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Jamille Marie L.

Elvinia October 18, 2021

POL 112 - A

Finals In Pol 112


An Act Defining Gender-Based Sexual Harassment in Streets, Public Spaces, Online,

Workplaces, and Educational or Training Institutions, Providing Protective Measures and
Prescribing Penalties.

Deontological Approach
- This Act in under deontological approach because it shows respecting the rights of people. It’s
against the manipulation of people and the violation of their dignity.

- July 23, 2018 Begun and held in Metro Manila, on
- This Act which is a consolidation of Senate Bill No.
1558 and House Bill No. 8794 was passed by the
Senate of the Philippines and the House of
Representatives on February 6, 2019.
- Approved: April 17, 2019.
- July 19,2019, was published in major broadsheets
Manila Bulletin and Business Mirror.
- August 3, 2019, The law will take effect after the 15-
day lapse.
November 1, 2019, Implementing rules and regulations are being finalized and will be released
within 90 days from effectivity.
- Effective today not unless being repealed.


Otherwise known as the Philippine Clean Air Act, is a comprehensive air quality management
policy and program which aims to achieve and maintain healthy air for all Filipinos.

Culturalist approach
- It seeks to iliminate simple binaries between seemingly opposing phenomena such as nature.
R.A. 8749 protects the air inhaled by Filipinos, thus making it under this approach.

- Approved, June 23, 1999.
- Effective not until repealed.

Art. 308 under G.R. No. L-18507      

Who are liable for theft.—Theft is committed by any person who, with intent to gain but without
violence against, or intimidation of persons nor force upon things, shall take personal property
of another without the latter's consent.

Virtue Ethics Approach

- Art.308 is under Virtue ethics approach because it focuses on building character. The practice
of anti-theft will help us acquire virtue and develop an honorable and moral character.

- Approved March 31, 1966
- Effective not until being repealed

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