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Background Information of Tutees .. … …. ………… …. ….


Background Information of CAS Office .. … …. ………… …. ….


Position and Responsibilities in the internship .. … …. ………… …. ….


Learned and Skills developed .. … … ………… …. ….. 4

Skills and Experiences that I wanted to develop .. … … ………… …. …..


Challenges Encountered .. … … ………… …. …..


Parent's Guardian waiver .. … … ………… …. …..


Student Assistantship Attendance .. … … ………… …. …..


Tutorial Attendance .. … ……………. …. …..

Submitted by:

Canto, Meldy P.
BA-English 4D
Tutees Background Information

She is Filian Lenor Yuki A. Araneta, 11 years old and a graduating student
of Governor Emilio Gaston Elementary school in Silay City. She and her
family came from Manila but decided to live here in Negros Occidental for
good. She was eight years old when they migrate. Living here for three
years is not enough for her to adjust completely. Teaching here is
enjoyable because she is very kind, talkative and attentive during our
session. She loves to play volleyball and watching horror movies during her
leisure time. Her weakness is English subject and her forte is Mathematics.
I always encourage her to read whenever she has time so that her reading
skills would improve.

CAS office Background Information

College of ARTS and SCIENCES office, it is where the faculty, staff and teachers
collaborate and cooperate with each other to achieve the main goal for improvement
and advancement of the school.

Position and Responsibilities in the Internship and Tutorial

Being her tutor is a good experience, she becomes my obligation and responsibility. I
have to make sure that she comply everything that she needs in school and to improve
her study as well. I have to help her with her reading comprehension, solve
mathematics and to answer all her modules, summatives, exams, and performace

Student Assistanship
As a student assistant of College of Arts and Sciences, I am obliged to perform my
duties and to help my fellow assistants. We have to arrange, segregate all the records
of existing files that was assigned to us and also we need to assist teachers, and other
members of the faculty.

Learned and skills developed

As a tutor, I learned to deeply communicate with my tutee and to help her with her
difficulties and needs in school. I was there to be her guide for her to be more
productive in school and to encourage her during difficult times. During my
assistantship, I learned to work and deal with different people which I Believe could
me on

future career. That experience is one of the

factors that could help me in line with my course.
Skills and Experiences I want to develop
In terms of skill, I want to develop my strategy of teaching so that it will be easy for my
tutees to understand and learn their lesson. Communication must learned very well so
that information will disseminate clearly since, my communication skills is not very

As for the student assistantship I need to be early and learn to be organize all the task
that was assigned in the workplace.

The following challenges I encountered during my tutorial and assistantship is a bit

During my tutorial, I have to be close with my tutee since she is shy and somehow hard
to approach if you are new to her. What I did was I always talk a lot to get her
attention, telling her stories and pursue her to study for her future.

On the other hand, assistantship is a privilege for me, however, being lack of
communication skills will hit you. I have to adjust and come out from my comfort zone.

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