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Tof just recently acquired his powers.

He is still learning them, and people want him to show his

powers. So people make him fight another person, their name is Otto.
(TAof is female btw. And a loli.


Tof wakes up, and feels strange, suddenly while tryong to wake up he hears a blaringly loud voice in his
head. Saying that he has gained a power called a eulogy. When he finishes waking up, he thinks that was
a weird dream. And thinks nothing of it. While in class, a different student suddenly begins to fly,
everyone in he room is amzed and wishes they could do that to. And some could, but they have
different powers. Tof’s power is to summon an army. At the end of the day, it is revealed that dozens of
people have awakened such a power. At the end of the day, he challenges otto to a battle.

I wake up,

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