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Outlet temperature of an heat exchanger with constant surface temperature

Logarithmic mean temperature Outlet temperature from an energy

difference (LMTD) balance on the liquid

m⋅c P⋅Δt=h⋅A i⋅Δt LM

[1], Eq (8.25), page 727
Δt LM=

[ ]
(t wall - t in ) - (t wall - t out ) t wall - t in
Δt LM= Ln
[ t wall - t in
t wall - t out ] t wall - t out

m⋅c P⋅Δt=h⋅A i⋅

Δt LM=
(t wall - t in ) - (t wall - t out ) Ln
[ t wall - t in
t wall - t out ]
[ t wall - t in
t wall - t out ] m⋅c P =h⋅A i⋅

[ t wall - t in
t wall - t out ]
t wall - t in - t wall + tout
Δt LM=
[ t wall - t in
t wall - t out ] Ln
[ t wall - t in
h⋅A i
t wall - t out m⋅c P
h⋅A i
t out - t in t wall - t in m⋅cP
Δt LM= =e

[ ]
t wall - t out
t wall - t in
Ln −h⋅Ai
t wall - t out t wall - t out m⋅c
=e P
Δt t wall - t in
Δt LM=

[ ]
t wall - t in m⋅c P
Ln t wall - t out =( t wall - t in ) ¿ e
t wall - t out −h⋅A
Eq. A t out =t wall - ( t wall - t in ) ¿ e P

Eq. B
h: average heat transfer coefficient [W/(m²*K)] −h⋅A i
Ai: tube cross sectional area [m²] m⋅c P
m: mass flow rate [kg/s] t out =t wall - ( t wall - t in )⋅e
Cp: specific heat at average bulk temperature
[J/(kg*K)] Se also a direct deduction in [1],
pages 248 - 250

This deduction consideres a case where Tube with constant surface temperature
only the inside convection is of interest.

In those cases where the pipe resistance tb,in = 377 [K]

and the exterior convection need to be tb,ave = 370
taken into account, a similar equation is 363
obtained. 350 Bulk temperature
The only difference being that the
convection coefficient "h" is replaced 330
by the U-factor referred to the interior
sutface. 310
twall = 300 [K] Constant wall surface temp
−U i⋅A i
m⋅c P
t out=t wall - ( t wall - t in )⋅e

Temperature data and results from Example 4.

Sheet 6. Inside laminar oil

Eq. A Eq. B

Microsoft Editor de Microsoft Editor de

ecuaciones 3.0 ecuaciones 3.0

For an application, see sheet 2

Example 4.1, [1], page 277

Rev. cjc. 13.02.2015

nstant surface temperature

tb, out = ?
Bulk temperature

Constant wall surface temperature

Tube length

data and results from Example 4.1, [1], page 277

e laminar oil

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ecuaciones 3.0
Heat exchanger (single-stream) with constant surface temperature

Exit temperature of hot oil flowing through a tube with constant surface temperature

Example 4.1, [1], page 277. Laminar flow of oil

SAE 50 oil flows at a mass flow rate "m" through a tube of inside diameter "d i" and
lenght "L". The wall temperature is at "t walls" and the inlet oil bulk temperature is "tinlet"
Estimate the average heat transfer coefficient and the oil exit temperature.

Fluid data: SAE 50 oil

m= 0.007 kg/s
di = 10 mm
L= 1.5 m
Twalls = 300 K
Tinlet = 377 K

Assumption: The flow is hydrodynamically fully developed at the commencement of

cooling. To calculate the average Nusselt number, an outlet temperature has to be
assumed and then an iteration process is required.

di = 10 mm
di = 0.01 m

Assumed average oil temperature

Toil_ave = 370 K The Nusselt number for laminar flow is
From Table A.8 [1], page 1158. (sheet 3) from Eq. (4.50)
the bulk properties are: Nu = 3.66 +Num / Den
k= 0.137 W/(m*K)
m= 0.0189 Pa s with
cp = 2200 J/(kg*K) Num = 0.065 * (d/L) * Re * Pr
Pr = 300 - d= 0.01
L= 1.5
Area of pipe section Re = 47.2
Ai = (p/4) * di^2 Pr = 300
di = 0.01 m Num = 6.13
Ai = 7.85E-05 m²
Den = 1 + 0.04 * ( ( d / L ) * Re * Pr ) ^(2/3)

Reynolds number d= 0.01 m

Re = v * d /n L= 1.5 m
Re = v*r * d / m Re = 47.2 -
Re = (Q/A)*r * d / m Pr = 300 -
Re = (Q*r)/A * d / m Den = 1.83
Re = m/A * d / m
m= 0.007 kg/s Nu = 3.66 +Num / Den
A= 7.85E-05 m² Num = 6.13 -
d= 0.01 m Den = 1.83 -
m= 1.89E-02 Pa s Nu = 7.01 -
Re = 47.2 -
Laminar flow

Comment 3.
The tube is essentially a single-stream heat exchanger with a number of transfer units

Shell inner surface If Ntu << 1, toil_out aprox toil_in

As_i = p * di * L
di = 0.01 m If Ntu > 3 or 4, toil_out aprox ts
L= 1.5 m
As_i = 0.0471 m²
Number of transfer units
Ntu = h * Ai / ( m * cp)
h= 66.96 W / m²*K)
As_i = 4.71E-02 m²
m= 0.007 kg/s
cp = 2200 J/(kg*K)
Ntu = 0.205 -

[1], page 279

mperature Tube with constant surface temperature

tb,in = 377 [K]

tb,ave = 370
363 Bulk temperature


[K] Constant wall surface temperature
twall = 300

Tube length
ncement of
has to be Temperature data and results from Example 4.1, [1], page 277
Sheet 6. Inside laminar oil

Correction due to the variable properties Check of average temperature

From Table 4.6 (sheet 4)
n= -0.11 Since the wall temperrature is constant,
and from Table A.8, the viscosity for equation (4.11) applies
the wall suraface temperature is From [1], page 250
Twalls = 300 K Tb_out = Ts - (Ts - Tb_in) * Exp(-NTU)
ms = 5.03E-01 Pa s and
NTU = hc * p * d * L / (m * cp)
Thus, the correction factor is hc = 66.96 W / m²*K)
(ms / mb )^n = d= 0.01 m
ms = 5.03E-01 L= 1.5 m
mb = 1.89E-02 Pa s m= 0.007 kg/s
n= -0.11 - cp = 2200 J/(kg*K)
(ms / mb )^n = 0.697 NTU = 0.2049 -

Corrected Nusselt number Tb_out = Ts - (Ts - Tb_in) *Exp(-NTU)

Nucorr = (ms / mb )^n * Nu Ts = 300
(ms / mb )^n = 0.697 Tb_in = 377
Nu = 7.01 NTU = 0.2049 -
Nucorr = 4.89 - Tb_out = 363 K

Convection coefficient Thus, the assumed average temperature is

hc = (k/d) * Nucorr appropriate
k= 0.137
d= 0.01
Nucorr = 4.89
hc = 66.96 W / m²*K)

ransfer units

ut aprox toil_in

toil_out aprox ts
h⋅A i
N tu =
m⋅c P
Comment 3.
The tube is essentially a single-stream heat exchanger with a number of transf

Shell inner surface If Ntu << 1, toil_out aprox toil_in

As_i = p * di * L
di = 0.01 m If Ntu > 3 or 4, toil_out aprox ts
L= 1.5 m
As_i = 0.0471 m²

Number of transfer units

Ntu = h * Ai / ( m * cp)
h= 66.96 W / m²*K)
As_i = 4.71E-02 m²
m= 0.007 kg/s
cp = 2200 J/(kg*K)
Ntu = 0.205 -
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tb, out = ?

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mperature is

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xchanger with a number of transfer units

Ntu << 1, toil_out aprox toil_in

Ntu > 3 or 4, toil_out aprox ts

T= 300 K T= 370
k= W/(m*K) k= 0.137
m= 5.03E-01 Pa s m= 1.89E-02
cp = J/(kg*K) cp = 2200
Pr = - Pr = 300
Pa s
n= -0.11
[1] Heat and mass transfer
Anthony F. Mills
Irwin, 1995

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