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Open Ended Lab Report for Determination of Base Line and

Measuring heigh of water tank (In-accessible point).

1. The first goal is to calculate and set-up the base line on the ground between two assigned
2. Find the azimuth of line from end point of the specific line.
3. Also find the height of water tank
1) Measurement of lengths of baseline by using applying checks:
Apparatus Required:
i. Auto level
ii. Theodolite
iii. Staff
iv. Ranging rods
v. Trustless
vi. Fiber glass tape
vii. Steel Tape
viii. Spring Balance
ix. Thermo-meter
x. Pegs
xi. Hammer
Background Concepts:
All the measurements taken in this job should be very precise and multiple checks should be
applied in order to gain precise calculations of given scheme.
For this purpose, we will apply certain corrections to our reading instruments:
1) Temperature Correction: Temperature should be taken under consideration while
performing calculations.
Ct = α(Tm-To) L
2) Pull Correction: When measuring tape is pulled with certain force it will go some what
expansion, in order to tackle this, we have to have pull correction applied.
It is denoted by (Cp).
3) Slope Correction: It is denoted by (Csp)
4) Sag Correction: Sag in tape during measurement greatly effects the actual dimensions.
It is denoted by (Cs)
5) Mean Sea Level Correction: It is denoted by (Cmsl)
 Setting up the base line from point “B” to “E”. “E” is the end point of the most of the
lengths in as scheme.
 Center and level the theodolite at point B also set trustless with suitable length gap with
parallel and continuous alignment to secure the accuracy of length.
 Now we can use steel tape with certain amount of pull let’s say in our case 5 kg at one
end measure the length between two trustless. By applying pull at one end of the steel
tape it will give us magnitude value to bring up corrections easily while calculating.
 Auto level must be place at such a point where all the points of scheme are easily visible
and accessible so that by using staff and auto level combination, we can measure
different points elevations.
 As we had shortage of trustless so we marked those points and shifted existing trustless to
the next points and with simultaneously carrying alignment. Then measure the elevations
using auto level.
 After calculating lengths, elevations and other readings apply correction to each reading
and calculate the total length of the line (base line).
 If all the procedure is properly placed then it should give the precise and most acceptable
readings for observer/surveyor.

Observations and Calculations:

Measured Pull Temperature Levelling Corrections
Distance (Kg) (oC)
(m) B. S I.S F. S Ct Cp Csp Cs Cmsl
21.32 5 25 oC `
27.67 5 25 oC
20.8 5 25 oC
Table 1.1 Showing observations and calculations of line

Corrected Length: ____________________________.

Comments (if any): ___________________________________________________________.

Measurement of length of line using theodolite as a check for measurements to be verified:

Upper Stadia Readings = 1.57 meters
Lower Stadia Lower Stadia Readings = 1.13 meters
Total Length = 44 meters

2) Find the Azimuth of line at point B:

Apparatus Required:
i. Digital Theodolite
ii. Ranging Rod
iii. Wooden Peg and Mallet
Background Concepts:
In order to determine azimuth of any given measurement a factor that should be most taken care
of is the time of surveying.
It is best and optimum and possible to work below 10 am in morning. The conditions may apply
differently for different atmosphere and weather conditions.
Some of the terms are given below:
Bearing: “True bearing is measured in order to fix horizontal plane according to true north.”
Azimuth: “Azimuth is the angle measured clockwise from north base line.”
 Place, center and level theodolite at any point of length or simply point “b”
 Set-up the reference line in order to set accordance for measurement
 Starting time and temperature should be noted.
 Set the theodolite horizontal angle to zero after totally bisecting the theodolite with the
ranging rod for alignment purpose.
 Before moving theodolite towards sun, it should be confirmed that all safety precautions
are done. Don’t observe sun directly from theodolite. Place a paper at the lens of
 Slowly move the theodolite towards sun and measure the angle between reference point
and the Sun.
 Note the final temperature at the end of each observation and also time.
 Relation used is given below:
Cos(Z) = cos(90-α) – cos(90-Ø) *cos(90-H) / sin(90-Ø) * sin(90-H)

Observation and Calculations:

Date: _____________.
Time: _____________.
Temperature: _____________.
No of Obs. Object Face Quadrant Horizontal angle Vertical
1 D Left First
2 Sun Left Third
Table 1.2 Azimuth of the line observations


3) Measuring the Height of in-accessible location (water-tank):

Apparatus Required:
i. Theodolite
ii. Ranging Rod
 Place the theodolite at your desired point and carefully perform center and levelling.
 One surveyor take staff to that point and place the staff.
 Observe the readings of upper stadia a lower stadium and calculate the distance directly
using theodolite.
 Note Vertical and horizontal angle readings carefully and repeat performance multiple
times to achieve precision.
Observation and Calculations:
Horizontal Angle = Ø = 10o 48’ 45’’
Distance = (1.84 – 0.94) * 100
Distance = x = 90 meters
Y’ = 0.86 m
By using formula given below we formulate:
Y = y’ + y ------- 1)
By putting values;
Y= 17.18m +0.86 m
Y= 18.04 meters


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