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In this chapter, the researcher presents the research methodology that deals

with the lyric of Katy Perry‟s song “Chained To The Rhythm”. This chapter

includes research approach, reasearch object, data collection, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Approach

Research approach is a way of thinking that researchers adopt about how the

research design is made and how the research will be conducted. The research

approach includes three types, namely qualitative, quantitative, and mixed or

combined, also known as mix method. The process of data analysis with one of

the three approaches can be inductive, deductive or combined both.

Research in a qualitative way uses narrative data with words to answer

questions or the problems. It aims to answer a problem descriptively. In

qualitative method, the researchers are instruments. Usually this research is done

by individual interviews or with focus group discussions.

The second method is quantitative. This research must be based on facts that

are clear and can be proven empirically. This method tests the truth of theory and

concepts and this study begins with a detailed hypothesis. This method search for

facts and causes and wants to know a lot about a number of variables so that it can

identify the differences. To collect data, the quantitative approach uses a

structured survey or interview method.


The third method is mixed approach. This approach using a method that is

also a combination of both. The process of doing this combination may take

longer and in some cases more difficult. However, the results can be more

optimum because the data obtained complement each other. in using this method

the researcher must have knowledge and skill in processing qualitative and

quantitative data.

Beside those two, research approach can also be inductive, deductive or

combination of both called abductive approach. The first is deductive approach,

deductive approach is approach that concerned with “developing a hypothesis (or

hypotheses) based on existing theory, and then designing a research strategy to

test the hypothesis”, Wilson J. (2010). The second approach is inductive approach,

according toGoddard& Melville (2004), inductive approach, also known in

inductive reasoning, starts with the observations and theories are proposed

towards the end of the research process as a result of observations. The third is

abductive approach, this approach is an approach to finding the hypotheses that

would best explain the given evidence.Abductive approach also referred as

combination approach. Abductive approach is set to address weaknesses

associated with deductive and inductive approaches.Specifically, deductive

reasoning is criticized for the lack of clarity in terms of how to select theory to be

tested via formulating hypotheses. In abductive approach, the research process

starts with „surprising facts‟ or „puzzles‟ and the research process is devoted their

explanation, Bryman& Bell (2015).

In this research, the researcher used the descriptive qualitative method and

inductive approach. The researcher choose an inductive approach because the


datawhich are analyzed not in numbers but in words and choose descriptive

qualitative research because the researcherassumes that descriptive qualitative

research is the most appropriate method foranalyzing the objects in this study,

because using descriptive method the researcher will be able to analyze the type,

form and meaning of the masterthe comparisons contained in the song's lyrics to

get a through overview of what will be analyzed.

3.2 Research Object

A research object aggregates a number of resources that are used and/or

produced in a given scientific investigation. This aggregation supports access to

the collected resources - or at least access to the identification of those resources.

In general, research object describes what we expect to achieve by a project. Research

object should be logical, relevant, observable, measurable, and feasible.

The researcher chooses to analyze the figurative language in Katy Perry‟s song

“Chained To The Rhythm” as the object of the research because the song was

unique and easy listening. The songwriter said this song was represents

political/mental liberation.

The data of the research are collected in the form of words and sentences in

song lyrics. In this research, the document used is a public records obtained

through video music on youtube.

3.3 Data Collection

Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on

targeted variables in an established systematic fashion, which then enables one to

answer relevant questions and evaluate outcomes.


In this research, the researcher used songon youtubeto analyze the data. The

author collected the data by identifying, classifying and explaining the lyrics

about figurative language in Katy Perry‟s song lyrics.

The researcher collecting the data by due following steps:

1. Opening the youtube and going to official vevo account of Katy Perry.

2. Searching “Witness” album of Katy perry.

3. Choosingthe song title “Chained To The Rhythm”.

4. Activating subtitle in this video.

5. Then the researcher analyzing the lyric in this video and choosing sentences

that contain figurative language by matching and classifying them with

figurative language types theory.

3.4 Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the next step is data analysis. Data Analysis is the

process of systematically applying statistical and/or logical techniques to describe

and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data. According to Shamoo and

Resnik (2003), various analytic procedures “provide a way of drawing inductive

inferences from data and distinguishing the signal (the phenomenon of interest)

from the noise (statistical fluctuations) present in the data”.Analytical procedures

range from simple comparisons to the use of complex models. The uses of such

procedures put your research project in perspective and assist you in testing the

hypotheses with which you have started your research.The steps that the author

takes in analyzing data are as follows:

1. Identifying data from the song lyrics.In this part, the author begins to

identify which utterance can be categori as the figurative language.


2. Giving underline and give number in each lyric that contain figurative


3. The author making table to identify and college the data that contain

figurative language.

4. Classifying the data from the song lyric.

Table : Figurative Language Table

Meaning of
Types of figurative
Number Lyrics Figurative

5. Explaining the meaning of each lyrics that contain of figurative language.

6. Expert Validation

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