Nicole Pomerleau Final Critique

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Made in America

Parade Hoboken, New Jersey Photo by Robert Frank

By: Nicole Pomerleau

American Culture / Identity in America
● American culture is dependent on location
○ A mix of cultures and traditions from many parts of the world
○ A history of immigration helped to shape the diverse population
○ ‘Melting Pot’

● Within America, different cities show their culture in a number of different

○ In Johnson City, may historic locations that show the history and the
culture of this area have been well preserved and restored
○ In NYC, there is scaffolding every few feet. This area is very
industrialized and trying to ‘keep up with the times’
Individualism Equality

Photo by Armin Rimoldi Photo by Anna Shvets

Past Future

Photo by Cheng CJ Photo by Tara Winstead

Background on Johnson City
Background on NYC - Upper East Side (UES)
● The Upper East Side is one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the
United States
○ Home of some of the most prominent families
● Before European settlers, Native Americans used to fish in the East River
● As immigrants began to settle down, the UES became an area for rural
farmlands and gardens
● In 1837, the New York and Harlem Railroad began to increase commercial
traffic to the mostly rural northern areas of New York City
● Foreign and American immigrants flooded NYC in the late 19th century
○ Sparked a development boom that pushed populations outside the
settled areas
● The UES has flourished throughout history and has remained a
neighborhood of cultural influence and diversity
Photo by Broome County Historical Society Photo by Nicole Pomerleau
Photo by Nicole Pomerleau
Photo by Nicole Pomerleau Photo by Nicole Pomerleau
Photo by Nicole Pomerleau
Photo by Nicole Pomerleau Photo by Nicole Pomerleau
Photo by Nicole Pomerleau
Photo by Nicole Pomerleau Photo by Nicole Pomerleau

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