Top Notch 3 - Unit 1

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TTS 1 Make small tak. 2. Describe e busy schedule, 3 Develop your cultural awareness. UNIT 4 Discuss now culture changes overtime, (_as== = +: ROWAN PAPER INTERNATIONAL fcr Ban #22038 PM OMT = Al iit ar eA Nett! Meoting: Bangkck, That, Mach 24 ‘Masting Etiquette Breaktast butter Welcome an Philippe Maneje Penn remarks ‘Salon Bangkok Four rit Present ad CEG Ange de Geel ad dscaign alton (Cotes tra” NO Balloon, arcane ang ig plans integrated Lance nO ‘is Regicenal G ris Salon a js i Seton A. Read and summarize the etiquette guidelines sane for an international business meeting. Write four ey statements beginning with Don’t. Salon B_ DISCUSSION Why do you think Rowan Paper International feels it’s necessary to tell participants about the meeting etiquette? What could happen if the company didn’t clarify expectations? 2 unt © ia! PHOTO STORY Read and listen to a conversation between two participants at the meeting in Bangkok. Teresa: Allow mu to introduce myself. Surat: Well, Sowatiee Krab. Nice to Teresa: Is it custornary in Thailand for lam Teresa Segovia trom the ‘meet you, Ms. Segovia. I'm Surat people to be on afirstiname basis? Santiago office. Sawatdee-Koa. Leekpai Surat: Wella company meetings in ‘Surat: Where did you leamnthe wai"? Teresa: No need to be so formal. English, always. In other situations, You're Chilean, aren't yeu? Please call me Terri, though, people tend to belittle Teresa: Yes, 1am. But! have friend in Surat: And please call me Surat. oon oo eae Chile from Thailand, Teresa: OK. Surat, do you mind my “ dager ‘suing yous qlee what they say: “When in Rome... though? Teresa: Mm-hmm..., *doas the Surat: Not ata Romances ‘Thais grat ech other wih 2 gstue called the wal any saying *Sawaten Kaa" (woman) | *Sawatdee hab (men. D_ THINK AND EXPLAIN Answer the que: 1 Why was Surat surprised about the way Teresa 3 What did Teresa mean when she said, “No need to. greeted him? How do you know he was surprised? be so formal”? 2 Why do you think Teresa decided to say 4 What do you think the saying “When in Rome, “Sawatdee-Kaa"? do as the Romans do” means? ‘SPEAKING ‘A. PERSONALIZATION. If you took a business or pleasure trip to another country, how would you like to be addressed? Complete the chart. Then discuss and explain your reasons to a partner. Ree In some situations bby my title and my family name. oa o a by my first name. o o a by my nickname. o oO a 'd preter to follow the local customs. o o a B DISCUSSION Talk about the questions. 1 In your opinion, is it inappropriate for two people 2 In general, when do you think people should use of very different status (such as a CEO and an first names with each other? When should they assistant) to be on a first-name basis? Explain. Use titles and last names? Explain your reasons. unr er) © OOO 4 | tf Make small talk CONVERSATION MODEL ‘A mil Read and listen to two people meeting and making small talk. ‘A: Good morning. Beautiful day, isn’t it? B: It really is. By the way, I'm Kazuko Toshinaga ‘A; I'm Jane Quitt. Nice to meetyou. : 25 Asking about proper address BE Ice ME YOU FO Do you mind # cll you Kazuko)? ‘A: Do you mind if call you Kazuko? Would tbe rude fo callyou [Kazukol? : What would you lke to be called? B: Absolutely not. Please do. [hemp seed rene depts ‘A: And please call me jane. Do you ise Ms. or Mrs? B- }O# RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. ‘Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. GRAMMAR Tag questions: Use and form Use aren't for nogative tag questions Use tag questions to confirm information you already think is true or after Lam. ‘to encourage someone to make small talk with you. Tmonttine, aren't? BUT I'm not late, am 2 ‘sa beautiful day, isn't it? Use pronouns, not names or other nours, intag questions. When the statement is affirmative, the tag is negative. When the Banghokis in Thailand, isn't tt statement is negative, the tag is affirmative, Uso the samo verb NOT kent Bangkok ‘tense or modal in the tag question as in the main statement. affirmative statements negative statements You're Lee, aren't you? You're not Amy. are you? She speaks Thal, doesn’t sho? Idon’t know you, do? He's going to drive, isn’t ho? We're not going to eat here, are wo? They'll be here later, won't they? ttwon't belong, will it? There are alot of rules, aren't there? He wasn't driving, was ho? There isn't any sugar. is there? We didn't know, did wo? Youwere there, weren't you? | Shehasn't been here long, has she? They left, didn't they? You wouldn't do that, would you? W's been a great day, hasn't it? He can't speak Japanese, can he? ‘Ann would like Quito, wouldn't she? p.27 o They canhearme, can't they? Tag questions: short answers A. FIND THE GRAMMAR Find and underline a tag question in the Photo Story on page 3. B_ GRAMNAR PRACTICE Complete each statement with the correct tag question 1 Robis your manager, 2 7 The agenda can’t be printed inthe busines 2 | tumed off the projector, ? cate beleen B00 88 a: Tuild ollie ts BE, > 8 They were explsining the meeting equate, SShewor’t be ot he esting peers 200; 9 she wants tobe addresied by her tst name, 5) We haven't forgotten anyehing, 110: The ad nd Gre hae tas Chin, 6 itwas a great day, ? ? unr PRONUNCIATION Intonation of tag questions A ®'806 Rising intonation usually indicates that the » x07 Falling intonation usually indicates that the speaker is confirming the correctness of information. “w4@ speaker expects the listener to agree. Read and Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. listen. Then listen again and repeat. an’t the it names here, don’t they? 1 People use 2 That meeting was great, wasn't it? 3 It’s a beautiful day tora walk, isn’t it? 1 People use first names here, don’t they? 2 That meeting was great, wasn’tit? 3 It's a beautiful day for a walk, isn’t it? © PAIR WORK. Take turns reading the examples of tag questions in the Grammar chart on page 4. Read ‘each with both rising and falling intonation. Listen to tracks 1:06 and 1:07 to check your intonation, TODD make smau tak Pe leccseiee meas Se ee ea eae ese ae ee & Good : pisn’tit? It really is. By the way, 'm ideas for tag questions Atm : (Atul weather, Nes ater gi las DONT STOP! (Google oS. continue making smal tak The ood i rib, Getto know your new classmates. + Ask about families, jobs, rave, ete Maria, hil 'm Deborah, (_ Your parents arefrom italy, ) B EXTENSION Write your name and afew facts about yourself on a (_ You parent sheet of paper and put it on a table. Choose another classmate’s paper, read it quickly, and put it back on the table. Then meet that person and confirm the information you read, using tag questions. Maria Carbone Igrew up here, but my parents are from ¢ Healy. Istorted studying English when Iwas sremcreeel 4 Moneta GRAMMAR The past perfect: Statements Use the past perfect to describe an action that occurred before a specific time in the past. Look at the ‘timeline to see the order of the actions. Form the past perfect with had + a past participle. 11:00 12.00 LEE PH ‘The meeting ended at 11:00. We arrived. = The meeting had ended before we arrived. Time markers by, already, and yet are often used with the past perfect. ‘Not: n informal speach, you can aso By four o'clock the tour had begun. eee oe ‘They had already eaten when thelr friends called. Serena hence rent When the flight took off, the storm hadn't started yet (OR hadn't yot started). Boe arto Use the past perfect with the simple past tense or the past of be to clarity eta which of two past actions occurred first. ster se made the pesetaen, ‘The meeting had bogun late, so we didn't have lunch until 2:00. they promot her (First the meeting began; then we had lunch.) By the time the tour was over, Ann had already met Kazuko. p.128 (First Ann and Kazuko met; then the tour was over) Sh vein round =——_ ‘A GRANIMAR PRACTICE Choose the correct meaning for each statement, 1 “Before they decided to have the meeting in Bangkok, | had already decided to take my vacation there.” 1 First they decided to have the meeting in Bangkok. Then | decided to take my vacation there. CO First I decided to take my vacation in Bangkok. Then they decided to have the meeting there. 2 “By the time she got to the meeting, she had already reviewed the agenda.” CO First she reviewed the agenda. Then she got to the meeting. First she got to the meeting. Then she reviewed the agenda. 3 “They had already asked us to turn off our cell phones when the CEO began her presentation.” 1 First they asked us to turn off our cell phones. Then the CEO began her presentation. 1 First the CEO began her presentation. Then they asked us to turn off our cell phones. o B_ It’s now 7:00 rm. Read Meg's to-do list and complete the statements, Using the past perfec, already, and yet. oS 1 At 8:30 Meg hertaundry, but Monday, January 4 she the cat to her moms house. ee ferayat 2 By 10:45 she the cat to her mom's house, — BUT SHE... ssosessnnesnnen FOF the meeting. a 3B BY I215 SME occeseseeesnes the sales binders at renee = Office Solutions, but she .... .. lunch with Adam. mae ae 4/A01:30 she... tunch with Adam, but she cielo sii “the DVDs to FilmPix. tun Pe DVDs Fines 5 By 2:15 She oa the DVDs to FilmPix, * DUE SAE oon the dentist co the dentist, but she ee a manicure. omnis” \Getamaniare thas tre! 6 UNITY Co: penta! RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again © CONVERSATION MODEL ‘A. ioe! Read and listen to someone describing a busy schedule, ‘A: So how was your day? B: Unbelievably busy. By 9:00 | had taken the placement test, registered for class, and bought my books. A: That's lot to do before 9:00! o : B: That was nothing! At 10:00, I had a ee ‘meeting across town, but by 1:00 unbelievably had already arrived back at school — for my class. esa ‘A: What did you do about lunch? realy : Well, when I gottto class, | hadn’t * eaten yet, so | just got a snack. ‘A: Wow! I'll bet you're pretty hungry now! rae and repeat, Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. TOTTI pescrive a busy schedule ‘A CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, change the Conversation Model to describe a busy day, morning, afternoon, evening, week, or any other period of time in the past. Use the past perfect. Then change roles. A: So how was your... ? busy. By ' A: That's a lot to do before hat was nothing! ‘A: What did you do about 2 ‘= Ask more questions about ‘your partners actives. + Provide more detalls bout the activities, B CHANGE PARTNERS Practice the conversation again. Ask other classmates to describe their busy schedules. w GY BEFORE YOU LISTEN |. ii VOCABULARY + Manners and otiquette Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. etiquette rules for polite behavior in Punctuality the habit of being on time society or in a particular group a pane Fld offensive extremely rude or impolite table manners rules or polite behavior | €ustomary usual ortracitional ina particular culture when eating with other people taboo rot allowed because of very strong cultural or religious rules B Complete each sentence with the correct word or phrase from the Vocabulary. 1 It’s (taboo / impolite) to eat pork in some religions. No one would ever do it. 2 Many people believe that (cultural literacy / punctuality) is important and ‘that being late is impolite. 3 In some cultures, it's (offensive / customary) to take pictures of people without permission, so few people do that. 4 Some people think that talking with 2 mouth Ful of food isan example of bad (cultural literacy / table manners). 5 In some cultures it's (customary / offensive) to name children after a living relative, and most people observe that tradition. 6 Each culture has rules of (cultural literacy / etiquette) that are important for visitors to that country to know. 7 In more conservative cultures, it’s slightly (impolite / taboo) to call someone by his or her first name without being invited to, but itisn’t truly offensive. 8 The most successful global travelers today have developed their (punctuality / cultural literacy) so they are aware of differences in etiquette from culture to culture, C DISCUSSION Discuss your opinions, using the Vocabulary. 11 What are some good ways to teach children etiquette? Give examples. 2 Do you know of any differences in etiquette between your culture and others? Give examples. 3 Why are table manners important in almost all cultures? How would people behave if there were no rules?’ LISTENING COMPREHENSION Pre 1 Arturo/ 2 Hiroko / 3 Javier / A i LISTEN FOR MAIN IDEAS. Look at the Le Ld subjects on the chart. Listen to three calls | table manners oO o o from a radio show. Check the subjects that ‘greetings o o o are discussed during each call dress and GOTRG 5 5 5 pete LISTEN TO SUMMARIZE Listen again. | male / female behavior o o oa (On a separate sheet of paper, take notes | taboos o o o about the calls. Then, with a partner, write |e ‘a summary of each call. Use the Vocabulary. | OHensive behavior u 0 o punctuality o o o language oa o o unt /POTLLTLILD cevelop your cutural awareness {ls A FRAME YOUR IDEAS With a partner, look at the questions about your culture on the notepad. Discuss each question and write answers. NI How do people greet each other when they meet for the first time? How do they greet each other when they already know each other? ‘Are greeting customs different for men and women? How? eet Poe te ee eer ‘When and how do you address people formally? ‘When and how do you address people informally? | ‘What are some do's and don'ts for table manners? ‘Are certain foods or beverages taboo? What are some taboo conversation topics? What are the customs about punctuality? Whatis a customary gift to bring on a visi to someone’s home? © GROUP WORK Role-play a conversation with a visitor to your Are there any gift taboos (kinds of flowers, etc.)? CSuntey, Tall the Viskor about ‘your culture. Use the answers to the questions on the notepad. ‘Are there places where certain clothes would be inappropriate? 44 Its bad table manners to pick Lup a soup bow! and drink soup fromit Yeuhave to usea spocn. #7 Is there an important aspect of your culture that’s not on this list? + ts not customary for a man to ‘extend his hand to shake hands ee 2 ‘with a woman, He shoul wait forthe woman to da that. > B DISCUSSION Combine classmates’ notes on the board for the class to share. Does everyone agree? Discuss your differences of opinion. UT! 9 Discuss how culture changes over time BEFORE YOU READ [APPLY PRIOR KNOWLEDGE In what ways do you think table manners have changed since the days when your grandparents were children? Co READING asa Global Cuture x = © © ww globaloulturelprofiee.piacea/nterviows Glebal oe GC Today, Global Culture interviewing Eugenia ulturre | tanteyorjackson,anssssipplintmeus about : Changes tocuture. as. Harley, culture has a bitsinee you were growingul inthe forties hast tie? ‘arlley:Ob, definitly, and maybemoresofor me than for others because Jackson iin the ‘South which was prety socall conservativewhen Iwasa young. GC: Please tell usabout some of the changes you have personally experienced. ‘Hartley: My heavens! Well, the new South isso different from the old South ina lot of good ‘ways as everyone knows. But since youask me personally, itwould probably bedating ‘customs, the way young people talk to their elders, tablemanners.. GC:OK. How have those things changed? ‘Hartley: Well, for example, when Iwas growing up, the family diner hour was the one timein the day when the family ‘sat down together, and itwas aspecial time, Today, that’s changed. In many families, there's no dinner hour. Kids eat ‘snacks or fast food all day, parents are working long hours and don’t have time to make a proper meal, and there are ‘Somany activities that it seemslike no onehas time. In my day, children were more respectlul and quiet at the table— ‘we spoke when we were spoken to, we didn’t put our elbows on the table, and we dressed nicely. Noone came to the dinner table in shorts or jeans the way they do today. GC:Thatis different, sn'tit? You mentioned dating. How has that changed? Hartley: Well, today, I see boys and girls ondatesat the mall. They can't be more than twelve or thirteen yearsold! Iwasn't allowed togo out on a proper date until I was sixteen. And wien [finally was allowed to date, my parents didn’tlet me {go out with aboy they hadi’ already met. Ob, Andi hada detinite curfew. [had tobe home by 11:00. I came ia late, was grounded—forat least amonth. Rwasa lite diferentformy brother, though. T guess there wasa bit of adouble standard, He could go out on dates whenhe was sixteen, buthiscurfew wasn'tas strict as mine, Hewas allowed to stay out until midnight. GC: And you mentioned the way young people addressed thelrelders. How has ‘that changed? artiey: Well, today you hear teens even children, calling adults by ther fistnames. We hhadto address adults as‘siror-ma‘am.~ And we always used Mr, and Ms Teuppose a ? thatsoundsa ite ol-fashionedtoday. doesnt it? LMissisippiisinthesouthera:s. ©C: Maybe sot Thanksso much, Ms. Harticy,for an interesting interview. A DRAW CONCLUSIONS Answer the questions, based on the Reading. Explain the reasoning behind each of your answers. 1 How old do you estimate Ms. Hartley to be today? 2 Does Ms. Hartley prefer the culture of the past or the culture of the present? 3 What is Ms, Hartley's opinion of the change in the role of parents? 4 Does Ms. Hartley approve of the differences in child and teen behavior that have taken place? 10° NT © B__ UNDERSTAND FROM CONTEXT Find and underline each of the following words in the Reading. ‘Then use your understanding of the words to write definitions. ors Ruse err curfew EI rounded MOTT viseuss now cutture changes overtime ‘A. FRAME YOUR IDEAS Think about how culture has changed since your parents or grandparents were ‘your age. I necessary, ask your parents or grandparents for information. Complete the survey. fer wes al) 4. Table manners 2. Musical tastes 3. Dating customs, 4, Clothing customs 55, Rules about formal behavior 6. Rules about punctuality + 4-6 =A ttle of both. You's wing corms of address te adapt to change bret 20 2. forme 3. Your met "Easy does" 8. Male / female roles in the workplace a Se, 9. Male / female roles in the home ae cae caer wat B PAIRWORK Compare and discuss your answers. Provide specific examples of changes for each answer. Use the 10 rae: My mother wore 2 enor to school past perfect if you can. But by the time I started school, kids had Stapptd weating them. Now kis can goto (C DISCUSSION Talk about how culture has changed. Include pease baie soe ens) FY these topics in your discussion: ‘+ Which changes do you think are good? Which changes, are not good? Explain your reasons. ‘ext mining (optional) | ‘+ How do you think older people feel about these changes? _fint a unerin es wae tras nthe ening ‘= Doyou think men and women differ in theifeeings about" Frsanple “ait el cultural change? If 30, how? 9 Formality “Tag questions ‘Agreement / Disagreement beona firstname basis [People don't Jas much, | agree. preferto be addressed by | do they? 1 think you're right. It's impoite to [customs] used tobe, asagree Its offensive ts —- dit thoy? ‘Actualy,Idor't agroe because __. Ws customary to. Realy! think Itisn't customary To _. urs 14 ‘Pa135 Listen to the conversations between people introducing themselves, Check the statement that correctly paraphrases the main idea. 1.11 She'd like to be addressed by her title and family name. She'd like to be addressed by her frst name. 2.0 She'd prefer to be called by her first name, She'd prefer to be called by her title and last name, 3 [1 It’s customary to call people by thei first name there, D Wt’s not customary to call people by their first name there, 40 He's comfortable with the policy about nares. 1 He's not comtortable with the policy about names. 5.0) She prefers to use the title “Mrs.” She prefers to use the ttle “Dr” B Complete each sentence with a tag question. 1 You're not from around here... ? 2 You were in this class last year, ? 3 They haven't been here since yesterday, ? 4 Before the class, she hadn't yet told them how she wanted to be addressed, css ? 5 can bring flowers as a gift for the hosts, 2 6 You won't be back in time for dinner... 2 7 Imet you on the tour in Nepal, nee snnnnnnns 2 8 We'll have a chance to asus this tommorrow, . 9 They were going to dinner, .. wei? 10 My friends are going to be surprised to se€ YOU, css? © Complete each statement with a word from the Vocabulary on page 8. 1 Offending other people when eating a meal is an example of bad ...... 2 Each country has customs and traditions about how to behave in social situations. The rules are sometimes called... 3 Each culture has its own sense of It’s important to understand people's ideas about lateness. mare: ee) Write two e-mail messages—one formal and one informal—telling someone Te noTeH GR «tyes pase about the cultural traditions in your country. Review the questionnaire about ‘Ws a Great Day for Lover cultural traditions on page 9 for information to select from. + For the formal e-mail, imagine you are writing to a businessperson who is coming to your country on a business trip. * For the informal e-mail, imagine you are writing to a friend who is forthe forme oall nage « @ + Formal eral eiquetio ‘+ Guidance for this writing exercise 12 UNTI oo TELLA STORY First, look atthe pictures and tell the story ofthe Garzas and the tos on June 10. Then look at the itineraries below and use the past perfect to talk about what they had done by june 6. Stat lke this: By June 5, the Itos had been to PAIR WORK Create conversations. 1 Create a conversation for the two men in the first picture. Each man tells the other how he'd like to be addressed. 2 Create a conversation for the two women in the second picture The women are making small talk. 3 Create a conversation for the people in the third picture. Ask and answer questions about their trips to Peru. Use the past perfect when possible. (ei and Ania —) bie Diana and ‘in GLOBAL ADVENTURES, imac ) CMake sma tak 1 Deserise a busy schedule Cl Develop your cultural awareness. 1 biscuss how cute changes overtime.

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