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UNIT la Grammar: Tenses PRESENT habitual actions or Tepeated actions with recently completed actions "pas! actions producing permanent states chways, forever, constantly She has just painted her visible results in the present He goes swimming every (often to show annoyance) room. She has been painting her day. You're always leaving the room. (It smells of paint) She works in a bank cop off the toothpaste arranged future actions _aciions in progress/ actions beginning in the on action beginning in the (timetables, programmes, temporary actions past and continuing up to past and continuing up. to etc) He's sleeping ot the the present, focusing on the the preseni, focusing on the The match begins at 8:30 moment. ‘result ‘action especially with for or next Monday evening They're hunting for a flat. He has writen three books. since She has been waiting for two hours but there’s sill no sign of him. laws of nature/scientific fixed arrangements for the indefinite past actions or action showing annoyance, facts and instructions neor future experiences infitation or surprise Ice melts when heated. They are going on an ‘She has seen this film. (We What have you been doing First you chop the meat, excursion tomorrow. do not know when.) fo my computer? then you fy it ve been to Berlin hwice. dramatic narration current irends and repeated actions sill The lights go out anda developments continuing figure tears out of the villo. Oil prices are rising at He has worked as 0 present. teacher for four years. (He is still a teacher.) Time Expressions: usually, Time Expressions: now, at Time Expressions: since, __ Time Expressions: for, often, always, every day, in present, at the moment, —_yet, for, already, just, ever, since, how long, lately, the morning, on Mondays etc these days, sil today, $0 far, recently, lately, stil, recently etc tonight, nowadays etc how long etc Stative verbs describe a state and do not have continuous forms. These include verbs related to: senses s¢¢, hear, smell, feel, laste inking think, agree, believe, consider, doubt, expect, feel (=think) ‘emotion & feeling feel, forgive, hate, loathe, like, dislike, love, mind, wish, etc coher appear/seem, be, belong, have (=possess), keep [=continue), matter, owe, possess/own ele Notes ‘© Verbs of the senses can have continuous forms, but then there's a change in meaning I’m seeing my dentist tomorrow. (= a prior arrangement) but: Do you see those birds? (ability to see) ‘© The verbs think, consider ond expect can have continuous forms when they refer to an activity. Be quiet, please! I'm thinking. but: | think you are wrong. (= | believe) © Have can have continuous forms in certain expressions Such as: have a bath, have a nap, have fun, have a good time, etc. We were having a good time at the party when the fire broke out. but: Since you have his phone number, yeu can call him. (= possess) la Grammar: Teises 1 Pat the verbs in brackets into the appropriate present tense. © Our firm is launching (launch) two new producis next week, 1 “Why... "Because he at 6:30 this evening.” 2 Dancers at the ballet school (train) for the performance since last November. (he/leave}?” (play) football 3. You . (not/reclly/expect) me to eat this stew! It (smell) awful! A Vacant {ry] to complete that itgsaw for over three months now! 5 “Why (you/feel) Annie's forehead?” 5 . (think) she’s got a temperature.” He has been fo Berlin. (=He has gone and come back.) He has been in Buenos Aires for a year. [=He lives there.) He has gone to Toled6, (=He hasn't come back yet) 2 Fill in the blanks with have been to, have been in or have gone to in their correct form. 0 I have never been to (never) Cambodia, but | might. include it on my itinerary next year. 1 Mrs Bates .. os ‘Cologne. She won't be back for at least three weeks. 2 Nick... . Woles for three years now, studying for his degree 3 Why don't you ask Clare about the tropics? She ... Thailand visit his father. I’m afraid 8 il coonctieyee you've just missed him. 3 Put the verbs in brackets into the Simple Present or Present Continuous. Terry Poole (0) is (be) an engineer who (1) (work) for an international aid organisation, Although he normally a (work) in Indonesia, at present he £8) (supervise) « project in Rwanda Which (4) «nn... {involve the co-ordination of local people aid workers and engineers lke himself. Athough he (5) . ». (enjoy) the experience, he 6 ~ (doubt) the project willbe finished soon, 6 The place looks like a bombsite! What .........-.0.+++ . (de) all day? 7 Come ‘on John! You .. me since high schooll You 8 The opposition party... making ground in the opinion polls 9 Randall ...snssnsse (Kick) the ball into the net and it be) goal 10 He ..... ~ ua most of the year, but now i's summer, he .. _ (work) in a shop. 11 You. (always/leave) the bathroom tap running, _HAS BEEN TO / HAS BEEN IN / HAS GONE TO A. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous. Stonehenge (0} has been (be) the subject of archaeological debate for many years. No one (Nese . (yet/explain) satisfactorily why or how it was built, although teams of experts Q sen (excavate) the site for years and a team of American scientists (3) sou (teeently/stari] working in the area with sophisticated new equipment. Popular theories (4) cocstcenetenen (SUgges) that Sonchengs was built as a temple, but no one (5) .. (manage) io work out how the stones were transported here. A group of students from Bangor University 6 (discuss) the possibiliy of re-enacting the joutney from Woles, where such stones are to be found, overland to Stonehenge and sponsors (Z) enue ne (come) forward with offers of financial assistance. The Brish ‘Museum (8) ...-. seessennefals0/announce) a forthcoming exhibition of artefacts from the Stonehenge period which they (9) ones (gather) over the last five years from all over Northern Europe. "Grammar: | Tenses FUTURE FORMS A LET SENT STEEN predictions, offers, intentions ‘actions in progress ata Pactions finished before a promises, requests, know my clothes are dirty. certain time in the future certain future time, usually suggestions 1'm going to wash them ll be fying to Paris this with before, by, by then, by Will you help me with the tomorrow. time tomorrow. the time, untl/till dishes?/Shall | get you By the end of uly he wll some coffee? hhave been in Athens for five months ‘onthe-spot decisions planned actions logical assumptions about logical assumptions about “Your clothes are dirty." She's going to take her __sb’s actions in the present sb’s actions “Are they? Ill wash them.” driving test next month, He will be sleeping now. He will have gone to sleep [i's midnight) by now. opinions, hopes, fears, ossible action seen in the previously planned actions Ca especially with think, fine wea reed ok eke’ (nnaediot Pre expect, suppose, imagine, He doesn’t know how fo Continuous) ss eee light a fir. He’s going fe I'll be seeing Sam tonight. "econ uP oo cettin tine [think he'll pass the test. bum himself. Would you like me 10 tell Contruity, ceuelly with dy. fs eae continuily, usually with by. when itis not certain when there is evidence that for whether sth will happen sth will definitely happen : © By next Sunday, they will (prediction) She's going to have a have been living here for Perhaps it ll rain tomorrow. baby. two weeks Time Expressions Note tomorrow, the day offer lomorrow, tonight, soon, next’ _by/before are used with Future Perfect in positive week, month/year, in a week/month/year etc, sentences; until is used in negative sentences m4 ‘She will haye cleaned the house by 6 o'clock. She won't have cleaned the house until 6 o'clock. 7 OTHER WAYS OF EXPRESSING THE FUTURE be + to - infinitive (future plans, instructions) The meeting Is to take place on Wednesday. You are not to leave the premises until 17:00. be about + to - infinitive/be on the point of + gerund {immediate future) They are about to leave. They are on the point of leaving. CONVERSATIONAL GRAMMAR 5) Choose the correct item. © “Any news from Tess?” 1. “I suppose your report isn't ready yet.” “Yes. She ......... tomorrow on the 9:15 train.” “Don't worry. | it by tomorrow.” A will have been arriving arriving ‘A will have been finishing C om finishing B will have arrived arrives B will be finishing D will have finished 10 VW “So, are you coming along, after all?” “Well, | don’t know. What ime ws... 2° A you're leaving C will you leave B will you be leaving D do you leave “Wve called Eddie a hundred times but he won't answer the phone.” “Try once more. He . A will sleep B sleeps “Well, | frst came here last June.” “So by the end of May you .. almost a year.” ‘A will have been working C will have working B are going to have worked D will work “Shall | call Eddie at home?” “think he now.” A will be working B is going to work C will be sleeping D is to be sleeping .. with us for C ‘is to work D will work “ls Nigel still here?” "Yes, but hurry up, he is just... A about to leave C to be leaving B about leaving D to leave "Do you know is Maggie's birthday today?” "Yes, she «party tonight.” A has C is to have B is having D will have “Doesn't she feel nervous about having to teach that, class?” “| shouldn't think so as she’s such an experienced teacher. By October she teaching for fifteen years.” A is going to be C will hove been B has been D is tobe “Why don't we go to the cinema?” “I's too late; the film ........ started by now.” A will be C shall have B is going to be D will hove “You look gorgeous in that dress.” “Really? | it then.” A will be buying will buy B buy D am to buy “So, when is your maths exam?” “Well, this time tomorrow | for it.” A wil be siting C will have been siting B will sit D sit la Grammar: TeRse: 6 Put the verbs in brackets into an appropriate present or future form. “IF1 (0) am (be) reelected, | (1) . my word that the first issues | (2). are those of the environment and education. As of next month, | (3)... . {serve] my country in a public capacity for 6 years; | (4) nce... (Rope) 10 continue for at lest as many more. While the general ctfitude (5) (seem) to be that things in this country (6) . (go) from bad fo worse, | believe that by the end of my next term of office we ) secsnssseseete (b@/able) fo look back and count the improvements that have been made. In fact, | am so confident that if it (8) {n0ot/be) the case, | (9) cscsstssssseus (N@vEr/make) another promise in my life. But | firmly believe that these (10) .. years of positive change and dramatic improvements.” 7 Fill in will or be going to. 0 A; I'm going to start learning Chinese. B: Are you? Will you let me know what it's like as I'd like to have a go too? Sheila . sss have an operation next Tuesday. B: If you tell me which hospital she'll be in, I'll go and visit her. Ihave to be at work by 8:30. B: But it’s nearly 8:00. You . be late. So I'll book your dental appointment for 4:30, shall I? B: No later than that, as I... be at the office before 5 today. V'm sure | .. pass the course this time. B: | hope you do. You've worked really hard this term. Look at those clouds. I's definitely going to rain. Is it? 1... bring the chairs in from the garden, then. So, are you ready to go? I've told you « thousand times! | ... Come. IF you buy the flowers, I'll get some chocolates. OK, but get a move on OF WE vs. be late. TA .- (not) 10 Ja:Grammar: Tenses PAST ‘actions completed in the _ past actions in progress/ past when there is direct or at a given poin indirect time reference She's sl working’ at Ho left an hour ago. eight o'clock yesterday (direct ime reference) evening, ‘She phoned before the boss came. {indirect time reference) past habitual actions post action in progress He travelled/used fo travel interrupted by another action alot when he was young. She was leaving when the phone rang. past actions happening one simultaneous past actions fier the other While Jone was geting He stood up, picked yp his dressed, Tom was enjoying briefcase and left the office. his drink past actions which won't be polite inquiries repeated | was wondering if you Marilyn Monroe starred in could help me. “The Seven Year Itch’. Time Expressions: Time Expressions: yesterday, then, when, ago, while, when, as, all How long ago...?, ‘momning/evening, day, last nighi/week/year etc night ele USED TO / GET USED To / WOULD used to + infinitive (past habitual action/state) be/get used to + gerund/noun {habitual action) would (repeated past action and routine) Past Perfect inet past action which ‘2 longer past action which deaf beige etl Up to another past action post action She had already typed all She had been cooking al! the letters before her boss day long when Tom came arrived. home with some fish and chips. € the past equivalent of the actions producing Visible Present Perfect results inthe past Compare: She was covered in paint Bob had always dreamed because she had been ‘of being in a musical, but painting her room. the never got the chance. Tom has always dreamed of being in a musical; he might make it one day. Time Expressions: Time Expressions: before, after, already, just, for, since; how long, for, since, til/unt, by the before, until ete time, never etc This theatre used fo be a hospital, He used to work till late at night. (He doesn’t anymore.) ‘She isn’t used to driving on the left | haven't got used to living abroad yer. When | was ei my grandearenis’ cottage, | would wake up early and go for a ride. 8 Put the verbs in brackets into an appropriate past tense. 0 He walked (walk) to the front of the stage, took (take) « bow and waved (wave) to the audience 1. Her clothes were soaked because she ... ' .. (walk) in the rain. (not/enjoy) the play leave) early. {sleep} Joan .. (ry) hard to finish her dissertation. 4. Susan and Tom _ (mee!) when they vss, ftudy) in Edinburgh 20 years ago. 5 InJune 1979 they ... (sil/buld) this shopping centre. & They sssases (Walk) 0 the wales edge, {wade} in and {swim to the other side. 7 While the soldiers se (advance) they did not realise that the enemy (plan) a surprise attack. so we 3 While you 8 The politician ..... (olready/finish) his speech by the time the TV reporter (arrive) 9 By the fime Monica .. (gel) to the library, Elena (already/do) all the research, CONVERSATIONAL GRAMMAR 9 Choose the correct item. © “Where's Christine?” “| don't know; she the office fifteen minutes ago.” P@ekt C has left B had left D had been leaving 1 "Why didn’t Madeline show up at the party last night?" "When | called her at 11:00 she ws. A was sill studying C. would sill study B had sfll been studying D still studied 2. Did you know that Oscar Wilde ...... during his final years? A hos been living B had lived in Paris C had been living D lived 10 n 12 Ja Grammar: Tese: “You're looking miserable.” “1 con my thesis when my computer suddenly crashed.” A was working B used to work C would work D hove been working “Did you hear the rain last night?” "Ye, ifs all night.” A had been pouring B_ was pouring © has poured D was poured “Can't we just order @ nice bit of cod?” “Don't be ridiculous! We... all this way fo eat fish and chips.” A haven't been coming C aren't coming B haven't come D hadn't come "| love your car.” “This old thing? We A had had B have been having .. Hor fifteen years.” hove had D used to have “Whats wrong with Robert?” “Idon’t know. He ....... up, slammed the door and stormed out ofthe building,” A got C was getting B has got D had got “Mary has difficulty fitting in.” “Well, | guess she ....... to this type of work.” A didn't use © doesn’t get used B isn’t used D hasn't been used “I loved Christmas as « child.” “So did |. Every Christmas Eve all the family the tree together.” A would have decorated Chad been decorating B would decorate D used to decorating When | lived downtown |... the cinema almost every night. A was going C have been going B went D had been going Sue from a severe bout of flu at the time. A recovered © would recover B used to recover D was recovering “How's Peter doing?” from him for months.” C haven't heard D don't hear “1 don’t know. | ...eess00 A have to hear B didn’t hear Jai,Grammar: Tenses 13 “Ted is so inconsiderate.” “What... YOu say that, George?” A is making C makes B_ was making D had made 10 Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate past tense. IFit (0) hadn't been (not/be) for Louis, Joan (1) « . never/survive) her trip to Par last month. She (2) not/meet) him before, but she (3) {be} certainly glad that she had by the end of her stay. The first thing that (4) _.-s« (happen) was that the hotel where she (5) (plan) to stay (6) {not/receive) her booking, so they had no room for her. Then, as she (7) (ty) to get o taxi to take her to another hotel, someone on a motorbike (8) eecnsensnsseane (natch) her bag with al her tickets cand credit cards in it. As her French (9) worroreo-- (Be) quite rusty, she (10) . (not/know) how to explain what (11) (happen). I was then that Louis (12) (approach) her cond (13) . . {introduce) himself. CONVERSATIONAL GRAMMAR 11 Choose the correct item. 0 “Tina is still looking for a decent flat.” “How long ED ‘A was she looking Chad she looked B is she looking © has she been looking 1 “Has Paul come fo terms with his examination results?” Yes. He ....... the fact that he'll have to resit.” C accepted D has been accepting A had accepted B has accepted 12 10 “Did you have o good time at the Jordans?” “Not really, |... Il ever vist them again.” A. don't think CC won't be thinking B_ am not thinking D think not Gerald just can't ........ working shifts. | A used to C get used to B be used D used to be Alison feels more sympathy and less anger than she A had C was B would D used to “Will you .....-. With the audio-video equipment by 12:30 pm?" “Possibly, but I'll let you know beforehand.” A finish C be finishing B finished D have finished “George is in hospital.” “Yes, I've heard he .. A makes Bis making good progress.” C will make D would make “\'m getting my work permit next week.” “ls about time. You ...... here for hwo months by then.” A ore C will have been B will be D have been “How do you like your sushi?” “Well, its really different. W's the first time I .se.u Jopanese food.” A hove eaten C om eating B ect D have been eating "Wasn't sacking Mary rather harsh on his part?” “Not really; he ...... her several times in the pas.” A had warned © warns B_ was warning D will warn “Where's Jonathan?" “He nu. f0 the travel agents.” Chas been going D had gone B has gone

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