Reading Plan Week 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Basirang, Tudela, Misamis Occidental

Reading Plan 2
Week Number: 2, Quarter: 2, Date: December 5-8, 2022

Learning Area: Reading in English

What I need to know: Getting the maind idea and supporting details of the text.
Day & What I Need Learning Tasks Classroom-Based Activity Home Based
Time to Know Activity
Tuesday Specifically, This lesson plan offers varied learning activities that Home reading
– Friday students help a student assess their reading placement, practice with the
should be able oral reading on a daily basis, do varied activities to guidance of
to: enhance their reading performance, develop stressing the parents/
and correct pronunciation; and answer guardians.
comprehension questions in every reading material
on a daily basis.
Tuesday Objectives:
- Friday a. Read
Reading Activities
LAUGHTER Home reading
activities with
– 7:15- words and I. MOTIVATION the
7:45 sentences People love to laugh. We love it so much when there parents/guardi
with The teacher will give a passage for the students to are jokes, jobs, and shows that are made to make us ans.
correct listen to. She will read aloud the passage and ask the laugh. Even though laughing seems natural, not many
pronunciat students what could be its title. species are able to do so.
ion. Laughing involves the performance of rhythmic,
b. Infer main involuntary movements, and the production of sounds.
idea from We are able to laugh using fifteen facial muscles, our
the respiratory system, and sometimes even our tear ducts.
selection. We are lucky that we are able to laugh because there is
c. Complete strong evidence that laughter can help improve health.
a main Laughter boosts the immune system and adds another
idea and layer of protection from disease. Since laughter also
details increases blood flow, it improves the function of blood
map after vessels that helps protect the heart. Laughter also
reading a relaxes the whole body by relieving tension and stress.
passage Finally, laughter also brings out the body’s natural feel-
from their good chemicals that promote well-being.


II. MINI LESSON 1. What is laughing?
a. It is the voluntary reception of sounds.
The teacher will show students a picture of a group of b. It is the voluntary production of sounds.
people. She will then think aloud to give the picture a c. It is the involuntary production of sounds.
title. Again, she will think aloud to give three details d. It is the voluntary use of our facial
from the picture to support the title. She will then use muscles.
the information to complete a main idea and details 2. What does the statement, “There are jokes, jobs,
map. She will explain to students that the main idea is and shows that are made
the most important piece of information in a picture to make us laugh,” imply in this selection?
or passage. It is the main point being made. She will a. Laughter is something we have to work
link it to the title she gave to the picture. The students at.
will be told that the supporting details give additional b. Comedy shows are good sources of
information about the main idea. They help readers to c. Laughter is an important part of our life.
understand the points being made. The teacher will d. Jokes and comedy shows are expensive
then go back to the passage that she gave a title and ways to make us laugh.
find 3 supporting details from the passage that gives 3. In what way does laughing prevent us from
additional information about the main idea. she will getting sick?
explain to students that when they are able to identify a. It lets us have full use of our respiratory
the relationship between the main idea and the system.
supporting details it helps in their overall b. It helps boost our immune system.
comprehension of what is read (also improves our c. It allows us to use our tear ducts.
comprehension of the text). d. It exercises our facial muscles.
4. If laughter increases blood flow, which body
III. GROUP/PEER WORKK system does it help?
a. nervous system
Each group will be given a picture and a main idea b. respiratory system
map. The students will be required to find the main c. excretory system
idea the picture portrays then give at leastt 2 details to d. circulatory system
support the main idea. 5. Which word CANNOT be used to describe
b. voluntary
Each group will present their picture and the c. uncontrollable
information on their main idea and details map. The d. functional
teacher and students will discuss the responses to 6. Which of the following facts about laughter
ensure that everyone understands the concept/skill. would be helpful to a
hardworking secretary at a busy office?
V. INDEPENDENT WORK (Use Reading a. Laughter uses fifteen facial muscles.
Power books/ any reading materials) b. Laughter keeps tension and stress away.
c. Laughter may help protect us from
Each student will be required to read the passage diseases.
“Laughter” to find the main idea and supporting d. Laughter brings out the ‘feel good’
details. They will also be asked to answer chemicals.
comprehension questions. The teacher will move 7. Which of the following is the best title for the
around to check on students. selection?
a. Laughter is the answer.
b. Laughter is the best medicine.
c. Laughter is what sets humans apart.
d. Laughter affects the human condition.
8. Which of the following would be the most ideal
place to spread the good
effects of laughter?
a. sari-sari store
b. gas station
c. hospital
d. market


Long ago, a farmer had a carabao and a cow. The
carabao was bigger but the cow worked just as hard.
One day the farmer said, “I can get more from my farm
if my carabao works all day and my cow works all
night.” This went on for a month 'til finally, the carabao
cried, “It is just too hot to work all day!” “Want to go
for a swim?” asked the cow. “It will cool you off.” The
carabao happily agreed. They went off without the
farmer’s consent.
Before swimming, they hung their skins on a tree
branch. But it wasn’t long till the farmer went looking
for them. Upon seeing the farmer, they rushed to put on
VI. EVALUATION 1 (Example: The Cow their skins. In their rush, the carabao had worn the
and the Carabao) cow’s skin and the cow had worn the carabao’s skin.
From then on, cows have sagging skin while carabaos
Each student will be required to read a story to have tight skin.
complete a main idea and details map and correctly
answer the comprehension questions. Reference: Adapted from:

1. At the beginning of the story, what was one major
difference between the
cow and the carabao?
a. The carabao was bigger than the cow.
b. The cow had sagging skin while the
carabao had tight skin.
c. The carabao had sagging skin while the
cow had tight skin.
d. The carabao worked at night while the
cow worked in the day.
2. What did the farmer decide one day?
a. The cow and the carabao will work
b. The cow and the carabao should not leave
the farm.
c. The carabao will work in the day while
the cow will work at night.
d. The cow will work in the day while the
carabao will work at night.
3. What word describes the farmer in the story?
a. kind
b. cruel
c. grumpy
d. hardworking
4. How did the farmer’s decision affect the cow and the
a. They did not have time to rest.
b. They hardly saw each other.
c. They did not eat enough.
d. They were always tired.
5. What does the phrase “without consent” mean?
a. did not have permission
b. was not informed
c. has not rested
d. did not know

The students will be required to cut a picture story

from the newspaper and paste it on their notebook,
then write the main idea and 3 details.

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