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Practical Research 2

Determine if what type of variables are the following. Write I if the variable is interval, N if nominal, R if
ratio and O if ordinal.

1. Military title – O
2. Temperature in degree Celsius – I
3. Birthplace – N
4. Year Level – I
5. Favorite Type of Music – N
6. Clothing such as hat, shirt and shoes – N
7. Feeling for today – N
8. Means of transportation – N
9. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – I
10. A score in 5 item quiz in Math – N

Know and evaluate the research title of the paper you previously conducted in practical Research 1
based on how transparent the title is, meaning how visible the independent and Dependent and other
variables are in the title.

A Chemical Is Essential for Rat Nutrition

It is not an issue of what is being tested, but of why researchers picked rats and mice in labs over
anything else. According to the SacBee, the researchers will work with over 1,500 rats over a six-year
span, putting them through the human equivalent of endurance training, such as treadmill running.
Following that, the rats will be euthanized so that researchers may dissect and examine them to learn
more about how it affects their muscles and other organs. According to the Foundation for Biomedical
Research, "researchers study rats and mice because they are genetically quite similar to humans" (FBR).
"Rats and mice bred particularly for research account for around 95 percent of all lab animals." The
majority of mice and rats used in medical experiments are inbred, so they are almost identical
genetically, which helps to make the outcomes of medical trials more consistent. Another reason they
are utilized as medical test animals is that their genetic, biochemical, and behavioral traits are quite
similar to those of humans.

The presence/absence of the chemical is the independent variable. The health of the rat (whether it
lives and can reproduce) is the dependent variable.

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