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Level: …intermediate…………………….

Number of students: …14

Aims (What do you intend the students to get out of the lesson?)
By the end of the lesson students will have learnt how to write an advantage\disadvantage essay.

To practice writing, speaking in pairs, brainstorming ideas, analyzing and giving comments on
peer's essay plan.

Personal Aims:
To manage the time well, give clear instructions, present discourse markers well.

Materials (list books used with pages, and any supplementary material including any self-designed)

Speakout Intermediate Student's Book, Pearson Longman, 2011., Speakout Intermediate Teacher's Resource
Book, Pearson Longman, 2011., pictures from the internet.

Assumptions (What do the students already know which should help you with your aims? - think about their
background, likes/dislikes, level etc. )

I assume that students will enjoy watching the introduction video on technology, which should help them to
brainstorm ideas. Students may face some problems during the lesson (see problems-solution section).
Overall, I expect them to remember and use most of the discourse markers presented during the lesson in the
final writing and in future.

Timetable fit (how does your lesson link to / build on other lessons? - consider what your fellow trainees
have taught or will teach and how it can be relevant to your lesson in terms of language, skills or topic)

Students were already given a lesson by one of the trainees on writing, my lesson will continue with an
advantage\disadvantage essay.

Anticipated Problems and Solutions for Classroom Management

The overhead projector might not display my Print out the slides, stick the slides to the
video. blackboard. Show video directly on the computer.
SS may find instructions for freer practice Give instructions two times, use CCQ to check
complicated to understand. understating, model the first example.
SS may find it hard to comment on their peer's Monitor and help with vocabulary, structure and
essay. comments.
Stage Stage Aims Time Procedure Inter.

1.Warmer To motivate learning. 5 min 1.T shows ss a short video on technology to introduce the topic. T-ss
T elicits the word "technology". Ss know this word from the
previous lessons. T elicits the words "advantages\
disadvantages", preteach if necessary.

2. Lead in To make ss think about the 10 1. Ss are divided into two groups, one group writes a list of Ss
upcoming exercises. min advantages of technology, another - disadvantages. T monitors
and helps with vocabulary. Ss work in pairs of advantage\
disadvantage to share ideas.
2. In feedback T elicits ideas and writes them on the board. T-ss

3. Reading To get overall understanding 5 min 1. Ss read the text and match the paragraphs with description. Ss
for gist of the paragraphs. Check answers in pairs. See handout 1.
2. In feedback T elicits answers. T-ss

4. Reading To teach ss reading for 5 min 1. Ss read the essay again and compare ideas from the text with Ss
for specific specific information their ideas.
information 2. In feedback T goes through ideas and adds those which are T-ss
not on the list.

5.Post To repeat and memorize 5 min 1. Preteach the words "controversial topic, sparks debate, T-ss
listening useful phrases for writing. contrasting ideas, additional reasons". Ss
activities 2.T gives ss cards with phrases. Ss have to match the expression
to one of the categories. T writes the categories on the board,
gives examples. Ss walk and stick the expressions. See handout T-ss
2. 3. T gives feedback.

6. Freer To practice writing, using new 15 Ss choose a topic and write advantages and disadvantages. Then Ss
practice expressions. min they write a draft of their essay. When finished, swap with a
partner to make suggestions. T monitors and helps when T-ss
necessary. Ss share ideas with the class. Handout 3.

Anticipated Problems and Solutions

Problem Solution
Ss may find it hard to come up with ideas for advantages and Brainstorm the ideas, ask students to work in pairs.
Ss may use discourse markers incorrectly. Provide ss with exercises on discourse markers, explain.
Ss may not structure the essay correctly. Provide ss with an exercise on an essay structure, explain.
Ss may find it hard to formulate their ideas. Monitor carefully and help if necessary. Swap ss with a partner to make
Ss may not know how to write an introduction or conclusion. Provide ss with useful phrases for writing introduction and conclusion.

Ss may not know some words. Elicit, preteach and drill the words.
Handout 1

Pictures source:
Handout 2

Introduction Additional reasons

The topic of .... always sparks debate... As well as that,....
It's easy to see the advantages and disadvantages And another thing,...
.... is a very controversial topic. Another advantage\disadvantage...
Introduce advantages In addition to this,...
The most important advantage is... Personal opinion\conclusion
One of the main advantages... In general,...
Introduce disadvantages As far as I'm concerned, ...
The main disadvantage is... In my opinion,
The problem is that... In conclusion,...
Contrasting ideas
On the other hand,...
Handout 3
Choose one of the titles, write advantages and Advantages: Disadvantages:
disadvantages essay.

Title: Advantages and disadvantages of_______________________________________________________

Vocabulary Analysis

Vocab item Definition Context (story, dialogue, picture Clarification of Problems and solutions
etc) and eliciting question meaning (ccqs etc)

Advantage, noun A condition I live in the countryside. It's good Is it something P. Ss may mispronounce or
/ədˈvɑːn.tɪdʒ/   giving a because I have my own garden, I positive? Yes misunderstand the word.
greater chance breath fresh air, I have fruits and Is speaking English an S. Explain and drill if
of success. vegetables. All these are_______ advantage? Yes necessary.
of living in the countryside.

Disadvantage, noun A condition or I live in the countryside. It's not Is it something P. Ss may mispronounce or
/ˌdɪs.ədˈvɑːn.tɪdʒ/ situation that really because there are no shops, negative? Yes misunderstand the word.
causes hospitals and schools around. Is getting fat a S. Explain and drill if
problems. There is no public transport, so I disadvantage of eating necessary.
must drive a take a taxi to go sweets? Yes
shopping. All these are_______
of living in the countryside.

Controversial, noun Causing Do you know the film "50 shades Do people agree on P. Ss may mispronounce or
/ˌkɒn.trəˈvɜː.ʃəl/   disagreement of grey"? Some people like it, this? No misunderstand the word.
or discussion. some don't. So they argue, Is it something people S. Explain and drill if
because it's a very___________ argue about? Yes necessary.

Sparks debate To cause Some people like smoking, some Does it mean that many P. Ss may mispronounce or
/spɑːks dɪˈbeɪt/ serious don't. There are many people who people argue on this misunderstand the word.
discussion of a argue on this topic. This topic? Yes S. Explain and drill if
subject in topic__________ Does it mean that they necessary.
which many don't agree? Yes
people take

Contrasting ideas, To compare It's good to live in the countryside When you contrast P. Ss may mispronounce or
/kənˈtrɑː.stɪŋ aɪ two ideas in because I have my own garden, ideas, do you compare misunderstand the word.
ˈdɪəs/ order to show but there are no shops around. By them? Yes S. Explain and drill if
the differences saying this I am______________ Is it often about good necessary.
between them. and bad? Often

Additional reasons Extra It's good to live in the countryside Is it when we give P. Ss may mispronounce or
/əˈdɪʃ.ən.əl explanations, because I have my own garden, more and more misunderstand the word.
/ˈriː.zən// reasons and because I breath fresh air, and reasons? Yes S. Explain and drill if
because I have fruits and necessary.
vegetables. By saying this I am

Reference Material

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