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A comet crash-landed into the Philippines, then a massive change occurred in the locals.

people developed powers, and in their brains they heard that they were called Eulogists. The
government recruited Eulogists and gave them massive salaries, they were essentially
government superheroes. During this time, they also gave money to those who had powers, or
parents who had kids with powers so that they can perform experiments on them. In order to
learn more about this new power.
They use Eulogists as an attempt to fight extremist terrorist groups, which does not completely
work, since they also have Eulogists. The richer terrorists also did their own experiments, but
they were much crueler.
The war between the terrorists and the government continues, completely wreaking havoc on
most of Luzon.
During this time, parts of the comet get sent around the world, also giving the rest of the world
That’s where the characters come in.
Verde Family
Ella, Ezekiel, and Duchess are all siblings, they were separated during a Terrorist attack. Ella is
able to catch up with her parents, but Ezekiel and Duchess are not able to catch up with Ella,
they got stuck under a building.
Ella is able to reach a military base, feeling safe, but blaming herself for not saving her siblings.
Since in order to reach her parents, she had to leave them under the collapsed building,
prioritizing her own safety.
Ella, soon after entering the military base, she gets her Eulogy. At first all it does is make sparks,
but she does not realize the full power of the Eulogy yet. But she does eventually get it to cut
things. She thinks the Eulogy makes her body super sharp. However, that is not the true power of
the Eulogy, the clue is in the name “Oppenheimer” she does not realize this until sometime in the
Ezekiel and Duchess get caught by terrorists, Ezekiel awakens their powers while trying to run
away, but the terrorists had a Eulogist with them. The terrorists use them for experiments,
completely changing their view on humanity, and their older sister.
They unlock their powers and the terrorists immediately see the potential in their powers. Ezekiel
as an energy source, and Duchess as an arms maker. They gain knowledge of their abilities
during this time, although they were tortured to do so. Eventually, they retaliate and kill the
entire group.
Divina Family:
Notes: Reichelle hates Michelle, Michelle is the reason why their parents are dead. They are rich
in secret.
Michelle and Reichelle's parents work for the government as agents. Michelle got her powers
very early and uses it to watch her parents when they are out of the house. But they tell her not to
use her powers at night. One day, her parent’s wish that they can do the same thing to, and she
over hears it.
Sometime after, she learns that Duchess, her friend, unlocked some ability that she wanted to
test, but she needed the help of others. They find out what the ability does, and Duchess gives
Michelle the prototype, which is her power placed in it. Michelle then gives it to her parents,
saying that "No matter where you are, you can always watch me".
Eventually, people at her mom's workplace knows about it. The higher-ups interrogate her
severely, asking for its whereabouts, to protect her family and her daughter's friend, she does not
say anything, she mouths "Stop watching Michelle". Michelle watches all this, disobeying her
mother. And does not say anything, out of fear that she may have done something wrong.
The next day, the family receives a report that her mother went "MIA" Michelle cries, the family
asks why and she spits everything. The family now hates the government, but Reichelle also
hates Michelle and possibly Duchess for basically killing their mother.

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