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Ahwhieh standard be flow or sre enines of plo chat? 2-0 8504 Alwht she moire content allow btore xt on coeetsurces? percent (600) (Ph handed tse? s-sasmi02 ———rt—SO '5)inwhat sequence the al blasting wl be done fr thetank ? 2: fam top to btom 6)ininorganic tine sate what fine own 95? pigment 7} whatis the speed for high voltage holiday detector? 2-300 mmysee (0 m/sec or 0.3 mety/sec twats he nina relive hurty for coating appeation? a 80% (.8) _shwhich standard to be follow tor surtace eanliness for commercl bas cleaning? anspesp6 40) what tthe percent of clean bas for commercial blast cleaning? 33 percent 18) which standard to be follow for surface cleanliness for near metal whte bast eaning? 2.545 fepesP10) 12) what dos the discontinuity mean? a-holday 13) in what sequence the Internal lasting willbe done forthe tank ? {2+ from top to bottom 18) hotday testing fr the external foe coating? 31500-2000 (¢/- 39 volts) asset 2 prasence of hygroscopic alts 6) werethe dead men ane (hut fa be attached? a asearestto the not operate ey 27) xcourse repeatape ange? 2 MATE mins ceca) 2064 mkcrons Hore) bgas-2050 MICRONS a8) hot iia micrometer? TE 0st gels good esene? nye 19) iaegelisNOT a good deste? rast tet donno? {the temperature at which the water vapourin tk ar will et condense. 21) which adhesion test shall be dane for fbe coating? at 22) can new galvanized wil be coated with apes for more protection? ayes 23) conosion? 2 deeradtion ofa metal by ctemical means 24) preparation of the damage areas known 25? 2 feathering. 25) what is the 4: ratio for the airless spray pump? 2° the inlet to outlet pump ratio 25) how to store 12-meter length pipe foe coated pipes? 2% Itshall have 3 full encirclements | 27) what is the maximum height of weld cap or internal root protrusion? aL3mm 28) sulfate and chloride content for abrasive? less then 50 ppm, 28) solvent shall not be applied to surface warmer then? a Sdeg cel 30) thinner can be added to paint? ‘as per paint manufacturer 31) coating pull back n after paint cure happen onthe sharp edges? true '32)when surface contamination in stele st spray dust and other debris what failure will occur? lack of adhesion AND BLISTERING. 33 during internal blasting of crude oltank what surface preparation required prior to start blasting? solvent cleaning 34 wet sponge holiday volts far the internal tank 67.5 volts '35)before filling the water inside the- tank what tact has to be do holiday test with repair/water ‘3¢)psint over burted ss pipe? halide liquid tree coating, iqud coating recommended by rsa _37)prefile range given in msds,pds,apes specfcation? 38}during water jetting basting which device will protect fom slippery of nozzle ‘whip lork 39)where the trigger safety catch shall be engaged in airless or conventinal? the trigger safety catch shall be engaged whenever the airless gun is left unattended _40)relative humidity can be obtained by sling pygrometer /PSCHROMETER. 41)what is pot life? time interval between mixing and application until to use 42)what is induction time? 1, blasting and coating shall not be performed if 2) the substrate contains oi, grease, dit, loose coating, loose rust, or other surface contaminants ) the substrate temperatures less than 3°c (5°) above the dew point. wind s strong enough o ow sand, salt spray, or other foreign matter onto the ‘surface boing conte, allofthe above @ 2 the flowing coating defect may be seen immediately ater a thick fm of epoxy coating sprayed 4) checking and cracking ») sagging '6) mud cracking and chalking 1) blistering 3. anode, cathode, a) tue ») false italic pathway and electrolyte are elements of corrosion cells ive humidity can be obtained by usha? 2) surface peole gauge ») electronic dt gauge ©) sing psychrometer ©) surface thermometer 5 afte applying paint onthe surface, paint got wetted by raining, as painting inspector ‘what wil you do? 2) recoat painting without removing existing coating ) wait for water dry a @) abrade and remove affected area by sanding 5 singe packer pat ding by? ) chemical curing ©) coalescence ©) solvent evaperation 7. the swedish standard designation for commercial bast cleaning is ©) saZ5 od) sa3 : (9 nwt tt ates tetas 7 oe as ca nae concitons ©) 85% ofthe blasted surface grins are in white metal conditions ) 35% of the blasted surface grains are in white metal conditions “induction” time for a pati the 2) time between the manufacture date and application date ») time between the application ad fully drying of coating 1s amis root ada wich eco aly de fare i no ara ar 2) snee002 2) ca ooze uno _ in aber nat ect by ) connected wih blasting pot ©) contol by crew supervisor 4) control by basting helper 12. when an abrasive blaster is working in an offshore area, he must wear 4) safety shoe, leather gloves and coverall, ») blasting hood with fresh air ine ©) safety bot te jackot 9) tip sue ofan aes spray guns define as 319 the fan width is 3° and the nazze size is O19" 0 €) the an width is SOC" andthe nozze sie is 019" «the fan widths 30° andthe nozzle size is 319° 14. the coatrg system thats applied ona splash zone area is 8) epcs-20 GEEEEIED iss Fake reinforces PoyestrEpony Coating Systems for Offshore ‘Structural Stee! at Spash Zone ©) apes.22 @) apes-113 | 15:he coating ial ith ie betnoen 2) the minimum time between the application top coat and color coding ') the minimurr time between the application stripe coat and spray application ©) the minimurr tne Between the application touch-up and full coat system nding shal te carried out forte following equipment 2) airless spray machine ) aircompressor )_airreceivertenk 17 conosion can be contol by 8) design and material selection ) protective coatings and catholic protection ‘inhibitors and alteration of the environment PT 18, wat anchor pats ) Gieeaka andvalona panama ) surface piting ©) milscale 8) allof above 18, whats rust grade ¢on steel surface 28) see! surface covered wih bls il le ad rust > ©) see! surface completely covered wih adherent mil scale ile or no rust visibNe 9) steel surface completely covered wth ust ite or no pitting visbe Ivanic corrosion occurs on which ofthe folowing substrate a) concrete 2) wood 8) foerglass reinforce plastic PA relive humid s ay by the lowest temperature at which moisture forms on a steel surface ©) the temperaure at which moisture forms on a steel eurface ‘d) a measure cf the amount of moisture in the ar compared tothe air temperature BiG u occ se temperature at ich 2) waler freezes b) humidity decreacos )_theairis saturated 1 dstance from nozzle o blotter paper when performed the compressed ar qual test shall be 3) 30-40 cm ©) 80-/0.0m 0) 5545en 14, high thickness of in sicate cause 2) seggng ©) -curtaining 4) cohesive fare 25.al number represents 2) thinner code ©) atch number ‘solvent code 26 if an airless spray pump ratio 35:1 uid pressure 2800 require for inlet pressure 2) 100 pst ») c0p5) 4) 60ps 227 wich ofthe folowing isnot an information of dally report sheet? 8) dew point ») relative humidity ©) aictemperature 28. what profile range can be measured using x-coarsetestex 2) 2050) ©) 3850 9) 085 y 29, how many microns ar in 4 mile? a) 1150 ») sou 8) 150 ‘90, wrat are the characteristics ofan abrasive? a) density ) hardness. aii (stim he gouge ves ormeasuing pessice tte last rozle 8) hyptemicneedl presi gee ) relief pressure gauge ) airressure gauge 9) allo above 32. the air receivers that are used as a surge tank between compressor and basting pot shallbe hydro tested ata pressure ofa east a) 150psi b) 125 psi ) 175 psi 33, eoating materials used for construction site must be cover and the temporary storage petiod shall not exceed a) 10days 05 days 07 days 34, the use of recycled abrasives is permitted only in shops provided that the ecycing, system is 4) inspected and approved by coating inspector »)_approved by project manager aD {approved by project inspection department 35, ater basting the external coating surface chiorde content shallot exceed @) 30 maim" b) 15mgim ©) 20 maine 36. after blasting the intemal coating surface chloride content shall nt exceed 2) 80 mgim= 9) 18maim® Py 40mg 37 incase of brush applicatin, the maximum brush ze shall be ueed a) 75mm b) 100mm 150mm 8 ta ade co pte eran sees oe 2 an 1) cause paint adhesion 8 sp 3 isa standard for 2) white metal bast cleaning ) pickling ‘d) hand tool earning 40, the temperature of which moisture begins to condersate ona see! surface is called 2) relative humicity 1) maximum surface tamperature 9) minimum surface temperature 41. what standard explains how to measure dy film thickness with magnetic gages? a) sspepat CD €) sspenas 6) sspe-pas 42, what documents wil describe the health and safety of hazard of aceating materat? a) the job specication «By material safely data sheets) 6) sepe safely specication 9) otha standard 48. whats the correct storage temperature range for coating? a) 30t090f ) 40to 1201 ) 45to 1004 (Aah mate ter moan sen bye ap et b) asim 43363, ¢) astm 43360 ) asim 3747 45, wet sponge holiday detectors checked with—dc vols for dt not exceeding—— 8) 900 600microns ) 69.5 S00microns 4) 67.5u1 1000mierons 48, what dt wil get, when applied 150, wf with 80% of volane solid? 2) 85micron ) 80mieron ©) 100mieron /&) 7micron 4. what is the feld adhesion test on foe? 2) cross cut adhesion test ) oly toe 4) allof the above 48. what isthe minimum nozzle ai pressure required for abrasive basting? ») 75 psi ©) 100 psi ©) 80psi 48, what would you doi you receive coatings that have exceeded their shal ife? 2) use the casting if i's the apparance ie normal )_use the materia if there is no hard seting of pigment 0) 1) contact the coating manufacturer fr information about the usablty ofthe coatings. 50, whats the correct formula for computing the wet fm thickness (wf), needed to achieve: the specified dry fim thickness (at of a coating? b) wi oftx0.50 ©) wit = dx percent of solids by we ©) atxve 5 hich of the folowing characteristics of paints easly tested in the fila? 23) viscosity (©) dry opacity: ©) entiation of the solvent in the paint 4) entiation ofthe paint resin 52, windy condition can cause which ofthe following pant defects? 3) wrinkling ») sagging ri '53 ifthe given dt ls 400 microns and volume of sols is 100% what the wft a) 450micron| b)_500mieron 9) 350mieron (GA grounding wire for biaetng and oosting equipment shall be awe? 2) Sorierger 2) orlager @) Sorlarger ‘55, what profile range can be measured using coarse testex? a) 40-65microns ©) 30-TOmicons 4) 15.50mierons 56, what profile range can be measured using x coarse testox? 2) 20.50microns ) 42-70microns 9) 30-70mverons ‘7. the maximum length of field gith weld coating on pipeline shall be? 8) 12inch of 300mm )15inch oF 200mm @) ‘finch oF 280mm (5 forntea oe coating the weld capo intra rot proton sha nt be mare han 2) sam 2) ton ©) 2mm 59, which apes is followed for external foe coating of pipe? ) apes-117 by apes-102 abe @) apes-113a 60, which apcs is fllowed for internal foe coating of pipe? 2) apes 17 €) apes-104 a,b.0 ) apes-113 ‘6. what is the de volt ange for holiday testing of oe coating? 23) 1000-1500 ac )_ 2000-5000 de 8) 2500-4000 ge | @2ivhat is samss for ietera foe coating? 2) Oiusamss.087 ) Oo-sames-087 ©)_09-samss-107 3 is sams for extemal foe coating? 8) 09-samss-067 ©) 3-samss-107 (64. in which form foe coating material is prior to use? 2) liquid containers ») sold 3) ga 165 spe stands for? ») steel structure painting code ©) society for protective coating 4) steel structure painting committee 166, what the speed of high voltage holiday detector while performed testing? a) Semisec b) Bcomisec ) TSemisee '67whileretairon touch up of galvanized steal surara, what ganarc pant sad as primer? 2) zine phosphate epoxy ) zine siicate 8) maste epoxy ‘68. which information isnot available n tds? 4) volume solids ) fash point ©) dew point ') thining ratio '60.for basting nozzle sce of 1/2", what ehal be the minim cla of congress? 2) 800cfm opaiem 0) Stocim 3 eatin 7D.arame standard safety for basting ad panting aero» Tal est? abrasvedeanines Bhs of ls eT “Pauwhich isnot surfoce preparation method? 74.blasting on concrete surfaces slowiy, quickly thoroughly? Reersmagee 7 buried stainless steel ines shallbe externally coated with fhe, haldesfreeiguic-contingn 76, abrasive blasting shall be carried out only when the ste! surface is atleastdtebovesthes “dew point — 7?-coupling used in blasting? the blasting hose shall be the static dissipating type with external couplings sFBioni fr adhesion pul off testa per Astm 4541 result mp kas kg/m? fife rusting wil start if the humicty levels? 80.the high-pressure hose is ited with a safety device known 25? Sveti io mir SMR ase organ the time between the fist coat and the next coat 83, astm 6 4128 stands for? fe measurement {4 hand applied splash zone compounds? pes 9a £85.bush of basting standard? 7 ‘86.vhere do youfind the surface profle ange? Tds/pectction af Apes {Phen the str aout to int which deve es him rom topping the lta? pean switch ‘8:heminiumtemp diference between metal temp andthe dew pint? = ious plomert Son whihinsument surtace profile mesurment can be done ‘manu nth eguie fre el pth weld is 20mm steel surfaces contaminated by water of salts the failure the coating occurs inthe form of bubbles shape is called? matic listers

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