Stohlmann 2019

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Received: 4 September 2018 

  Revised: 22 January 2019 
|  Accepted: 5 February 2019

DOI: 10.1111/ssm.12339


Three modes of STEM integration for middle school mathematics


Micah Stohlmann

Department of Teaching and

Learning, University of Nevada, Las Vegas,
Nevada Of the four subjects in an integrated science, technology, engineering, and mathemat-
ics (STEM) approach, mathematics has not received enough focus. This could be
Micah Stohlmann, Department of Teaching in part because mathematics teachers may be apprehensive or unsure about how to
and Learning, University of Nevada, Las implement integrated STEM education in their classrooms. There are benefits to in-
Vegas, NV.
tegrated STEM in a mathematics classroom though, including increased motivation,
interest, and achievement for students. This article discusses three methods that mid-
dle school mathematics teachers can utilize to integrate STEM subjects. By focus-
ing on open‐ended problems through engineering design challenges, mathematical
modeling, and mathematics integrated with technology middle school students are
more likely to see mathematics as relevant and valuable. Important considerations
are discussed as well as recent research with these approaches.

integrated STEM, mathematics education, middle school, STEM education

1  |   IN T RO D U C T ION STEM, it makes sense that mathematics teachers seek to im-

plement integrated steM. I use the acronym steM to mean
As society becomes more dependent on science, technology, integrated STEM education that has an explicit focus on
engineering, and mathematics (STEM), it becomes increas- mathematics (Stohlmann, 2018). The purpose of this paper
ingly important for students to receive an education that in- is to discuss considerations and implications of three modes
cludes integrated STEM. Integration of STEM disciplines of integrated steM that middle school mathematics teachers
has the potential to bring together overlapping concepts and can implement.
principles in meaningful ways. However, effective models School districts across the United States are looking at
for integrated STEM education are still needed (Lesseig, ways to engage students in STEM education and are seek-
Nelson, Slavit, & Seidel, 2016). Researchers have noted that ing support in conceptualizing what this might look like in
mathematics is often not emphasized in the integration of the classroom. This is being done for several reasons that
STEM subjects (English, 2017; Fitzallen, 2015; Gravemeijer, include test scores, students’ interest in mathematics, and
Stephan, Julie, Lin, & Ohtani, 2017). This could be in part the benefits of an integrated steM approach. Mathematics
due to the perception that mathematics achievement is diffi- test scores in the United States show room for improvement
cult to promote through STEM integration as noted by Honey and that not all students’ needs are being met. The National
et al.’s (2014) National Academies Press report. To change Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) eighth‐grade
this perception mathematics teachers and researchers can mathematics scores have shown improvement since 1990.
take the lead to describe useful methods of STEM integra- However, on the 2017 test, only 34% of eighth‐grade students
tion for mathematics teachers. Since content knowledge is an were at or above proficient on the mathematics test. Also,
important aspect of effective implementation of integrated the results of the NAEP tests indicate that there are certain

© 2019 School Science and Mathematics Association     287

School Science and Mathematics. 2019;119:287–296. |
288      STOHLMANN

populations of students that are not being as well served as STEM camp that included LEGO robotics and the mathe-
others (National Center for Education Statistics, 2017). The matics of data analysis and measurement found that fifth‐ to
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) test re- eighth‐grade students increased in their motivation and in-
sults show that U.S. students score below average compared terest in STEM fields (Mohr‐Schroeder et al., 2014). This
to other countries which implies that U.S. students are behind research provides support for middle school mathematics
other industrialized nations in STEM critical thinking skills teachers to implement integrated steM to increase students’
(Organisation for Economic Co‐operation & Development, mathematical understanding and interest in mathematics.
2015). In general, there are different ways to teach integrated
As students progress to college, the findings above have STEM education. Roehrig, Moore, Wang, and Park (2012)
an impact. Students in the United States interested in major- ­detail four general structures. In the first structure, co‐teaching,
ing in STEM fields are generally finishing high school un- multiple teachers in the same classroom collaborate. This
derprepared for success in first‐year college STEM courses. could be a mathematics and science teacher working together
Only 26% of students who indicated an interest in STEM ma- to teach an engineering or STEM class. Due to budget restric-
jors or careers met or surpassed the ACT College Readiness tions, this structure may not be feasible for many schools. The
Benchmark in STEM (ACT, 2017). For students not inter- second structure, team teaching, involves multiple teachers
ested in STEM field, there is still an impact as well. Too collaborating on a unit or project but working within the wall
many students who enter college education are not prepared of their individual classrooms. In this approach, mathematics,
for college‐level mathematics courses and the number of stu- science, or technology teachers may have students working on
dents in remedial mathematics courses has been increasing a themed project that integrates STEM subjects, but each indi-
(Lee, 2012). This can cause financial strain for students and vidual teacher is still teaching his or her own subject. This can
delay or even prevent them from completing their degrees. be difficult, though, if a team of teachers does not share the
Students’ interest in mathematics is one of the prob- same students or if the scope and sequence of courses do not
lems that contributes to students not doing well in middle align (Lessig et al., 2016). Team planning is the next structure
school mathematics that can lead into under‐preparation where a group of teachers might plan a lesson or unit together
for high school and college mathematics. Too often middle and then implement this in their own classroom. This team
school students perceive mathematics to be dull, irrelevant, planning would be more likely to occur within STEM subjects;
and too difficult (Grootenboer & Marshman, 2016). This is for example, a team of mathematics teachers meeting together
seen as interest in mathematics declines particularly in the to plan, but could also involve seeking feedback from teachers
middle school years (Franzel, Goetz, Pekrun, & Watt, 2010). outside of a team’s subject area. The final structure, individual
Integrated steM is a way to reverse this trend to increase stu- planning and implementation, involves one teacher working by
dents’ interest in mathematics. Middle school students prefer him‐ or herself to implement integrated STEM. This paper will
to learn mathematics through hands‐on, interactive activities focus on what middle school mathematics teachers can accom-
or technology‐based lessons to more traditional approaches plish using the team planning or individual implementation
(Raytheon, 2012). This aligns well with an integrated steM structure of STEM integration. This is done because these are
approach. Also, integrated steM involves open‐ended prob- the structures that are most likely to be able to implemented by
lems that have been found to cause more active participation middle school mathematics teachers due to time, planning, and
of students and encourage students to express their mathemat- budget restrictions.
ical ideas more frequently (Sawada, 1997). In this approach,
students can develop their higher‐order thinking skills and
1.1  |  Definition of integrated STEM and
21st century competencies that will help them in life and any
integrated steM
career (Varygiannes, 2013).
Research supports the implementation of an integrated Integrated STEM is an effort to combine at least two of four
steM approach. In New York, 20 eighth‐grade teachers im- disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and math-
plement 6 integrated steM lessons over the course of the year. ematics into a class, unit, or lesson that is based on connec-
Students of these teachers showed a significant increase in tions between the subjects and real‐world problems (Moore
mathematical content scores compared with a control group et al., 2014). There are not specific combinations of STEM
of students (Burghardt, Kennedy, McHugh, Lauckhardt, & subjects that are inherently better than others. The subjects
Hecht, 2015). A study that involved 1,287 sixth‐ and ­seventh‐ that are integrated should depend on the natural connec-
grade students and 12 teachers supported by university fac- tions between the subjects that are aided by the real‐world
ulty found that an integrated steM activity had a significant contexts. The goal of integrated STEM education is to be “a
impact on students’ confidence in science and mathemat- holistic approach that links the disciplines so the learning be-
ics as well as their effort toward science and mathematics comes connected, focused, meaningful, and relevant to learn-
(Redmond et al., 2011). A study conducted with a 5‐day ers” (Smith & Karr‐Kidwell, 2000, p. 22). Further, integrated

STEM education is an approach that builds on natural con- modes of integrated steM make implementation more likely
nections between STEM subjects for the purpose of (a) fur- because each mode implements mathematics with a different
thering student understanding of each discipline by building STE subject. Each of the three modes will be discussed with
on students’ prior knowledge; (b) broadening student under- important considerations for each method.
standing of each discipline through exposure to socially rel-
evant STEM contexts; and (c) making STEM disciplines and
1.2  |  Integrated steM through
careers more accessible and intriguing for students (Wang,
engineering design
Moore, Roehrig, & Park, 2011).
Integrated steM follows the same approach as integrated Engineering is increasingly being included in schools’ cur-
STEM but integrates mathematics explicitly through con- riculum, which can help mathematics teachers implement
tent integration with at least one of three other disciplines of integrated steM through engineering. Depending on the
STEM either through content or context integration. Content state students are in, middle school students may enter mid-
integration focuses on the merging of content fields in order dle school mathematics classes with engineering design
to highlight “big ideas” from multiple content areas. For ex- experiences. There are eight states that include engineering
ample, students could be asked to build an adult‐sized card- in their science standards (Carr, Bennett, & Strobel, 2012).
board chair that could hold 150–200 pounds. Science content An additional 16 states have adopted the Next Generation
is emphasized through the importance of understanding Science Standards (NGSS), which include engineering de-
human body structure and anatomy. Mathematics content is sign standards (National Research Council, 2013). There
integrated through students working with a scale model and are benefits to engineering integration. Incorporating engi-
proportional reasoning when students move from a prototype neering in K–12 schools improves the achievement in math-
to a full‐scale chair. Measurement is also incorporated in the ematics and science, and increases the technological literacy
design of the chair (Roehrig et al., 2012). The other method (Katehi, Pearson, & Feder, 2009; Wendell & Rogers, 2013).
for integrated STEM education, context integration, primar- Engineering education also motivates the student learning in
ily focuses on the content of one discipline and uses contexts mathematics and science (Wendell & Rogers, 2013). This can
from others to make the content more relevant. For example, be done through hands‐on learning and open‐ended problems
students could be given a footprint that might have belonged that develop effective teamwork skills (Carlson & Sullivan,
to the legendary creature Bigfoot. They could be then asked 2004). Engineering integration can also lead students to
to come up with an estimate for the height of the person or be interested in STEM careers (Carlson & Sullivan, 2004;
creature based on the footprint. While science concepts of Yoon, Dyehouse, Lucietoo, Diefes‐Dux, & Capobianco,
observation and inference are included in this activity, what 2014). Since it is more likely that middle school students
is being asked of students does not require the explicit use of will be familiar with engineering, it can make mathematics
science content to develop a solution (Stohlmann, Roehrig, teachers implementation run more smoothly. Even if middle
& Moore, 2014). school students do not have prior engineering experience, the
For this article, integrated steM is being conceptualized type of activities that middle school teachers can use, Model‐
as a focus on mathematics through content integration while Eliciting Activities (MEAs), have a strong research and prac-
being supported and enhanced by science, technology, and/ tice tradition in mathematics education.
or engineering through context integration. If middle school MEAs are student‐centered, open‐ended, authentic real‐
mathematics teachers use a team planning or individual life problems that enable students to solve complex problems
structure for integrated steM they can keep the focus on the (Lesh & Doerr, 2003). MEAs are designed based upon the
mathematics while at the same time engaging and motivat- principles outlined by Lesh and others (Lesh, Hoover, Hole,
ing students through context integration and still exposing Kelly, & Post, 2000). The principles require that students
students to different STEM careers. This is important be- construct models that are meaningful and relevant to their
cause in the past mathematics teachers have noticed that in- lives and experiences and that their models can be modified
tegrated STEM lessons do not always align with grade‐level or adapted for other similar settings. The process of creating
mathematics content standards (Lesseig et al., 2016). There the models allows students to critically assess the usefulness
are three main ways that middle school mathematics teach- of their solutions while documenting their thinking processes
ers can implement integrated steM in their classroom. This along the way. MEAs include several characteristics of engi-
can be done by focusing on open‐ended problems through neering, including the engineering design process. The en-
engineering design challenges, mathematical modeling, and gineering design process is incorporated in the activities as
mathematics integrated with technology. The knowledge students express, test, and revise their ideas (English, 2010).
and comfort level of individual teachers with engineering, MEAs enable students to see that most engineering problems
science, and technology can affect what mathematics teach- do not have a single, correct solution, and highlight how en-
ers are able to accomplish with integrated steM. The three gineering is a creative endeavor.
290      STOHLMANN

T A B L E 1   Problem statement for the survivor MEA

Survivor returns to Costa Rica and Mark Burnett, the producer of Survivor, has decided to give survivors the materials to build a shelter as a re-
ward for a challenge. He wants to provide materials to make the shelter as realistic as possible to one that the survivors of a plane crash might
build. He will be providing a strip of metal supposedly from a plane, tarp from the rescue raft, rope that has washed ashore, and of course mud
from the island. To determine who will be the contestants on the show he wants to see who can design the best scale model of a shelter. The
shelter must fit three people and withstand both wind and rain. Design a quality shelter and your team could be on the next show of Survivor!
Your shelter must:
• Not move, tip or be damaged by three gusts of wind simulated by fanning a clipboard
• Remain dry when given three squirts of water to simulate rain
• Have enough room to fit three people with at least 1 cubic meter of space
Before building your scale model decide on a scale that you will use to determine how much of each material that you will use. For example, if
your scale was 1 meter, 2 cm, then you would have 20 craft sticks that are 6 cm long.
Actual materials that will be provided on the island Materials that you will be given
Logs (20 logs, 3 m long each) (Total of 60 m) Craft sticks: 20 sticks of length ___cm: Total of ______cm
Plane siding (2.5 m × 4 m) Aluminum foil: ___ cm × ___ cm
Tarp (1‐piece 3 m × 5 m) Wax paper: ___cm × ___ cm
Rope (6 m) String: ___ cm
Mud (1 bucket with 1 cubic meter (m ) (1 m × 1 m × 1 m) Playdough: __ cm × ___cm × ___cm
After designing and testing the shelter write Mark Burnett a letter describing why your shelter is the best. Include in the letter the design for the
shelter, the materials that you used, and general guidelines for how to make scale models for any purpose.

An example MEA that has been implemented with mid- or problem statements to keep their model development fo-
dle school students is the Survivor MEA in which students cused. Students should also ensure that the mathematics that
work in teams to build a scale model of a shelter based on they use is accurate and makes sense in the realistic situation.
three criteria (Maiorca & Stohlmann, 2016). The shelter must There is often no single correct model, and students should
have enough space to fit three people, as well as withstand work to improve their models (Stohlmann & Albarracin,
wind and rain. In the MEA, students build shelters as a de- 2016).
sign competition in order to be chosen to be a contestant on Mathematics and science integration has a long history,
the television show Survivor. Table 1 details the problem that and there have been a number of literature reviews on this
students work on. topic though not specifically on mathematical modeling
In implementing this activity, middle school students made (Becker & Park, 2011; Berlin, 1989; Berlin & Lee, 2005;
connections to the first five Standards for Mathematical Practice Pang & Good, 2000). The past reviews have noted that the
(SMP) in the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics dominant approach has been science content receiving the
(National Governors Association Center & Council of Chief main focus with studies being done with science teachers
State School Officers, 2010). In general, through the implemen- (Berlin & Lee, 2005; Pang & Good, 2000). Since these re-
tation of MEAs, this is likely to occur. Table 2 details the first views were published, more research has been conducted
five SMP and how they occur in MEAs. This provides more with mathematical modeling and science contexts with math-
support and buy‐in for middle school mathematics teachers to ematics teachers. The studies demonstrate that there are a
do integrated steM. Teachers can have students develop grade‐ number of science contexts that can fit with mathematical
level mathematics content standards, proficiencies aligned with modeling and middle school mathematics.
the SMP, team work skills, and communication skills. Studies have been conducted in different countries with
a variety of science contexts, including guppies population
(Jurow, 2004), weather (Doerr & English, 2003), solar‐
1.3  |  Integrated steM through mathematical
powered heating (MaaB, 2007), Mars’s crater exploration
modeling with science contexts
(Grigoras, Garcia, & Halverscheid, 2011), designing an en-
Mathematical modeling in the middle grade has received vironmentally friendly building (Ng, 2011), fossil fuel con-
more attention since it was included as SMP. Mathematical sumption (Mousoulides & English, 2011), animal tracking
modeling is often interdisciplinary and involves open‐ended (Stohlmann, 2017a), shadows (Harel & Lesh, 2003), Bluefin
problems. In general, it is an iterative process that involves tuna population (Yanagimoto & Yoshimura, 2013), and drug
real‐world, practical problems that students make sense of absorption (Mousoulides, Christou, & Sriraman, 2008).
with mathematics using assumptions and approximations. In The studies found mainly positive results with
mathematical modeling, students work from key questions some difficulties that students had when engaged in
STOHLMANN      291
T A B L E 2   Possible SMP connections to MEAs

Standard for mathematical

practice How it can occur in MEAs
1. Make sense of problems and As participants work through iterations of their models, they continue to gain new insights into ways
persevere in solving them to use mathematics to develop their models. The structure of MEAs allows for participants to stay
engaged and to have sustained problem‐solving experiences.
2. Reason abstractly and MEAs allow participants to both contextualize, by focusing on the real‐world context of the situation,
quantitatively and decontextualize, by representing a situation symbolically.
3. Construct viable arguments and Careful reasoning and constructive critiquing are essential throughout MEAs while groups are working
critique the reasoning of others and presenting their models.
4. Model with mathematics This is the essential focus of MEAs; for participants to apply the mathematics that they know to solve
problems in everyday life, society, or the workplace. This is done through iterative cycles of model
construction, evaluation, and revision.
5. Use appropriate tools Materials are made available for groups as they work on MEAs including graph paper, graphing calcula-
strategically tors, computers, applets, dynamic software, spreadsheets, and measuring devices.
Source: Stohlmann, Maiorca, and Olson (2015).

mathematical modeling. In a study with 38 eighth‐grade stu- and time for revision. When teachers use this implemen-
dents in Singapore, the students did not apply all the expected tation and employ practices for productive mathematical
mathematical knowledge and skills in designing an environ- discussions, it is more likely students will be successful in
mentally friendly building. The students lacked awareness of mathematical modeling. Supporting students with relevant
the purpose of scale and had trouble using real‐world knowl- messages and questions at different points of the mathemat-
edge for mathematical decision making. One of the draw- ical modeling process can also help students be successful.
backs of this project was that it lasted 15 class sessions, which This can include emphasizing that students make use of
might have caused students to lose motivation and interest in multiple representations, teamwork skills, check for accurate
the project (Ng, 2011). In a study with 22‐year‐old students in mathematics, and know that there are multiple solutions to
Cyprus, two of six groups failed to understand the concept of the problem (Stohlmann, 2017b).
average and effectively use it in their models (Mousoulides & A quality example of a mathematical modeling activity
English, 2011). Other studies reported positive results, with with a science context is the Bigfoot activity. Different vari-
students being able to create generalizable and reusable mod- ations of this activity have been written about with positive
els (Doerr & English, 2003; Harel & Lesh, 2003; Stohlmann, results (e.g., Imm & Lorber, 2013; Lesh & Doerr, 2003;
2017a), develop modeling competencies and abilities (MaaB, Stohlmann, 2017a). In this activity, students learn about how
2007; Mousoulides et al., 2008), and realize that mathematics scientists and professional trackers use footprints. Groups
is helpful in the real world (Yanagimoto & Yoshimura, 2013). are given a set of footprints that might have belonged to the
In order to ensure that students have positive experiences legendary creature Bigfoot. Groups then determine a method
with mathematical modeling, several steps can be taken. for determining the height of the creature based on the foot-
First, well‐designed mathematical modeling activities can be prints. The mathematics that students use in this activity
used. MEAs are designed based on research and have been aligns well with middle grades content as students may use
shown to help students have productive experiences with measurement, ratios, proportions, and line of best fit in their
mathematical modeling. They involve multiple entry points solutions. By implementing mathematical modeling with sci-
for students, can be solved with a variety of mathematical ence contexts mathematics teachers can motivate students to
knowledge, and also contain enough information for students see mathematics all around them and engage them in relevant
to self‐assess their solution development. Another type of open‐ended problems.
problem that can involve mathematical modeling is three‐act
tasks (Ehlert, 2015). These tasks use videos or pictures to
1.4  |  Integrated steM through mathematics
pose a problem and follow a structure of launch, explore, and
integrated with technology
summarize. There has been little research done on three‐act
tasks, but when implemented in a similar fashion as MEAs Technology integration has often been suggested as impor-
they may help students develop mathematical knowledge and tant for learning mathematics. For example, the Common
enjoy mathematics. The implementation of MEAs involves Core Standards for Mathematics (National Governors
whole‐group discussion on readiness questions and the prob- Association Center & Council of Chief State School Officers,
lem statement, then group work time, group presentations, 2010) state that mathematically proficient students “are able
292      STOHLMANN

to use technology to explore and deepen their understand- understanding. After students had played the game several
ing of concepts” (p. 7). NCTM’s Principles to Actions states times they worked with their group to write a list of quality
that “an excellent mathematics program integrates the use of questions to ask during the game. Several questions appeared
mathematical tools and technology as essential resources to in common in the five groups: “Is your slope positive?” “Is
help students learn and make sense of mathematical ideas, the slope negative?” “Is your line horizontal?” “Is your line
reason mathematically, and communicate their mathematical vertical?” “Does your line go through the origin?” Groups
thinking” (NCTM, 2014, p. 78). also came up with questions of what quadrants the line
In this section, I refer to mathematics integrated with crossed through, though not all groups used the term “quad-
technology in regard to open‐ended problems. Technology rants.” One group wrote a question that was open to interpre-
integrated with mathematics has the potential to engage tation with, “Is your slope steep?” Another group noted that
students in discovery and exploration, promote higher‐level they could be more specific by asking if the slope of the line
thinking, improve students’ visualization, enable students to was greater than a specific number.
engage in real‐life applications of mathematics, prepare stu- Desmos has a number of online classroom activities with
dents for the demands of this century, and make mathematics the goal of helping teachers and students maximize mathe-
more engaging and fun (Soucie, Radovic, & Svedrec, 2010). matics learning. The principles that guide their lesson devel-
Technology can change the way mathematics is taught and opment work include the following:
assessed to make it more student centered and aligned more
with effective mathematics teaching practices recommended • Use technology to provide students with feedback as they
by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM, work.
2000, 2014). In general, technology should provide students • Use the existing network to connect students, supporting
feedback, enable them to work with multiple representations collaboration, and discourse.
of mathematical concepts, and allow for different levels of • Provide information to teachers in real time during class
demand of questions. (Danielson & Meyer, 2016, p. 259).
There is a gap in the research with developing mathemat-
ical technologies with open‐ended, game‐based mathematics The typical experience of doing mathematics online is to have
that can engage students and deepen their understanding. This it marked right or wrong with hints given on how to solve it.
suggests a need for studies focused on technologies or web- Iterative feedback is a feature of Desmos in that students can
sites like Desmos, GeoGebra, and Calculation Nation from see the results of their ideas and/or their classmates and then
the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. There may revise their work as necessary. In the past, the Internet‐enabled
be reason to broaden the definition of integrated STEM to in- devices have been used to connect individual students to the
clude game‐based learning as well as real‐world contexts. As teacher, but Desmos connects students with one another. In the
students learn mathematics through open‐ended game‐based lessons, students can share ideas and ask questions of one an-
learning, it could spark a career interest. Computer, phone, or other. There has been little research conducted on the impact of
video games are popular with students and could lead to future implementing Desmos teacher activities with students, but the
jobs. The largest STEM occupation is applications software results have been promising with students engaged and display-
developers (Noonan, 2017). Game‐based learning can be an- ing robust mathematical knowledge (Ebert, 2014; King, 2017;
other way to make learning “connected, focused, meaningful, Stohlmann, 2017c). This is an area of research that deserves
and relevant to learners” (Smith & Karr‐Kidwell, 2000, p. 22). more attention on how to best implement game‐based learning
For example, Desmos has an activity called polygraph to develop mathematical understandings.
lines. In this activity, 16 linear graphs are given. One stu-
dent selects one of the graphs, and the other student asks yes
or no questions to determine which graph has been selected. 2  |  CONCLUSIONS
After playing the game several times, students can discuss
what are the quality questions to ask and strategies for asking Integrated steM education integrates mathematics explicitly
the least amount of questions. In between the games, students with at least one of three other disciplines of STEM so that
also can see questions that are being asked by other students learning can become connected, focused, meaningful, and rel-
in the room. While not being a real‐world situation, students evant to learners. This approach involves open‐ended prob-
are still interacting with each other through the technology to lems in an iterative process. There are three main modes that
develop their mathematical understanding (Desmos, 2017). middle school mathematics teachers can use to implement in-
I implemented this activity with 19 middle school stu- tegrated steM: engineering design challenges, mathematical
dents that voluntarily enrolled in a Saturday STEM program modeling with science contexts, and mathematics integrated
and the students’ questions demonstrated that the activity with technology. Though mathematics has often been given
enabled them to develop their mathematical vocabulary and less attention than the other three STEM disciplines, there is

T A B L E 3   Considerations for integrated steM

Implications for mathematics teachers for teaching integrated stem
• Use the five practices for orchestrating productive discussion (Smith & Stein, 2011).
• Integrated steM lessons can assist in implementing effective teaching practices described by NCTM (2014).
• Ensure that grade‐level mathematics is being developed that supports mathematical thinking and reasoning.
• Ensure that assessments are aligned with the real‐world authentic, open‐ended nature of integrated steM to reinforce the value of this type of
learning and to give students varied opportunities to demonstrate their mathematical knowledge.
• Select real‐world contexts based on students’ interest or popular culture.
• Emphasize that problems are open‐ended and can have multiple solutions.
• Emphasize that integrated steM involves an iterative process of revision of solutions.
• Emphasize the importance of multiple representations.
• Ensure that students receive feedback from other students, other groups, technology, and/or the teacher.
Modes of integrated steM and how to implement it
Engineering design Mathematical modeling with science contexts Mathematics integrated with technology
• MEAs • MEAs • Desmos
• Three‐act mathematics • Calculation Nation games
• Open‐ended games or problems with a
mathematics focus
Future research
• Further development of integrated steM curricula.
• Further research on the impact of integrated steM approaches on middle school students’ mathematical achievement, development of math-
ematical understanding, beliefs, motivation, and interest in STEM careers.
• Research on what support teachers need to implement more student‐centered learning through integrated steM.
• Research investigating the prevalence of integrated steM among middle school mathematics teachers.
• Research investigating with prevents middle school mathematics teachers from implementing integrated steM.

growing support for the benefits of an integrated steM ap- disparate ideas and approaches with canonical
proach (Mohr‐Schroeder et al., 2014; Ng, 2017; Stohlmann, understandings about the nature of mathemat-
2018). ics. (p. 313)
The three modes described in this paper with a team plan-
ning or individual planning and implementation structure are The role of the teacher during whole class discussions is to
the most feasible for middle school mathematics teachers to develop and then build on the ideas of students rather than
implement integrated steM. This does not mean that effec- to simply label particular approaches as being correct. These
tively teaching integrated steM with these ideas is an easy discussions can help support student learning of mathematics
task, but makes it more likely for mathematics teachers to in part by helping students learn mathematical discourse prac-
be successful and continue to work to best implement inte- tices (Chapin, O’Connor, & Anderson, 2003), making students’
grated steM. Table 3 contains a summary of important con- thinking public so it can be guided in mathematically sound di-
siderations for teaching integrated steM as well as areas for rections (Forman, Larreamendy‐Joerns, Stein, & Brown, 1998),
future research. and encouraging students to construct and evaluate their own
In order to teach integrated steM effectively teachers need and each other’s mathematical ideas (Forman, McCormick, &
to be more of a facilitator of learning. This type of teaching Donato, 1998).
can be difficult for teachers as noted by Stein, Engle, Smith, Further research on integrated steM curricula can help
and Hughes (2008): teachers to anticipate possible students’ strategies and ideas.
This can also tie into determining the needed support, ex-
Teachers who attempt to use inquiry‐based, periences, and professional development that middle school
­student‐centered instructional tasks face chal- mathematics teachers need to implement integrated steM. At
lenges that go beyond identifying well‐designed the current time, the percentage of mathematics teachers who
tasks and setting them up appropriately in the incorporate integrated steM in the ways described in this arti-
classroom. Because solution paths are usually cle is unknown. Research is needed to determine this as well
not specified for these kind of tasks, students as any hindrances that prevent teachers from doing integrated
tend to approach them in unique and sometimes steM.
unanticipated ways. Teachers must not only Teacher educators can draw on Rogers’s (1995) diffusion
strive to understand how students are making of innovation theory in working with middle school teachers
sense of the task but also begin to align students’ who are new to integrated steM. According to the diffusion
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