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Catanduanes State University

College of Humanities & Social Science

Virac, Catanduanes

PA 8 Subject
1st Semester, SY 2022-2023

NAME: _________________________________ Date: _________________________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the different choices given after each question and choose the
correct answer by encircling the letter of your choice.

1. The following are the qualifications set by the Local Government Code for appointive local
officials, which is not?
a. A resident of the particular local government
b. Three (3) or five (5) years work related experience
c. Relationship (by affinity or consanguinity) to the appointing official
d. relevant educational qualification
2. Common officials in the local government units have common qualifications relative to
residence, number of years in experiences and others. However, a particular official can be
appointed in a position for municipal or city position even for just a single year of work
experience. What official is this?
a. Engineer b. Architect c. Public Information d. Veterinary
3. The following officials are members of the local finance committee, which is not?
a. Administrator b. Accountant c. Budget Officer d. Planning Officer
4. They are Co-terminus officials in the local government units that serves in there office
according to the pleasure of the Local Chief Executive, which is not?
a. Public Information Officer c. Sanguniang Bayan Secretary
b. Administrator d. Legal Officer
5. This local official act as Secretariat of the Local Development Council.
a. Sanguniang Bayan Secretary c. Civil Registrar
b. Planning Officer d. Legal Officer
6. They are appointive officials in the local government however; they have a particular link in
the respective national offices besides from the direct supervision of the LCE.
a. Budget Officer c. Civil Registrar
b. Treasurer d. Sanguniang Bayan Secretary
7. One among these below mentioned offices is optional for the LGU to maintain. LGU’s were
given five (5) years to operate such, after Local Government Code of 1991 was approved.
a. Legal Office c. Office of the Administrator
b. Population Office d. Public Information Office
8. An accused Sanguniang Barangay member who was found guilty by the Sanguniang Bayan
may be suspended by?
a. Provincial Governor c. Punong Barangay
b. Mayor d. Sanguniang Bayan
9. The Sanguniang Bayan may determine the prima facie case and put the respondent in a
preventive suspension after the “issue was joined”. It means that?
a. both issues of the complainant(s) and the respondent(s) was received by Sang. Bayan
b. both parties was duly notified by the Sanguniang Bayan Secretary
c. both SB Members and the Mayor was informed of the existing administrative case
d. both local government units (barangay and municipal levels) knows the issue
10. The only province that had voted “yes” in a plebiscite establishing the Cordillera
Autonomous Region was?
a. Benguet b. Ifugao c. Kalinga d. Apayao
11. The Comprehensive Agreement on Bangsamoro State was signed at Malacanang Palace,
duly witnessed by President Aquino and Malaysian Prime Minister Razak, last?
a. March 27, 2012 b. March 27, 2013 c. march 27, 2014 d. March 27, 2011
12. Among the following, which is not a primary responsibility of the Local Disaster Risk
Reduction Management Council?
a. Disaster preparedness c. Prevention and Mitigation
b. Response d. Relief Operation
13. Among the funds mentioned below, what particular funds does Local School Board
a. Thrust Funds b. Regular Funds c. Real Property Funds d. none
14. The Local Health Board discharge functions such as, except?
a. Personnel selection and promotion c. Bids and awards
b. Surgical services d. Grievances and complaints
15. Below are legitimate members of the Local Development Council, which is not?
a. The Local Chief Executive c. The Development Welfare Office
b. Representative of the Congressman d. Representative of a People’s Org.

II. ENUMERATION: Give the necessary answer(s) asked in every item by writing it in the
spaces provided.
a. Name the five pre-dominant Muslim provinces of the Autonomous Region of Muslim
16.__________________________________ 19. ___________________________________

17.__________________________________ 20. ___________________________________


b. What are the ten essential parts of an ordinance?

21. _________________________________ 26. __________________________________

22. _________________________________ 27. __________________________________

23. _________________________________ 28. __________________________________

24. _________________________________ 29. ___________________________________

25. _________________________________ 30. __________________________________

c. Enumerate the provinces that comprise the Cordillera Administrative Region.

31. _________________________________ 34. __________________________________

32. _________________________________ 35. __________________________________

33. _________________________________ 36. ___________________________________

d. Cite the different kinds of ordinances:
37. _________________________________ 39. __________________________________

38. _________________________________ 40. __________________________________

III. MATCHING TYPE: Read column A and choose from Colum B the corresponding answer
that really fit to the description given in column a. Write the letter of your choice to the
space provided before each number.

Column A Column B
____41. Operationalize the conduct of legislative process a. Order of Business
____42. Applicable to all administrative cases against elective officials b. Legislative Process
____ 43. Call to Order, Roll Call, Reading of previous minutes, etc. c. Minutes of Session
____44. Journal and records of legislative proceedings d. Adm. Inv. & Procedure
____ 45. Enactment of resolution or ordinance e. Intl. Rules of Procedures

IV. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Read the sentence(s)/paragraph in each item and determine
if it is right or wrong. If it is right, write TRUE in the space provided for a point. If it is
wrong, underline the word or group of words that makes the sentence/paragraph wrong
and write the correct answer in the spaces provided before each number, for two points.

____________________________46. The Local Development Council oversees the coffers of the

particular locality and advises the local Chief Executive and the respective local Sangunian on
how to improve generation of local taxes for social development of the LGU.

____________________________47. The Local Finance Committee exercises functions nothing

relevant to legislation.

____________________________48. The Local Finance Committee formulates comprehensive

development plan to direct local economic and social development in a particular locality.

______________________________49. The Local Development Council recognizes the participation

of the private sectors in the formulation of development plan first by way of accrediting various
non-government organizations, people’s organizations, etc.

_____________________________50. To serve as an advisory committee to the local sangunian

pertaining to health concerns of the locality was the prime role of the Rural Health Units.
______________________________ 51. The Local Health Officers act as head of the Rural Health
Units in various localities which have the primary purpose which is to carry-out health related

____________________________52. The Local School Board authorizes the local treasurer to

disburse funds forming from the real property tax for purchases of school related materials,
for utilization of different schools found in the particular jurisdiction of a LGU.

_____________________________ 53. The Local School Board has the particular jurisdiction in
terms of naming public schools within territorial jurisdiction of an LGU.

______________________________54. Disaster preparedness, rehabilitation and recovery are some

of the functions carried-out by the Department of Social Welfare and Development as frontline
program to secure general welfare of the public.

______________________________ 55. Local government units are expected to be at the frontline

of emergency measures in the aftermath of disasters, performing disaster-related activities,
from preemptive evacuation to the restoration of people’s livelihood.
V. IDENTIFICATION: Identify the different stages in an administrative proceeding and the
equivalent tolerable days that such stage be observed, to avoid negligence of duty.

Stages of Administrative Proceeding Prescribed # of days

61.________________________________________ - 71. _________________________________;

62.________________________________________ - 72. _______________________________;

63.________________________________________ - 73. ________________________________;

64.________________________________________ - 74. ________________________________;

65.________________________________________ - 75. _______________________________;

66.________________________________________ - 76. _______________________________;

67.________________________________________ - 77. _______________________________;

68.________________________________________ - 78. _______________________________;

69.________________________________________ - 79. _______________________________;

70.________________________________________ - 80. ________________________________.

VI. FORMULATION OF RESOLUTION. With the following guide/parts of a resolution,

formulate a resolution of your own, relative to a particular concern in your barangay, for
twenty points all in all. Use the back portion of the questionnaire for this particular work.
81 – 82 (2 points) Heading;
83 (1 point) Number;
84 – 86 (3 points) Title;
87 – 92 (6 points) Whereas Clause;
93 – 95 (3 points) Main Resolutory Portion;
96 – 98 (3 points) Secondary Resolutory Portion; and
99 – 100 (2 points) Concluding Portion.


Have a meaningful Christmas Celebration!
GOD bless always!

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