My Reflection in Chapter 3

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Name: Francis C. Delo Verjes Jr.

Date: ____________

Course/Block: BPA 2A Score: ________

Reflection in Chapter 3

Here I will tackle the different gender issues in media particularly advertising and film industry. I will also
talk about the gender issues in the education sector. I learned most of discussion will revolve around the
problems of discrimination and inequality of women as structurally oppressed gender. About in woman
in the film and film industry in hallywood, many studies related to gender and film show that the
industry is dominated by men. Men detectors, writers, produces make movies whose leading characters
are men and whose stories are those that interest men. And also, men save the day or find resolution
and the reason for most movies having men as leading protagonists and being based on the stories men
is because these themes are the proven ticket sellers. Fundamentally, women in the film and advertising
are highly sexualized and reduced to their bodies. The body becomes a woman's basis or self-worth.
Gender can influence an individual's experience with education. It can affect in person's access to
equality education. In some counties, women are still fighting for their right to education. Same struggle
for the basic privilege to take up non-traditional course a course that is not usually associated to a
particular gender role. Gender issues in education is the gender parity are present in the Philippines,
with girls outperforming boys in terms of test scores and degree completion. However, equal access
does not mean that discrimination has been eliminated from education. According to the EIGE, gender
parity concerns relative equality in terms of numbers and proportions of women and men, girls and
boys, and is often calculated as the ratio as a female to male values for a given indicator. School culture
and discriminatory practices against both women and men still greatly hinder gender equality. Hence,
there must be a constant push for gender equality in all aspects of education, from curriculum to
programs and services, as well as campus culture and other interactions.

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