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Doha Road, Behind Emirates Driving Institute, Al Qusais – 1,

P.O. Box: 33963, Dubai UAE

+ 971 (04) 2638989


Kindly sign up for the “Friends of AIS” by Sunday, 19 September, 2021 and
send it to your child’s respective class teacher.

1. Name of the child……………………………………………Year…………..Section…………

2. Name of the parent……………………………………………………..

3. Profession of the parent……………………………………………….

4. Contact number…………………………………………..

5. What skills/expertise can you bring to the school?


6. How frequently can you contribute to the school activities?

 Once a month
 Twice a month
 Once a term
 Others

7. What is one area where you think the school in general is excelling parent expectations?

8. What is one area where you think improvement can be made? How do you suggest
improving it?
Thank you for your time!

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