Human Resource Policies: Company 1

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Human Resource Policies


Attendance Sexual Harassment Religious Holidays Vacation Time Recognition Policy Harassment Free Workplace

Employment of Relatives Performance Correction Personal Days Jury Duty Drug Free Workplace Conflict of Interest


Affirmative Action Termination of Employment Drugs Staff Development Sexual Harassment Risk Management Nepotism Out of Scope Compensation Plan

Staff Evaluation Work Schedules Dispute Resolution Leaves of Absence Holidays Classification of Jobs Discipline of Staff


Family and Illness Leave Harassment Attendance Workplace Violence Bilingual Customer Service Drugs and Alcohol

Staff Development AIDS or HIV Harassment Leave of Absence Without Pay Computer Use Policy Personal Relationships Supplementary Salary Leave Plan


Professional Responsibility Management Compensation Plan Dispute Resolution Conflict of Interest Drug Free Workplace Computer Usage

Nepotism Sexual Harassment Movement from Bargaining Unit to Management Pay Adjustments Temporary Positions


Citizenship Eligibility Compensation Confidential HR Info Dress Code Email Usage Employment of Relatives

Hiring Casual Employees Jury Duty New Employee Documentation Offers of Appointment Position Classification Vacation Carryover


Sexual Harassment Policy Personnel Record Policy

Occupational Health Policy Attendance Management


Severe Weather Training and Development Identification Cards Continuous Service Employment Disciplinary Action Compensation Moving Expenses Service Awards Worker's Compensation Time and Attendance Records Hours of Work Holidays Annual Leave Sick Leave Personal Leave Bereavement Leave Military Leave Jury Duty Voting

Rest Periods and Meal Breaks Educational Leaves of Absence with Pay Leaves of Absence Without Pay Reductions in Force Family and Medical Leave Policy Parental Leave Policy Separations of Employment Exit Interviews Retirement Staff Development Smoking Drugs Employment Assistance Program Deadly Weapons Code of Ethics Employee Documentation Affirmative Action Sexual Harassment Conflict of Interest Personnel Records


Travel Pay Callback Work Records Temporary & Casual Appointments Workweek & Pay Periods Compensation Pay Bands Pay Advances Salary Administration Relocation Pay Job Reclassification Payroll Deductions Fair Labor Standards Act Rates of Pay for New Employees Terminating Employees Layoff Tuition Assistance Performance Employee Assistance Program Career Development Workshops and Seminars Family Health Leave Holidays Vacation Jury Duty Leaves of Absence Without Pay Personal Leave Committee Work Return to Work After Disability Short Term Disability Sick Leave Separation Pay Sick Leave Unemployment Insurance Voting

Worker's Compensation Funeral Leave Sexual Assault Labor Relations Probation Employee Discipline Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure Ethical Conduct Employee Registration Orientation Vacancies Affirmative Action Unique Hiring Situations Employment Offers References Medical Exams & Immunization Interviewing Candidate Testing Smoking Transfers Drug-Free Workplace Consultants and Contractors Recruitment Advertising Flexible Benefits Plan Group Health Care Plan Long Term Disability Plan Continuous Service Business Travel Tax Deferred Plan Retirement Plan Basic Life Insurance Accidental Insurance

Arranged by "Policy Type" - Categories

Affirmative Action Attendance Classification Compensation or Pay Computers Conflict of Interest and Ethics Discipline and or Termination Dispute Resolution Drugs Harassment and Sexual Harassment Hours of Work and Work Schedules

Jury Duty Leaves of Absence Misc Nepotism New Employees Occupational Health and Safety Performance Personnel Files and Confidential Info Staff Development Vacations of Holidays

Sample Sexual Harassment Policies Recent surveys indicate that 50% of women and 20% of men believe they have been sexually harassed in the workplace. Sexual harassment is a form of unlawful sex discrimination under both federal and many state laws. Sexual Harassment usually takes one of two forms:

Harassment occurs when a supervisor rewards and employee through an economic benefit upon receipt of sexual favors or punishes the employee for refusing to submit to the request(s). Supervisors and/or co-employees create an environment infused with unwelcome sexually-oriented conduct to the point where an individual's reasonable ability to perform his/her job is impacted.

The Sexual Harassment Policy Package can help your organization develop a sexual harassment policy that can reduce or eliminate all forms of workplace sexual harassment. Developing a fair and consistent sexual harassment policy is the first step your organization can take to create a culture/climate that denounces ANY form of sexual harassment. A policy that outlines employee rights and obligations, coupled with a strong statement against sexual harassment sends a positive message to employees that in turn improves morale and productivity. The Sexual Harassment Policy Package provides you with 10 sample policies that you can use as templates to develop your own policy. You can avoid costly litigation and lawsuits by taking the time to use this package to develop an up-to-date sexual harassment policy.

Sample Attendance Policies The Attendance Policy Package is designed to help managers and organizations make sound decisions when faced with attendance issues. Organizations must know how to manage attendance effectively. Managers usually find themselves dealing with situations and questions related to attendance. The Attendance Policy Package provides managers with information in plain English that can help them handle these attendance issues confidently and correctly. The attendance Policy Package provides policies that can help an organization:

Recognize and deal with common attendance problems Prevent potential sick leave abuse Manage annual leave fairly and consistently Discourage tardiness and unexcused absences Handle special leave situations

Sample Recruitment Policies

Finding and hiring competent, capable and quality staff is a constant challenge facing large, medium and small businesses. Many companies find that it is even tougher today for to compete for talent and that as a result, many hire new staff quickly just to have somebody fill a position. This often leads to the expensive consequences of a bad hire - workplace disruption, lost productivity, increased stress, and deceased morale. In addition, firing a "bad hire" creates workplace anxiety and legal and personal complications and expenses. To make the best hiring choice, companies must make a commitment to the importance of the hiring process, instead of rushing through it. Creating Recruitment Policies is the first step. Companies who develop common-sense recruitment policies are the most effective at identifying, attracting and retaining quality employees. However, few companies and recruiters have policies in place that address issues surrounding effective recruitment. The Recruitment Policy Package will help your company develop sound policies that will help eliminate expensive errors of judgment and procedure. As organizations begin to recognize the importance of effective recruitment to the bottom line, the need for clear and concise policies that outline how new staff are treated become paramount. High orientation, recruitment and turnover costs can be avoided if all new staff are treated equitably. Constantly hiring new staff hinders production which in turn hurts the bottom line.

This can easily be avoided if new employees are hired using the same criteria and if they know how they will be treated as new employees. While it is difficult to determine the exact cost of hiring a new employee, research in this area estimates that it costs the average company between $8,000 and $12,000 to hire and train each new employee. This expense cannot be ignored as these costs directly impact the company's productivity and the bottom line. Hiring the right person the first time will help reduce the number of new staff your company has to hire and train, thereby reducing overall operating costs. Hiring a bad employee can be deadly, especially in small-medium sized companies. They can tie the company up for months because management is afraid to do anything for fear of a lawsuit, but at the same time, the company's needs are not being met. Avoid this situation by developing and implementing effective Recruitment Policies. Consistent application of your hiring process will ensure you minimize bad hiring decisions. The Recruitment Policy Package can help you avoid these costly mistakes. At $24.95, it is an invaluable tool that could save you thousands of dollars. Sample Leave of Absence Policies Unsure what to do when an employee requests a leave of absence? The responsibility for managing leaves of absence resides with the manager. The Leave of Absence Policy Package can help managers with this responsibility because it provides numerous sample policies that guide managers through all types of leave situations. The Leave of Absence Policy Package is designed for human resource professionals, business owners and managers of all skill levels. The package will meet all of your human resource needs and help keep your company compliant and consistent in how it treats all leave of absence situations. There is no way to avoid leave of absence requests from employees and this employment situation is no longer a simple matter. There is a great probability that a federal or state regulation must be considered in the proper handling of the leave of absence. The Leave of Absence Policy Package contains real-world sample policies that will enable your organization to address these issues. The package also provides your organization with the opportunity to formalize a leave of absence strategy that can simplify and clarify many leave requests and situations. The goal of the Leave of Absence Policy Package is to help you avoid litigation by formulating positive leave of absence programs and policies, which enhances employee morale, minimizes work disruptions, and increases the quality and quantity of work. The package will help you develop a set of written policies that represents a comprehensive approach to helping you avoid litigation and unnecessary disputes.

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