ST 1 GR.5 Science

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2nd Quarter
: ___
Name: ___________________________ Grade & Section: ____________Date: __________

I. Directions: Read each question. Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which does NOT tell something about the testis?
A. It produces sperm cells. B. It secretes male sex hormones.
C. It deposits sperm to the vagina. D. It is found inside the scrotal sac.
2. Which is an organ of the male reproductive system?
A. cervix B. epididymis C. fallopian tube D. uterus
3. Which glands below is as big as a thumb that aids in sperm motility?
A. Cowper’s gland C. seminal vesicle
B. prostate gland D. vas deferens
4. Which serves as the passageway of both sperm and urine?
A. penis B. scrotum C. testis D. urethra
5. What hormones is secreted by the testis?
A. estrogen B. growth hormones C. progesterone D. testosterone
6. Which statements below is CORRECT?
A. The uterus is the site of fertilization.
B. The ovary secretes testosterone.
C. The cervix produces the female sex cells.
D. The egg passes through the fallopian tube from the ovary to the uterus.
7. How does the ovary work?
A. It is the site of fertilization.
B. It deposits sperm to the vagina.
C. It secretes estrogen and progesterone.
D. It provides nourishment to the fertilized egg.
8. Which is called as the womb?
A. cervix B. Cowper’s gland C. seminal vesicle D. uterus
9. Which parts of the female reproductive system are found on both sides of the uterus?
A. ovaries B. oviducts C. testes D. seminal vesicles
10. Which is the function of the cervix?
A. It produces egg cells. B. It secretes hormones.
C. It aids in sperm motility. D. It’s the passageway for menstrual flow and sperm
II.11-15. Label the parts of the female reproductive system.

16-20. Label the parts of the male reproductive system

. Direction: Read each question. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. At which stage of the uterine cycle does the menstrual cycle occur?
a. Days 1-5 b. Days 6-14 c. Days 14-20 d. Days 20-28
2. How often do girls normally experience menstruation?
a. once every 30 days b. once every 28 days
c. once every 29 days d. once every 25 days
3. Start of menstruation is a sign that a girl is ______________.
a. already pregnant b. already a woman
c. capable of being pregnant d. a teenager
4.Why is menstruation considered a cycle?
a. because it happens every month
b. because the woman gets pregnant every month
c. because the woman gets pregnant every year
d. because the woman gets pregnant every 28 days
5. How many days does menstrual flow usually last?
a. 2-7 days b. 4-10 days c. 3-5 days d. 28 days
6.When does menstruation begin?
a. when the egg cell is not fertilized by a sperm cell
b. when the egg cell matures in the ovary
c. when the uterus lining starts to thicken
d. when the mature egg inside an ovary begins to bleed
7. When does ovulation occur?
a. when an egg is released by the ovary
b. when an egg is released by the uterus
c. when an egg travels to the uterus
d. when the egg cell dies
8. What do you call the normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a
monthly cycle? a. menstruation b. ovulation
c. pregnancy d. fertilization
9. There are 4 phases in menstrual cycle. In what phase does ovulation take
place? a. Phase 1 b. Phase 2 c. Phase 3 d. Phase 4
10.Why is menstrual cycle important to reproduction?
a. because it prepares a woman’s body for possible pregnancy
b. because it provides hormones to keep body unhealthy
c. because egg cells are being recycled monthly
d. because it is a sign that uterus and ovaries are not working well.


I. II.

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