Electro Module 1

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Learning Activity Sheet

Name: Score/Mark:

Year and Section: Date:

Type of Activity  Concept Notes  Laboratory Report

 Essay/Task Report  Skills: Exercise/Drill
Illustration Other:
 


At the end of the modules, the students should be able to:

1. Distinct various electrical terminologies based on their definitions .

Learning 2. Draw and interpret schematic symbol of various electrical
Outcome(s) components using IEC standards.
3. Identify the correct value and tolerance of a resistor using standard
color coding.


Authors/References Introduction to Basic Electricity

1. Reading and understanding the lesson – Introduction to Basic

2. Write an essay about the relevance of this subject (Basic Electricity)
in maritime world and why this is important on-board the ship.
Learning Activity 3. Draw the following electrical schematic symbols.
4. Identify the correct value and tolerance of a resistor using standard
color code table.
5. All responses shall be handwritten only.


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Read and understand the lessons – Introduction to Basic Electricity


A. Electron Theory

Atom Structure; Current; Electron and Conventional Flow; Ionization; Conductors, Insulators,
Electromotive Force and Potential Difference; Direct and Alternating Current; Static Electricity;
Electrostatic Discharge.

B. Diagrams and Symbols

Block Diagrams; System Diagrams; Schematic Diagram; Wiring Diagram; Converting Wiring Diagram
to Schematic Diagram.

C. Simple Circuit and Ohm's Law

Close, Open and Short Circuit; Ohm's Law; Practical Exercise on Ohm's Law.

D. Series and Parallel Circuits

Series and Parallel Connection; Kirchhoff’s Law; Current and Voltage drop Calculation; Wheatstone

E. Ammeters and Voltmeters

Voltmeter and Ammeter Connection to a circuit; Series and Shunt Resistors in Meters.

F. Works, Energy and Power

Units and Symbols of Work, Energy and Power; Resistor Power Dissipation; Power loss and efficiency.

G. Electrical Power Supplies

Generator Prime movers; Voltage Levels and Frequency; High Voltage System.

H. Basic Safety

Safety Precaution in Electrical Job; Electric Shock and Emergency Rescue Procedure.

I. Conductors
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Ampacity and Size of Conductor; Resistance of a Conductor; Temperature Coefficient of a Conductor;


J. Insulation

Insulator; Leakage Current; Factors Affecting the Value of Insulation Resistance; General Physical
Characteristic of Insulation Material; Maximum Ambient Temperature

K. Testing and Measuring

Testing Ship's Equipment Tester, Continuity Tester, Uses of Digital and Analog Tester.

L. Principles of Maintenance
Need for Maintenance, Breakdown, Planned, Condition of Maintenance.
M. Batteries

Voltaic Cell; Primary and Secondary Cells, Lead Acid and alkaline Batteries; Battery Capacity; Safety
Precautions and Hazards; Test and Maintenance; Recharging, Alkaline Battery.

N. Magnetism and Electromagnetism

Natural and Artificial Magnets; Magnetic and Non-magnetic Materials; Poles and Lines of Magnetic
Fields; Flux Density; Right Hand Rule; Relay Circuit; Magnetic Flux.

O. Electromagnetic Induction

Principle of Electromagnetic Induction; Factors that Affect Induced Voltage; Flux Linkages; Faraday's
Law; Lenz Law; Mutual Induction and Self Induction; Dynamic Induction.

P. Fundamental of Generators and Motors

Fleming’s Hand Rules; Construction of A Simple Generator; DC Generator; Commutator Action;

Construction of a Simple DC Motor; Motor Starter.

Q. Alternating Current

Alternating Current Generator; Relationship Between Instantaneous Voltage, Conductor Velocity and
Displaced Angle; Frequency; Three-phase AC System.

R. Distribution

Switches; Circuit Breakers; Fuses; Essential and Non-essential Services; Emergency Power Supply;
System Diagram of a Typical Ship's Distribution system; Insulated and Earthed-Neutral System. Open
Circuit, Earth and Short Circuit Faults.

S. Transformer
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Star and Delta Transformer Connections; Maintenance Checks on Transformer; Shore Supply
Connection Procedure.

T. Oil, Gas and Chemical Tankers

Dangerous and Normally Safe Spaces; Tanker Classification; Dangerous Space in Various Classes of
Tankers; Equipment h1Side Cargo Tanks; Motors in Pump Rooms; Cable Runs; Electrical Sources
which can Ignite Gasses; Explosion Protected Equipment as Identified by Symbol-Ex"; Testing in
Hazardous Areas; Maintaining Protected Equipment


I.1 Define of Terms

Matter - All substances, whether gas, liquid or solid.

Molecule - The smallest division of matter that can be made and have the substance retain its
chemical identity.
Element - The simplest form of matter or molecule that cannot be broken down to other simpler
Compound - A substance containing two or more elements.
Atom - The smallest particle that made up that type of material called element
Electron - The negatively charged sub-particle of an atom.
Proton - The positively charged particle of an atom.
Neutron - Electrically neutral particle found in the nucleus of most atoms.
Nucleus - Made up of protons and neutrons, the central body of an atom.

I.2 Atomic Structure

According to electronic theory, as propounded by eminent scientist like Ratherford and Bohr, that each
atom has a core called as nucleus and surrounded by planetary formation particles known as electrons
that are orbiting the nucleus and possessing a (-) negative charged. The nucleus consists of uncharged
particle known as neutron and (+) positively charged particle known as protons. In normal atom, the
number of electrons is equal to the number of protons, thereby, causing the atom in itself to have no
electrical charge.

In Figure 1.2a below gives the idea of the atomic structure. The simplest form of atom is hydrogen,
consisting of nucleus with one proton, and around which travels one electron in orbit.
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Fig. 1.2a An illustration of the Hydrogen

I.3 Electron Orbital and Energy Levels

The next element considered in Figure 1.3a is helium. It has two (2) planetary electrons, and its nucleus
consists of two (2) protons and two (2) neutrons. Electrons are positioned in orbital in a definite
manner, known as shell. In the Copper atom of figure 1.3b, there are (29) electrons, (29) protons and
(35) neutrons (inside the nucleus-not shown). There are (29) total number of electrons, (2) electrons are
in the inner shell (K- shell), (8) electrons in the L-shell and (18) electrons in the M- shell and the 29th
electron (1) in the outer shell. For any other atom, the number of electrons in a shell cannot be more
than a definite number. It is governed by the formula:

#e = 2 (o) 2

Where: #e - Maximum number of electrons in a shell.

O - Ordinal number of shells; 1 for K, 2 for L, 3

For M, and so on

Thus, the first shell cannot have more than two (2) electrons, the second shell cannot have more than
eight (8) electrons and the third shell, cannot have more than eighteen (18) electrons. The electrons
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located at the outermost shell are known as "valence electrons". They are so strongly attracted to the
nucleus as compared to the electrons situated nearer to the nucleus.

I.4 Effect of Energy Applied to an Atom

When an external force (thermal, radiant, frictional, and magnetic) is applied in an atom, the valence
electron can be detached from their orbit and begins to flow since they are loosely attracted to nucleus.
The flow of electron from one atom to another atom in one direction, is known as "current". The atom
that lost electrons becomes unbalance. More number of protons than electrons results to a net positive
charge atom or positive ion. On the other hand, excess of electrons will result to a negative charge of
negative ion.

Fig.1.4 Illustration of Current is Flow of Electrons

I.5 Current Flow, Conventional and Electron Flow

Current flows, according to electron theory, is due to the movement of electrons in one direction, from
one atom to another atom. If an electrical pressure is applied across a conductor, the valence electrons
will move under the influence of this force toward higher potential or (+) terminal. The required
electrical pressure, also known as electromotive force or potential difference, which can be produced by
a battery or a generator Electron movement constitutes an electrical current Attention must be paid to
the difference of conventional current flow and electron flow, as shown in figure 1.5a.

Fig. 1.5 Direction of Electron and Conventional Current Flow

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Electron flow theory states that current direction from (-) negative (+) positive terminal, which is
logically correct since electrons are negatively- charged particles. Whereas the conventional current
theory states that current direction flows from (+) positive to (-) negative terminal. This was so,
because early scientist believed that electric current is similar to other fluid flow (from high elevation
or positive potential to lower elevation or negative potential).

I.6 Current Flow Only in Close Circuit

Current flows from the negative terminal of the source through the conductor, to the load and back to
the positive terminal of the source, forming a close loop. H the loop is cut, the current flow will stop.
Figure 1.6a and b show an open and closed circuit

1.7 Ionization and Inert Element

When an electron is made to leave from the parent atom through the application of heat or light, it may
acquire sufficient energy to detach furthermore electrons from any other atom to become (+) positive
ion. And if the electrons leave the atoms faster, they can be regained by the atom, ionization continues.

Inert gasses such as Nitrogen, Argon and Neon, does not allow the flow of current at low temperature.
Argon gas, inside the fluorescent lamp, is ionized at high temperature and allows the flow of current.

I.8 Conductor, Insulator, Semiconductor 1.8.1 Conductor

A Conductor is a material that contains abundant free electrons that move under the influence of an
applied external force. A good conductor has less than four (4) valence electrons. Electrical
conductivity depends upon the number of valence electrons and the bonding of particles in the orbit For
example, copper has one (1) and aluminum has four (4) valence electrons as shown in the Figure 1.3b.
Copper is a better conductor than Aluminum because lesser amount. of energy is needed to detach
valence electrons from copper atom than the energy needed in aluminum to produce current All metals
and some liquids are good conductors of electricity. Silver is the best conductor. But it is not commonly
used because it's expensive. Copper is most widely used in the industry because it has good conductor
ability next only to silver and less expensive. A solution of water to base, acid and salt is also a good

I.8.2 Insulator

An insulator, ideally, is a material that does not allow the flow of current since it has very few
electrons. Examples of which are materials such as phosphorus, rubber, glass, mica and most of oils in
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which electrons are bound strongly to the nucleus. Phosphorus has five (5) valence electrons. More
energy is required to produce free electrons. Since little movement of free electrons occurs, current is
negligible. Pure water is also an insulator but the presence of dissolved substances such as salt will
cause it become conductor. In safety viewpoint and difficulty in determining its purity, it should always
be presumed as a conductor.

I.8.3 Semiconductor

Semiconductor materials such as silicon and germanium are widely used in the manufacture of
semiconductor devices, which allow the flow of current in one (1) direction and readily oppose in
opposite direction. They have exactly four (4) valence electrons.

I.9 Sources of Electricity

I.9.1 Cells and Batteries

Convert chemical energy into electrical energy to produced current It is made up of two electrodes in a
liquid solution of acid, base, or salt by chemical action, it breakdown into a particle called ions. One
electrode will possess more positively charged ions producing a positive charge terminal. And other
electrode takes an excess electron and becomes negatively charged. A voltage or difference exists
across the electrodes.

I.9.2 Generators

Generators produce current by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy-Electromagnetic


I.9.3 Thermocouple

Thermocouple consists of two types of certain metals mechanically joined to form a hot junction.
Heating the Junction of two metals produces voltage across the output terminals.

I.9.4 Photo Voltaic Cells

Generate a voltage when expose to light

I.9.5 Crystals & Ceramics

Generate a voltage when a pressure is applied to them thereby converting mechanical energy into
electrical energy.

I.10 Electromotive Force and Potential Difference

Electromotive force (EMF) and potential difference are both causing a flow of current round a circuit
and have unit of measurement expressed in "volts". It is pointed out that there is a difference between
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them. An EMF is a potential difference, but not all-potential difference is an EMF. There are certain
pieces of electrical equipment which are capable of accepting some form of energy other than electrical
energy, and producing within themselves a potential difference, the most common the dynamo and the
cell. The dynamo has mechanical energy delivered to its shaft by a prime mover and induces within
itself a potential difference. This potential difference is known as the "Electromotive Force" (EMF) and
represented by the symbol "E".

A potential difference exists between the pins of a lamp holder when switch on, whether the lamp
holder is there or not It is not an electromotive but known as the voltage drop. The following analogy
may appeal to a marine engineer. If an indicator card to be taken from a steam engine, the i.h.p. can be
obtained from the indicator card. Then m.e.p. obtained from the card may be considered as analogous to
the emf of a dynamo, while the pressure corresponding the b.h.p. can be considered as being analogous
to the terminal potential difference when the dynamo is with load. This potential difference is
represented by the symbol V.

I.11 Current and its Symbol

Current is the intensity of electrical energy. So, it's represented by the symbol "1". It will flow to a load
if a source is connected to it by a continuous path. A circuit is the path taken by current For any circuit,
current strength is found to be proportional current flows from the negative terminal of the source
through the conductor, to the load and back to the positive terminal of the source, forming a close loop.
H the loop is cut, the current flow will stop. Figure 1.6a and b show an open and closed circuit

When an electron is made to leave from the parent atom through the application of heat or light, it may
acquire sufficient energy to detach furthermore electrons from any other atom to become (+) positive
ion. And if the electrons leave the atoms faster, they can be regained by the atom, ionization continues.

Inert gasses such as Nitrogen, Argon and Neon, does not allow the flow of current at low temperature.
Argon gas, inside the fluorescent lamp, is ionized at high temperature and allows the flow of current.
A Conductor is a material that contains abundant free electrons that move under the influence of an
applied external force. A good conductor has less than four (4) valence electrons. Electrical
conductivity depends upon the number of valence electrons and the bonding of particles in the orbit For
example, copper has one (1) and aluminum has four (4) valence electrons as shown in the Figure 1.3b.
Copper is a better conductor than Aluminum because lesser amount. of energy is needed to detach
valence electrons from copper atom than the energy needed in aluminum to produce current All metals
and some liquids are good conductors of electricity. Silver is the best conductor. But it is not commonly
used because it's expensive. Copper is most widely used in the industry because it has good conductor
ability next only to silver and less expensive. A solution of water to base, acid and salt is also a good

An insulator, ideally, is a material that does not allow the flow of current since it has very few
electrons. Examples of which are materials such as phosphorus, rubber, glass, mica and most of oils in
which electrons are bound strongly to the nucleus. Phosphorus has five (5) valence electrons. More
energy is required to produce free electrons. Since little movement of free electrons occurs, current is
negligible. Pure water is also an insulator but the presence of dissolved substances such as salt will
cause it become conductor. In safety viewpoint and difficulty in determining its purity, it should always
be presumed as a conductor.

Semiconductor materials such as silicon and germanium are widely used in the manufacture of
semiconductor devices, which allow the flow of current in one (1) direction and readily oppose in
opposite direction. They have exactly four (4) valence electrons.
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Convert chemical energy into electrical energy to produced current It is made up of two electrodes in a
liquid solution of acid, base, or salt by chemical action, it breakdown into a particle called ions. One
electrode will possess more positively charged ions producing a positive charge terminal. And other
electrode takes an excess electron and becomes negatively charged. A voltage or difference exists
across the electrodes.

Generators produce current by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy-Electromagnetic


Thermocouple consists of two types of certain metals mechanically joined to form a hot junction.
Heating the Junction of two metals produces voltage across the output terminals.
Generate a voltage when expose to light

Generate a voltage when a pressure is applied to them thereby converting mechanical energy into
electrical energy.

Electromotive force (EMF) and potential difference are both causing a flow of current round a circuit
and have unit of measurement expressed in "volts". It is pointed out that there is a difference between
them. An EMF is a potential difference, but not all-potential difference is an EMF. There are certain
pieces of electrical equipment which are capable of accepting some form of energy other than electrical
energy, and producing within themselves a potential difference, the most common the dynamo and the
cell. The dynamo has mechanical energy delivered to its shaft by a prime mover and induces within
itself a potential difference. This potential difference is known as the "Electromotive Force" (EMF) and
represented by the symbol "E".

A potential difference exists between the pins of a lamp holder when switch on, whether the lamp
holder is there or not It is not an electromotive but known as the voltage drop. The following analogy
may appeal to a marine engineer. If an indicator card to be taken from a steam engine, the i.h.p. can be
obtained from the indicator card. Then m.e.p. obtained from the card may be considered as analogous to
the emf of a dynamo, while the pressure corresponding the b.h.p. can be considered as being analogous
to the terminal potential difference when the dynamo is with load. This potential difference is
represented by the symbol V.
Current is the intensity of electrical energy. So, it's represented by the symbol "1". It will flow to a load
if a source is connected to it by a continuous path. A circuit is the path taken by current For any circuit,
current strength is found to be proportion

to the voltage applied across its end.

I.12 Ampere the unit of Current

The drift or flow of electrons through a conductor is called electric current. In order to determine the
amount (number) of electrons flowing in a given conductor, it is necessary to adopt a unit of
measurement of current flow. The term AMPERE is used to define the unit of measurement of the rate
at which current flows (electron flows). One ampere may be defined as the flow of 6.28 x lOE18
electron per second past a fixed point in a conductor.

A unit quantity of electricity is moved through an electric circuit when one ampere of current flows for
one second of time. This unit is equivalent to 6.28 x lOE18 electrons, and is called the COULOMB. The
coulomb is to electricity as the gallon is to water. The symbol for the coulomb is Q. The rate of flow of
current in amperes and the quantity of electricity moved through a circuit are related by the common
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factor of time. Thus, the quantity of electric charge, in coulombs, moved through a circuit is equal to
the product of the current in amperes I, and the duration of flow in seconds, t Expressed as an equation,


Where: Q - Quantity of electricity in coulomb

I - Current in amperes

t - Time in seconds

Note: Q in, 1 coulomb = 1 ampere-sec

However for higher quantities Q charge is expressed in:

Q - ampere -hour = AH

I.13 Direct Current (DC)

Direct current (DC) is defined as the flow of current in one direction, usually maintained by a constant,
or uninterrupted voltage. The use of direct current is more common to the electronic technician than to
the electrician, since the electrician controls alternating current most of the time.

The best example of a source of direct current is the common dry cell battery. It is a source of direct
current generated by a chemical reaction between the paste and the metal in the battery. A lack of
electrons is developed at the (+) positive terminal. A surplus of electrons is developed at the (-)
negative terminal. The number of surplus electrons will determine the voltage level. A typical small dry
cell battery has a voltage of 1.5 V (volts). H two pieces of copper wire attached to a small flashlight
bulb and connect them to the plus and minus terminals of a dry cell battery, as shown in Fig. 1.13, this
is what happens. The surplus of electrons leaves the negative terminal of a battery and entire the wire.
These electrons push the free electrons ahead of them through a thin wire, called the filament inside the
bulb, and then through the second piece terminal of the battery.

The filament gets hot because of electron movement and glows. The battery generates more free
electrons at the negative terminal; at the same time, it pulls all the free electrons back to the positive
terminal. The process maintains the two terminals at a constant voltage. The direct current continues
moving at a constant rate through the bulb, keeping the filament hot and lighted. The battery keeps
working until all of its chemicals are used up, only then does the work stop and a new battery is
required to light the bulb. ill general, direct current is the movement of electrons in one direction.

I.14 Alternating Current (AC)

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Alternating Current (AC) changes in both magnitude and direction periodically. On the oscilloscope the
voltage and current appear on both sides of the zero axis, as the polarity of the voltage alternates and
the current changes direction.

Alternating voltage and current generated by rotary motion take the form of a sine wave. It is the most
common form of alternating current and voltage. As the conductor turns though the magnetic field, it’s
cut through the magnetic lines of force at varying rate. As a result, voltage varies in a regular,
repetitive pattern as shown in fig. 1.14.1

Sine waves are measured and compared by certain features.

a. The AMPLITUDE of the sine wave tells you the maximum value of current or voltage; it can be
either positive or negative.
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b. A CYCLE is one complete repetition of the waveform. It is produced by one complete revolution
3600 of the conductor through the magnetic field. In each cycle, there are two reversals and two

c. FREQUENCY is the number of cycles per second. The higher the number of cycles per second, the
higher frequency. The higher, the less amount of time for one cycle. Most AC is generated at 60 cycles
or 50 cycles.

d. HERTZ is term used for cycles per second. 60 Hertz = 60 cycles per second.

e. PEAK to PEAK voltage is the voltage measured between the maximum positive and maximum
negative points on the sine wave. It is twice the amplitude.

f. RMS (root mean square) voltage or current is a standard means of measuring alternating current or
voltage. RMS = 0.707 x peak value (the amplitude of the sine wave).

g. A horizontal line through the center of the sine wave in the ZERO AXIS.

h. All values above the zero axis are POSITIVE values; all values below the zero axis are NEGATIVE

i. NEGATIVE current and voltage do just as work as positive voltage is opposite current. The only
difference is that the polarity of the voltage is opposite and current flow is in the opposite current and

I.15 Modem Ships Power Supply

Majority of modem ship has an Alternating Current (AC) generation and distribution system is
preference to Direct Current (DC) system. An AC network is cheaper to install and operate, has a
higher power to weight ratio for generation, and more convenient in voltage distribution. Transformers
are used to easily step-up or step-down AC voltages, which is not possible in DC system. However, DC
power is also used on board the ship rectified (converted) from the main AC source. DC is used to
excite main generators (AC), to provide emergency power supply in the event of power failure, and to
supply power for main engine electronic controls, safety and navigation equipments.

Electrical power mostly on board ships, has a voltage generated at 440V / three phase at 60hz for
Japanese and American Standard and 380V, three phase at 5Ohs for Continental European vessels. For
lighting and low power equipment, a lower voltage is utilized which is at 110 or 220 volts. High
voltage levels are also used for bow thrusters, igniters and CRT picture tube

I.16 Static Electricity

Static electricity is the result of electrons, which had been moved from their normal positions in their
atoms. This produces a static charge on the material. Where there are too many electrons, the charge is
negative. Where there are too few, the charge is positive. One method of producing static electricity is
friction. Another is through the application of voltage-Induction.

"Static" literally means that electrons are not moving or at rest If two materials are rub together,
electrons maybe forced out of their orbits in one material and captured in the other. The material, which
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captured electrons, would then have a negative charge and the material, which that lost electrons, will
have a positive charge. If the materials are conductors, the electrons will move freely and charges will
quickly neutralize. If the materials are insulators, however, then the charges will stay separated in two
materials. Although, they have the tendency to return to their normal position, but cannot because
insulator, like air, blocks their movement

When a person walk across a rug or slide off a car seat and then, he could possibly receive a small
shock or even a spark. When shoes or clothes rubbed electrons from the rug or car seat, and electrical
charge is produced. Electricity generated in this manner is called static electricity.

I.17 Electricity Charge / Discharge and Hazards.

In many industrial plants, the presence of static electricity can be very dangerous because of
electrostatic discharge. Whenever two materials are charged with opposite charges and placed near to
one another, the excess electrons on the negatively charged material, by connecting a wire (conductor)
from one another to the other, it would provide a path for the electrons to crossover to the other
material and the charges would neutralize. Instead of connecting the material with the wire, by touching
(contact) each other will cause the charges to disappear. If strong charges are present on the materials,
the electrons may jumps through the air before the two materials are in contact The Discharges can be
observed in the form of arc (spark). With very strong charges, static electricity can be discharged across
large gaps, causing arcs in considerable size.

In oil tankers, the presence of static electricity could be very dangerous. Water left in the pipelines or
cargo prior to loading will be charged if disturbed by incoming flow of cargo. To prevent accumulation
of charges, a grounding strap is fitted on the pipe manifold to discharge the charges safely to ground.
Splashing or spraying of oil also causes it to become electro statically charge. Modem tankers are fitted
with permanently installed washing devices that also cause static electricity. There are a number of
hazards inside cargo tanks that may cause a spark and eventually, explosion. Provided there is no
flammable vapor present, there is no danger. This is made possible by Inert Gas System (IGS), where
the oxygen content is replaced with inert gas to reduce risk of explosion when used correctly.

Discharge of static electricity can cause bearing failure. Grounding connection is fitted on the main
engine intermediate shaft to prevent build up of charges on the bearing surfaces by discharging the
shaft current to ground. Sparking between the bearing and the shaft air gaps will result in bum craters
or washboard effect (metal erosion).


There are various types of diagrams that attempt to show how an electrical circuit operates. Symbols
are used to represent items of equipment.

II.1 System Diagram. A system diagram shows the main features of a system and its bounds,
without necessarily showing the cause to affect its mains purpose is to illustrate the ways of operating
the system. Detail is omitted in order to make the diagram as clear as possible and so easily understood.
Figure 2.1 is an example of system diagram.
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II.2 Block Diagram

A block diagram shows a simplified form of main interrelationships of the elements in a system work or
may be operated. Such diagrams are often used to depict control system and other complex relationship.
Diagrams like in figure 2.2 states the function of each block but give neither information of the
components in each block nor how the blocks are connected.

Fig. 2.2 Block Diagram of control

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II.3 Circuit Diagram

A circuit diagram shows, in full, the functioning of a circuit All essential parts and connections are
depicted but means of symbols arranged to show the operation as clearly as possible but without to the
physical layout of the various items, their parts or connection.

The electrical connection of the above motor starter is clearly shown in simplest possible way. Most
important point is that no attempt is made to show the moving contacts of relay or a contactor alongside
the coil that operated them where they are physically located). Instead a common number or letter
identifies the coil and its related contacts.

Each wire connection is identified by a number, which may be found on a numbered sleeve in each wire
at its termination on a component in the actual starter. Although there are international agreements as to
the symbol to be used to represent electrical components, it is expected that different symbols
representing the same component will be encountered.

The use of a circuit diagram is to enable the reader to understand the operation of the circuit, to follow
each sequence in the operation from the moment in initiating the operation. H the equipment fails to
operate correctly; the reader can follow the sequence of operation until the operation that failed is
traced. The component involved in that faulty operation is to be examined (and only those components
need be examined). In this way, the faulty component can be easily located. There is no need to
examine other components that are known to function correctly and have no influence on the fault; the
work is simplified. A circuit diagram is essential tool in troubleshooting.

II.4 Wiring Diagram

A wiring diagram shows the detailed wiring and connections between components or items of
equipment, and in some cases the routing of these connections. A wiring diagram of an item of these
equipment shows the components in the approximate position they occupy in the actual equipment The
components may be shown completely (e.g. a contactor coil together with all the contacts it drives) or
may be simply represented by a block with the necessary terminals clearly marked. Different thickness
of the line can be used to differentiate between power and control circuit connection.

A wiring diagram may be of fairly simple circuit But it is quite difficult to use it to workout on
sequential operation of the circuit The purpose of a wiring diagram is to instruct the wiring personnel
how to construct and connect the equipment It is of little use in trouble shooting apart from identifying
the exact position of suspected components and terminals. In locating a fault and only a wiring diagram
is available, wiring diagram has to be converted into circuit diagram. It may well save time and trouble
to convert the wiring into a circuit diagram. In converting, certain basic rules and conversion must be

a. Every sequence should be drawn from left to right and from top to bottom. (Where possible)

b. Each stage should be in order of occurrence, from left to right

c. All contacts and components, which are in series, should be drawn on a straight line (where possible)
with the components they control.
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d. All contacts and components, which are connected in parallel, should be drawn side by side and at
the same level (or organized horizontally) to help identify the required components quickly.

e. All major components operating at bus-bar voltage should be drawn at the same level (or aligned
horizontally) to help identify the required components quickly.

f. All contact should be shown "open" or "close" as their NORMAL or un- energized condition.

There are other conventions, but these cover the main points of good and systematic diagrams. Blocks,
systems, circuit, and wiring diagrams are the basic types in general use for electrical work. Other types
of diagram are sometime used to give information for which the basic types are unsuitable (e.g.
pictorial view of a component). Ship's electrical diagrams should be studied in order to gain a better
understanding of them when carrying out maintenance or fault findings. Ship's diagrams should be
regarded as essential tool when carrying out work on electrical equipment.


The standard electrical symbols are smart, industrial standard and vector-based for electrical schematic


Electrical symbols virtually represent the components of electrical and electronic circuits. This article shows many
of the frequently used electrical symbols for drawing electrical diagrams. Though these standard symbols are
simplified the function descriptions can make you understand clearly.

Below lists most commonly used electrical and electronic symbols that can help you get started quickly.
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The resistor is a passive electrical component to create resistance in the flow of electric current. In almost all
electrical networks and electronic circuits they can be found. The resistance is measured in ohms. An ohm is the
resistance that occurs when a current of one ampere passes through a resistor with a one volt drop across its
terminals. The current is proportional to the voltage across the terminal ends.

Resistors are used for many purposes. A few examples include delimit electric current, voltage division, heat
generation, matching and loading circuits, control gain, and fix time constants. They are commercially available
with resistance values over a range of more than nine orders of magnitude. They can be used to as electric brakes to
dissipate kinetic energy from trains, or be smaller than a square millimeter for electronics

III.1 Resistor definition and symbol

The international IEC symbol is a rectangular shape. In the USA the ANSI standard is very common, this is a
zigzag line.


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III.2 Resistor Characteristics

Dependent on the application, the electrical engineer specifies different properties of the resistor. The primary
purpose is to limit the flow of electrical current; therefore, the key parameter is the resistance value. The
manufacturing accuracy of this value is indicated with the resistor tolerance in percentage. Many other
parameters that affect the resistance value can be specified, such as long term stability or the temperature
coefficient. The temperature coefficient, usually specified in high precision applications, is determined by the
resistive material as well as the mechanical design.
In high frequency circuits, such as in radio electronics, the capacitance and inductance can lead to undesired
effects. Foil resistors generally have a low parasitic reactance, while wire wound resistors are amongst the
worst. For accurate applications such as audio amplifiers, the electric noise must be as low as possible. This is
often specified as microvolts noise per volt of applied voltage, for a 1 MHz bandwidth. For high power
applications the power rating is important. This specifies the maximum operating power the component can
handle without altering the properties or damage. The power rating is usually specified in free air at room
temperature. Higher power ratings require a larger size and may even require heat sinks. Many other
characteristics can play a role in the design specification. Examples are the maximum voltage, or the pulse
stability. In situations where high voltage surges could occur this is an important characteristic.

III.3 Resistor Application

There is a huge variation in fields of applications for resistors, from precision components in digital
electronics, till measurement devices for physical quantities. In this chapter several popular
applications are listed.

III.3.1 Resistors in series and parallel

In electronic circuits, resistors are very often connected in series or in parallel. A circuit designer might for example
combine several resistors with standard values (E-series) to reach a specific resistance value. For series connection,
the current through each resistor is the same and the equivalent resistance is equal to the sum of the individual
resistors. For parallel connection, the voltage through each resistor is the same, and the inverse of the equivalent
resistance is equal to the sum of the inverse values for all parallel resistors. In the articles resistors in
parallel and series a detailed description of calculation examples is given. To solve even more complex
networks, Kirchhoff’s circuit laws may be used.

III.3.2 Measure electrical current (shunt resistor)

Electrical current can be calculated by measuring the voltage drop over a precision resistor with a known resistance,
which is connected in series with the circuit. The current is calculated by using Ohm’s law. This is a called an
ammeter or shunt resistor. Usually this is a high precision manganin resistor with a low resistance value.
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III.3.3 Resistor for LEDs

LED lights need a specific current to operate. A too low current will not light up the LED, while a too high current
might burn out the device. Therefore, they are often connected in series with resistors. These are called ballast
resistors and passively regulate the current in the circuit.

III.3.4 Blower motor resistor

In cars the air ventilation system is actuated by a fan that is driven by the blower motor. A special resistor is used to
control the fan speed. This is called the blower motor resistor. Different designs are in use. One design is a series of
different size wirewound resistors for each fan speed. Another design incorporates a fully integrated circuit on a
printed circuit board.

III.4 Resistor Color Coding

There are many different types of Resistor available which can be used in both electrical and electronic
circuits to control the flow of current or to produce a voltage drop in many different ways. But in order
to do this the actual resistor needs to have some form of “resistive” or “resistance” value. Resistors are
available in a range of different resistance values from fractions of an Ohm (  Ω ) to millions of Ohms.

Obviously, it would be impractical to have available resistors of every possible value for
example, 1Ω, 2Ω, 3Ω, 4Ω etc., because literally tens of hundreds of thousands, if not tens of millions of different
resistors would need to exist to cover all the possible values. Instead, resistors are manufactured in what are called
“preferred values” with their resistance value printed onto their body in colored ink.

The resistance value, tolerance, and wattage rating are generally printed onto the body of the resistor as numbers or
letters when the resistors body is big enough to read the print, such as large power resistors. But when the resistor is
small such as a 1/4-watt carbon or film type, these specifications must be shown in some other manner as the print
would be too small to read.
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So, to overcome this, small resistors use colored painted bands to indicate both their resistive value and their
tolerance with the physical size of the resistor indicating its wattage rating. These colored painted bands produce a
system of identification generally known as a Resistors Color Code.
An international and universally accepted resistor color code scheme was developed many years ago as a simple and
quick way of identifying a resistors ohmic value no matter what its size or condition. It consists of a set of individual
colored rings or bands in spectral order representing each digit of the resistors value.
The resistor color code markings are always read one band at a time starting from the left to the right, with the larger
width tolerance band oriented to the right side indicating its tolerance. By matching the color of the first band with
its associated number in the digit column of the color chart below the first digit is identified and this represents the
first digit of the resistance value.
Again, by matching the color of the second band with its associated number in the digit column of the color chart we
get the second digit of the resistance value and so on. Then the resistor color code is read from left to right as
illustrated below:

The Standard Resistor Color Code Chart

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The table below shows the meaning of each color for each of the bands.   Notice that most of the colors
are in the order of the colors of a rainbow, with the exception of indigo which is not used.   There is a
rhyme you can use to remember these colors: Richard Of York Gave Battle in Vain.

The Resistor Color Code Table

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III.4.1 Resistor Color Coding

The Resistor Color Code system is all well and good, but we need to understand how to apply it in order to get the
correct value of the resistor. The “left-hand” or the most significant colored band is the band which is nearest to a
connecting lead with the color-coded bands being read from left-to-right as follows:
Digit, Digit, Multiplier = Color, Color x 10 color in Ohm’s (Ω)
For example, a resistor has the following colored markings.

Yellow Violet Red = 4 7 2 = 4 7 x 102 = 4700Ω or 4k7 Ohm.

The fourth and fifth bands are used to determine the percentage tolerance of the resistor. Resistor tolerance is a
measure of the resistor’s variation from the specified resistive value and is a consequence of the manufacturing
process and is expressed as a percentage of its “nominal” or preferred value.
Typical resistor tolerances for film resistors range from 1% to 10% while carbon resistors have tolerances up to
20%. Resistors with tolerances lower than 2% are called precision resistors with the or lower tolerance resistors
being more expensive.
Most five band resistors are precision resistors with tolerances of either 1% or 2% while most of the four band
resistors have tolerances of 5%, 10% and 20%. The color code used to denote the tolerance rating of a resistor is
given as:

Brown = 1%, Red = 2%, Gold = 5%, Silver = 10 %

If the resistor has no fourth tolerance band then the default tolerance would be at 20%.

Because resistors are so small, it is not easy to print their value and tolerance on them in a way which is easily
readable.  Therefore, one of the following colour coding systems is used instead.  Both systems code the value in
Ohms - there are no codes for 'k' or 'M'.

III.4.2 The Four-Band System

This system uses three colored bands to represent a resistor's value, and an additional colored band spaced further
apart to represent a resistor's tolerance, as shown in figure 2.

 The first two bands give the first two digits of the resistor's value.
 The third band is a multiplier and gives the number of zeroes that must be placed after the
first two digits.
 The fourth band gives the resistor's tolerance as a percentage.
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III.4.2 The Five-Band System

The five-band system uses the same colors as the four-band system but uses them slightly differently.   An extra
band is included which acts as another digit, and the colors Gold and Silver are used as additional multipliers of
0.1 and 0.01.  The five-band system can therefore represent values to three significant figures and also values
lower than 1Ω.

 The first three bands give the the first three digits of the resistor's value.
 The fourth band is a multiplier and gives the number of zeroes that must be placed after the
first two digits.
 The fifth band gives the resistor's tolerance as a percentage.

It is sometimes easier to remember the resistor color code by using short, easily remembered sentences in the form
of expressions, rhymes, and phrases, called an acrostic, which have a separate word in the sentence to represent each
of the Ten + Two colors.
The resulting mnemonic matches the first letter of each word to each color which makes up the resistors color code
by order of increasing magnitude and there are many different mnemonic phrases which can be used. However,
these sayings are often very crude but nevertheless effective for remembering the resistor colors. Here are just a few
of the more “cleaner” versions but many more exist:
 Bad Boys Ring Our Young Girls But Vicky Goes Without
 Better Be Right Or Your Great Big Venture Goes Wrong
 Buster Brown Races Our Young Girls But Vicky Generally Wins (This one indicates the
position of Brown
 Bad Booze Rots Our Young Guts But Vodka Goes Well (in) Silver Goblets (This one includes
the tolerance bands of Gold, Silver)


220 ± 5% TOLERANCE
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4,700 ± 1% TOLERANCE

10,000 ± 20% TOLERANCE

1,200,000 ± 2% TOLERANCE

 In not less than 400 words, write an essay about the relevance
of this subject (Basic Electricity) in maritime world and why
this is important on-board the ship.

(Write your activity/output on extra A4 bond paper. Activity/output should

be handwritten)
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1. Draw the following electrical schematic symbols on A4 bond paper.
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2. Use the drawing format below. You can re-arrange your drawing to your liking to
fit inside the margin.

3. Use proper drawing materials such as Mechanical Pencil for drawing outlined with
Black Pen.

4. Attach your drawing at the back of the module.

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Assessment – Write the answer on the space provided.

I- Write the correct value and tolerance for each resistor.










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II – Write the correct color code base on the value given.

10. 700 ± 5% TOLERANCE = _______, _______, _______, _______

11. 1,700,000 ± 10% TOLERANCE = _______, _______, _______, _______

12. 7,500 ± 10% TOLERANCE = _______, _______, _______, _______

13. 43,000,000 ± 5% TOLERANCE = _______, _______, _______, _______

14. 40,000 ± 5% TOLERANCE = _______, _______, _______, _______

15. 7,000,000 ± 20 % TOLERANCE = _______, _______, _______

16. 40,000,000 ± 20 % TOLERANCE = _______, _______, _______

17. 5,500,000 ± 0.5 % TOLERANCE = _______, _______, _______, _______

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18. 33,000 ± 20 % TOLERANCE = _______, _______, _______

19. 99,000 ± 10 % TOLERANCE = _______, _______, _______, _______, _______

20. 1,000 ± 10 % TOLERANCE = _______, _______, _______, _______, _______




In not less than 400 words, write an essay about the relevance of this subject (Basic Electricity) in
maritime world and why this is important on-board the ship .

The assessment should be handwritten on extra sheet of paper (A4, long) and attach it on the back of the module. Submit on
the end of 3rd week, through:

 through email attachment – scanned/image copy, (eumendamark@gmail.com).

 hard copy; dropped at the UCV guard house.

The assessment for ACTIVITY 2 will be graded based on below criteria:


INSTRUCTIONS: The Instructor can choose the points which he/she deemed as the right score foreach item zero
(0), five (5), ten (10), fifteen (15), twenty (20) or twenty-five (25) points. The total score will be provided by the
instructor and should reflect in the column provided.
Timeliness 20
Completeness of information 25
Quality of writing 25
Orderliness 15

Cleanliness / Neatness 15



Draw the following electrical schematic symbols on A4 bond paper. Use the drawing format provided.
You can re-arrange your drawing to your liking to fit inside the margin.

The drawing should be attached on the back of the module. Submit on the end of 3rd week, through:
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 through email attachment – scanned/image copy, (eumendamark@gmail.com).

 hard copy; dropped at the UCV guard house.

The assessment for ACTIVITY 3 will be graded based on below criteria:


INSTRUCTIONS: The Instructor can choose the points which he/she deemed as the right score foreach item zero
(0), five (5), ten (10), fifteen (15), twenty (20) or twenty-five (25) points. The total score will be provided by the
instructor and should reflect in the column provided.
Timeliness 20
Completeness of information 25
Quality of drawing 25
Orderliness 15

Cleanliness / Neatness 15



Answer the assessment questions at the last part of the module for Activity 4. Write your answer on the
space provided for each item.

The assessment for ACTIVITY 4 will be graded based on below criteria:


INSTRUCTIONS: The Instructor can choose the points which he/she deemed as the right score foreach
item zero (0) to fifteen (15).The total score will be provided by the instructor and should reflect in the
column provided.
Perfect Score 20
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TOTAL = (20 POINTS/ 20 POINTS) x 100%


TOTAL = (Obtained Points/ Allotted Points) x 100%



At the end of Module # 1, reflect on what you’ve learned or knowledge you’ve gained on this module.

The student reflection should be handwritten on extra sheet of paper (A4, long) and attach it on the back of the
module. Submit on the end of 3rd week, through:

 through email attachment – scanned/image copy, (eumendamark@gmail.com).

 hard copy; dropped at the UCV guard house.


INSTRUCTIONS: The Instructor could choose the points which he/she deem as the right score for each
item zero (0), ten (10) or eighty (80) points. Indicate the point in the column provided for and write the
total point at the end of the exercise.


Timeliness 20
Completeness of information 60
Cleanliness / Neatness 20


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