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DC and AC Machinery, Lab

Speed Control of Slip Ring Induction Motor

Procedure and Simulation
Step 1: Make the proper connection by clicking the node as instructed
below. If the wire is misplaced, click the node number to de-attach the
nodes' wire.

Step 2: Click "Check" button.

1. if connection is correct, an alert appears. Click ok. Now, go to step 4.

2. if connection is wrong, an alert appears. Click ok. Now, go to step 3.

Step 3: Check the connection and either de-attach the incorrect wire
connection or Click on reset button and start from step 1.
Step 4: Switch on the MCB.

Step 5: Click anywhere on the autotransformer.

Step 6: Slide the knob of the Rheostat to change the resistance.

Step 7: Take readings from Rotor, Voltmeter, Ammeter and Watt-meter.

Step 8: Click "Add to table" button to insert the values in table.

Step 9: Follow the procedure from step 6 to step 8, till you have the 6
readings on table.
Step 10: After taking minimum 6 readings, click the "Graph" button.

Step 11: Click "Print" button, to print the full connections with graph and

To sum up everything that has been demonstrated so far, a slip ring
induction motor is referred to as an asynchronous motor as the speed at
which it operates is not equal to the synchronous speed of a rotor. There are
two mechanisms to control speed of Slip Ring Induction Motor, the first is
through rotor rheostat control and the second is through cascade control.
The external rheostat monitors and regulates the motor's speed while also
turning on the slip ring motor. Since resistance decreases as speed
increases, and vice versa, the motor's speed is inversely proportional to field
resistance. For that reason, the objective of speed control can be achieved
through the rheostat which in the first place is used to induce resistance in
the system and set up the starting phase for motor slip ring.


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