Duties and Obligations of Citizen

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INSTRUCTION: Answer the following in essay form with a MINIMUM of 6 sentences each item. In writing
your essay, always remember the 3Cs (content, clarity, cohesion). Always be mindful of the content, be
clear on what you say, and be disciplined in ordering your ideas. (15 pts. each)

1. Give at least 3 Duties and Obligations of citizen. Explain each

 To be loyal to the Republic. - It signifies that we have faith and trust in the republic, as
well as love and dedication to the country. True loyalty entails not only allegiance to
one's faith and country, but also loyalty to humanity as a whole.
 To register and vote. – to take part in the electoral process in other words, the ability to
vote is the single greatest valuable benefit of being a registered voter. It makes no
difference whether your candidate wins or loses. If you vote for the candidate you
support, they are more likely to win; if you do not, they are more likely to lose.
 To uphold the Constitution and obey the laws. - It is our first responsibility to uphold the
Constitution and follow the laws. If the people dismiss them, our country will crumble
and there would be no peace and order.

2. What is Deviance? What are the positive and negative effects of deviant behavior?
It is any act that members of a social group consider to be a violation of established social
norms. In other words, a social audience must exist to assess if a conduct is deviant or not.
Because standards differ from one civilization to the next, what is deemed deviant in one society
may not be regarded such in another. What is deemed wicked and immoral in one civilization is
not in another; what is appropriate and acceptable in one society is improper and undesirable in
another. Negative Deviance is defined as behavior that deviates from recognized norms.
Negative deviants reject, distort, or are unaware of the standards. Positive Deviance entails
behavior that deviates from societal norms. Positive deviants deviate from norms in an uneven

3. How do you conform or deviate from the issues of politics in the media?
Politicians that understand how to utilize the media as a tool have an advantage in influencing
the people. They utilize media to create a brand/image that they communicate to the country in
order to connect with it. Social media has certain advantages and disadvantages in terms of the
role it plays in politics. As a nation, we have seen more politicians use social media as another
platform to promote their campaigns and engage with the populace in recent years.

4. What if human rights, human dignity and common good were not emphasized and articulated in
our Philippine Constitution. How can you imagine human society?
The common good is best understood as part of an all-encompassing paradigm for practical
reasoning among political community members. The concept assumes that citizens have a
"political" or "civic" connection with one another, and that this relationship compels them to
build and maintain certain infrastructure in order to serve certain shared interests. Whereas it is
critical that human rights be maintained by the rule of law if man is not forced to turn, as a last
option, to revolt against tyranny and injustice.

5. Explain the saying “No Man is an Island”. Relate it to the importance of groups in a society.
Reflects the belief that humans do poorly when isolated from others and must be a part of a
community to survive. It indicates that humans cannot spend their lives alone and flourish, and
that we are all dependent on others and require them. We can't flourish if we're alone. Because
we live in a cooperative and interdependent society, your actions will always have an impact on
someone else. Living alone on an island is the only way for your actions to have no effect on
anybody other than yourself.

6. What is the significance of Marriage and Family in the society?

Marriage and family are sociologically associated with a higher level of socioeconomic progress.
It represents man's entrance into the realm of passion and feeling, harmony and civilization.
Man and woman may have lived together, had children, and died unwept and unrecorded long
before the institution of marriage was established. To summarize, when individuals believe in
and accomplish healthy, happy marriages, it follows that marriage is crucial to society! Because
both men and women have a better chance of living longer lives when they are in healthy
relationships. Husbands and couples accumulate riches more readily when they work together.

7. What are the reasons why people marry? Give 5 and explain each.
1. Marriage provides you with the legal rights of a spouse.
- We all know how essential it is to be the legal spouse, not only because you want your children
to have the legality of their birthright, but also because it plays a significant part in your assets
and other marital privileges, such as retirement money.
2. Marriage will deepen your family's bond for the sake of your children.
- Let's face it – it's easier to abandon your partner and your child when you're not bound by
marriage. Statistics show an alarming rate of an absentee parent, which will then cause
significant mental and behavioral effects on a child. When you're married, and you have kids,
even if you're facing problems, there's more than enough reasons for you to rethink your
priorities and your life. You should also work on strengthening your connections if you want to
live a happy and rewarding life.
3. It is the ultimate expression of your love for your companion.
- Will you not picture your future with someone if you genuinely love them? Won't you want to
start a family with your spouse and tie it together through marriage? Is there any other reason
you won't marry the person you adore?
4. Purity
- Marriage is intended to be pure. Almost every minute, we are confronted with temptation
from all sides. Marriage provides us with the support we need to overcome temptation by
participating in deep, gratifying love—love that offers to and receives from our partner
physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
5. Oneness
- When a man and woman get married, the “two become one.” Marriage is a bond like no other.
It gives us a life partner, a teammate, as we move through the challenges of life together.

8. Why do we need to become aware of the issues and problems that confront the Filipino family?
Disintegration of families, juvenile delinquency, domestic violence, substance abuse, dangers of
drugs, ways to help children say "NO" to drugs, parental absenteeism, economic difficulties,
absence of family goals and values, early sexual involvement, negative influence of media.
Arguments All The Time. Parenting Decisions. Balancing Home and Work-Life. Dividing Up the
9. Are you in favor of premarital and live-in relationship? Why?
Premarital sex is not forbidden in the Bible. There is no biblical verse that mentions premarital
sex as a transgression against God. Live-in relationship: There is no legislation that binds the
partners together, and as a result, either partner can leave the relationship whenever they
choose. A living arrangement in which an unmarried couple shares a long-term relationship that
mimics marriage. For a number of reasons, couples cohabit rather than marriage. Because there
is no legal definition of a live-in relationship, the legal status of such relationships is similarly
unknown. The court decides the entitlement to maintenance in a live-in relationship based on
the Domestic Violence Act and the facts of the case.

10. What is the most important lesson you obtained from this subject Understanding Culture
Society and Politics?
Study of history, political science, culture, and all humanities to comprehend why being a good
citizen is necessary The fundamental goal of social studies is to assist young people in making
informed and reasoned decisions for the public benefit as citizens of a culturally varied,
democratic society in a globalized world. The primary purpose of social studies instruction is to
prepare pupils to be decent citizens. We live in a varied culture that requires information in
order to thrive. With a social studies education, students grow into people who can engage
civilly in our democratic society. This is one area of education where content integration is
critical. Students are assigned reading materials that relate to the present learning subjects.
Giving kids reading materials in context assists them in becoming better readers. They also
become better learners because they are required to demonstrate comprehension via analysis,
critical thinking, and writing.

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