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A level P 1 Unit 2

Test P1 Unit 2
Maximum Marks 40 Time 1h15Mins

Section 1
Answer all questions
1. Briefly explain why workforce planning might be important for a University Business [5]
a) Distinguish between a ‘job description’ and a ‘person specification’. [2]
b) Briefly explain two ways in which employees can participate in business decision
3. Explain the possible consequences for a business of high labour turnover. [5]
a. Define the term ‘labour turnover’. [2]
b. Briefly explain two ways human resource management could help a business achieve
its objectives. [3]

Section 2
Answer one Question
a) Analyse the importance of employee motivation for the achievement of business objectives.

b) Discuss the view that managers and leaders perform very different functions in business
organisations. [12]

6. The most effective way to realise human potential in a manufacturing business is to give high
rates of financial rewards to the workforce.’ Do you agree? Justify your view. [20]
a) Analyse why it is important for a business to have policies on diversity and equality. [8]
b) Discuss the importance of ‘work-life balance’ for employee welfare in a tertiary sector
business. [12]

Worksheets by Asif Iqbal 03214454770

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