GE STS Assignment and Activity 7

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Shieri Mae S.




Reflect on the relationship of scientific & technological progress and human flourishing based on the
statement of Prof. Klaus Schwab, an engineer, economist and better known as the Founder and
Executive Chairmen of the World Economic Forum. Write your own reflection according to your words.


1. How do you define happiness? Explain your answer.

Happiness is a combination of how satisfied you are with your life and how good you feel on a day-to-
day basis. Both are relatively stable, that is, our life changes, and our mood fluctuates, but our general
happiness is more genetically determined than anything else. The good news is, with consistent effort,
this can be offset. Think of it like you think about weight: if you eat how you want to and are as active as
you want to be, your body will settle at a certain weight. But if you eat less than you'd like or exercise
more, your weight will adjust accordingly. If that new diet or exercise regimen becomes part of your
everyday life, then you'll stay at this new weight. If you go back to eating and exercising the way you
used to, your weight will return to where it started. So it goes, too, with happiness.

2. How do you describe human flourishing? Explain your Answer.

human flourishing is the proliferation of science and technology of humans all together. We can say that
humans are flourishing when our science and technology are rapidly advancing and that it is rapidly
being implemented worldwide where the concept of globalization is also applied. And not only the
sciences and technologies from each powerful country is distributed, the sciences and technologies of
countries should also flourish in their own origins and not be lost in globalization.

3. To what extent does scientific advancements affect human flourishing? Explain your answer.

These days it’s more economical advancements that affect our flourishing, rather than science, which it
was back in the days when penicillin, hygiene, fridges, washing machines, dish washer, etc. etc. was
invented that greatly helped us freeing up time making life easier for us. But to answer the topic, people
can now easily get justice by posting evidence online, on social media, to defeat a crony business,
corrupt politicians, or dirty coppers, etc. Where before you had to do a long grind to contact news media
and tell your story which no one may believe or bother to follow up as it may not be a big story and
doesn’t generate any profit, etc.

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