Edu 532 Project

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Micah E.

Mapute EDU 532 – 05

BSED Filipino / 2nd Year Due: Dec. 19, 2022


SAS # Learning Learning Views/Insights
objectives outcomes
1. Explain the 1. Students can Flexible learning
: nature of flexible explain the nature refers to the
learning and its of flexible learning combination of
relevance to the and its relevance to different methods of
current education the current teaching, including
set-up education set-up the use of online
2. Familiarize 2. Students can platforms and digital
oneself with the familiarize oneself or printed modules.
course syllabus, with the course Under this new
course syllabus, course system, universities
#1 requirements, requirements, and colleges will be
grading system, grading system, adopting a mix of
and other concerns. and other concerns. different learning
3. note and apply 3. Students can and teaching
class rules note and apply methods based on
class rules their specific
situations. This
allows the student to
decipher when and
how they will learn
by tailoring their
course to their own
1. Define curriculum 1. Students can Curriculum is a
from different define curriculum standards-based
perspectives from different sequence of
2. Describe the perspectives planned experiences
#2 nature and scope of 2. Students can where students
curriculum describe the nature practice and achieve
and scope of proficiency in
curriculum content and applied
learning skills.
Curriculum is the
central guide for all
educators as to what
is essential for
teaching and
learning, so that
every student has
access to rigorous
experiences. There
are 2 points of view
of curriculum the
traditional and
progressive one. In
a traditional point of
view, teachers are
required to write
lesson plans and
syllabi. The subjects
offered in basic
education are
grammar, literature,
science, history and
foreign language
which help develop

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