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Color Removal from Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent - Methods and Industrial

Applications - A Review.
Rajesh K. S., Singaravel M., Sankaralingam P., Subramanian. S.,
Subrahmanyam S. V.

Color and odour from integrated pulp and paper mill has been a matter of concern, on aesthetic sense, which has
also been addressed in the CREP guidelines for the pulp and paper industry. Though the odour problem has been
taken care by installing systems for NCG collection and combustion, the color removal from effluent, on a
continuous industrial scale, has been an aspect of research for several years. Many technologies and methods have
been tried out successfully in bench scale and even on pilot plant scale. However there is no proven method for
color removal from pulp and paper mill effluent, so far, on an industrial scale. There has been several promising
methods demonstrated, which need a combination of techniques. This paper reviews the color removal techniques
so far studied. Color reduction at source is the most practical.

Introduction: mill effluent. The crux of the issue lies installations have incorporated the
in translating these methods on brown loop closure to prevent any
Pulp and paper industry being industrial scale, for an effluent volume liquor or washings finding their way to
categorized under the Red category of as high as 2000-3000 m3/hour. Many of the effluent. In addition chemical
polluting industries, it has been under the references on color reduction focus recovery is also an added advantage.
tremendous environmental pressure, to on reducing the color at source of The other color source is from
improve the performance related to generation, rather than adopting end- bleaching section, where very little
pollution. Water consumption being of-pipe treatment methods. Controlling scope is available for reuse of filtrate.
large, the effluent volume generated is the color at source through control of The caustic extraction stage filtrate is
also large. The effluent treatment spillages, washing losses, overflows, the highest colored effluent among the
processes adopted guarantee the brown loop closure, reducing kappa effluents from different stages of
achievement of parameter values below number through Oxygen bleaching. The color load from other
the Pollution control board norms, delignification, Ozone bleaching has bleaching stages is low. So the two
including specific effluent discharge. been commercially successful. The major color inputs are from brown stock
Mills have changed over to Elemental industry is still on the look out for a washing area and caustic extraction
Chlorine Free (ECF) bleaching viable color removal method, on a large stage.
resulting in substantial improvement in scale. Various color removal methods
effluent quality with regard to TDS, studied so far, have been discussed Color reduction at source
Color, COD and AOX. However, as a which warrants combination of Methods and techniques
treatment process for continuous scale techniques.
removal of color from effluent, no Minimizing color load - control at
viable method has been demonstrated Source of Color in pulp and source:
so far. Studies have been carried out on paper mill effluent
color removal of pulp and paper mill As discussed earlier lignin compounds,
effluent, which include Chemical The pulp and paper mill effluent color is which are complex in nature are the
decolorisation, Coagulation, derived mainly from lignin and its source of color. Hence every attempt to
adsorption, membrane separation, derivatives removed during pulping minimize black liquor filtrates will
Electro coagulation, fungal and bleaching processes. The effluent considerably reduce the color of final
decolorisation, Chemo-Autotrophic generated from papermaking is almost effluent. Usually collection sumps are
Activated Carbon Oxidation (CAACO) colorless carrying a small tint of the made to collect spillages and overflows
process etc. All these processes have no dyes. The major source of color is from in brown stock washer area, which can
doubt proved to be efficient in the pulp mill process. The overflows be then pumped back, Of course the
removing color from pulp and paper and effluent from brown stock washing collection sump needs a level control,
area is a major source of color. The so that the sump does not overflow into
Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Ltd, black liquor remnants getting washed the effluent channel. Also periodical
Kagithapuram, Karur 639 136. during screening and thickening desludging to remove settled matter is
India. operations get drained imparting high also essential.
color to the effluent. Recent pulp mill
The second attempt to control is to
IPPTA J. Vol.21, No. 1, Jan-March., 2009 143
minimize alkali carryover during There is no proven demonstrated
washing. The carried over alkali along technique for color removal on an Chemical Oxidation
with brown pulp gets usually removed industrial continuous scale from an
at the screening and thickening stage integrated pulp and paper mill effluent. This process has been to some extent
and the filtrate has a high color of 4000- practicable. Use of oxidants like Ozone,
6000 Pt.Co. Units. The filtrate can be Some of the end-of-pipe color removal Peroxide, Peroxymonosulphate, Hypo,
taken to the brown stock washer spray methods studied are based on Chlorine di Oxide, Peracetic acid and
through heat exchanger, since Decker Physical - Adsorption Chlorine. Oxidizing agents can
sprays are usually with cold water only, Chemical- oxidative decolorisation accomplish the destruction of both
while brown stock washing needs a Biological-fungal/Enzymatic chromophores and toxic compounds.
minimum of 70°C temperature for decolorisation The cheaper oxidants being Chlorine
spray water. Modern twin roll presses Electrochemical decolorisation and hypo, pose problem of
are more efficient in COD removal Chemical Coagulation and organochloride by products. Others are
during washing and thickening and precipitation expensive or unstable or both. So the
specific water consumption is also Membrane process chemical oxidation process is adopted
lower. The conventional drum washers Photo oxidation as a pretreatment step to degrade
however require higher amount of wash Ion exchange compounds that otherwise resist
water and consequently effluent biological treatment.
generation is also more. Mills also use Physical adsorption method:
wash-aid chemicals to improve Ozone decolorisation has been found to
washing efficiency and to reduce the Color removal using fly ash and be a very effective method. But the only
alkali loss in pulp. These aid to reduce cinder problem is generation of Ozone at low
the color load to the effluent. cost. Ozone being unstable has to be
The fly ash and cinder generated in generated at the point of use.
In addition, the bleach plant effluent boilers have found to have color Heightened interest in the Ozone
color load is a direct consequence of the adsorbing effect. They act similar to bleaching has spurred improvements in
kappa number and the alkali loss activated carbon and adsorb the color ozone generator technology making it
carryover. Reducing the kappa number bearing compounds when effluent is more economical. A related obstacle in
of the bleach plant inlet pulp results is passed through. The efficiency of successful application of ozone for
proportionate color reduction in bleach process depends on the particle size and effluent color removal is the quantity of
plant effluent. Techniques such as surface area of the ash. The color carrier gas to be handled. Ozone auto-
Oxygen delignification and use of removal by this technique could not be decomposition increases with increase
Digester additives to reduce kappa extended to a large scale. Also the color in ozone concentration and
number of digester outlet pulp are the reduction started coming down as the temperature. The modern systems
common approaches to reduce kappa ash gets saturated and regeneration of recycle the carrier gas to reduce its
number. Oxidative extraction using ash is not possible. As a once through consumption, but they are economical
peroxide and/or Oxygen is also adopted system also, efficient mixing of ash and only for largest system generator
which reduce the extraction stage effluent necessitates mixing of ash at capacities. But as color levels go down,
effluent color significantly. low concentration and then removing the Ozone requirement also goes down
the ash through settling and filtration, making it more affordable. (3)
Measurement of color: which is not possible on an industrial
scale. Photo-oxidation:
The pulp and paper industry has
adopted the standard method for color Ion exchange resin Sorption UV irradiation laboratory studies have
measurement, which is absorbance of system shown that the bleach effluent color can
465nm light by a sample adjusted to pH be completely reduced, in presence of
7.6 and filtered through an 80µ filter. Three processes namely DOW, ROHM active titanium dioxide. The rutile form
Color is reported in standard color a and Haas process and the Uddeholm- of Titanium di oxide can be used, which
unit that represents the concentration of Kamyr (Billerud) process. (2) The is a photo chemically active
a color standard solution producing an effluent is passed through highly cross- semiconductor, which converts light
equivalent degree of absorbance of linked resin possessing no ion exchange energy into reactive radical .OH, which
platinum as Chloroplatinate. (1) This properties. The resin functions best at are extremely reactive. The photo
has been defined under EPA/NCASI pH of 2.0 to 2.5, which can be achieved catalysis has been adjudged the best
standard laboratory procedure and is by mixing acid and alkaline bleach potential application for color removal
reproducible. effluents. Decolorisation efficiency of but has been tested only up to bench
85-92% have been reported. The resin scale level. The power requirement
Color removal techniques - End regeneration using weak wash transfers equivalent makes it extremely
of pipe treatment methods- color components to green liquor in expensive, though 90% decolorisation
Literature references smelt dissolving tank. The Billerud is achieved.(4)
process also adopts ion exchange
A number of techniques have been tried system commercially. But resin life is Electrochemical process:
for color removal from pulp and paper too short (six months). This has
mill effluent. Quite a large number of increased the operating costs. Kamyr The electrochemical process is a
publications are available on the installed a unit based on Billerud REDOX process driven directly by
subject- all restricted to laboratory concept in Japan which was abandoned electrochemical energy. About 80%
scale/bench scale/pilot plant scale. due to resin fouling problems.
IPPTA J. Vol.21, No. 1, Jan-March., 2009 144
color removal from bleach plant Two other obstacles reported include stock washing.
effluent from Kraft process has been high operating cost and very high 3. Recycle excess Decker filtrate in
reported. The color removal from associated costs for capital, membrane bagasse washing
caustic extraction stage has been 90%. replacement and maintenance. (7)
Studies have been made on several Destruction techniques
effluent streams and different electrode Biological processes:
types. One of the process variation As of now no color destruction
studied utilizes the froth produced from Degradation of lignin by fungi has been techniques such as oxidation,
hydrogen bubbles to float out the elucidated by several investigators. biological treatment or electrochemical
suspended solids out of the system. Microbes have been engineered to methods are adopted. However bench
Electrochemical systems are effective produce enzymes that degrade lignin, at scale studies have been carried out with
but operating cost is high since much of least under laboratory conditions. these techniques.
the electrochemical energy is Currently there is one process MYCOR
consumed in non desirable side process applicable to color removal. Color removal/separation
reactions. (5) The mycelial color removal (MYCOR) system:
uses Phanerochaete Chrysosporium to
Coagulation and precipitation: metabolize lignin color bodies and Alum coagulation for color removal
remove color. The fungus is grown on was followed for some time, for
Chemical coagulants cause formation rotating biological contactor, and anaerobic effluent stream. This was
of a sludge phase that can be separated effluent is decolorized. But the process subsequently changed to ferrous
by density difference. A variety of is not economical because it is not self chloride pickle liquor treatment, and is
coagulants have been studied for colour sustaining with respect to growth of being followed continuously.
removal which include Lime, Alum, fungus. This process can be used
Ferric/Ferrous iron pickle liquors, Fly effectively in combination with Color removal studies
ash, sulfuric acid, polyamines. Good physical and chemical treatments. undertaken at TNPL so far:
color removal has been obtained. But
sludge separation, removal and Color removal processes- 1. Fly ash adsorption
disposal considerations have been a present practices at TNPL
bottleneck.(6) Effluent decolorisation studies on
A hierarchical approach to color bench scale were carried out with Fly
Membrane process, Ultra reduction is beneficial. The four levels ash from boiler. Cinder was also used.
filtration to be considered are The color removal efficiency was found
to be correlating with the surface area
A membrane process uses a membrane 1. Prevention and minimization and Iodine absorption value of the
to separate a fluid mixture into rich and 2. Reuse and recycle adsorbent. Color removal efficiency of
lean fractions. Ultra filtration (UF) and 3. Destruction 90% could be achieved. When the
Reverse Osmosis (RO) are the two most 4. Separation and disposal adsorbent gets saturated with color
widely recognized examples. The fluid bodies, the same has to be replaced.
pressure is the driving force in UF/RO The most desirable level being Doing this on an industrial continuous
process. The method is efficient as prevention and minimization, scale is difficult. Filterability of the fly
color removal technique but membrane following steps have been taken to ash is also slow requiring long time for
life and disposal of rejects is again a reduce color of effluent filtration. When particle size is higher
serious problem. Membrane fouling filtration is faster, but color removal is
creates a marked decrease in flux rate. 1. Technology updating: new fiber lower. Also the pH of the effluent was
This can be prevented by pretreatment line for hardwood incorporating found to shift over to acidic side
of effluent to remove particulate and Oxygen delignification and brown requiring neutralization before
colloidal matter. Pressure pulsing and loop closure. Introduction of ECF disposal.
detergent cleaning are also adopted. bleaching technology and
Zaidi et. al. presented an overview of installation of state-of-the-art twin 2. Alum/Polymer coagulation
developments of UF technology as roll presses for pulp processing.
applicable to pulp and paper industry 2. Oxidative extraction: In old As a tertiary treatment option, the final
which regards membrane process as conventional bleach plant peroxide treated effluent was treated with Alum
technically feasible. But the UF/RO full reinforce oxidative extraction was which is capable of coagulating
scale conversions have not developed adopted to reduce color of effluent coloring bodies at pH 6.0, along with
because of the following reasons polymer combination, for faster settling
Reuse and recycle methods: of the coagulated color. The final
Concentrate disposal to recovery is treated effluent color of 200 Pt.Co
expensive modification 1. Collection sump: Spillages of could be reduced to 20-30 Pt.Co units,
Concentrate disposal to recovery also black liquor are collected in sump with alum dosage of 200 ppm and
creates system corrosion due to both in pulp mill and soda recovery to polymer dosage of 2 ppm. The
increased chloride concentration avoid entry of black liquor leakages treatment system warrants a
Membrane fouling has been a into effluent stream. clariflocculator type clarifier to remove
problem 2. Reuse of Decker filtrate in Brown the alum-color sludge which is very
BOD and acute toxicity are amenable stock washing: The Decker filtrate light and gelatinous. Filterability and
to biological treatment generated during thickening of disposal of sludge is again a point of
screened pulp is used back in brown concern. Also increase in sulphate
IPPTA J. Vol.21, No. 1, Jan-March., 2009 145
content and Alumina in effluent is not laboratory scale on decolorisation of with the electrode combination. The
desirable. effluent using fungal culture isolated current density was also varied. The
from bagasse pile. results of the laboratory
3. Zeolite based process electrochemical decolorisation are
6. Electrochemical presented below for the final treated
The process developed by National decolorisation effluent as a tertiary treatment step.
Chemical Laboratory, Pune was studied The current density, time, temperature
for our final treated effluent. 500 ppm Electrochemical decolorisation using and electrode pair combinations were
dosage of Zeolite based chemical could Iron Cathode and Aluminium anode optimized for the above experiments as
totally remove the color of final treated was tried for different effluent samples a batch process.
effluent. The process could not be on laboratory scale. A continuous bench
adopted as the Zeolite based product scale experiment was also conducted The experiments were performed on a
was not available on large quantity as
required by the mill and also the cost
Sample pH Color Color Conductivity COD ppm COD
economics could not be arrived based Pt.Co. reduction % µmhos/cm reduction %
on lab scale. Untreated 7.68 325 1964 133
Treated 7.62 60 81.5 1792 98 26.3
4. Ferric chloride/ Ferrous Treated at 5.62 08 97.5 1994 67 49.6
Chloride pH 4.0

Alum Ferric Chloride Ferrous Chloride bench scale continuous process also by
Concentration 100% 24% 24% constructing a cell of stainless steel
Dosage ppm (100% basis) 800 200 200 cathode and Aluminium tube anode
Initial color Pt.Co. 480 480 480 with a capacity of 5 litres. The
Final Color Pt.Co. 210 236 230 effluent flow was 500 ml/min with a
Color reduction % 56.0 50.8 52.1
retention time of 10 min in the cell.
Cost Rs/1000 KL 150 93 56

The ferric pickle liquor coming out as a

by product waste was found to be
effective in coagulating the color. The
product was found to be suitable to
remove suspended coloring bodies, in
the anaerobic stream effluent. The
anaerobic stream effluent after biogas
generation has a blackish tint, due to
suspended colloidal particles. Alum
coagulation @ 1000 ppm could reduce
the color from 600 Pt.Co. to 200 Pt.Co.
This could be replaced with 160ppm of
Ferric chloride (25% FeCl3
concentration) with similar color
removal efficiency, at a lower cost. The
same was implemented on a continuous
plant scale. Ferric chloride was added at
the clarifier inlet channel and the
coagulated coloring material was
settled in clarifier and underflow was
removed along with the primary
sludge, after dewatering. The Ferric
chloride treatment was subsequently
replaced with Ferrous chloride. The
comparative performance of Alum,
Ferric chloride and ferrous chloride for
anaerobic effluent treatment, in the
plant, are given above.

5. Fungal decolorisation

Some of the lignin degrading enzymes

that attack the raw materials during
storage are found to improve the
brightness of the wood. The white rot
fungi are capable of removing the color
associated with lignin compounds. In
this regard works were carried out on

IPPTA J. Vol.21, No. 1, Jan-March., 2009 146

Continuous scale decolorisation column was made using laboratory 8. Chemical decolorisation
showed 85% color reduction with a burette and sample of effluent was a. Ozone
final color level of 60 Pt.Co units. (8) passed through the column and the
color removal was studied. The results Ozone decolorisation of the different
The process showed poor response to of the resin decolorisation are of final effluent samples was carried out in
extraction stage effluent and the color treated effluent are presented below laboratory, using Ozone generator.
reduction was low (10% only). Color Preliminary experiments carried out on
removal efficiency is high at 4 pH. Resin column: 10g of 10 cm height laboratory scale have shown complete
Aluminium electrode was found to be Effluent flow: 23 ml/min color removal from the effluent, as a
more efficient than mild steel. The Effluent initial color: 225 Pt.Co. units tertiary treatment option. Though the
process efficiency increased with Ozone removes color from different
increased current density. The color started increasing after effluent streams, the consumption
passing 600ml for 10 g of resin. No again depends on the COD level of the
7. Resin decolorisation change in pH or conductivity observed. effluent, which reacts with the Ozone
The color removal was stable. The back first, and then the color. The exact
Decolorisation experiments using ion washing and regeneration of resin could specific consumption and cost
exchange resins were performed as a not be established. economics could not be worked out
tertiary treatment option. A resin from the laboratory scale experiments.
Continuous pilot plant trials have been
Volume of effluent Color Pt.Co. Color pH Conductivity planned to assess the cost economics of
passed through resin reduction % µmhos/cm the Ozone treatment for color removal
Initial 225 7.30 2400 as a tertiary treatment option. The
225 20 91.1 7.00 2470 results of the laboratory experiments
295 35 84.4 7.57 2470 are presented in table on left.
345 50 77.8 7.96 2470
480 60 73.3 8.12 2470
580 60 73.3 7.96 2470 Based on the above continuous pilot
680 65 71.1 7.97 2470 plant decolorisation of final treated
780 70 68.9 7.93 2470 effluent using Ozone has been carried
880 100 55.6 7.86 2470 out to assess the specific ozone
1000 125 44.4 7.386 2470 requirement and color reduction
obtained, so as to arrive at the cost
pH Color Pt.Co. Color COD ppm COD economics. At a dosage of 50ppm
reduction % reduction%
Ozone color reduction of 80% could be
Untreated effluent 7.6 220 189 achieved on a continuous pilot scale.
After Ozone treatment 7.6 50 78 161 15 Further optimization trials are

9. Membrane technology

Extensive trials were carried out with

different effluent streams, with
membrane filtration process. A
combination of Ultra filtration and
reverse osmosis was also tried for some
effluents. The results of the membrane
filtration trials are given here for
different streams studied.

Disposal of concentrate is the main

Effluent Technique Color Reject % Reject aspect of concern in membrane
reduction% disposal filtration. So as a tertiary treatment step,
Hardwood Decker UF NF 100 22% at 46 Soda this process is not attractive. Whereas in
filtrate gpl Recovery case of effluents like Decker filtrate and
Chemical bagasse UF NF 100 18% at 39 Soda Foul condensate, the concentrate could
decker filtrate gpl Recovery
be managed by taking them to recovery.
Extraction effluent UF NF 100 26% at Soda
43.5 gpl Recovery (?) However the life of membrane and
Cl- 3.6 gpl recurring cost could not be guaranteed,
Foul condensate UF NF 100 23% at Brown stock which made the process very costly.
0.72 gpl washing The gelatinous nature of dissolved
lignin poses choking of the membranes,
Bagasse washing SF µF 100 32% at 10 Biogas plant
UF NF gpl
which makes cost of membrane
Final effluent µF UF 100 72% at Reject replacement exorbitant. Membranes
RO 1.78 gpl disposal is a usually work well while removing
TDS problem inorganic TDS.
UF- ultra filtration, NF Nano filtration, µF Micron filter, RO- Reverse Osmosis.
Pay back 10 yrs, Membrane life not guaranteed.

IPPTA J. Vol.21, No. 1, Jan-March., 2009 147

pH Color Pt.Co. TDS ppm COD ppm Acknowledgements:
Final effluent 6.1 125 1248 160 The authors thank TNPL management
CAACO treated 3.4 25 1236 111 for the consent to publish this paper in
% Reduction 80.0 0.96 30.6
IPPTA seminar 2009.
10. CAACO process pretreatment step using Fenton's References:
reagent. The outlet of CAACO is being
The Chemo Autotropic Activated studied for Ozone decolorisation 1. Jeff Hilleke, Overview of color ,
Carbon Oxidation (CAACO) process subsequently. Industrial environmental control
developed by the Central Leather pulp and paper industry Allan
Research Institute, CLRI, Chennai, for Conclusions: Springer Tappi publication 1993
tannery effluents containing mostly P309
tannins, involves Chemo Autotropic Color removal from pulp and paper mill 2. T.A. Chamberlin, G.C.Kolb,
activated carbon oxidation (CAACO), effluent using different techniques S.F.Brown and D.H.Philp, “Color
through a reactor. The reactor is filled work well in bench scale. On an removal from Bleached Kraft
with activated carbon immobilised with industrial commercial scale, no proven effluents, Tappi Environmental
specific bacteria to oxidize the organic technology for color removal on conference, 1975, P 35
matter into Carbon di oxide. Thus most continuous scale is available. Studies 3. D.P.S.Bist, N.R.Janggalgi and
of the organic TDS gets removed and are still on to formulate a viable method S.S.Kaul, IPPTA, 27(4) Dec 1980.
thus color is also removed from the of color removal as a tertiary treatment 4 . R . H i g a s h i e t a t , Ta p p i
effluent. The process is being studied for pulp and paper mills. Color Environmental conference, Apr 91,
for pulp and paper mill effluent also. reduction techniques such as color p73-83 .
Preliminary results for the final treated reduction at source, color removal of 5. D.O. Herea, F.E.Woodard, Tappi
effluent, are tabulated above. dark effluents after segregation and Journal, 59(1):134 (1976)
treatment can be adopted to minimize 6. R.H.Scott, Pulp and Paper
The CAACO process has been adopted the color. But Color reduction at source 48(4):82 (1974).
in commercial scale for tannery effluent through technology improvements is 7. A.Zaidi, H Buisson, S.Sourirajan,
color removal. The tannery effluent more attractive and practical than end Tappi environmental conference, pp
volumes are low compared to Pulp and of pipe treatment. 453-464 (Apr 1991).
paper industry. Studies are being 8. Electrochemical decolorisation of
carried out with CAACO process with a pulp and paper mill effluent
Mallika.K, Disseration for M Phil,
Bharathiar University, Dec 2003

IPPTA J. Vol.21, No. 1, Jan-March., 2009 148

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