OT24 Jericho 5+

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The Battle of

5+ lesson pack
This week we will con�nue with the story of Joshua just a�er the children of
Video playlist
Israel had crossed the river Jordan and are now in the promised land. Our lesson
will focus on how God gave Joshua and the children of Israel victory over Jericho
and why Rahab and her family escaped the destruc�on. Our Scripture text is
found in Joshua 5:13- 6:1-27. Some of the takeaway points are:

• God can change people’s lives.

• No ma�er what bad things we have done, God will forgive us when we
• When we obey, God gives us the victory.
• We can become part of the family of God.

Lesson guide
Remind the child that Joshua is now the leader of Israel, and the �me has come to take the Promised
Land. Ask the child if they recall how long the Israelites wandered in the desert.

Explain that long ago, ci�es were surrounded by high walls to protect them. If you live near a walled city,
you can take a day trip to see walls. If you do not live near a walled city, show the child pictures online.

Talk about Rahab. Explain that she lived a life that did not honour God. Point out that she repented and
trusted God. God not only forgave her sins, but he also made her part of Jesus’ family tree. If you have a
family tree, you can show the child. You can also create a simple family tree for the child to help them

Ask the child if they remember what colour of thread Rahab hung in her window. Build a wall of blocks
and hang various coloured strings or pieces of yarn. Ask the child which window belongs to Rahab. Think
about how red is also the colour of Jesus’ blood that saves us from our sins.

Ask the child if they have ever tried to do something impossible. Talk about impossible things. Some can
be silly (cats can’t speak English) while others can be serious (we can’t save ourselves from our sins). Talk
about how with God all things are possible. Show the child the picture of the big wall around a city (such
as Jerusalem). Ask if it would be easy to bring down the wall. Suggest some things that might make a hole
in it. Talk about how God didn’t choose a tractor or a wrecking ball. Instead, He had the people march
around the city.

March around the wall of blocks that you created for the coloured thread game above. Have the child
count with you each �me you make a circle. (If the wall is small, you can place it on the table and march
around the table instead). On number seven, shout and make trumpet sounds. Knock over the wall.

Remind the child that when God says to do something, He will make a way. His ways always work, and He
can give us the victory.

Celebrate that with God, all things are possible.

Pray and ask Jesus to help you trust in Him and know that He can do anything.

© 2021 truewaykids.com
The Battle of Jericho
Joshua trusted God and knew it was �me
to enter the Promised Land.
Joshua sent spies to look at the land. He
sent some spies to a city called Jericho.
Jericho was a city that had massive walls.
There was a woman in Jericho called
She had done a lot of bad things but had
heard about God and put her trust in Him.
When the king looked for the spies, Rahab
hid them and helped them to escape.
One day Joshua and the people were near Jericho. A man suddenly
appeared to him with his drawn sword in his hand. Joshua was afraid and
asked the man, “Are you for us or against us?”
The man told Joshua that he is the commander of the army of the Lord.
The commander of the LORD’S army said to Joshua, “Take off your sandals
from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy.” Joshua
The people of Jericho were locked safely inside the city walls. No one came
in or went out of the city.
God told Joshua what to do. Joshua called the priests and all the soldiers.
He told them to get in line to march around the city as the Lord had
commanded them. Seven priests were to carry trumpets made of Ram’s
horn, four priests to carry the ark of the covenant and the soldiers to guard
around the priests.
When they were in line the seven priests blew their horns and the whole
army began to march. The men did not talk, they only marched forward. All
the way around Jericho they marched, then went back to their tents.

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They did this for six days.
Then Joshua said to the men, “Tomorrow you get up very early in the
morning. We are going to march around the city seven �mes. Then we will
shout. God will make the wall of Jericho to fall down flat.”
Joshua remembered Rahab who had hid the spies he had sent to spy
Jericho from being killed.
He said to the two spies “You must go to Rahab’s house and protect her.
The people walked around Jericho. No one talked as they marched around
the city six �mes but on the seventh �me, Joshua gave them an order to
shout. They shouted as loud as they could, and the walls of Jericho fell with
great crash.
The two spies hurried to Rahab’s
house to protect her and her
The men of Israel ran into the city
and destroyed it.

© 2021 truewaykids.com
Fill in the missing numbers
7+0=7 0+7=7
6+4=7 1+6=7
5+2=7 2+5=7
4+3=7 3+4=7
3+4=7 4+3=7
2+5=7 5+2=7
1+6=7 6+1=7
© 2021 truewaykids.com
Jericho crossword

2. The number of priests who blew their horns
3. The city with big walls
6. Rahab helped two ______.
7. Four priests to carry the ______ of the covenant.

1. Jericho had very big ______
2. On the seventh �me, Joshua told the people to _____
3. God told ____ what to do.
4. The trumpets were made from the horn of a ___
5. The number of days the people walked quietly around Jericho
8. The woman who helped the spies

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Colour the rope
to Rahab’s window

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Spot 14 differences

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Games and Ac�vi�es
Split children into two teams.
Give each team and equal number of
plas�c or paper cups.
They should set up these as their wall.
Taking it in turns teams will throw a so�
ball trying to knock down each others wall.
The team who’s wall survives the longest


One child counts while the other children
The child must then search for the other
The last child to be found will count in the
next round.
Talk about how the king of Jericho looked
for the spies
This is a modern spy game that kids will
Create a laser field using wool or
Children must make it through the
course without triggering the alarm.
(Touching the string).

© 2021 truewaykids.com
Horn Craft
What you need:
• Template
• White card
• Colouring pencils,
crayons or paint.
• Sticky tape
• Glue

What to do:

Print out the template Colour in the horn any Cut out from card
onto white card and collect design you like.

Wrap sticky tape around Carefully fold along dotted When dry place another
the mouth section. This will line and roll to glue. Allow to layer of sticky tape
protect it from getting wet dry. around mouth section.
while blowing
If in a rush, you could also
use sticky tape here.

© 2021 truewaykids.com
eh ere
- glu
e here
re - glu
h e
-g lue
lue here
re -
e he
- glu
g lue h
re -
e he
- glu
e here
re - glu
h e

© 2021 truewaykids.com
Print onto
White card
For best results
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© 2021 truewaykids.com
© 2021 truewaykids.com
Worship Time
Recommended worship songs. Not produced by Trueway Kids. YouTube
Videos to be used for personal use only.

Jericho's Wall Came Falling Down

Joshua fought the Battle of Jericho
I'm In The Lord's Army

Prayer Time
Thank God that He forgives people.
Thank God that nothing is impossible for
Ask Him to help you trust and obey.

Next Week

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to receive future lesson by email.

© 2021 truewaykids.com

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