline all the salient features of
that account to him and make him tick the best box. Mark the currency box if the customer wishes to
deposit in currency, in case, other than PKR.

Nature of Account:

Understand and choose the desired nature of account.

Individual Account (Single/Joint):

Determines if the account is personal or joint. Once again understand your customer here. Illiterate
and gullible customers should better opt for joint account for their own security.

Particulars of Account:

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First, the title of account is entered by which it will be called off. Following is the Key/Secret Word of
six characters which is mostly preferred to be mother’s name because it’s simple unforgettable. Key
word is used to verify the customer on phone or while other subsequent inquiries. Next comes the
mailing address; where the bank should mail anything, it must.

Personal Information:

Following portion summarizes social with standing of a person. Applicant’s name, Father’s or
husband’s name, gender, marital status, Date of birth, nationality, country of residence and
identification source and its number should be entering. Make sure the source of identification is not
expired. Enter NTN if available.

Next of Kin:

In case if the account holder is somehow not contacted, this portion provides information of the
person who should be contacted instead. Person’s name, relationship, address and Telephone number
should be provided.

Business Account:

Determines that the party has its own entity under which the account will be supervised. Match the
respected category and check the box.

Particulars of account:

Of Account Here the information about the business is filled in. Title of account, company/business
name, and nature of business, office/mailing address, head office /registered address, office email and
NTN are mandatory information required for business account. CNIC is required in case of sole
proprietor ship.

3rd & 4th Week

Additional Information

Existing relationship with UBL:

In case if the customer already has some relationship with ASKBL, it should be mentioned here. This
is just in case to formally know and cross check the customer’s provided information.

Existing relationship with other banks:

This is to know what relationship the customer has with other banks, if any.

ASKBL Wallet ATM/Debit Card:

Here first define your customer what ATM card is, what are its features and what is the difference
between its different options. Enter the name of the customer in ‘Name on card’ field. Then is the
option of supplementary ATM card. A customer can issue up to 9 supplementary cards. If

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supplementary card is required, a ASKBL Wallet VISA card requisition form is filled in which details
about supplementary card holders is penned.

Zakat Deduction:

PLS account holders can directly pay Zakat from their accounts.

Other UBL Products:

Account holders can opt for ASKBL Net banking, ASKBL Orion, Credit card, Personal loan, Car
Financing, Mortgage and Business Finance.

Operating Instructions:

This identifies the signing authority of the account. It can be operated singly, either or survivor,
jointly, mandate or by any other in special cases.

Statement of Accounts:

This specifies how early the account statement is required. It can be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly
or semiannually. Customers can choose Mail or e Statement or both.

5th & 6th Week

Clearing of cheques:

Outward Clearing:

My experience at ASKBL branch started from the clearing department. Right in the morning cheques
collected from the drop box simply flood over my table. According to all I learnt through listening,
viewing and questioning is summarized below.

Documentation of Consumer Cheques:

All the cheques collected are first categorized into:

▪ Credit Cards.

▪ Auto Loans.

▪ Personal Loans.

▪ Cash Line.
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Having categorized, firstly loan number of each cheque is verified. To anticipate the approval of
cheques, we need to validate some important specifications of all the cheques. They are:

▪ Date: Cheque should not be postdated or out of date.

▪ Figures: Amount in words and figures should match.

▪ Signature: Drawers signature must be clear.

▪ Intercity: Cheques must not be of other cities. Intercity clearing cheques for consumer departments
are not entertained.

▪ Payee’s Name: Payee’s name should be written, and endorsement should be as per the beneficiary of
the cheque.

▪ There should be no over writing in everything penned.


All the filtered cheques are then entered the collection sheet in which following information is

▪ Cheque No.

▪ Name of bank.

▪ Name of Customer.

▪ Loan No.

▪ Amount.

▪ Document No.

All the Posting of the Consumer Cheques:

For clearing, we opt for second option in Banking category, and after entering the posting date,
clearing date and transfer delivery date, we opt for single entry option. Now all the cheques are
credited in the clearing schedule in their prescribed ledgers. cheque return registers and all the account
holders of returned cheques are charged with service penalty. All the vouchers are signed by the
designated officer and all the entries over 50,000 are supervised.


Demand Draft:

DDs are always a secure way of paying remittances in other cities. Both account holders and walk in
customers can avail the facility of DDs. Charges tend to differ for both customers but the advantage
tend to be same.

Pay Order:

POs are another safe way of paying your remittances within the city. They are payable at any branch
and then are forwarded for clearing. There charges are in case of PO, remitter account is credited and

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PO A/C of branch is debited. At presentation, Beneficiary is debited and PO A/C of branch is


Uni Remote:

Uni Remote is the online facility of depositing cash to any account in ASKBL. With on-line banking,
you are connected to the complete network of ASAKBL all over Pakistan. Uni Remote charges are
Rs. 200 for cash withdrawal and Rs. 100 for cash deposit.

Security Deposit Receipts (SDR):

Security deposit Receipts are your safe way of making payments. Not only its free of cost for A/C
holders, it also offers you the best liquidity solution as the cash continues to be with you until and
unless your deal gets final and you pay off. In case of cancellation, it's also free of cost for A/C
holders and their amount is returned to their normal account balance. for non-A/C holders, Rs. 250 is
charged. Duplicate fee is Rs. 250 (flat).

Bills Payment Department: Payment of cross Cheques cannot be made on counter its payment is
possible through collecting bankers. Bank can make payments of only open Cheques on the counter

Operation Department:

In ASKBL mazang chungi Branch Lahore Operational Manager Mr. Ch. Asif department which is
under the control of operation department. Opening of new accounts, closing of zero balance
accounts, updating all operational records etc. is done in operation department. Operation department
manages all departments of bank except credit department. Operational Manager is responsible for all
operations of cash department, remittance department and clearing department. Cheque books issuing
and making entries on computers for the authentication of cheque books, filling deposit slips and
cheques all are the functions of operation department.

▪ According to my judgment following are the recommendations and
improvements for the bank on the bases of my observations in branch and
ratios analyses.

▪ ASKBL should appoint at least one HRM officer at every branch for dealing
HR related work.
▪ I would recommend that every employee must work in every department for
some time to insert knowledge of all the departments as job rotating.
Employee should be trained with different training program.

▪ Working capital of Muslim commercial bank is negative its means bank can
not pay there short term obligations I recommended that Muslim commercial
bank need to positive there working capital.

▪ The Bank takes the all necessary steps to ease to their customer like the better
environment according to their needs and wants. Customer problems are also

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be taking under observation like the too much time taking for the payment of
the cheque.

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The references and sources which are used in the report that is:

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