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BAB 1& 2
1. Read- My -not- sister – can =
My sister can not read.
2. speak -? -We -English- can =
Can we speak english?
3. the - words - They -write – can=
They can write the words
4. car - can- ?- drive- a – She =
Can she drive a car?
5. speak  -John- Spanish – can =
John can speak spanish
6. I – not -hear- you-can=
I can not hear you
7. -?- hear – me- you- Can=
Can you hear me?
Will / Would
01.- will it rain this evening?
02.- would it snow yesterday?
03.- would you like a coffee?
04.- I will go to the cinema today.
05.- He will probably arrive soon.
06.- We would play if we had a ball.
07.- Sam said he would come.
08.- I would do it if I had time.
09.- They will paint it as you want.
10.- If I were you, I would go there.
Will/ would
1. I will come if I have time.
2. would you like some tea?
3. I promise, I will quit smoking.
4. ‘There is the doorbell.’ ‘I will go.’
5. I didn’t expect that I would fail the test.
6. If I knew that you were in trouble, I would help you.
7. I hope I will get the job.
8. I would wake up early if there was a good reason to.
9. Do you think she would come if you invited her?
1o. I don’t know whether I will have time tomorrow.
1. Make sentences from the words below !
a. Can =
He can play baseball very well+
She can't eat shrimp, she's allergic. -
Can you close the door,please ?
b. is able to =
Let me know when she is able to call.+
She isn't able to walk, she fractured her legs. -
Is she able to drive?
c. are able to =
The parents are able to control their kids +
They aren't able to say no to this-
Were they able to clean up the classroom ?
d. am able to =
I am able to be a good student+
I am not able to play chess -
I am able to pay with debit, cant i?
31 Write 4 Expressions of  compliment
b. ………………….
c. ………………….
d. ………………….
Expressions of  checking for understanding
a. ……………………
b. ……………………
c. ………………….
d. ………………….
Write 4 Expressions of  asking opinion
a. ………………….
b. ………………….
c. ………………….
d. ………………….
Expressions of  attention
a. ……………………
b. ……………………
c. ………………….
d. ………………….
1. What do you think of Reading comic everyday ?
2. What do you think of Reading quran everyday ?
3. What do you think of eating candy everyday ?
4. What do you think of drinking coke everyday ?

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