Research g4 Housekeeping Skills of Grade 12

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A Research Proposal Presented to

Doña Hortencia Salas Benedicto National High School
Senior High School, Division School of La Carlota City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Subject

Practical Research 2

Aguillon, Marithe Francois F.

Bastian, Janelle T.
Gallarde, Blendy Grace J.
Orcajada III, John Salustiano D.
Villaespin T. Shanel
Virrey, Chris Virgel Z.
Chapter 1

Background of the Study

Having the skills of how to clean and manage aspects of a household is one of the ability
needed of a student in housekeeping class. This are vital in building discipline and responsibility in
the housekeeping, this skills focuses to develop the student’s ability to do household works and be
able to perform housekeeping in hotel establishments. The skills that a housekeeper should have is
interpersonal and intrapersonal according to Stephen Fiore (2011), this allows them to manage and
demonstrate being responsible and able to think quickly in communicating and solving problems
efficiently, along with this they can learn the attributes needed in a housekeeper being hardworking,
ability to follow instructions, good time management and being heed to details. Not only does
housekeeping teach students about cleaning and safety but it also builds responsibility. It teaches
teens to use the techniques, procedures and rules they learned in class in applying it in their own life.
When teens learn how to take care of their household and themselves, it helps them to become more
responsible at home. Housekeeping also teaches students to be flexible in the class and house by
being able to think or demonstrate his/her own responsibility in a way and being able to perform
cleaning duties in a thorough and efficient manner . Since students can perform manual handling
safely and efficiently, enabling them to perform to an extremely high standard with this learning they
can apply it in their life. Although many may think that a class in housekeeping isn’t needed to teach
about the basic necessities, having a Housekeeping class solely devoted to these aspects is exactly
what we need in school.
Many Housekeeping skills can be taught in school and reinforced at home while others are the
best taught at home as not all schools are equipped with the resources to perform all housekeeping
task, ( Carmen Willings, June 9, 2019) Housekeeping deals with family. It concerned with people in
contemporary society, managing and material resources for the benefits of individuals and families.
Even hospitality similar to that in their countries of origin. Learning skills in the area of
housekeeping will help the students to become the most contributing members of their homes.
Housekeepers are important part of maintaining the cleanliness of the public and private
facilities. An effective and successful housekeeper has several important skills, including an eye for
details and organization skills. Housekeeping skills are essential skills that allow a housekeeper to be
effective at their job. These skills can range from customer service to being detail oriented, and they
may vary based on a housekeeper’s specific duties and place of employment. For example, a
housekeeper who works in a hospital may have to abide by strict cleanliness guidelines to ensure
patients are in a clean and healthy environment.
In this study, the researchers would like to determine the housekeeping skills of grade 12 TVL
Home Economic Students of Dona Hortencia Salas Benedicto National High School - Senior High
School. This study will consider students individual skills in housekeeping, as it passed on to the
students, who incidentally are the future homemaker.

Theoretical Framework
This study is premised on Bandura’s social cognitive theory. Bandura (1986) advanced a view of
human functioning that accords a central role to cognitive, vicarious, self-regulatory, and self
reflective processes in human adaptation and change. Social cognitive theory is rooted in the view of
human agency in which individuals are agents proactively engaged in their own development and
can make things happen by their own actions. Key to this sense of agency is the fact that, among
other personal factors, individuals possess self beliefs that enable them to exercise a measure of
control over their, thoughts, feelings, and actions, that “ what people think, believe, and feel affects
how they behave”(Bandura, 1986). Housekeeping involves the management of chores and duties of a
household or hotel. The profession has evolved, requiring a scientific approach in the administration
and management of staff for efficiency in service delivery. As such, new executive housekeepers
should incorporate management styles in the daily running of hotel businesses. For a new hotel with
200 rooms in Elko, Nevada, several management models best fit the day-to-day operations, including
cleaning. The management of the hotel draws from several workable theories, including the scientific
management model and Theory Y by McGregor. According to Stephen Fiore (2011), a professor at
the university of central Florida, the two skills interpersonal and intrapersonal have a long been
recognized as important factors to be successful in school and in the workplace. Meaning that
knowledge is built by skills, this is not only the ability to properly perform specialized cleaning task,
but also the ability to effectively teach these skills to a new results.

Conceptual framework
The concept of this study was anchored on the skills of the Grade 12 Home Economic(H.E.)
Senior High School Students of Dona Hortencia Salas Benedicto National High School on their
housekeeping skills.
Demographic Profile of

Age Housekeeping Skills Level of Students


Socioeconomic Status

Figure 1. A schematic paradigm showing the relationship of variables of the study.

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to identify and determine the level of skills of Grade 12 Home Economics
students in Housekeeping. This is one of the specialized subjects of Home Economics offered under
the Technical Vocational and Livelihood Track.
Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of Grade 12 Home Economics students in terms of:
a. Age,
b. Sex, and
c. Socioeconomic status?
2. What is the level of housekeeping skills of Grade 12 Home Economics students when taken as a
whole and grouped according to:
a. Age,
b. Sex, and
c. Socioeconomic status?
3. Is there a significant difference on the level of skills of Grade 12 Home Economics students in
Housekeeping in terms of
a. age,
b. sex, and
c. socioeconomic status?

Hypothesis of the Study

The hypothesis tested in this study will be:
There is no significant difference on the level of skills of Grade 12 Home Economics students in
Housekeeping in terms of age, sex, and socioeconomic status.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will focus on the housekeeping skills of grade 12 home economics Students in Doña
Hortencia Salas Benedicto National High School, Division of La Carlota City. The study aims to
evaluate the skills of home economics students in housekeeping moreover this study serves as a good
base to the students who are willing to improve their housekeeping skills.
Furthermore, this study is limited only to the Grade 12 Home Economics (H.E.) Senior High
School Students of Doña Hortencia Salas Benedicto National High School officially enrolled in the
first semester of school year of 2022-2023.

Significance of the Study

This study will be significant to the following:
Students. This study will help the student to know the importance of housekeeping skills and to
have knowledge about it. They will have knowledge when they have studied it. And will improve
their development in enabling them to exercise a measure of control over their skills.
Parents. The findings of the study will provide the information to parent to know the responsibilities
of housekeeping skills. And provide an adequate information to assist their child on their
responsibility and instill among their child the discipline needed in the housekeeping class.
Teachers. This study will give supplementary information to teacher on the communication skills of
housekeeping. And will provide accurate information to the teacher about the needed ability or skills
that the student of Home Economic needed.
School Administrator. This study will enable the school head to support the people who have
housekeeping skills for responsible and hardworking in putting their time and effort. And will
provide the necessary information to support the needed housekeeping tools and equipment for the
students of Home Economic.
Researcher. This study will be a basis for them to know the information they need to understand the
concept of the study. And will provide the necessary information for future related discussion.
Definition of Terms
For better understanding of the study, the following terms will be defined conceptually and


Age. It refers to the amount of time during which a person or animal has lived. The amount

of time during which a thing has existed or the time of life when a person does something or

becomes legally able to do something.

In this study, age will be used as the demographic profile of students to know if it has a

relationship to selected variables under study.

Sex. refers to the physical differences between people who are male, female. A person

typically has their sex assigned at birth based on physiological characteristics, including their

genitalia and chromosome composition. And the different biological and physiological

characteristics of males and females, such as reproductive organs, chromosomes, hormones, etc.

In this study, gender will be used as the demographic profile of students to know if it has

a relationship to the selected variables under study.

Socioeconomic Status. It refers to an economic and sociological combined total measure

of a person's work experience and of an individual's or family's economic and social position in

relation to others, based on income, education, and occupation.

In this study, socioeconomic status refers to parent’s educational attainment and will be

used as the demographic profile of students to know if it has a relationship to the selected variables

under study.

Housekeeping Skills . Is defined as an essential skills that allows a housekeeper to be

effective at their job. These skills can range from customer service to being detailed oriented, and

they may vary based on a housekeeper’s specific duties and place of employment.
In this study, housekeeping skills refers to the discipline, responsibility and development of

students on the housekeeping skills that a student of Home Economic must have. This will be used as

outcome variable of the study.

Level of Students. is a term that can be used to define a person or the students point in the

program to which the students has progressed. And defined by the developmental differences of

students and how the learning environment are structured.

In this study, the level of students refers to the progression of the students doing the

housekeepers tasks and responsibility. This will be used as outcome variable of the study.
Chapter II

This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the
researcher considered in strengthening the claim ang importance of the present study.

I. Learning Styles

According to an article by Marcy (2001), learning styles is a term used to refer to the methods of
gathering, processing, interpreting, organizing, and thinking about information. Students have
different learning styles, which shows up in the classroom in the different ways that students acquire
information. There have been various models developed to explain different learning styles. These
models can be broken down into four general categories, according to researchers Claxton and
Murrell. They divide learning style models into the following: personality models, information-
processing models, social-interaction models, and instructional preferences models.

The personality models examine a person’s personality characteristics such as introversion vs.
extroversion. This type of model gives students information on how they are likely to react to
information and situations. The information-processing models focus on how students take in and
process information. They determine, for example, if the person learns in a serial manner or by
looking at the whole concept. The social-interaction models determine how a student reacts and
behaves in the classroom. These models, for example, can be used to determine if a student is
motivated by grades or by interest in material content. Finally, the instructional preferences models
differentiate students by the way in which they best acquire information. For example, does the
student learn best by listening, reading, visualizing, or experiencing?
Social learning theory, introduced by psychologist Albert Bandura, proposed that learning
occurs through observation, imitation, and modeling and is influenced by factors such as attention,
motivation, attitudes, and emotions. The theory accounts for the interaction of environmental and
cognitive elements that affect how people learn.Social cognitive theory (SCT) is one of the most
frequently applied theories of health behavior (Baranowski et al., 2002). SCT posits a reciprocal
deterministic relationship between the individual, his or her environment, and behavior; all three
elements dynamically and reciprocally interact with and upon one another to form the basis for
behavior, as well as potential interventions to change behaviors (Bandura, 1977a, 1986, 2001). Social
cognitive theory has often been called a bridge between behavioral and cognitive learning theories,
because it focuses on the interaction between internal factors such as thinking and symbolic
processing (e.g., attention, memory, motivation) and external determinants (e.g., rewards and
punishments) in determining behavior. To understand more the individuals' or students vocational
directions, perspectives, and orientations, it is important to locate an appropriate model or theory to
explore and discover the issue(s). During the 1990s, researchers in occupational psychology had
created the Social Cognitive Career Theory (Lent et al., 1994; Lent & Brown, 1996) to seek the
relationships, understanding, perspectives, and feedback from individuals.
The Social Cognitive Career Theory (Lent et al., 1994; Lent & Brown, 1996) was developed
based on the Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1986, 1989, 1995; Bandura & Cervone, 1983).
Originally, the Social Cognitive Theory advocated that individuals’ behaviours are usually
influenced by other individuals or environmental factors as their models. In other words, individuals
tend to learn behaviours, actions, thinking, attitudes and practices based on models from their living
environments. In human resources training and education, early studies indicated that individuals
tend to learn knowledge and vocational skills from their master via apprenticeship and social
cognitive theory (Guile & Young, 1998). Based on apprenticeship ideas (Guile & Young, 1998) and
social cognitive theory (Bandura & Cervone, 1986), the learners acquired knowledge, academic and
vocational-oriented skills from observation, action study, and exercise from their teachers and
trainers. Observational and practical training and exercise have echoed how learners gain their
apprenticeship and social learning approach skills. Based on the development of the Social Cognitive
Theory and its ideas concerning about the learning as a form of social practice, skill, and exercise,
researchers (Lent et al., 1994; Lent & Brown, 1996), combined the notion of social cognitive
approach with career decision and development. As a result, the Social Cognitive Career Theory has
been created to understand how personal goals, educational achievement, and environmental/external
factors. Individuals may be influenced by single and multiple factors (s) of their career decision. In
2019, a researcher (Dos Santos, 2019) had further indicated that financial considerations would be
one of the significant factors or elements that may influence individuals' career decision and
development. Therefore, to seek the wider interests and background of individuals’ career decision
and development, the current research study employed the Social Cognitive Career Theory based on
the Dos Santos’s recommendation (i.e. personal goals, educational achievement, financial
considerations, and environmental/external factors) (Dos Santos, 2019). In addition, the personal
goals, practical studies and exercise, and environmental/external factors affects the learners or
students in their developmental skills in improving thier skills, with this factors students or learners
can best describe their best suited way to improve their learning styles, and they can take an active
part in increasing their learning.

II. Housekeeping Skills

Courage is the individual's ability to overcome fear and stand up for their core values. It is the
willingness to speak up and do what is right in the face of forces that make people behave
differently. It puts principles into action. But the more likely risks are humiliation, rejection, ridicule,
job loss, and loss of social status. But this personal sacrifice is often accompanied by a sense of
comfort. Courage empowers individuals to admit wrongdoings and ethical dilemmas with firmness
and confidence. (Vicki D. Lachman) Superficial bravery and cheating (“right or wrong”) may at first
seem simpler than the “right or right” ethical dilemma. Cheating is best understood as unlawful
conduct, or professional and personal misconduct such as lying, irresponsibility, and dishonesty. But
confronting a doctor who misread a patient's prognosis or a colleague who comes to work with an
alcoholic is never easy. When these core ethical questions of integrity and responsibility are violated
or ignored, the situation is labeled as “right or wrong.” (Kidder, 2005)
Courage is the means of overcoming fear through practical action. Knowing your professional
commitments and personal values is not the same as communicating and acting on those
commitments and values. The space between knowledge and action is bridged by civic courage. To
quote Martin Luther King, Jr., “Our lives begin the day we were silent about the things that matter.”
Such skills are required? This author observes that individuals will need both assertiveness and
negotiation skills because their expressions and/or behavior often go against the established norms of
the group or organization. Did. These skills are necessary to manage the conflicts that often arise
when one dares to say or do something contrary to the traditions and customs of the majority.
Resources are available for developing these skills (Kritek, 2002; Mayer, 2006; Patterson, Grenny,
McMillan & Switzler, 2002; Ursiny, 2003). Courage as a balance between cowardice and
recklessness. He believed that the virtue of courage must be understood as both an end in itself and a
means to the greater good. thought it was necessary. He said, "Courage is the first of human
qualities, because it is the quality that insures others." Focused on courage. (Aristotle,350 BC)

According to ( Ekta Bhatnagar and Dheeraj Nim ), A hotel is a large unit all by itself made up of
numerous departments that work together to ensure that guests have a nice stay. A hotel's
housekeeping department is one of its major sectors. The entire hotel's cleanliness, maintenance,
upkeep, and décor are the responsibility of housekeeping. A five star hotel is a substantial space in
and of itself, with a large number of rooms, a sudden increase area that includes the lobby, corridors,
various restaurants, health clubs, swimming pools, spas, etc., and a substantial back area that
includes the laundry, staff cafeteria, bunker, lockers, stores, administrative offices, various food
production units, etc. Keeping these areas clean, maintained, kept up, and decorated is a chore in and
of itself. The housekeeping staff of the hotel offers a home away from home. The major goal is to
offer guests pleasant, welcoming environments with accommodations that are clean, well-
maintained, and affordable. Housekeeping contract services are highly sought after outside of hotels
at corporate offices, airports, airlines, hospitals, banks, cruise ships, and shopping malls. Therefore,
contract housekeeping is a successful entrepreneurial business. A hotel's survival depends on the
selling of rooms, food, and beverages, as well as on the provision of additional services such a gym,
laundry, clubs, health spa, retail centers, sightseeing, etc. Because a room can be built and then sold
multiple times, the sale of rooms accounts for a sizable percentage of a hotel's earnings. If the rooms
are not booked, there is a severe loss in revenue. The inevitable point is that real estate is more
fragile than even food. The work that the housekeeping service puts in greatly affects the experience
that guests have while staying at a hotel. Therefore, a hotel's guest rooms are its strength.

This author asserts that the task of holding interview process and selecting qualified people to fill
appropriate posts falls under the purview of the human resources department. Employees who wish
to resign from their positions are also subjected to exit interviews. HRD works to establish salaries
and wages due to regional market values in addition to making sure the hotel business meets with
health and safety administration regulations. Each of these departments can see the housekeeping
department's work. They are immediately noticeable to the guests even before they consume the food
or make use of other services. Housekeeping affects the initial impression that visitors get of the
property. . As a result, this department may be viewed as the beating heart of the hotel industry. In
addition to cleaning, housekeeping is in charge of managing the keys to each floor. Additionally, it
oversees the laundry, which is frequently treated as a division of housekeeping in some regions. The
hotel housekeeping is under a great amount of pressure. At several levels, including management,
supervisory, and operational, housekeeping work is done. Let's learn more about the personnel and
the traits they should have. Cleaning is done to get rid of dangerous microorganisms found in the
dust that was tracked onto the hotel grounds by air pollution. Both the guests and the working
personnel may suffer negative consequences as a result of this. Cleanliness lowers the risk of
infection and provides comfortable accommodation for hotel guests. A hotel is a big unit in itself
consisting of various departments, which run in collaboration and coordination with each other to
make the guest stay comfortable. One of the major departments in a hotel is housekeeping.
Housekeeping is accountable for cleanliness, upkeep, décor, and maintenance of the entire hotel. A
five star hotel in itself is a huge area comprising of a large number of rooms, vast public area
including lobby, corridors, different cuisines, restaurants, health clubs, swimming pools, spa, etc. and
vast back area as well including laundry, staff cafeteria, bunker, lockers, stores, administrative
departments, different food production units, etc. Managing the cleanliness, maintenance, upkeep,
and décor of these areas is a challenge in itself. The hotel's housekeeping department creates a home
away from home. The primary endeavour is to provide clean, well maintained, comfortable rooms
with warm surroundings that offer value for money. Apart from hotels, housekeeping contractual
services are in a lot of demand at corporate offices, airports, airlines, hospitals, banks, cruisers, and
shopping arcades. Thus, contract housekeeping is also a profitable entrepreneurship business venture.
A hotel endures on the room sales, food and beverage, and other supplementary services like gym,
laundry, clubs, health spa, shopping arcades, sightseeing, etc. Thus, a vast portion of a hotel's
revenue is derived from the sale of rooms because a room once made can be sold repeatedly.
However, there is acute loss of revenue if the rooms remain unsold. Thus, it becomes obvious that
rooms are more perishable than even food. The guest experience in a hotel is highly modified by the
effort being put in by the housekeeping department. Thus, guest rooms are the fortitude of a hotel.
The hotel may lose a customer as a potential guest if the decor is not appreciable, the air is not odour
free, and furnishing and upholstery are not spotlessly clean. Singh, Saufi, Tasnim, and Hussin (2017)
said that the high rate of service standard and quality can only be attained through efficient and
effective hotel operations that can outshine customers' expectations and finally increase firm
profitability. The department has to make rooms available as and when required on a timely basis for
the guests. It also has to look after all the public areas of a hotel which at all the times have to look
clean, tidy, fresh, and attractive. Thus, the overall reputation of a property is contributed by the
efforts of the housekeeping department. It is a 24 hour and 365 days operation. The housekeeping
department is the backbone of a hotel. It not only looks after the cleanliness of the whole hotel, but
largely contributes towards many other activities in the hotel as well. Keeping an inventory and
upkeep of all the accommodation and public areas is a challenge in itself which makes it as one of
the crucial departments of a hotel.
III. Level of Skills

Developing managerial skills is important for all professionals. According to the World

Economic Forum, people management is one of the top 10 skills needed to thrive in today’s
workforce. Additionally, research by Gallup shows companies with talented managers experience
greater profitability, increased levels of productivity, and higher employee engagement scores—
highlighting how vital management is to an organization’s culture and success.Whether you’re an
aspiring or seasoned manager, there are actions you can take to improve how you oversee and guide
people, products, and projects. Here are seven ways to become a better manager and advance your
career. According to John Wiley (2007), the professional management oh housekeeping
operation is the essential practical introduction to the field, a complete course ranging from key
principles of management to budgeting, from staff scheduling to cleaning with expanded
attention to leadership and training, budgeting and cost control, and the increasingly vital
responsibility for environmentally safe cleaning, the latest edition of this industry standard also
includes new case studies that helps readers reach the concepts in a real-world.

The standards of hotel and restaurant services encourage tourists and investors to stay in the
country. This research assessed the housekeeping management practices and standards of hotels in
terms of cleanliness, orderliness, sanitation and safety, facilities/equipment, materials control and
effective maintenance and the problems encountered in the housekeeping department. Housekeeping
management practices were rated "very good." Cleanliness was rated "outstanding" while all the
others standards were rated "very good." Problems affecting the housekeeping department of the
hotels and restaurants were evaluated as "slightly serious." Hotels must be clean, safe, secure, and
comfortable but some lack modern equipment and facilities. (Joanna Marie Tuzon – Guarin, June 30,
2016). The skills necessary in this field must be professional as they ensure the safety, comfort, and
relaxation. According to the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety(2018), effective
housekeeping can eliminate some workplace hazards. It can help get the job done safely and
properly. Furthermore, housekeeping is not just about cleanliness, it includes keeping the are neat
and in order, maintaining halls and floors free from hazards, and removing wastes and other fire
hazards from the work place. Paying attention to the workplace such as its layout, aisle marking,
the adequacy of storage facilities, and maintenance is required in housekeeping, with this job
description the skills that the employee must have is very good, as housekeeper must ensure the
necessary things in a hotel establishment, they must be trained and have taken a school intended
to this course. A professional housekeeper must have the skills of interpersonal and intrapersonal
skills. According to Stephen Fiore (2011), this allows them to manage and demonstrate being
responsible and able to think quickly in communicating and solving problems efficiently, along with
this they can learn the attributes needed in a housekeeper being hardworking, ability to follow
instructions, good time management and being heed to details. Housekeepers are important part of
maintaining the cleanliness of the public and private facilities. An effective and successful
housekeeper has several important skills, including an eye for details and organization skills.
Housekeeping skills are essential skills that allow a housekeeper to be effective at their job. These
skills can range from customer service to being detail oriented, and they may vary based on a
housekeeper’s specific duties and place of employment. For example, a housekeeper who works in a
hospital may have to abide by strict cleanliness guidelines to ensure patients are in a clean and
healthy environment.
Altogether the housekeeping skills that a employee must have is high as housekeeping is all
about maintaining the hotel to be at its best in terms of its cleanliness and keeping it at a highly
desirable ambiance. With this skills the hotel housekeeping objective like maintain the cleanliness of
the entire hotel, perform the cleaning duty effectively and efficiently, use good quality and safe
chemical manage, manage the laundry and linen, is performed effectively and efficiently in a good or
best standard that ensures the guest satisfaction and ensure the guest safety and security, with this
professional skills housekeeper sometimes are given a tips or gifts in their well done jobs, as they
satisfied the guest to be pampered in terms of services and offers.

IV Home Economics

In a study by Kendall, Elizabeth L.; Sproles, George B. Journal of Vocational Education

Research, v11 n3 p1-15 Sum 1986 This research profiled learning styles of secondary vocational
home economics students. Factor analysis identified six factors characterizing students' learning
styles serious, analytical learner Home economics as academic subject has similar general aims . The
international federation for home economics states (IF HE) that home economics as a circular area
facilities student to discover and further develop their own resources and capabilities to be used in
their personal life by directing their professional decision and action or preparing them for life (IFHE
position statement-24 home economics in the 21st century 2008).The goal of Home Economics
Intermediate is for students to investigate both the major area covered by the subject area as well as
its underlying subjects. Young people will increase in confidence and capacity to determine their
own destinies and lead healthy lifestyles by obtaining information, insight, and skills connected to
many of the enduring issues of daily life.Home economics courses in secondary schools frequently
cover topics such as family and consumer economics, management, child development, clothing and
textiles, housing and interior design, food and nutrition, and child development. The utilization of
project-centered methods and individualized problem-solving education is common. As an
illustration, as part of a course on interior design, a student might assist a neighborhood organization
in redecorating its leisure area.

The Smith-Hughes Act's financing for this sector was reduced by the Vocational Education Act
of 1963. Only home economics education that resulted in productive employment was to be funded.
Relatedly, with shifting social expectations for women at home and at work in the 1960s and 1970s,
home economics came under pressure. Many schools discontinued these programs, and in certain
cases, the educators in this field came under fire for their lack of understanding of contemporary
feminism. However, home economics genuinely increased chances for women and had a significant
impact on American culture by teaching boys and men domestic skills and opening up economic and
career prospects for women.. The junior cycle disciplines and short courses give students the chance
to hone a variety of crucial skills in addition to their specific content and expertise. In this course,
there are opportunities to support all of the critical abilities, although some are more important than
others. The factors that are connected to home economics learning activities are highlighted in the
examples that follow. Many of the other components of certain essential skills can also be
incorporated by teachers into their lesson plans. In addition to the development of valuable
intrapersonal skills, the home economics curriculum also introduces the students to a wide variety of
potential career paths. Students become aware of all the career opportunities relating to each domain,
as well as being taught the skills associated with them. Those who find themselves intrigued by
course material may begin to consider an occupation in a related area. The home economics
discipline has led individuals to the fields of education, nutrition, social service, and hospitality
management. The home economics program exposes the students to a wide range of potential job
choices in addition to helping them build important intrapersonal skills. Along with learning the
skills necessary for each professional path, students are made aware of all the possibilities in each
field. Those who are fascinated by the course subject may start to think about a career in a related
field. The study of home economics has prepared people for careers in teaching, nutrition, social
work, and hotel and restaurant management, to mention a few, Home economics is one of the few
subjects taught in schools nowadays that covers as many interesting themes and promotes students'
development as well-rounded people. According to Bouchard (1977, p.147) outlines how solid
foundations of the past became ‘through Foucault’s archaeological retrospective, an open site: the
clearing away of a new space for investigation and the opening of new questions’ (p.7). In much the
same way, the use of an ‘archaeological method’ in the context of this study clears away a new space
for the investigation, and opening of new questions about current practice in home economics
education. As Bouchard (1977) argues, this involves recognising ‘the events of history, its jolts, its
surprises, its unsteady victories and unpalatable defeats’ as well as diagnosing ‘the illnesses of the
body, its conditions of weakness and strength’ (p.145). Similarly, Beddoe (1998) argues that ‘we
need to know our past to understand our present. The present is a product of the past: we are
moulded and conditioned by a past of which we are alarmingly ignorant’ (pp.1-2). The ‘persistent
identity problem’ identified by Attar (1990) in my view has yet to be fully interrogated. To fully
understand what home economics essentially is necessitates the identification of the elusive qualities
that shape the subject’s mould or identity. This involves an examination of the subject name, the
impact of domestic ideology on the design of the home economics curriculum and subject status.
First of all, it is important to examine the subject names used over two centuries, the nature of these
changes and their impact on the identity of the subject of home economics.

In home economics, students learn how to approach these practical, real-world, enduring issues
that affect individuals, families, households, and society in ways that are ethical and moral.To
provide people and families with the knowledge and abilities to deal with these practical issues of
daily living, home economics education employs a systems approach.According to Uko-Aviomoh
(2005), home economics is one of the required pre-vocational subjects at the junior secondary
education level in the Philippine educational system. Home economics is a skill-oriented field of
study that is expected to equip students with survival skills that make for self-reliance, employment
and paid employment occupational skills are the best understood as competency on resourceful skills
capable of steering an individual to be self-reliant and Home economics is a broad field of
knowledge and services concerned with all aspects of family life. It is a course designed to support a
healthy human society and the main method of delivering education for home and family life.

V. Academic Performance

Depending  on  their  home  layout,  connectivity,  and  the  people  around them,  students  are 
vulnerable  to  a  variety  of  environmental  distractions,  which  can  be  physical  or  emotional. It
is found that  the  student's academic  performance is affected by the  environmental factors. It is
highly significant to note that a human being’s entire existence is commonly based on the amount of
knowledge he or she acquires, how much this knowledge is utilized in developing himself, his
country, and the world at large. This explains the reason underlying the need for education. The basic
thing that one gets from education is knowledge. One gets to know about various things ranging
from Mathematics to History, Literature to Political Science . The worldly knowledge we gain from
education plays a great role in our future life and helps us to understand the happenings in a much
more cohesive manner. Meanwhile, educational success is a measure based on the academic
performance of students. Educators and researchers have long been interested in exploring variables
contributing to the quality of academic performance of learners. Academic performance is affected
by many factors including parents’ education levels and income, teachers’ knowledge of the subject,
truancy, textbooks availability and accessibility, libraries, practical laboratory, meals provision and
many other factors . The home environment has been recognized as having a lot of influence on
academic performance. Children who experience poverty may live in physical environments that
offer less stimulation and fewer resources for learning. Education at the secondary school level is
supposed to be the bedrock and the foundation towards higher knowledge in tertiary institutions .
Consistent lower academic performance at the Senior High School is a threat to every country’s
educational system. There is therefore the need to review the literature on academic performance,
and insight into factors and their influences on academic outcomes of students at Senior High
Schools. This is one way or the other could help expose some gaps in the literature and other issues
that have been favoured by research and publications. This study has been structured to review
literature on factors and their influences on academic outcomes of students at senior high schools.

In the study of Farooq et al. (2005) that focuses on some of the factors outside school that
influence the student’s achievement scores, it was discovered that the key aspect for the educators is
to educate their students effectively so that they may be able to show quality performance in their
academics. To achieve this objective it is necessary for the educators to understand better about the
factors that may contribute in the academic success of students. This study concluded that the higher
level of SES is the best indicator contributing towards the quality of students’ achievement. Family
characteristics like socio economic status (SES) are significant predictors for students’ performance
at school besides the other school factors, peer factors and student factors. Higher SES levels lead to
higher performance of students in studies, and vice versa (Hanes, 2008). Parental education also has
effects on students’ academic performance. Parental occupation has little effect on their child’s
performance in studies than their education. Student’s gender strongly affects their academic
performance, with girls performing better in the subjects of Mathematics, and English as well as
cumulatively. Girls usually show more efforts leading towards better grades at school (Ceballo,
McLoyd & Toyokawa, 2004). It is very important to have comprehensible understanding of the
factors that benefit and hinder the academic progress of an individual’s education. To determine all
the influencing factors in a single attempt is a complex and difficult task. It requires a lot of
resources and time for an educator to identify all these factors first and then plan the classroom
activities and strategies of teaching and learning. It also requires proper training, organizational
planning and skills to conduct such studies for determining the contributing factors inside and
outside school. This process of identification of variables must be given full attention and priority so
that the teachers may be able to develop instructional strategies for making sure that all the children
be provided with the opportunities to arrive at their fullest potential in learning and performance.
The study revealed that truancy affects academic performance drastically and sometimes even leads
to school dropout. Also, the study finds out that other factors such as students’ parents’ levels of
education and income, textbooks availability and accessibility, libraries, practical laboratory, meals
provision and teachers have tremendous effects on the academic performance of students at school.
Students who are above average academically, positively exposed to these factors are likely to
perform better as compared to those who are less exposed to these factors.

VI. Learning Styles and Academic Performance

In a study by Lucas, Cooper, Ward and Cave (2009) mentioned that the students could also
develop the highest sense of subject related career opportunities from a career development
perspective, which it may result from completing a degree in their field. Canter (2000) identifies the
role of a workplace in helping them to grow their skills for being employment, while Calway and
Murphy (2002) they suggest a greater level success among the student in both securing their
employment on graduation and compared to non-placement students, progress in their careers.
Piquart et al. (2003), suggest that increased knowledge and understanding of the industry helps to
facilitate the progress from education to employment. Industry work also helps the students to
develop the skills needed in the industry for example, interpersonal communication and team-
working and to appreciate the realities of an organization's work. Importantly, the opportunity to
learn is given to able to practice and test their abilities. Students with expertise they also learn to self-
assess their skills and have theirconfidence in their ability to be able to perform the task that they are
expected to accomplish in the future. In other words, they improve their self-efficacy for tasks that
they can expect accomplish in the world of work.

Studies investigated the role of students' gender and age in shaping their learning style preferences
have resulted in controversy outcomes. Some indicated that the evidence of the link between learning
style and age exists (Barun et al., 2010; Charlesworth, 2008; De Vita, 2010; Dobson, 2009; Lincoln
and Rademacher, 2006; Raddon, 2007; Song and Oh, 2011) as students‟ gender and age play a big
role in how they prefer to receive and give out information. However, other studies argued that this
link is lacking for evidence (Li et al., 2010; Negari and Barghi, 2014; Seiler, 2011; Urval et
al.,2014). In addition, during learning, students may face a difficulty due to a variety of factors as
proposed by Abucay (2009). First, physical factors, for instance, health, physical defects, and
nutrition. Second, environmental factors such as classrooms, textbooks, and equipment. Third,
emotional and social factors for example kind of relationships between students and their teachers in
the classroom,
students' attitudes towards teachers and teacher‟s personality to lead and to inspire students. Lastly,
learning factors, for instance, the limited background of topics or issues being taught, lack of mastery
of what has been taught, and improper methods of study. Students’ gender and nature of house of
students have significant association with their learning styles. Female students and students with
their owned house show more association than the other categories. On the other hand students’ age,
marital status, domicile, medium of instruction, area of house, family size and gender of head of
household has no significant association with learning styles of language students belonging to six
different field of study.  (Farooq & Regnier, 2011) This study covered six departments for extending
its scope to a wide range of language learners from diverse fields of specialization. The majority of
the higher education students across all the specialization fields attended their school with Urdu as
medium of instruction. The quality of learning at secondary school level is significantly associated
with the learning styles, whereas this significant association vanishes at the intermediary and
university level performance. The minute analysis revealed that higher achievers at all three levels
are related to the converging (thinking and doing) learning styles and the low achievers show their
tendency towards the assimilating (thinking and watching) learning styles. These differences with
results of the other studies may be due to the cultural differences. This may also be due to the teacher
trainings of school teachers. But at the intermediary and university levels the teachers have no such
teaching training that may result in the fact that the role of learning styles in quality of learning
seems absent. This study should be replicated on a larger sample at national level with the language
students and their current academic performance at master level instead of their performance in
previous exams to get more insight in the relationship of learning styles and academic achievement.

Alyami et al. (2017) conducted a study using the Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) on 214
university students and revealed that academic self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on
their academic performance. Other studies have shown that academic self-efficacy has a considerable
effect on the students’ learning, motivation, and academic performance.  

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