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Current and Future Trends of

Media and Information What is MOOC?
• M – Massive – Hundreds of
Media and Information in Education thousands of students
• O – Open – Anyone, anywhere
can register for these courses
• O – Online – Coursework is
delivered entirely over the
• C – Course – MOOCs are very
similar to most online College

Ubiquitous Learning Purpose of MOOCs

- Learning at any time, at any • Higher Education
place • MOOC is free, but it does
not mean that it
Main characteristics of ubiquitous compromises quality.
learning • It enhances your
• Permanency – Learning knowledge
materials are always available • Workplace connection
unless purposely deleted. • MOOCs also provide
• Accessibility – Access from opportunities for
everywhere as personally professionals to connect
required with other people who
• Immediacy – Wherever a belong to the same field
student is, he/she can of their expertise.
immediately access learning • Lifelong learning
materials. • learning through this
• Interactivity – Online course can definitely be
collaboration with teachers lifelong.
and/or peers. • MOOCs primary goal is
• Situated instructional activities to promote personal
– learning in context (on-site) enrichment, in terms of
• Adaptability – Getting the right widening one's
information at the right place knowledge and
for the right student connections.

Wearable technology • Wearables are starting to

redefine technology.
• Is a new trend where people
are given the convenience of
literally wearing their gadgets
for multiple purposes
• It serves as the means of being
advanced and fashionable at
the same time

Samples of wearables
• Google glass
• Apple watch
• Samsung galaxy watch 3
• Garmin descent MK2 shart dive
• Fitbit
• Etc…

Benefits of wearables
• Physical activity and fitness
• Enhanced social networking
• Personal safety
• Healthcare monitoring
• General increased wireless

• The Internet is a place where
you communicate with people,
netiquette, or proper behavior
is also important in dealing
with virtual people.
• Technology constantly offers
endless ways to make the lives
of people easier.

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