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Class: XII SESSION : 2022-2023 SUBJECT: Mathematics SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER - 2 with SOLUTION ‘Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80 General Instructions : 1. This Question paper contains - five sections A, B, C, D and E, Bach section is compulsory. However, there are internal choices in some questions, Section A has 18 MCQ’s and 02 Assertion-Reason based questions of I mark each, Section B has 5 Very Short Answer (VSA)-type questions of 2 marks each, Section C has 6 Short Answer (SA)-type questions of 3 marks each. Section D has 4 Long Answer (LA)-type questions of 5 marks each Section F has 3 source based/case based/passage based/integrated units of assessment (4 marks cach) with sub parts, Section A J? sin? ade =? ay ©) 35 dt Let P be a point on F = 5i +7) — 2k + 8(3i —j +k) and Q be a point on the line sat at ees 3 r= -31+37+6k+t(—32+2j+4k) . If PQ is parallel to the vector + ni he = 2147) —5k. then |PQ| equals: a) 2V78 b) V7B AV dD) 3v7B The area of the region bounded by the curve y = x? and the line y = 16 128 a a) 8 b) 256 a) 28 ‘The area bounded by the curves y =|x - 1 and y= 1 is given by 1 a)l bt )2 d) none of these IfG and 6 are mutually perpendicular unit vectors then (3a + 26) - (5a — 66) =? ayo b) 12 5 d)3 Let A and B be two events such that P(A) = 0.6, P(B) = 0.2, and P(A | B) = 0.5. Then P (A’[B') equals 1 An unbiased die is tossed twice. What is the probability of getting a 4, 5 or 6 on the first toss and a 1, 2, 3 or 4 on the second toss? 2 a2 1 Or For any vector d, the value of (4 x i)? + (@ x 3)? + (@ x &)? is equal to = = 38 Dag > + oR D oa Maximise the function Z = 11x + 7y, subject to the constraints: x <3, y<2,x>0,y 20. a) 50 b) 48 49 4)47 General solution of #4 + y tan x = see x is: a)ytanx=secx+c b)ysecx=tanx te c)tanx=ytanx+¢ d)x sec x=tany+¢e ‘What is the solution of the differential equation a #2 =0? a)x+y=C b)x-y=C c)xy=C d)y=Cx J—# Vitara a) log|(a — 2) + Vx? — 4x + 2| b) log|(a +3) + Va? + 6x +5 | +¢ +¢ c)log|z+ V2? —4%+2|+C d) None of these The solution of the differential equation 2 = 2) 6 (2) =y »26(2) 0) o(2) = ke —2| satisfies ATA =I, thenx + y= b) none of these ©) 0 d)3 x(e**-1) Tone Lt. t, is equal to a)2 ot The solution of «$4 + y= =#ak a)na yt Ja= 24s Spaetek Ifa line makes angles «,8 and + with the axes respectively, then cos2a+cos28+cos2y = a)-2 b)2 o)-l dl The value of sin (2 tan“! (0,75)) is equal to a) 1.5 by sin (1.5) ©) 0.75 d) 0.96 Assertion (A): Maximum value of Z = 3x + 2y, subject to the constraints x+2y < [1] 2: x > 0; y > 0 will be obtained at point (2, 0). Reason (R): Ina bounded feasible region, it always exist a maximum and minimum value. a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. c) A is true but R is false. d) A is false but R is true. Assertion (A): Every differentiable function is continuous but converse is not true. [1] Reason (R): Function {(x) = |x| is continuous. a) Both A and R are true and R is, the correct explanation of A. b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. c) A is true but R is false. d) A is false but R is true. Section B Differentiate the function cosa - cos 2x -cos 3a w.r.t. x. Find the angle between the pairs of lines: 28 WL 28 yg 22 v2 — e 1 6-2 OR Find the cartesian and vector equations of ine which passes through the point (12,3 and is parallel to the line [= = A fair die is rolled, Consider events E = {1,3,5}, F= {2,3} and G = {2,3,4,5}. Find P(E|G) and P(G|E) Solve: y dx - (x + 2y2) dy =0 For the principal values, evaluate sin~" [cos{ 2cosec™"(—2)}] Section C Solve the Linear Programming Problem graphically: Minimize Z = 2x + 4y Subject to xty>8 x+4y2>12 x>3,y>2 Evaluate: f et) Evaluate: f' Find the area of the region between the parabola x - y? - 6 y and the line x = OR Find the area bounded by the curve y2 = 4a (x - 1) and the lines x = | and y = 4a. Find the area of the region bounded by the line y = 3x + 2, the x-axis and the ordinates x = - | and x= 1 oo . if_se_) a Differentiate the function with respect to x: tan (4S ): FE Let A= R— {3} and B= R— {1}. Consider the function f: A +B defined by f(x) = ( is F one-one and onto? Justify your answer. OR Show that the function f: Ry {a R:-11. (ii) y=-(x-1),x<1. (ii) y= 1 | these three lines enclose a triangle whose area is : base.height = 32 «1 = 1 sq, unit. 5.@)3 Explanation: 3 Given |a|? = ||? =1anda-5=0 (Ga +26) - (Sa - 6b) = 15|4|2- 12|5|2-8a.5 = (15 « I) (12* 1)-(8 x0) =(15-12-0)=3 P(AUB) 1-P(B) 1-P(B) P(A)-P(B) +P(ANB) 3 1-02 “8 1 1.) 3 Explanation: Here $ = {1, 2, 3, 4 5, & Let A= {4, 5, 6) and B= {1, 2,3, 4}. af g7 pre) 373 Clearly, A and B are independent events. P(A) 1 2 + P(A B) = P(A) x P(B) = (3*3) . (d) 2a” Explanation: Let @ = ayi + ayy + ah, then #1 (ari ay) tagh) xinayixia ay xi+ = axi=0-agk+agi( = axis —agk+a3j = |x i]? = a3 +ag Similarly, we get = jax jl? =af ay = |axk|? =af +a} 8 [ax i]2e [ari]? [ax kPa} ah + at +a} + at +a} = 2(af +43 +43) = 2] \a| = fa} + 03+). . (d) 47 Explanation: We have , Maximise the function Z = 11x + Ty, subject to the constraints: x < 3,ys2x>0,y>0. Corner points Z=lx+7y CO, 0) 0 BG.0) 33 DO2) 14 A(3, 2) 47 Hence the function has maximum value of 47 ). (b) y sec x =tanx +e dy Explanation: We have, 7+ y tan x =sec x which is a linear differential equation Here, P = tan x, Q= see x, 2 LP=eltanxde — clog sec x = sooy + The general solution is y sec x =|secx - secx +C => yseex=[sec2xdr+C => ysecx=tanx+C (@y=Cx Explanation: Consider the given differential equation, yd —xdy x vedu-u-dy =05 % ” : v On integrating both side, we get i x ; 1 > 1u(;)=c1 =5 =Cy > y=Cx, where C= = (a) log |e - 2) + Vx? 4x +2 + dx V2-4xtx? )-| 4 -; 4 V (s2-4ve4) -2 V(a-2)?= (2)? = log|(x— 2) + Vx? - 4x +2) +€ Explanation: The given integral is | (2) = he Explanation: We have, dv ou . Sxq tes y+ — from (i) a) av g(r) ¥ . a gv) af, 8 gv) x > log gv) = log [x/Hog k > wee(?) = log |x| = log k x x @ = log] —— | = logk “4 . (b) none of these 1 Explanation: We have, 4 = 5 Now, ATA=1 x2 45 Ie+3 v 2] 79 00 =|3t+2r 6 | 90 6 oy ise 009 The corresponding elements of two equal matrices are not equal. Thus, the matrix A is not orthogonal. (a) 2 xe 1) Explanation: lim ————— cost x0 =1) wk 16.@)y= > +> dy Explanation: We have, x7- + y = e* y & Stee = dx x x This is a linear differential equation. dy On comparing it with 7 + Py = Q, we get 1 & P= = and Q=— L . IF =e! = (log) _ So, the general solution is: 17.(¢)-1 Explanation: We know that, Cosa + Cos?f + Cos*y Now, Cos2a + Cos2f + Cos2y = (2Cos*a — 1) + (2CosB — 1) + (2Cos*y - 1) = 2(Cos?a + Cos*p + Cos?y) - 3 2x1 -3 [from equation (1)] 18, (€) 0.96 Explanation: sin (2tan! (0.75) Let, tan! (0,75) =0 -f3)\_ = wn (7 )=6 3 > tan O= 3 As, tan 0= as . 3 4 sin 0= 57008 O= 5 wen) Now, sin (2tan! (0.75)) = sin 20 =2sin @cos @ 3\/4 =2(=)(= s)\s 24 ~ 25 So, sin (2tan~ (0.75)) = 0.96 . (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. Explanation: Assertion: Given, x+y < 2,x > Oandy > 0 Let Z = 3x +2y Now, table for x +y=2 x | 0 | y | 2 | At (0, 0),0+0 < 2=>0 = 2, which is true. ¥ r So, shaded portion is towards the origin. «+ The corner points of shaded region are O(0, 0), A(2, 0) and B(O, 2) At point O(0, 0), Z At point A(2, 0), At point B(0, 2), Z = 3(0) + 22) Hence, maximum value of Z is 6 at point (2, 0). Hence both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion. (©) A is true but Ris false. Explanation: Assertion: It is a true statement. Reason: We have, f(x) = |x| Atx=0, 0-h)-f(0 LL = tim LOO) hoo |0-A|-0 S(O+h) ~f(0) and RHL = lim h hoot J0+h|—0 = lim) ———= hoot Here, LHD 4 RHD, hence f(x) is not continuous at x = 0. Section B . Given function is: case. cos2.cos3x Let y = cosy. cos2.cos3x Taking log on both sides, we get log y = log(cos x. cos 2x. cos 3x) Now, differentiate both sides with respect to x d d d d Gp llogy) = Flog(cosx) + | log(cos2x) + + (logeos3x) 1 d d = + Foose) + —(cos2x) + J cos 2x | dx sinx sin2xv d sin3x d Ge) cos ax” eo?) = ~ cosx + cos2x + cos3x[tanx + 2tan2x + 3tan3x] . In the Cartesian or symmetrical form of equation the angle between two lines can be found by dot product equation and in this equation we will use the direction ratios which are in the denominator of the equation. xox] YTYL 2721 a b ¢ In this equation a,b,c are the direction ratios of this equation, Equations of the given lines are, x-5 2yt+6 30 x-2 ytl 2-6 <= and —— = —- = 1 =2 1 3 4 5 These are not in the standard form but after converting them, we get, x-S yt3 2-3 xn pt] 2-6 = =— and = 1 1 3 4 5 Given there are two vectors which are parallel to these lines, =1i- 1 + 1k, B = 31+4j + 5k So angle between the lines is the angle between these vectors which are parallel to the lines. By using dot product equation, ab cos = (al ibL _ Gatti) (3i+4j+3k) [i= 1j+ 1h] [37+4j +54 1x (3)+(-1) x44+1%5 Vi2+(-12 +? 3-445 Ve 4 cos? = —= 56 of Which is the required angle between the lines cos? = cosd = The given line is =x-2_y+3 22-6 Therefore direction ratios are -2, 14, 2 * Cartesian equation of line through (1, 2, 3) and having direction ratios -2, 14, 3 are Now, a= i+2j+3K,m= —2i+ 14) +3k + Hence the required Vector equation of line is Poa+in or? = (+27 + 3h) + A(— 27+ 147 +34) . Sample space for the given experiment, 'S! = {1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6} Here, E = {1, 3,5}, F= (2, 3} and G= {2, 3, 4, 5} .....Gi) 301 201 9 PE) = 2 = 5, PU = 2 = 5. P= Now, EN F={3},F N G={2,3},E 9 G= 1 201 > PIENF) = 2, PF NG) = = = 3, PENG) P(ENF) By definition of conditional probability, P(E | F) = PF) P(ENG) W301 2/3 2 1 = PEIG)= 5 Similarly, we have P(GNE) 1/3 24, The given differential equation is y dx - (x + 2y) dy = 0 wy 3 Wy de etry? x+2y? Dy y 1 a ( - )s = 2y ..i) This is a linear differential equation of the form © 5 pe=0, where P=~+ and Q=2 = + Px =Q, where P=~~ and Q= dy y . «Lp, =e! Rdy = Multiplying both sides of (i) by LF. = y"!, we obtain ldx 1 == -Ay=2 vdy yr , Integrating both sides with respect to y, we get 1 x =f dy + [Using: x ( ») =] Q (LF) dy +C] x = ~ =2y + C, which is the required solution to given differential equation. y . First of all we need to find the principal value for cosee~!(-2) Let, 2 2 => -cosee == 6 As we know that cosec(—6) = —cosec@ : - ose (3 “x ‘The range of principal value of cosec~ (-2) is Fe ed cosec | — 6 Thus,the princi value of cosee!(-2) is ; + Now, the question changes to sin“ feos — in "feos ] Cos(—0) = cos(0) + we can write the above expression as sin ![cos= in“ [cos [cos¢] Let, in {| — sin (3 Therefore, the principal value of Sin“! ( a Hence, the principal value ofthe given equation is = Section C . First, we will convert the given inequations into equations, we obtain the following equations: x+y=8,x+4y=12,x=3, y=2 and solving we get values are as follows: The region represented by x + y > 8: The line x + y = 8 meets the coordinate axes at A(8,0) and B(0,8) respectively. By joining these points we obtain the line x + y = 8 Clearly (0,0) does not satisfies the inequation x + y > 8. So, the region in x y plane which does not contain the origin represents the solution set of the inequationx ty > 8 ‘The region represented by x +4 y > 12: The line x + 4y = 12 meets the coordinate axes at C(12,0) and D(0,3) respectively. By joining these points we obtain the line x + 4y = 12. Clearly (0,0) satisfies the inequation x + 4y > 12. So, the region in x y plane which contains the origin represents the solution set of the inequation x +4y > 12 The line x = 3 is the line that passes through the point ( 3,0 ) and is parallel to Y axis x. > 3 is the region to the right of the line x = 3 ‘The line y = 2 is the line that passes through the point (0,12) and is parallel to X axis.y > 2 is the region above the line y = 2 The corner points of the feasible region are E(3,5) and F(6,2) The values of Z at these corner points are as follows. ‘Corner point Z=2x+4y EG. 5) 2x3 44x5=26 F(6, 2) 2x6+4x2=20 Therefore, the minimum value of objective function Z is 20 at point F(6,2). Hence, x = 6 and y = 2 is the optimal solution of the given LPP. Thus, the optimal value of objective function z is 20. I Using partial fraction, . Let, 1 — — “(-1) xoxtl xT y2yy T= A(x +1) (X= 1) (2 +1) + Bx (x= 1) (x2 +1) + Cx (& +1) (x2 + 1) + Dx (x +1) (X= 1) Forx=0,A=-1 Forx=1,C= For x =-1,B Therefore 1 1 1 2 x) + +D) + -p- +1)) + Injx| + Inj@ + 1)| +ZIn@&— 1) In |(x ‘i c Let the given integral be, Ax? +2x 7 a 2 Let 2x +1 =AZ (x? + 2-1) tu =AQx+2)+m 2xt1=(2Hx+U+m Comparing the coefficients of like powers of x, %-1 sal Mty=1 > Alt n=-l 2x+2)-1 80,1- | Aa Aa? +2x-1 2x+2 1 J : : = ——— 2x+2 ee beer Vor)? 2)? 3. 1 T= Qk? + 2x —1)- log x + 1)+ Yor + 1)? — G2)? | +c [since, Jae = 28 +e, dx = log |x + Wx? — a2) + ¢] 1 J/— Vx" ~a? [= 2\x2 + 2x —1-log|x + 1+ Vx? + 2x- I +e he equation x = y2 - 6 y can be written as (y - 3)2 =x + 9. Clearly, it represents the parabola having vertex at (-9, 3) and opens rightward. The sketch of the parabola is shown in Fig. The equation y = -x represents a line passing through the origin making 135° angle with x-axis. To find the points of intersection of these two curves, we solve the equations x = y2 - 6y and x = -y simultaneously. Putting x = -y inx =y - 6y, we get y?-6y=-y > yly-5)=0 > y=Oandy=5 Putting y= 0 and y = 5 in y =- x respectively, we obtain x = 0 and x = -5 respectively. Thus, the parabola and the line intersect at © (0, 0) and (-5, 5 ). The region enclosed by the two curves is shaded in the above Figure .Let us slice this region into horizontal strips. The approximating rectangle shown in Figure. has length = ay =x | width = dy and, area = |co—x1 | dy. Clearly, it can move vertically between y =0 and y = 5. So, the required area of the shsded region denoted by A ,is given by 5 A=] box fay 0 s4-i(o-n)o [=e fe-m|-o-n] respectly . Also x2 = -y and x1 =y? - 6y] 5 34-5 5, ¥ 125 0 3425 (Sy-2?)a = [5u?- SF] =F sae ats 0 OR ‘The equation of the given curve is y2 = 4a? (x -1) of, (y - 0)? = 4a? (x - 1). Clearly, this equation represents a parabola with vertex at (1, 0) as shown in Fig. The region enclosed by y2 = 4a? (x - 1), x = 1 and y = 4a is the area of shaded portion in Fig, Faas) ' When we slice the area of the shaded portion in horizontal strips, we observe that each strip hhas left end on the line x = | and the right end on the parabola y? = 4a? (x - 1). So, the approximating rectangle shown in Fig, has, length = x - 1, width = dy and area =(x -1) dy. Since, the approximating rectangle can move from y = 0 to y = 4a. So, required area denoted by A, of the shaded Region is given by 4a A= J (@e-Ddy 0 4a 2 Zz aA=f al [Because P(x, y) lies on y2 = 4a? (x - 1), sinee ,x-1= > 0 4a 4a’ 7 y3]4@ 1 [64a3\) 16a ; a ee —— }= = sq. units 4a?| 3 Jo 3 ws 29. As shown in the fig., the line y = 3x + 2 meets x - axis A= —— and its graph lies below x - -2 -2 axis for.x € (: ) antaboven axis ors € (+. -2 Ty Bx + 2dr] +fh2x+2)dx “| Bx+2x => y= tan 1= 3x) (2x) 1 = y=tan!(3x) + tan!(2x) [sine stan | Differentiate it with respect to x using chain rule, & @n+— fey 2 =~ ti). —— dk 14 (3x)2 1+ (2x)? & aw ot 1 a= x34 x2 dx 49x 1+4x? dw 3 2 ge -— de 49x21 44x? The differentiation of the given function y is as above. . According to question; 1+2m+3n=0.....(1) 3im-4In+mn=0......(2) From (1), we get 1=-2m-3n Substituting | = -2m -3n in (2), we get 3(-2m - 3n) m- 4 (-2m - 3n)n+mn=0 = ~6m?~9mn + 8mn + 12n? +mn=0 => 12n? = m?=2n? = m=2n, — Rn If m = 2n, then by substituting m = -/2n in (1) we get |= n (-2-/2 - 3). Ifm = -\/2n, then by substituting m = -/2n in (1) we get | =n (-2-V2 - 3). ‘Thus, the direction ratios of the two lines are proportional to n(-24(2 - 3), «/2n, n and n (2/2 -3), —/2n, 0 or (~ 24/2 ~ 3), V2, 1 and (~ 2-2 -3)- V2. Vectors parallel to these lines are a= (— 22-3) + B= (22-3) - VB +k If is the angle between the lines, then it is also the angle between @ and B. Now, a-b \a||5| [(-2y2-3) i+ VB +k [(22-3)7-VI +8] - 8+94 12242418 +9- 12424241 ~(8-9)-2+1 (20+ 1272-V20- 1272 0 (20+ 12/2-J20- 12/2 Let the given lines be Ly and L respectively "Then, D.r's of L} are 3, 2, -6. And, V3? +22 + (— 6)? = 9 +4436 = 49 =7 32- + d's of Ly are 5.5, D.r's of Lp are 1, 2,2 And Vi2-+22+22 = 9-3 122 v33 Suppose 0 be the angle between L jand LyThen,we have cos =| I} I2 + mjmz +njn2 | $)-God)CP + dit's of Lz are a | “S 2 10 . We have, A = [s 2hi[s shan [o thes ab ef E alle dts a)-[o 1] 2at+e +d yp-3 2 10 = [seen savt|| 3 4]-[o | [ees wes) : ‘| = - —9a+6c+15b+10d 6a+4c—9b- 6d ol ~6a-3c+ 10b+5d=1 4a + 2c- 6b-3d=0 -9a- 6c + 15b + 10d =0....(iii) 6a + 4c - 9b - 6d = 1.....iv) On adding Eqs. (i) and (iv), we get c+b-d=2 > d=ctb-2...(v) On adding Eqs. (ii) and (iii), we get -Sa-de + 9 + 7d=0....(vi) On adding Eqs. (vi) and (iv), we get at+0+0+d=1 > d=1-a..Avii) From Eqs. (v) and (vii) > ctb-2=1-a > atb+c=3...(Viii) => a=3-b-c Now, using the values of a and d in Eq. (iii), we get -9(3 - b- ©) - 6c + 15b + 10-2 +b+e)=0 = -27+9b+9c- 6c + 15b - 20 + 10b + 10¢ =0 > 34b+13¢=47 Now, using the values of a and d in Eq. (ii), we get 43 - bc) + 2c - 6b- 3(b+e-2)=0 = 12-4b-4e + 2c - 6b - 3b-3c + 6=0 = -13b+ Sc =18...(x) On multiplying Eq. (ix) by 5 and Eq. (x) by 13, then adding, we get = 169b-65e= 234 1706 +.65¢=235 b=1 = -13 x 1-5e=-18 [from Eq. (x)] > > > > cosa ~sina 0 Given, A= | sina cosa 0 0 o 1 Clearly, the co-factors of elements of [Al are given by, AL] = cosa; A12 =- sina; Ay3 = 0; A21 = sina; A22 = cosa; A23 =0 A31 =0; A32 =O and A33=1 Ay 412 413 « adj(A)=]421 422 423 43) 432 433 cosa -sina 077 cosa sina cosa 0] = |~sina 0 0 1 0 Now, A (adj A) ‘cosa —sina 0 cosa sina 0 sina cosa 0]}|—sina cosa 0 oo 1ffo 0 4 2, ‘a+ sin2a 0 2, cos’ 0 sin2a+cos2a 0 0 0 cosa sina O7Pcosa —sina (adj A) (4) =] sina cosa 0 |] sina cosa 0 0 1 0 0 2 2, cos*a + sin“a 0 0 0 sin2a+cos2a 0 0 0 1 cosa ~sina 0 and |A| = {sina cosa 0 0 0 1 = 1-(cos2a + sin2a) = 1 [expanding along R3] 100 |4|- [0 1 0 oo! From qs. (i), (ii) and (iii), we get, A (adj A) = (adj A).A = |A| 1g 33. Let B = 2a [ + By Noa] By =4Gi-j) =3i-a By-B-B, = Qi +j - 3h) - 311-4) = (2-30 1+ (1+ Aj - 3k ap, =0 [= Bria] 3(2-34)-(1 +4 =0 1 de cos x-sin x cos x cos x cos x—sin x 1, 2cosx Ja 2° cos x~sin x 1 cos x+cos x 2 cos.x—sinx Adding and subtracting sin x in the numerator, 1, cos x—sin x+sin x+cos x ee See ee “2 cos x—sin x 1, (cos x-sin.x) + (sin. x+cos x) > dx cos x~sin x cos x sin x+cos x cos x—sin x #3 [leet sin x—cos x cos x—sin x 1 . Fx) = 5[x— logleosx — sinxl} + ¢ [ + Tay & = log|fix)| +] x72 . A=R - {3} and B=R — {1} and fix) = (S x,-2 Let 2 € Ay thon ley) = = and te) = Now, for f(x1) = f(x2) x3 Xp = (x1 — (ry — 3) = — 2X, — 3) > yxy — 3x] — Dey + 6 = xyxy — 2x, — 3x, + 6 = — 3x, 2x, = — 2x, — 3x, =x, 4 +. fis one-one function. x-2 Now y= —~ iowy = = y(x-3)= 2-2 > ay-3y=x-2 = x-1)=3y-2 3y-2 x oT oY (2) 2 y9-ay 42 yol) 3y-2 2p 2-3y3 yol 3 = fix) =y Therefore, f is an onto function. OR ‘Fis one-one: For any x,y € R= +1}, we have flx) = fv) x y ? Ts plsl = xytx=xyty 3 x= Therefore, fis one-one function. Iffis one-one, let y = R - {1}, then fix) = y x eu” Iris cleat that x € R forally=R- {1}, alsox= # -1 Because x=-1 2. 44° 21 = y=-lty which is not possible. ¥ Thus for each R - {1} there exists.x = 7 € R- {1} such that Therefore fis onto function. Section E . Read the text carefully and answer the questions: The nut and bolt manufacturing business has gained popularity due to the rapid Industrialization and introduction of the Capital-Intensive Techniques in the Industries that are used as the Industrial fasteners to connect various machines and structures. Mr. Suresh. is in Manufacturing business of Nuts and bolts. He produces three types of bolts, x, y, and z which he sells in two markets. Annual sales (in %) indicated below: Markets Products x y Zz 10000 2000 18000 I 6000 20000. 8000 (i) Let A be the 2 = 3 matrix representing the annual sales of products in two markets. x oy Zz 6000 20000 8000 | Market IT Now, revenue = sale price x number of items sold [sees 2000 18000 ] Market I 25 10000 2000 18000 AB= 15 6009 20000 8000 J} 25000 + 3000 + 18000 46000 = J- [so] 15000 + 30000 + 8000 53000 Therefore, the revenue collected from Market I = 746000 and the revenue collected from Market II = 253000. (ii) Let C be the column matrix representing cost price of each unit of products x, y, z. “[c] 2 10000 2000 18000 “ [ 6000 20000 8000 ] s 20000 + 2000 + 9000 31000 = AC= 7 [ 12000 + 20000 + 4000 l [son ] Cost price in Market I is 231000 and in Market is 236000. (iii)Now, Profit matrix = Revenue matrix - Cost matrix = AB-AC 46000 31000 15000 = | 53000 |~ | 36000 | ~ | 17000 Therefore, the gross profit from both the markets = 715000 + 217000 = %32000 OR 1 O+1 0F0 o1 of [o-o oleh o| 37, Read the text carefully and answer the questions: A tin can manufacturer designs a cylindrical tin can for a company making sanitizer and disinfectors. The tin can is made to hold 3 litres of sanitizer or disinfector. The cost of material used to manufacture the tin can is €100/m2. (i) Given, rem is the radius and h cm is the height of required cylindrical can. Given that, volume of cylinder = 31= 3000 em} (* 11= 1000 em3) 2, 3000 = mh=3000 > ho—> ar Now, the surface area, as a function of ris given by 3 3000 S(t) = 2ar? + Qarh = 2ar? + 2ar| ar? 6000 = 2a? + —— ii 6000 ® Now, S(t) = 2ar? + —_ s(=4 6000 => S'() = 4ar- —- 2 To find critical points, put S'(r) = 0 4nr° —6000 2 6000 eye > 0 = p= sre " 3/1300 12000 Also, 5’ |, =r =4r+ 8r=120>0 Thus, the critical point is the point of minima. (ii) The cost of material for the tin can is minimized when r OR 2nr3 +6000 r We have, minimum surface area = 1500 2a = +6000 a 2 =o Ep S384 com’ 1500 78 Fa 1500 cm and the height is Cost of | m? material = 2100 I % 2 eee — + Cost of 1 cm* material = 2 100 1153.84 + Minimum cost = arr = 71.538 38. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: Family photography is all about capturing groups of people that have family ties. These range from the small group, such as parents and their children. New-born photography also falls under this umbrella. Mr Ramesh, His wife Mrs Saroj, their daughter Sonu and son. Ashish line up at random for a family photograph, as shown in figure. (i) Sample space is given by {MFSD, MEDS, MSFD, MSDF, MDFS, MDSF, FMSD, FMDS, FSMD, FSDM, FDMS, FDSM, SFMD, SFDM, SMFD, SMDF, SDMF, SDFM DFMS, DFSM, DMSF, DMFS, DSMF, DSFM}, where F, M, D and S represent father, mother, daughter and son respectively. n(S) = 24 Let A denotes the event that daughter is at one end n(A) = 12 and B denotes the event that father, and mother are in the middle n(B) = 4 Also, n(A 9 B)=4 (ii) Sample space is given by {MFSD, MFDS, MSFD, MSDF, MDFS, MDSF, FMSD, FMDS, FSMD, FSDM, FDMS, FDSM, SFMD, SFDM, SMFD, SMDF, SDMF, SDFM DEMS, DFSM, DMSF, DMFS, DSMF, DSFM}, where F, M, D and S represent father, mother, daughter and son respectively. n(S) = 24 Let A denotes the event that mother is at right end. n(A) = 6 and B denotes the event that son and daughter are together. n(B) = 12 Also,n(A M B)=4 P(ANB) 24

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