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The significant majority of critical health concerns in the 21 st century are severely affecting.

Diabetes is
the most common health concern in today’s generation. It was about 422 million people worldwide
have diabetes and about 1.5 million deaths are directly attributed to diabetes each year. Diabetes is a
Chronic long lasting health issue that will target how the body turns food into energy. Most people
bodies naturally produce hormone of insulin, that will help converts sugar from the food we took into
energy that the body can use for some activities. When you have this kind of condition, your body either
does not make insulin or doesn’t make use its insulin well, while causing your blood sugar to rise. The
National Diabetes Statistics report 2020 states that it is around 210,000 children and teenagers under
the age of 20 years. Type 1 diabetes is much more common in young people than type 2 diabetes.
Perhaps, the rates of both types in young people are increasing

Type 1 diabetes in children , were called juvenile diabetes, which occura when the pancreas is
unable to produce insulin. Without this insulin, sugar cannot travel from the blood into the cells, and
high blood sugar level can occur. People can have type 1 diabetes at any age , from early childhood to
adulthood, but the average age at diagnosis is 13 years. Treatment involves lifelong insulin use and
blood sugar monitoring, as well as diet and exercise.

Type 2 diabetes is less common in young children, but will occur when insulin is not working
correctly. Without enough insulin, glucose can accumulate in the bloodstream. Diagnosis will usually
occur to elders but children can also develop it. The rates of type 2 diabetes are rising along with the
increases in childhood obesity. Over 75% of children with type 2 diabetes have close relative who has it,
either due to genetics or shared lifestyle habits. Having parent, sibling or any relatives with type 2
diabetes is linked with an increased risk.

Symptoms of diabetes are similar in children, teenagers, and adults. Some signs are common in
both types of diabetes, but there are some differences to tell them. The symptoms of type 1 diabetes
are similar in children tend to develop rapidly over a few weeks. However, Type 2 diabetes symptoms
develop more slowly. It may take months or years to receive a diagnosis

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